Report creation date: 14.10.2008 - 11:42
Countr(y/ies): Serbia
Chapter(s): 1,2,21,22,23,24,241,242,243,244,245,246,3,31,32,33,4,41,42,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,4210,43,5,51,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,52,53,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539,5310,6,61,62,63,64,7,71,72,73,8,81,811,812,813,82,821,822,83,831,832,84,841,842,9,91,92
Serbia/ 1. Historical perspective:
cultural policies and instruments
It is a truism that a nation's
culture cannot be divorced from its social, economic and political
circumstances and, in all these areas, Serbia has continued to face severe
difficulties since the Democratic Opposition overthrew the Milosevic regime in
October 2000. According to a government report, "Serbia emerged from the
ashes with the heritage of a dissolved Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(SFRY) and ten years of despotic and erratic rule, an economy in
shambles and a legal and physical infrastructure badly distorted through the
neglect and abuse of power."
The Belgrade Agreement of 2002
established the Federal State of Serbia-Montenegro, which was legally made up
of two separate republics: the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of
Montenegro. Informally, the Republic of Serbia includes two autonomous
provinces, Vojvodina (northern part of Serbia) and Kosovo; the latter, however,
officially remains under the control of a United Nations administration and
therefore the Serbian government has no legal influence in Kosovo. Each
Republic had its own Ministry responsible for culture: the Serbian Ministry for
Culture and Media and the Montenegrin Ministry for Culture. The province of
Vojvodina has its own Secretariat for Education and Culture.
Despite the devastation of the last
decade, and the difficulties of the present, many of the surviving strengths of
Serbian cultural life can be seen to be derived from a long tradition of
cultural discourse shaping national identity. At the level of infrastructure
and management, one can look back to the relative certainties of life under the
Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, in which decentralisation and
institutional self-government were key characteristics of cultural policy as
long ago as the 1960s. These traditional practices are still applicable today
and are currently being adapted in response to the new social, economic and
political conditions.
The development of cultural policy
in Serbia, over the past fifty years, can be examined within four main phases
of political change:
Social Realism and a Repressive
Cultural Model (1945 -
1953): The first phase can be
characterised by social realism copied from Stalin's model of culture in the
former USSR. The function of culture, in an ideological sense, was utilitarian
and did not encourage the idea of culture as a field for individual freedom of any
sort. Luckily, this phase was brief and was followed by a period of progressive
cultural action.
Democracy in Culture (1953 - 1974):
Within the second phase, two parallel cultural developments can be
identified; one was still under strong state and ideological control, while the
other, which was more creative and vivid, slowly gained artistic freedom. By
the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s, many new institutions and
prestigious international festivals for different art forms had been established.
A large network of municipal cultural institutions, such as houses of culture,
libraries and cinemas was also created. At the same time, many individual
artists were sanctioned and their works (films, theatre plays and productions,
books, etc.) were banned. This was not an officially proclaimed policy but was
exercised through political and ideological pressure.
Decentralisation and Self-Governance (1974 - 1989):
This third phase is particularly known for the specific policy
initiatives to decentralise culture throughout the former Yugoslavia. Serbia
had some additional particularities concerning its multi-ethnic and
multi-cultural character. Two autonomous provinces (Vojvodina and Kosovo) were
given full competence over cultural policy as a result of their multi-ethnic
and cultural structure. The entire cultural system was transformed during this
period. Self-governing communities of interest were introduced and "free
labour exchanges" facilitated closer links among cultural institutions and
local economies through, for example, theatre communities, private galleries,
etc. In the mid 1980s, a strong nationalistic movement emerged among official
and unofficial political and cultural institutions, which was especially
stimulated by the liberalisation of the media.
Culture of Nationalism (1990 - 2000):
Serbia and Montenegro was lacking a general concept or strategy for
culture as well as a clear definition of cultural policy. This ambiguity,
therefore, marginalised culture as a creative impulse and process in the
modernisation of society and emphasised its role as a "keeper" and
promoter of national identity. Self-government was abolished as a system, and
cultural institutions were returned to state / municipal authority, nominating
directors and controlling their activities. The role and contribution of
leading cultural NGOs had been vitally important in Serbia. They first became a
distinct feature of opposition to the official culture of nationalism and state
control in Serbia during the Milosevic years. In fact, it has been claimed that
as much as 50% of the resistance to the Milosevic regime, during the 1990s, was
manifested through culture and the active struggle on the part of NGOs,
independent publishers and artists for a different way of life. This struggle
was spread throughout the country. Their actions received significant material
assistance from the international community and notably from the Soros
Foundation via its Open Society Fund, Serbia.
Culture in Transformation (2001 -2004):
A special accent was placed on reforms of the main national cultural
institutions and the public sector in general, demanding the introduction of
new managerial and marketing techniques. The first evaluation of national
cultural policy within the Council of Europe programme had been completed and
was approved in November 2002.
Taking into account more than 10
years of devastation, extreme centralisation, étatisation and manipulation, the
necessary priorities for all levels of public policy-making were:
Stagnation period: 2004 - March
2007. Continuing to act through procedures
(competitions and commissions) established in the previous period, the Ministry
of Culture had not officially changed or introduced new priorities, although by
interviews and statements, as well as by funding allocations, certain shifts in
priorities can be observed, from those previously stated, to support for the
protection of Serbian national cultural heritage (mostly sacral built
heritage). The cultural policy debate has been stopped. Still, a few
interesting initiatives can be identified, such as the first prize for private
- public partnership programmes, and the Cultural Infrastructural Development
Plan within the National Investment Plan.
Due to the lack of funds and
specific policies, professionals in the cultural field participated in the
process of life-long learning, in retraining programmes or courses to improve
their professional skills, sporadically, usually under the initiative of
foreign donors or NGOs.
While open competitions to fund
cultural projects have been in operation since 2000, decided by commissions,
the first competition for commission members was only launched in September
2006, changing the policy of nominations to the commissions to a more
transparent procedure.
After the Referendum on 21 May 2006,
Montenegro became an independent nation. Some authorities on the former federal
level have been reorganised and some of them have been abolished. See chapter
2.2 for more information.
In May 2007, a new government of
Serbia was appointed and the Ministry of Culture started to work on new
priorities and strategies. Many working groups were created, to establish new
laws (General Law on Culture, heritage protection, etc), or to define
new concrete programmes and strategies (digitalisation, decentralisation,
cultural research development, etc.) or to introduce certain topics for public
debate (politics of memory and remembrance, culture for children, intercultural
dialogue...). Public debates were held on drafts of new legislation, with the
involvement of the Minister, representatives of the Ministry and experts
(mostly cultural professionals), in those first six months of the new government.
Serbia/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.1 Organisational structure
Serbia/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.2 Overall description of the
The Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Serbia has overall responsibility for culture, which it partly
shares with the Secretary for Culture in the autonomous province of Vojvodina.
This sharing of responsibility was carried out on the basis of the "Omnibus
Law" passed in February 2002 and in line with the general policy of
After the Referendum on 21 May 2006,
Montenegro became an independent nation. Some authorities on the former federal
level have been reorganised and some of them have been abolished. The former
Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Ethnic
Communities are currently operating on the republic level. The former is still
in charge of general bilateral and multilateral co-operation with international
institutions and national governments, while the latter is operating as the
Office for Ethnic Communities, with fairly similar competences concerning policy
on multiculturalism.
The Ministry of Education is
responsible for arts education, arts management training, youth and student
cultural activities and institutions.
The Ministry for Religious Affairs
is responsible for multi-confessionalism as well as for the religious
The Ministry of Diaspora is responsible for cultural programmes and projects for
Diaspora Communities as well as for cooperation with Diaspora cultural
Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Serbia is the main body responsible for:
policies and strategies for cultural development, support for 22 cultural
institutions of national importance, legal issues in the field of culture,
protection of the cultural heritage, and regulating and preparation of the laws
relevant to the media space.
Provincial Secretariat for Education
and Culture of Vojvodina
is responsible for specific issues of cultural policy in its territory due to
the special needs and ethnic structure of this province. It is responsible for
the major provincial cultural institutions.
