Guiding principle: |
Pursuant to the provision of Article 36, Paragraph 2 of the Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia (¿Official Gazette¿, No. 99/99), the procedure of evaluation of conformity with the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia of parts of the provisions of Article 17, Paragraphs 3 and 4 and Article 25 of the Constitutional Law on Human Rights and Freedoms and Rights of Ethnic and National Minorities in the Republic of Croatia ("Official Gazette", No. 65/91, 27/92, 34/92 ¿ cleared text, 51/00, 105/00 ¿ cleared text) is initiated and the following is repealed: the provision of Article 17, Paragraph 3 in its entirety, the provision of Article 17, Paragraph 4 in the part that reads: ¿and relieve of duty¿, the provision of Article 25 in the part that reads: ¿and relieve of duty |