National Councils of Ethnic
Minorities (12) were created in 2004 and have,
among other responsibilities, the duty to conceptualise and develop a cultural
policy and strategy specific for each minority.
City Councils (4 major cities:
Belgrade, Nis, Kragujevac, Novi Sad)
are key partners in developing cultural policy and facilitating participation
in cultural life including maintaining a diversified network of cultural
institutions such as: theatres, libraries, museums and taking care of
free-lance artists. The City Council of Belgrade has founded some of the most
important international festivals (e.g. BITEF, FEST, and BEMUS) and cultural
institutions which are often of importance for the whole Serbian territory,
e.g. the Theatre Museum.
Municipalities (local self-governments) are developing local cultural
policies to stimulate participation in cultural life, amateur activities and
local cultural institutions and civil initiatives. In Serbia, there are 164
municipalities, which usually consist of a city with 10 to 15 neighbouring
villages (plus, there are 29 municipalities in Kosovo, several of which rely on
funds from Serbia for cultural and other activities, heritage protection, etc. such
as Velika Hoča)
Serbia/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.3 Inter-ministerial or
intergovernmental co-operation
While the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in Serbia is responsible for international issues, the Ministry of
Culture is placed in a collaborative position when it comes to artistic and
cultural issues in international co-operation and integration initiatives. The
National UNESCO Committee is also situated within the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and has links with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of
Education. Recently, new initiatives have been created to restart the
activities of Serbian cultural centres located in foreign countries, involving
the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of the Diaspora and the Ministry of Foreign
Inter-ministerial co-operation on
the level of the Serbian government has not been institutionalised. However,
for specific questions and problems or projects, links have been established
sporadically. On many occasions, the necessity to create inter-ministerial
working groups (even inter-ministerial funds) has been underlined, especially
regarding links between culture, education and science. Furthermore, common
ties between tourism and culture, also between the cultural industries and the
economic sector, have not yet been sufficiently recognised and publicly
debated. Examples of this lack of inter-ministerial co-operation are when the
Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development drafted an economic
development strategy without considering the importance of the cultural
industries, the media (2003), and in 2006 it is drafting a National Strategy
for the Development of Science without consulting the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism when it comes to Arts and Humanities etc. The existent
inter-ministerial committee is the "Committee for the Support of the
Tradition of National Liberating Wars", which actively protects and
restores the military graveyards outside of the borders of Serbia.
There are no inter-ministerial
committees or inter-governmental networks responsible for promoting
intercultural dialogue.
Serbia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.1 Overview of main structures
and trends
One of the most important tasks
identified by the government, from 2001 - 2003, was to re-establish the broken
links with all international institutions and organisations. Specific cultural
priorities had not been defined, but European integration is considered as an
ultimate government task. The principal document relevant for this issue is the
National Strategy of the Republic of Serbia SCG`s Accession. Among
priorities announced by the Parliamentary Committee for Culture, in October
2007, was "harmonisation of the cultural and media systems with standards
set by the EU and the Council of Europe", while issues relevant for
international cooperation are covered in 4 of the 7 main aims of the Ministry
(integration of the heritage in world cultural flows, active participation of
contemporary artists in cultural life, etc.).
The Ministry for Culture in Serbia
considers that cities and municipalities, as well as public cultural
institutions, are very active internationally: working with the majority of
relevant cultural institutions and individuals in formal and informal
co-operation, linked with projects and initiatives of the international
community from the private (NGO) and public sectors, including
inter-governmental bodies such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO. However,
the analysis of the scope of cooperation is not satisfactory, as it does not
have a policy and priorities, and mostly is re-active to foreign demands.
The Ministry of Culture is currently
working on the design of new model agreements for bilateral cultural
co-operation, and a few more contracts are being prepared (Italy, Portugal,
Tunisia, and Spain). From 2002 - 2005, eight bilateral cooperation agreements
had been concluded (Croatia, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Turkey, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Egypt, Bulgaria and Algeria). A specific co-operation agreement has
been concluded with Hungary regarding the protection of national minorities
(Hungarians in Serbia, and Serbs in Hungary).
The Ministry encourages cultural
institutions to enter into their own co-operation projects and engage in
networking. In October 2007, the Cultural Contact Point for Serbia was
officially created outside of the Ministry. However, there is no special
mobility fund or funding available to pay network fees or to make financial
contributions as partners in international projects.
One of the priorities of the Serbian
Ministry of Culture is regional cooperation. It participates actively in the
Council of Ministers of South East Europe, and supports the inclusion of
culture in the Central European Initiative. In this respect, the Ministry of
Culture is working with other relevant ministries from the region to establish
a Regional Fund for Cinematography.
Initial contact has been established
with the Minister for Culture, Youth and Sports of the Temporary Institutions
of the Government of Kosovo. Representatives of the two Ministries met, for the
first time, in September 2005 and formed working groups in the fields of
archiving, the return of documents and artefacts, archaeology excavations,
mobility of artists, cultural cooperation etc. UNMIK is acknowledged as the
facilitator of these contacts.
Serbia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.2 Public actors and cultural
Cultural diplomacy is lead
independently by each level of government, sporadically, without plan or general
concept, mostly based on traditional established links. Even existing contracts
are not seen as an obligation for strategic actions, so cultural diplomacy is
mostly re-active (responding to demands from abroad). The most important actor
in international cultural cooperation is the city of Belgrade, creating and
financing the most important international event in Serbia for each domain of
art (October Salon / Visual Arts, FEST / Film, BEMUS / Music, BITEF /
Theatre, Belgrade Book Fair / Literature), as well as for different generations
and types of audiences (BELEF / summer festival, The Joy of Europe / children's
creativity, etc.).
The role of cultural agencies and
institutes was extremely important in the first few years of re-opening Serbia
to the world, bringing new types of issues within the cultural debate and
helping institutional reform. However, only Pro Helvetia is now supporting
local cultural activities, while all the other similar organisations develop
only promotional programmes relating to their own culture, or are
supporting their own agendas, regardless of real community needs (e.g. British
Council programmes of introducing the term and support for research relevant to
creative industries).
It can be said that instruments of
international cultural cooperation are not developed and used within certain
strategies and programmes. There is no system to enable the long term
commitment of public bodies, especially financial (guarantees for the
programmes which have to happen in future), which prevents cultural managers
from organizing big international events or network meetings (although for
major sport events, the government is ready to provide such guarantees).
Training is sporadically organised
by foreign cultural centres and embassies, in the fields where those embassies
decide, or according to NGO or cultural institution initiatives (no Ministry
policy involved). This means that the American Embassy organises fundraising
training, while Italy is bringing in experts for restoration and conservation,
etc. The Centre for Continuous Professional Development in Art, Culture and
Media is developing, according to its own wishes and capacities, a training
programme with international partners, together with the UNESCO Chair for
Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans),
but each year has to address the Ministry and cities for support through
general calls for projects (which prevents long term strategic thinking and
planning). The UNESCO Chair developed a joint Masters programme with two French
universities (I.E.P. Grenoble and University Lyon II), involving other European
It is very difficult to make an
assessment of trends in public financial support for international cultural
co-operation, as there is no specific budget line or current statistical data,
and as projects are supported through "disciplinary" categories (so,
it is not certain if they had an international component and if they got public
financing for this component).
Serbia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.3 European / international
actors and programmes
Within the European framework, the
Serbian Ministry decided to participate actively in all the programmes relevant
to the region such as MOSAIC and the Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan;
the latter conducting a survey of the architectural heritage (2003-2006),
establishing the PIL (Prioritised Intervention List) and working on a
feasibility study for the creation of an Institute for Conservation and
Restoration. The Ministry is also implementing projects within the framework of
the CARDS programme (INTERREG III). In 2006, The Ministry of
Culture started to prepare project applications for funds within the framework
of IPA programme for the period 2007-2013.
The Ministry of Culture of Serbia
prepared a dossier for application for observer status in the Organisation
Internationale de la Francophonie; its status was accorded at the meeting of
OIF in Bucharest held on 29 September 2006. In the meantime, both the
University of Belgrade and the University of Arts in Belgrade became members of
Agence Universitaires de la Francophonie.
The Serbian cities of Belgrade and
Novi Sad are active in Les Rencontres, the Association of European Cities and
Regions and the first network meeting was organised in Belgrade and Novi Sad in
September 2006 (on the circulation of theatre works, artists' mobility in
Southeast Europe and the role of regional and local governments).
The Ministry of Culture and the
Office for Ethnic Minorities are responsible for monitoring the implementation
of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of
Cultural Expressions.
Within the cooperation agreement
with the Council of Europe, three conventions have been signed in September
2007: European Landscape Convention, Convention on the Value of
Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro convention) and the European
Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage during the
Central Celebration of the European Heritage Days in Belgrade.
Serbia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.4 Direct professional
All major national institutions in
Serbia have many cooperation protocols and agreements signed.
The policy focus, since 2001, was on
joining the European and regional professional / sectorial networks and
associations, to develop international cooperation and exchange, while, at the
same time, singular links are established among relevant institutions.
The Ministry of Culture participates
actively in the organisation and coordination of European Heritage Days. Every
year, it is directly involved in the organisation of the central celebration on
the national level and Belgrade and Serbia will be the host of the 2007
Launching Ceremony of the European Heritage Days.
The National Museum in Belgrade has
more than ten cooperation protocols with major European museums regarding the
exchange of exhibitions and the exchange of curators. Within this scope of
cooperation, several major projects have been realised, such as In touch with
antics - with the Louvre (2006) or the exhibition of the European art
collection of Belgrade National Museum in The Hague (2005). Also, the National
Museum is active within ICOM and ICCROM, having signed a cooperation agreement
with the latter.
The Museum of Contemporary Arts, as
one of the oldest museums of its kind in Europe, cooperates widely and
extensively with similar key institutions abroad, resulting in many important
exhibitions like Museum Stedelijk Amsterdam at USCE (curated by Serbian curator
B. Dimitrijevic, which represents a precedent in the museum's policy). Along
this line, the Museum is preparing a new exhibition of British Contemporary
Arts, curated by three Serbian curators. Important links exist with MACRO,
Roma, etc. Major regional and international exhibitions had been organised
since 2001, such as the cross-referencing project Conversations in 2001 (when
curators and artists from different countries of the region created projects in
dialogue with each other), or the Last East-European exhibition in 2004 linking
curators and artists from the region.
In the field of theatre, Yugoslav
Drama theatre has the most extensive international cooperation. It was member
of the Convention Theatrale Europeene, and now is a member of Theatres de l'Union
de l'Europe, and recently, NETA (New European Theatre Action), launched by 11
theatres in Balkan countries.
The Serbian National Theatre in Novi
Sad (a central theatre institution of the autonomous province of Vojvodina) has
signed agreements on cooperation with theatres and theatre institutions in
Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Slovakia,
Romania and Switzerland. This kind of co-operation includes: co-productions,
exchanges of artistic experience, know-how transfers, exchange of performances
etc. Towards the end of 2006, the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad was
working on Shakespeare's tragedy Troilus and Cressida, a co-production with The
Theatre Carouge from Geneva. This tragedy, adopted and directed by Laurence Calame
in a bilingual performance of the actors from two theatres, will be performed
in Switzerland and Serbia (Novi Sad, Belgrade and other Serbian towns).
The Belgrade Music Festival BEMUS
has been accepted into the European Festivals Association, among 100 of the
most prestigious music and theatre festivals in Europe. The Belgrade Youth
Centre is active within IETM, as well as several other NGO theatres. Serbian
NGOs are the most connected and active in the European and world network, such
as Dah Theatre, which is a member of the Magdalena network, or Remont, which
has actively participated in the creation of several Balkan networks (BAN,
SEECAN, etc.)
In the field of librarianship,
professional cooperation has been established within IFLA and Eblida, and more
than 50 bilateral agreements of cooperation have been signed between the
National Library of Serbia and the most relevant European and world national
libraries. The National Library is a co-founder of the TEL project (The
European Library) - a Catalogue of European National Libraries and Digital
Collection of European Literary Heritage (since 2005).
Continuous professional development
is organised through study visits and peer exchange within CALIMERA - Cultural
applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resources project for a
network of city libraries of Belgrade (knowledge transfer and exchange of
experiences). The Calimera project is part of the IST programme of the EU
Commission, including all the countries of the Western Balkans, lead by
Slovenia as the coordinator. One example of a project carried out within
Calimera is the Serbian Children's Digital Library, with 120 books,
contributing towards the overall aim to have 10 000 books in 100 languages
within a world network.
Cinematography, since 2000, has been
developed relying a lot on co-productions - so that nearly half of the
production has international, mostly regional co-producers. At the same time,
the Film Centre of Serbia had granted subsidies for 4 co-production projects
from Southeast European countries. A few film projects succeeded in obtaining
EURIMAGES grants, and a few obtained funding for scenario development (from the
Paul Nipkow Fund Berlin, Southeast European Fund, etc.)
Among cultural institutions in different
Serbian cities, museums and theatres are the most active in international
cultural cooperation. One example of this co-operation is the City Museum in
Sombor and their Protocol on cooperation with Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumi from
Kecskemet, Hungary, signed on 4 May 2005; mostly the programme relates to
exchange of exhibitions - visual arts, research of transborder archeological
sites, and knowledge transfer (study visits and exchange of curators).
Serbia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.5 Cross-border intercultural
dialogue and co-operation
There are no government programmes
to support trans-national intercultural dialogue, nor any specific government
support for the trans-national activities of young people.
A small number of programmes promote
talented young people to travel abroad, such as: travel grants for young
musicians organised by the Ministry of Culture in 2007 (approx. 6 250 euros)
and a similar Music Talent Fund of the City of Belgrade (40 000 euros per
year), or specific Austrian Embassy mobility grants, awarded to 200 of the best
students, to travel within the EU (summer 2006), but there is no policy on
promoting language or cross-cultural training.
NGOs are the most active in this
field, such as the European Movement and European House, students unions and
associations (AEGEE, AISEC...), and activist NGOs such as Stalkers (sociology
students), which organised several dialogues among Serbian and Albanian
students from Kosovo. The University of Arts in Belgrade has regular summer schools
and conferences, where partners from neighbouring countries participate in
debates and dialogues. The Centre for Cultural De-contamination has organised
many open debates and major programmes linked to rediscovering the truth about
the latest wars, war crimes etc. Transitional Justice was one of the latest
programmes in this respect, involving academics and students of media and
journalism from Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Serbia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.6 Other relevant issues
Key issues concerning the Serbian
Diaspora communities are the responsibility of the Ministry for the Diaspora,
such as customs regulations, military service, voting rights etc). The Ministry
has also been organizing and supporting some programmes in the field of culture
for the Diaspora communities, but those programmes are predominantly
traditional (preserving language, traditions and religion, nurturing folk
traditions, music etc.).
Continuous cultural actions and
projects coordinated and supported by the Ministry for Diaspora include:
In 2007, The Ministry of the
Diaspora set up centres for the diaspora and offices for the diaspora-network
bodies responsible for Diaspora activities on the territory of the Republic of
In September 2007, a new system of
supporting Diaspora projects was introduced. Open competitions to fund Diaspora
projects have been set up in several areas: improving cooperation between the
homeland and the Diaspora, fostering partnerships between the homeland and the
Diaspora communities, protection of Serbian culture and traditional customs,
protection and fostering of the Serbian language, affirmation of Serbian
culture and traditions in the Diaspora communities. Competitions are open to
Diaspora organisations as well as NGOs and associations registered in Serbia.
Serbia/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.1 Main elements of the current
cultural policy model
The Serbian model of government is
different from the models adopted by the different countries of Eastern Europe
due to its legacy of self-government. In this system, there was relative
freedom for art production and the majority of cultural institutions were owned
by the cities. Since 1980, artists have been given the possibility to organise
themselves in groups and to produce and market their own work.
It should be taken into account that
the present system of institutions, arts groups and even artists had been
created and developed throughout the ex-Yugoslavian territory, especially in the
City of Belgrade. With the collapse of the ex-Yugoslavia, cultural productions
(e.g. films, books, journals, festivals, etc.) lost their audiences, readers
and markets. The cultural infrastructure that followed was, hence, too large to
survive and demanded (in %) more and more public funds. This was one of the
main reasons why there were few protests when the government resumed control of
socially owned (self-governed) cultural institutions during the 1990s. Instead,
it was considered a step to at least guarantee the survival of existing
cultural institutions.
The current cultural policy model
has changed slightly: key competence for cultural policy-making and funding is
the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and new procedures were
introduced in Serbia in 2001.
Open competitions to fund projects
have been set up in several areas:
The following is a list of criteria
used to evaluate project applications: high artistic quality, protection of
intangible cultural heritage, new artistic forms, cultural decentralisation,
promotion of national minorities' art, children's creativity. Starting
from 2006, the competition is held once per year instead of three times a year.
Project competitions in the media
field are held once a year. Calls for projects have also been launched to
support the Serbian language media projects in neighbouring countries.
By the end of 2006, open
competitions to fund projects had been set up in areas of archiving, museum
networking, as well as heritage research.
Decision-making processes for these
open competitions had been transferred to independent commissions. That is why
the current cultural policy model is described as a combined etatist-democratic
model. As the mandate of the commissions expired in September 2006, the
Ministry of Culture launched a competition for the selection of new members of
different commissions - each having president and two members. There are 10
commissions for: cinematography, music, dance, theatre, art
colonies-residences, visual arts and multimedia, cultural reviews, literary
events and prizes, amateur and folk art, and one for programmes from Kosovo and
It is important to underline that
since May 2007, NGO's are again treated equally in comparison to public
institutions regarding competitions or requests for grants. However, some
priority is still given to the public sector institutions.
Serbia/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.2 National definition of culture
There is no national definition of
culture in Serbian cultural policy however the use of the word
"culture" has several levels of meaning as it is the case everywhere
else in the world. In the narrow sense, culture is used to refer to areas of
competence within the Ministry of Culture, such as: cultural systems (policy
making procedures & network of institutions and organisations), arts,
artistic production, dissemination and participation, projects and heritage. In
the broader sense, culture also covers artistic education, research in the
field of art and culture, and cultural tourism - areas of responsibility found
in other Ministries within the Serbian government. In the widest sense, the
word culture is used to refer to life-styles, values and visions of a Serbian
multi-ethnic society. Very often, the notion of culture is used in this widest
sense: the public discourse of government officials, stressing the importance
of value changes within the cultural system including the norms, opinions and
life-styles such as the "decontamination" of culture,
de-commercialisation, fighting consumerism and chauvinism, etc.
Serbia/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.3 Cultural policy objectives
Considering more than 10 years of
devastation, extreme centralisation, étatisation and manipulation, the
necessary priorities for all levels of public policy making created in 2001
The above priorities were never
officially approved in the Serbian Parliament.
In September 2007, the new Ministry
of Culture has officially expressed its own aims and priorities, approved by
the Parliamentary Committee for Culture. The cultural system aims to guarantee
the absolute freedom of artistic expressions, equality for all cultures in
Serbia, preservation of cultural diversities and minority identities, respect
for intellectual / artistic property and its European character. The main
objectives have been defined as:
Serbia/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.1 Main cultural policy issues and
In January 2001, the new government
of Serbia was established and made the transition to a market economy and
democracy. At that time, new cultural policy objectives were introduced (see chapter
3.1). New priorities were established, initially stressing the reform of
the Ministry structure, creating new procedures and taking urgent action to
eliminate the impact of previous policy decisions. Emphasis was placed on
institutional reform (new management approaches), analysis and evaluation of
the situation of each public institution and each field of art and cultural
activity. Absolute priority was to stabilise the field, which meant to work on
new legislation.
In 2005, priority was given to the
renewal of the cultural infrastructure such as a network of cinemas, network of
local libraries and cultural centres. The major investment was the
reconstruction of the National Museum. Efforts have been increased to develop
new legislation for culture in accordance with European standards.
In 2006, the government accepted a
proposal of the Ministry of Finance concerning the realisation of the National
Investment Plan in the period of 2006-2011. According to the proposal, the
seven areas of priority are: education, modernisation of the health care system
and environment protection, transportation infrastructure, economic development
(employment, entrepreneurship, energy, waterpower engineering, science and
tourism), building, improvement in living standards (sport, culture and social
care) and advancement of government management. Ministries, local governments,
non-governmental organisations and others proposed projects in these fields.
The whole process of project selection within the framework of the National
Investment Plan had been organised in several phases:
The Ministry of Culture selected 50
priority projects, which will be supported within the framework of the National
Investment Plan in 2006 and 2007.
The following is a list of criteria
used to select project applications: importance of the institution as well as
its role in the system of heritage protection; importance of cultural heritage
/ goods; level of endangerment of an institution or cultural heritage / goods;
a well prepared feasibility study and documentation and stimulation of regional
cultural development.
Support for cultural projects have a
budget of 50 millions euros (in 2006 - 16.57 millions euros and in 2007 - 33.43
millions euros) which represents 3.97 % of the total budget of the National
Investment Plan for the period 2006 -2007 (1 649 millions euros).
In 2007, according to more defined
policies, the Ministry will focus on projects and programmes that will
contribute to systemic changes in the cultural field, such as the approval of
new laws and regulations (a new Law on Culture outlines the
reconstruction of the cultural system); creation of new organisational
structures such as National Book and Music Centres, Institute for Conservation
and Restoration; creation of an Action Plan for the Roma Decade, a Programme
for digitalisation of Serbian Culture, support to professional education prior
to introduction of new methods of operation within the cultural system, such as
strategic planning and evaluation, and especially support to education and
training which would facilitate participation of projects from Serbia in
European and international competitions (creation of Cultural Contact Point) as
a consultancy point and systemic training activities)..
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.1 Cultural minorities, groups
and communities
There are more than 19 registered
national and ethnic communities in Serbia, of which 12 are large enough to be
considered relevant. Some of these groups are territorially concentrated in
certain areas, such as the Hungarians living in the northern part of Vojvodina
along the Hungarian border and the Bosnians living in Sandzak. Other groups are
more dispersed throughout the country such as the Roma, Haskalis / Egyptians,
Tsintsars or Slovenes.
Table 1:
Ethnic structure of population in Serbia, 2002
Total |
Serbia |
Vojvodina |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
7 498 001 |
100.00 |
5 466 009 |
100.00 |
2 031 992 |
100.00 |
Serbs |
6 212 838 |
82.86 |
4 891 031 |
89.48 |
1 321 807 |
65.05 |
Montenegrins |
69 049 |
0.92 |
33 536 |
0.61 |
35 513 |
1.75 |
Yugoslavs |
80 721 |
1.08 |
30 840 |
0.56 |
49 881 |
2.45 |
Albanians |
61 647 |
0.82 |
59 952 |
1.10 |
1 695 |
0.08 |
Bosnians |
136 087 |
1.82 |
135 670 |
2.48 |
417 |
0.02 |
Bulgarians |
20 497 |
0.27 |
18 839 |
0.34 |
1 658 |
0.08 |
Bunjevtsi |
20 012 |
0.27 |
246 |
0.00 |
19 766 |
0.97 |
Vlachs |
40 054 |
0.53 |
39 953 |
0.73 |
101 |
0.00 |
Gorani |
4 581 |
0.06 |
3 975 |
0.07 |
606 |
0.03 |
Hungarians |
293 299 |
3.91 |
3 092 |
0.06 |
290 207 |
14.28 |
Macedonians |
25 847 |
0.35 |
14 062 |
0.26 |
11 785 |
0.58 |
Muslims |
19 503 |
0.26 |
15 869 |
0.29 |
3 634 |
0.18 |
Germans |
3 901 |
0.05 |
747 |
0.01 |
3 154 |
0.16 |
Roma |
108 193 |
1.44 |
79 136 |
1.45 |
29 057 |
1.43 |
Romanians |
34 576 |
0.46 |
4 157 |
0.08 |
30 419 |
1.50 |
Russians |
2 588 |
0.03 |
1 648 |
0.03 |
940 |
0.05 |
Ruthenians |
15 905 |
0.21 |
279 |
0.01 |
15 626 |
0.77 |
Slovaks |
59 021 |
0.79 |
2 384 |
0.04 |
56 637 |
2.79 |
Slovenians |
5 104 |
0.07 |
3 099 |
0.06 |
2 005 |
0.10 |
Ukrainians |
5 354 |
0.07 |
719 |
0.01 |
4 635 |
0.23 |
Croatians |
70 602 |
0.94 |
14 056 |
0.26 |
56 546 |
2.78 |
Czechs |
2 211 |
0.03 |
563 |
0.01 |
1 648 |
0.08 |
Other / regional |
206 411 |
2.75 |
112 156 |
2.05 |
94 255 |
4.64 |
Office for Statistics, the Republic of Serbia
Following the democratic changes in
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), a new Federal Ministry for National
and Ethnic Communities was established. It is responsible for developing the
general policy guidelines for ethnic communities, including those related to
culture. On 11 May 2001, the FRY signed the Council of Europe Framework Convention
on the Protection of National Minorities. In 2002, a new federal Law on
the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of National Minorities was
approved and, in April 2002, a new cultural centre for ethnic communities was
created. The Law on the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of National
Minorities regulates the ways in which the rights of people belonging to
ethnic minorities are implemented.
The law represents an additional
resource to the constitutional law which stipulates the rights of preservation,
development and expression of ethnic, linguistic or other rights relevant to
ethnic minorities (Article 11 of the Constitution) such as:
Unique features of this new law are
provisions aimed at the effective participation of ethnic minorities in
decision-making on issues of relevance in government and in administrative
matters. National councils representing ethnic minorities are partners and
consultative bodies of the government, and their members participate in
decision-making on questions of importance to them.
From 2001 to 2005, the federal
government signed 51 Conventions on Minorities. However, in spite of the good
will and intentions, ethnically based conflicts persist, especially after
sports events and certain political decisions.
The Ministry of Culture supports a
number of cultural projects and programmes by ethnic communities from all over
Serbia. From 2004 to 2006, short-term projects of ethnic communities were
supported with a budget of 11 million CSD (131 500 euros). There are also
two long-term actions supported by the Ministry: reconstruction of the Cultural
House in Ruski Krstur (house for Ruthenian cultural activities and programmes)
and building the International ethno centre Babka in Kovacica (a centre for
presenting Slovakian traditional and naive art).
Special focus has been placed on the
Roma people due to almost complete neglect in former times. Municipalities and
the province of Vojvodina have developed their own special programmes for
ethnic communities within their territories. Two examples include:
In 2003, the Ministry of Culture and
the Media joined the Council of Europe project on cultural diversity. The most
important achievements in this area are, however, efforts made by NGOs and some
cultural institutions. In 2005, the Ministry of Culture joined the action programme
on the Decade of Roma people that provide support to their media and cultural
Questions on the rights of ethnic
communities have been discussed in cultural policy debates over the past 50
years, with different effects and results. During the 1960s, a network of key
cultural institutions for ethnic communities was created (but, excluding the
Roma and Vlachs communities).
Having acquired autonomy in
decision-making, National Councils representing different minorities provide
the largest proportion of funds for culture, festivities and events. There is
no coherent cultural policy, nor instruments to foster links between the
cultures of the minorities and the culture of the majority. Nevertheless, the
festivals of ethnic cultures are supported by the Ministry of Culture, as well
as the Provincial Secretariat for Education and Culture of Vojvodina (as
events with high levels of visibility). One example of this type of activity is
the holding of regular festivals of amateur theatre companies by the Ethnic
Slovaks. The "Winter Meetings of Slovak Scientists" are devoted to
the fostering and promotion of Slovak literature, while the festival
"Dance, Dance" celebrates Slovak music and songs and dances.
Ethnic Romanians in Vojvodina hold
literary meetings "Doctor Radu Flora", festivals of song and dance
companies as well as the encounters of the amateur theatres of the ethnic
Romanians of Vojvodina.
The Czech Cultural Society
"Czech Beseda" traditionally organises the "Days of the Fancy
Dress Ball or Masopust" in Bela Crkva.
Hungarian, Slovak and Roma ethnic
communities living in Vojvodina have a tradition of holding cultural days. A
good example of multi-cultural co-existence is "Duzjanica", a
multi-ethnic event of Croats, Bunjevtsi (Backa Croats), Sokci (Uniates of the
region) and ethnic Hungarians.
In autumn 2007, the Ministry of
Culture planned to organise a policy meeting with members of Parliament and
National Councils of Minorities, to discuss strategic issues relevant to the
development of a new programme to support cultural diversities and
intercultural dialogue, according to new guidelines.
The Autonomous Women's Center
Against Sexual Violence, the Belgrade Gallery Kapelica Ljubljana, the Festival
Protesis, and the School for Disabled Kamnik jointly organised theatre plays
with disabled girls and girls from minority and immigrant communities to raise
awareness about marginal social groups.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.2 Language issues and policies
From 1918 to 1991, the official language
of the former Yugoslavia was Serbo-Croat, or Croato-Serbian, depending on which
part of the country one lived. Both alphabets were recognised. Currently, there
is also a third recognised language, derived from the same root, the so-called
Bosnian language, which is spoken in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
but claimed as the language spoken by Muslims living in Serbia and Montenegro.
From 1991, the official use of the
Serbian language and script meant the following: use of language and script by
government agencies, organs of autonomous provinces, towns and municipalities,
organisations exercising public authority, public companies etc. The Law on
the Official Use of the Languages stipulates which particular activities
the provision applies. The official use of the language also applies to the
inscription of names of towns and villages, other geographical names, streets,
organs, organisations, public warnings and other public notices.
In the Republic of Serbia, the
Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet are in official use. The Latin script is
used in municipalities having a considerable population belonging to people
whose primary script is Latin, in line with their tradition.
In those areas where significant
numbers of ethnic minorities live, the minority languages are in official use
concurrently with the Serbian language. After World War II, ethnic minorities
gained the right to the official use of their languages.
In AP Vojvodina, 20 municipalities
use an ethnic minority language in addition to Serbian. 11 municipalities
recognise two ethnic minority languages, and five municipalities and the city
of Novi Sad use three ethnic minority languages in addition to Serbian.
Still, cultural practices are
equalizing the use of both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet; Cyrillic is
predominant in official communication, while Latin is predominant in the
marketplace and in business communication (billboards, shop windows, etc.).
The media (press) is published in
both alphabets, according to their marketing strategies or tradition. (Politika
- Danas, NIN - Vreme, etc.)
Serbia/ 4.3 Recent policy issues and
4.2.3 Intercultural dialogue:
actors, strategies, programmes
Until 2007, Intercultural dialogue
has not been a specific issue and / or a priority of cultural or other policies
in Serbia. It was mentioned in the discourse of international organisations
only, and practised in some NGOs. Therefore, it can be said that the main
actors addressing the issue of intercultural dialogue were coming from the
third sector associations, public institutions supported by international
donors from the third sector, or, to a smaller extent, from the culture
industries. However, the situation seems to be changing, as in October 2007,
two working groups were created within the Ministry of Culture: the Commission
for Intercultural Dialogue and the Commission for Politics of Memory and
Civil society is also contributing
to the issue: The NGO theatres, such as Dah Theatre or the Centre for Cultural
Decontamination, Cultural Centre Rex, etc. had developed a lot of real
intercultural dialogue programmes and projects, from inclusive theatre
performances to exhibition projects reviving the life of lost neighbours
(Jewish community in Belgrade) or ignored neighbours (Roma community), as well
as raising awareness and including immigrant communities (refugees from Croatia
& Bosnia). Very often, those projects represented highly innovative hybrid
artistic forms - such as a collage performance of Hamlet - Medea in the Centre
for Cultural Decontamination, where classical and modern drama texts had been
put in dialogue with documentary performances, based on real narratives of the
Roma, and performed by them, while classical dramatic narratives had been
performed as (contemporary dance). Dah Theatre created: Invisible City - performed
on "bus 26", in December 2005, during a normal bus drive for
passengers; and in the summer of 2007, they created the performance In
search of the City on the ruins of the National library.
Both performances aimed to raise
awareness of multicultural Belgrade - Belgrade which is slowly disappearing or
hiding its multicultural faces behind global billboards and new signs of the
post-modern city of consumption. The main issues were:
The bus drive was also re-presenting
new contemporary spatialisation of social relations - so the first theatre
performance was happening on a bus - but the stage was always the street, the
neighbourhoods that the bus was passing through, and important city landmarks -
buildings that still keep memories of lost communities. The second performance
took place in a hidden corner of Belgrade centre, on the ruins of the National
library (bombed in 1941), where later were discovered buildings from roman
times. Since that moment, no decision could be done regarding restoration of
the Library, so the space is staying as complex of ruins, witnessing the
"no policy" toward heritage and collective memory.
In the cultural industries, the
issue of intercultural conflict, differences etc. have been addressed often, as
it has "dramatic" but also "cathartic" aspects. However, it
very rarely succeeded in having high artistic results, with the exception of
the movies of Goran Pakaljevic, Emir Kusturica and Srdjan Karanovic (opening up
the issues of intercultural dialogue between Serbian and Albanian, Roma or
specific social non-integrated groups). Otherwise, in popular movies, TV
serials (Mixed Marriage on TV PINK), rock and folk music - in both dramatic and
humorous ways, the stereotypes, prejudices and different options are presented
without clear critical sensitivity.
Vojvodina represents particular and
specific example of multiculturalism in Serbia. Due to the coexistence of
languages, scripts, religions and traditions of different ethnic communities in
its territory, Vojvodina has become a symbol of protection of diversity in
relation to other parts of the country. A public information system, including
the electronic media, is performed in eight languages (Serbian, Hungarian,
Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, Roma, Ukrainian and Ruthenian). There are
professional theatres in Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak and Romanian languages,
financed from the budget. Classes are held in national minorities' languages,
in more than 120 elementary schools. Therefore, the existence of cultural
diversity is supported - but not dialogue between them.
Vojvodina has been facing
significant challenges and problems in relation to its cultural and linguistic
plurality (frequent national and religious intolerance in the previous period).
In order to address these issues, at the beginning of 2005, the Provincial
Secretariat for Legislation, Administration and National Minorities was charged
with the duty to develop a complex programme focused on the preservation and
development of multiculturality, multilingualism and protection of the rights
of national and ethnic minorities living in this territory, in cooperation with
other provincial bodies and other stakeholders. This programme was based on the
main findings of a Communication on inter-ethnic based incidents that
happened in Vojvodina in 2003 and 2004.
A project entitled the "Promotion
of Multiculturalism and Tolerance in Vojvodina" was organised, with
the main objectives of:
The Project has covered the
organisation and realisation of the following sub-projects:
All of those subprojects are
targeted to promote and to build intercultural dialogue in the different areas,
as well as by the specific approaches.
For more information, see:
Database of Good Practice on Intercultural Dialogue and our
Intercultural Dialogue section.
Serbia/ 4.3 Recent policy issues and
4.2.4 Social cohesion and cultural
As social cohesion is defined as
"the capacity of a society to ensure the welfare of all its members,
minimising disparities and avoiding polarisation", it can be said that
Serbian society in transition had neglected such issues, at the expense of the
rural population, retired population, immigrants (refugees), Roma and a few
other specifically weak social groups.
Social cohesion has not yet been
acknowledged as part of the cultural policy issue in Serbia. It is an issue
within social policy, so the specific cultural needs of migrants (refugees,
etc.) are not addressed through cultural policy instruments and measures. However,
within social policy, it is very rare (only as an exception through the help of
foreign donors), that art and culture are used.
The main actors involved in the
social cohesion programmes and projects are NGOs and international donors. In
this respect, we can cite several cases of good practices carried out through
the work of the Soros Foundation, CARE etc.
However, although there are no
explicit cultural programmes to promote social cohesion, the Ministry of
Culture has supported a few cultural activities directed at the integration of
special social or marginalised groups into cultural life. One example of this
kind of project is "Sky in the eyes", organised by the Cultural Front
(NGO) in cooperation with the Central Prison Hospital, the Embassy of Great
Britain and the Belgrade Youth Cultural Centre. The project was the
organisation of an exhibition, which presented some of the patients' work from
a large collection, covering the period from 1970, when occupational therapy
started as part of the rehabilitation programme up to current times. The money
collected by donations and the sale of patients' work was used to improve the
treatment, conditions of life and finally to offer the right to normal living.
The aims of the exhibition were: to bring public awareness to this important
aspect of their re-integration into society; to provide a public a platform for
prison arts and to encourage similar efforts in other towns in the Republic of
Serbia. After two successful exhibitions ("Sky in the eyes" and "Neisključivi"),
the project has been continued and broadened. In 2006, it will involve the
building of a bridge between prisoners and the arts community outside of the
prison, as well as to create possibilities for a reintroduction to creative
work and society through different art forms.
In 2006, the most important project
of the Ministry of culture was "In touch with antiques" (organised in
cooperation with the National Museum in Belgrade, the Louvre, and the French
Cultural Centre in Belgrade and the French Embassy in Belgrade). The project
included an exhibition adapted for disabled people, as well as educative
workshops conducted by students of the Faculty for Special Education and
Community Art action - artist
Nikoleta Markovic and inhabitants of Solunska street, Belgrade.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.5 Media pluralism and content
According to the new Law on the
Ministries (June 2002), the Ministry of Culture became the Ministry of
Culture and Public Information. In spring 2003, it was renamed as the Ministry
of Culture and Media, which started to develop a legal framework and policy
instruments in the field. In February 2004, the Ministry again changed its name
back to the Ministry of Culture, even though it is still responsible for the
The Law on Broadcasting was
adopted in July 2002. It was amended two times (the first time in August 2004
and the second time in August 2005). This law recognises two public national
and two regional TV channels, which are obliged to produce and broadcast
programmes regarding cultural history and identity, as well as art productions.
It is mandatory that the network of public / local radio and TV stations be
privatised over the period of the next three years to comply and harmonise with
European standards. To prevent the direct commercialisation of programmes, the
law stipulates a public obligation for each TV and radio station to produce its
own programmes in order to protect national culture and to foster employment of
local artists and media professionals.
There are specific public radio
channels for art and culture (Stereorama, etc.), although there is a private TV
station - the Art Channel.
Public broadcasting was and still is
a major producer of cultural programmes, such as drama and TV films,
educational programmes, documentaries, etc., both independently and in
co-operation with film production companies.
The implementation of the new law,
and especially the creation of the Broadcasting Council, provoked a lot of
public debate and conflict.
The provision proposed by law, to
transform state radio and television into a Public Broadcasting Company, has
been being realised. In August 2005, Parliament passed amendments to the Law
on Broadcasting, which allowed RTS to collect licence fees, before its
transformation into a public service broadcaster.
The deadline to privatise local
public media has been postponed two times: initially it was postponed to the
end of 2007, but has since been postponed to the end of 2008. According to the
latest data, 100 are state-owned out of 313 broadcasting companies.
In 2006, competitions for the
broadcast licences in the private sector were launched. The Broadcasting agency
announced a few competitions: one for national broadcast licences and two for
regional broadcast licences (Belgrade and Vojvodina). 20 candidates applied for
national licences, out of which 5 were granted for broadcasting TV programmes
and 5 were granted for broadcasting radio programmes. In June 2007, a
competition for local broadcasting licences was launched and the broadcasting
granting process is ongoing.
Anti-trust measures to prevent media
concentration are issued by the Law on Broadcasting. The law limits
foreign media ownership up to a maximum of 49% in the overall founding capital
of a media company. It also regulates cross-ownership and media concentration
depending on broadcasting coverage. Media concentration is prohibited for a
broadcaster with national coverage which:
Media concentration is prohibited
for a broadcaster with local and regional coverage which:
The Law on Free Access to
Information of Public Importance has recently been approved. Its aim is to
enable both journalists and citizens to have easy access to relevant
information. The outcome of the first phase of the Law's implementation is
still far from satisfactory. There are a lot of problems with supervision of
compliance with the Law; requests for information are not always welcome by
public institutions, government bodies, as well as public organisations etc.
The majority of print media
companies have been privatised over the past three or four years. The available
statistical data on the number of newspapers shows nearly the same level today
as in 1989. However, the data on circulation / copies shows a huge decrease of
more than 50% in comparison to figures for 1989.
A certain number of radio stations,
TV stations and newspapers are being broadcast and published in all languages
of the ethnic communities in Serbia, which represents a solid base for further
development and improvement of their activities.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.6 Culture industries: policies
and programmes
In 2002, the Ministry of Culture in
Serbia set up a Working Group to examine policy issues regarding the
development of the culture industries. This issue is very important because of
Serbian future membership of the WTO and also because of the potential of the
culture industries for future economic development in Serbia. A statement
provided by the Serbian Ministry of Culture has been included in a Memorandum
on Trade to the WTO.
However, the culture industries and
the media have not been included in a 2002 strategic document by the Serbian
Ministry of Science, Technology and Economic Development for the period up to
2010. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the Working Group of the Ministry of
Culture is to raise awareness and lobby for the inclusion of the culture
industries in that document as well as in other strategic documents of the
Serbian government, e.g. on small and medium-sized enterprises, etc.
If we measure the cultural
industries' level of importance with measures suggested by the creators of
certain sector strategies (strategy for the development of small and medium
enterprises, strategy for employment, new strategy for economic development
etc), one can draw a conclusion that in Serbia there is no systematic support
for cultural industries development, mostly because there is no public
awareness on the importance and economic influence of this sector for the
development of the economy.
In 2004, about 1 316
enterprises were active in the cultural industries and the number of employees
were 21 397. The proportion of employees in cultural industries compared
to the total number of Serbian employees is about 1.36%. In 2005, the number of
employees had decreased by about 9% compared with the previous year. This
decline can mainly be attributed to the structural change in the field of radio
and television activities (for example, transformation of Radio-television of
Serbia). Concerning employment, it should be noticed that the number of those
employed is much higher than is "statistically visible". The
employment in creative industries is quite unique. It is characterised by
atypical forms of employment: job flexibility, multi-tasks, higher job
mobility, freelance contracts, part-time or self-employment activities. For
example, the average of voluntary engagements (authors, freelance editors,
actors, designers etc) per enterprise is 100 persons per year.
The economic performance (net profit
ratio, income, net income ratio etc.) of enterprises in the cultural industries
is better than the average for the whole economy. In 2004, the most profitable
industries were publishing journals and similar periodicals (net profit ratio
22.26%), publishing books (net profit ratio 10.66%) and film and video
production (net profit ration 10.4%). In the same year, the net profit ratio
for the whole economy was 3.57%.
In 2005, the financial performances
of these enterprises improved. Also, the rank of the most profitable industries
changed considerably. The most profitable industries were sound recording
reproduction (net profit ratio 17.28 %), as well as publishing journals and
similar periodicals (net profit ratio 20.23%). In 2005, the average profit net
ratio for the whole economy was 4.67% and the average net profit ratio for the
creative industries was 7.78%.
The publishing industries, as well as
radio and television activities, are the most important sectors in both number
of enterprises and employees. More than half of all the cultural industry
enterprises were in the filed of publishing (58%) and about 24% in the field of
radio and television activities. About 96% of creative industry enterprises are
micro-businesses with between 1-12 employed persons. There is also a
significant concentration of creative industry enterprises in major
administrative centres and the capital, which can be explained by a very strong
infrastructure and distribution network channels, as well as a large supply of
creative workforces.
Table 2:
Number of enterprises, employees and revenue in the cultural industries,
Branch |
of enterprises |
of employed |
revenue |
revenues |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Publishing books, newspapers and
magazines |
758 |
725 |
10 431 |
9 241 |
327 935 |
357 617 |
290 764 |
308 481 |
Sound recording publishing and
reproduction |
59 |
63 |
254 |
213 |
11 657 |
22 428 |
10 429 |
21 414 |
Film and video activities
(production, distribution and projection) |
186 |
215 |
1 016 |
969 |
29 848 |
43 543 |
26 645 |
35 805 |
Radio and television activities |
313 |
301 |
10 212 |
8 642 |
110 609 |
160 950 |
51 257 |
74 585 |
Svetlana Jovičić and Hristina Mikić: Creative industries in
Serbia - basic facts and recommendations, British Council, Belgrade, 2006; H.
Mikic, Potentials for creative-led development in Serbia, Economic
policy and development of Serbia, Faculty of Economics, 2007, pp. 129-141.
The Cinema Law (whose
infrastructure is mostly privatised), was developed with help from the Council
of Europe. It created the Film Centre of Serbia, which started to operate in
2005. On the basis of an open competition, the funds are distributed to
producers, who are obliged to return a certain amount. Television stations, as
well as cinemas, will also contribute to this Fund from screening and broadcast
taxes. At the moment in Serbia, Ministerial funds are distributed on the basis
of competitions for film projects as subsidies.
The first steps have been made to
create a National Centre for Book and Literature. This initiative has received
support from the Greek National Centre for Books. A working group has been set
up to develop the project further.
The most important achievement has
been the acceptance of Serbia and Montenegro into the Eurimage programme. This was
first confirmed on 14 July 2004 in Dubrovnik and officially approved on 17
November 2004 during the annual Eurimage meeting in Strasbourg. (Several
projects have already received a Eurimage grant).
The Ministry of Culture in Serbia is
also working on a new Publishing Law, a new Book Deposit Law, as
well as on a book-policy strategy in co-operation with experts from the Council
of Europe.
The huge project BibliOdyssey had
been launched to improve the book trade infrastructure, with support from the
Matra programme (Netherlands), the Open Society Fund, and both Ministries of
Culture in Serbia and Montenegro. Within this programme, the BIS (Book
Information System) and the Distribution Centre were created, bookstores in
smaller towns were supported (10 bookshops) and different professional courses
are being organised.
Another important and very
complicated issue is piracy, which was particularly rampant throughout the
1990s, due in part both to the international embargo (making it impossible to
pay for copyright), as well as the lack of government intervention, leaving
"small entrepreneurs" to develop and enter this field legally. The
situation in the film / video / television and music market has been almost
completely solved, but in publishing, wide-spread piracy is mostly depriving
the rights of local authors and publishers; local photocopying offices are even
selling school manuals or best-selling books in "photocopy version".
In spring 2004, the National Library, the University of Arts and the Publishing
House Clio launched a huge campaign, "my private pirate library", to
raise public awareness on these issues.
The increase in the amount of new
book publishers, after 1991, does not necessarily indicate an expansion of
creativity in the book trade. The number of new titles is often a misleading
indicator of creativity. Many excellent writers emigrated from the country and
others stopped writing. Only recently have new and important publishers been
emerging and they are the key stimulators for authors and the book trade.
Dismantling the old state subsidised system and the transition towards the
market and privatisation has put the book industry in a difficult position,
especially regarding book distribution and sales. This whole situation should
be improved by introducing a new Law on Publishing according to European
standards which would introduce new government measures in areas such as:
incentives for authors (i.e. competitions for new scripts), sponsorship,
creating authors' copyright societies, further improvement on the acquisition
of books for libraries, etc.
In 2002, the Ministry of Culture
introduced public library purchases, which could be considered as some kind of
indirect support to the book industry. The Ministry has spent 19.5 millions
euros in the last five years on this programme. This kind of support also
exists in the city of Belgrade. From 2002 to 2005, the city secretary for
culture spent 1.3 million euros on financing book purchases for city libraries.
The Belgrade Book Fair has lost its
international and regional significance and it has changed its management
structure twice since 2000. The participation of Serbian publishers at book
fairs abroad sporadically receives public support from the state and from the
city of Belgrade. In Serbia, an important project is being developed on the
creative industries-creative cities with support from the British Council. In
2006, within the framework of this project, the study "Creative
industries in Serbia-basic facts and recommendations" was published.
The study provides: a comparative analysis of the different definition for
creative and cultural industries; the economic importance and the potential of
this sector in Serbia as well as in other European countries; detailed analysis
of the available data on Serbian cultural industries and a description of
policy measures available to support the cultural industries in Serbia.
There are no specific and systematic
training and educational programmes available for cultural industry
professionals. However, some partial initiatives exist in certain sectors of
the cultural industries - for example in the field of media. The Media Art
Service International, a consulting organisation from Novi Sad, organises and
implements some educational actions such as round tables, lectures, seminars,
free consulting services, and publishing of media outlets. In the last three
years, the Media Art Service International organised several lectures such as
"Educational Programmes in Local Broadcasting", "Broadcasting
Development Strategy", "Professions in Broadcasting",
"Self-Sustainability of Radio / TV Station", "Is a Documentary a
Commercial Product?" as well as training: "How to Apply for a
Broadcasting License?", "Networking and Time-Share Models" and
"Media Project Management" in co-operation with the Secretariat for
Information of Vojvodina and Novi Sad School of Journalism.
The most important project of this
organisation is LINK (monthly magazine for electronic media development) and
LINK PLUS EDITION - books with the purpose of providing media education, which
was launched with the support of the Open Society Fund (OSF).
There is also training organised by
different professional journalist associations, such as the Journalists
Association of Serbia, the Independent Association of Journalists etc. Most of
this training is dedicated to journalists.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.7 Employment policies for the
cultural sector
According to official data from the Office
for Statistics, there are 11 490 people permanently employed in the
cultural field (for structure of employees in cultural industries, see chapter
4.2.6). The table below shows the number of employees by sector.
Table 3:
Number of employees by sector, Serbia, 2004
Sector |
of |
share |
Libraries |
2 510 |
21.84% |
Museums |
2 029 |
17.66% |
Archives |
622 |
5.41% |
Performing arts |
4 557 |
39.66% |
Heritage protection |
1 201 |
10.45% |
Cinemas |
438 |
3.81% |
Other cultural activities |
133 |
0.38% |
11 490 |
100.00% |
Statistical Yearbook 2006, Office of Statistics of the Republic of
The issue of employment has not been
on the Ministry of Culture's agenda, except for recent efforts to transform and
reorganise major cultural institutions. In fact, it is the government's general
policy to reduce the number of public employees. In practice, the situation is
different than official government proclamations concerning the reorganisation
of public institutions. In 2004, employment increased by 5.4% compared to the
previous year. There are no special working groups or committees that are
exploring possibilities to specifically support entrepreneurship in the cultural
Cultural and media professionals, as
well as artists, have been very active in creating new cultural and,
especially, media institutions (due to the non-existence of a broadcasting
regulating body it was relatively easy), such as: radio stations (from 100 in
1995 to 162 in 2000), television stations (from 20 in 1995 to 66 in 2000), and
theatres (from 26 in 1989 to 41 in 2000).
Due to these numerous
self-employment initiatives, but also of the high "brain drain" of
artists and professionals working in the cultural field, as well as the
possibilities for employment offered by the marketing sector, the number
unemployed in the cultural labour market is not really considered an issue yet.
This is expected to change soon, as the numerous generations of artists from
private universities appear on the job market.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.8 New technologies and cultural
The Minister of Culture provides
support to the digitalisation of relevant cultural policy information. One of
the most important projects is the Internet publication of a GeoCultural Map
of Serbia, produced by the Institute for Cultural Development.
Communication through the Internet
has started but computer equipment is still lacking in most local public cultural
institutions. Professionals in the cultural sector are encouraged to download
application forms for project competitions through the Internet and the results
of competitions are announced through the website of the Ministry or of the
cities, etc.
Another problem is the overuse of
existing telephone lines, even when an institution is technically well
equipped. Very often, obtaining access to the Internet is difficult. A more
systemic telecommunication policy is required so that new technologies can be
used to facilitate cultural policy debates.
Several heritage digitalisation
programmes have recently been launched such as: HEREIN (digitalisation of
tangible heritage), digitalisation of documents from the National Library (out
of 2 million books, over 500 000 items have been digitalised) etc. The
government appointed working group for digitalisation of heritage started to
operate in the autumn of 2007.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.9 Heritage issues and policies
Activities concerning the protection
of immovable cultural properties are carried out by institutes, including the
Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Serbia
(central body) and 11 Regional Institutes with territorial jurisdiction over
funds for monuments located in their own territory. With the exception of
Kosovo, where 3 institutes used to work, this network of institutes covers the
entire territory of the Republic of Serbia. Currently, the above institutes for
protection of cultural monuments employ 348 people, out of which 207 are
qualified with bachelor or other higher educational degrees.
Since 1947, these institutes have
conducted research on 194 archaeological heritage-sites, 37 monumental heritage
items and 2 cultural-historical areas. In the same period, 1 214 research
projects on archaeological heritage-sites were conducted by museums and 117
research projects by scientific institutions (e.g. the Faculty of
Philosophy-Archaeology, the Archaeological Institute of the Serbian Academy of
Science and Arts). In 2005, 90 restoration projects in the fields of cultural
heritage and museums were implemented. The majority of the projects have been
carried out on monasteries, castles, museums, archives and six archaeological
The protection and preservation of
movable heritage (museum objects, archives, film and literary material) are
carried out by museums, archives and libraries. There are 124 museums (43
regional museums and 81 museum branch offices, museum legacies and homeland
collections), out of which there are: 3 natural museums, 13 economic-technical
museums, 28 social-historical museums, 49 complex museums and 31 artistic
museums. The National Museum in Belgrade is the central body in the Serbian
museum network. There are also 5 museums with specific competencies: the Museum
of Contemporary Arts, the Museum of Applied Arts, the Museum of Science and
Technology, the Natural Museum and the Museum of Ethnology.
There are 36 archives, with
17 636 archive funds. There are two types of archives: general archives
and special archives. General archives deal with archive material from all
social activity areas, while special archives deal with a defined archive
material or some particular activity branch. Most Serbian archives are
organised as general archives.
The public library network consists
of 159 public libraries, out of which 40 libraries have homeland collections.
In 2004, these public libraries employed 1 547 people, out of which 549
were qualified with bachelor or higher educational degrees. The Serbian
National Library in Belgrade, the Library of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad,
Belgrade City Library, as well as 24 district public libraries are the leading
experts in the library network
On the whole, the past decade
represents a period of stagnation in the work of these institutes. This
stagnation was caused not by the existing organisation, institutional network,
or human resource potential, but rather by circumstances and problems of an
economic, political and administrative character, by a concentration of power
and funding in few hands, as well as by different kinds of pressures which
hindered a professional approach, influenced results, and decreased efficiency.
During the past year, notable
efforts have been made to correct omissions and shortcomings resulting from the
preceding period, to provide minimum working conditions and to lead the
Institute's work into the mainstream of modern conservation. Some changes can
be seen, such as efforts aimed at defining a development strategy and
conservation policy, which would favour conservation planning. However,
insufficient funding still hinders or makes the realisation of most of the
planned conservation activities impossible to achieve. Under such
circumstances, professional work, as well as timely expert, preventive and
operational engagement in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage
is rendered much more difficult.
The current situation in museums is
still very difficult in spite of the fact that protection of cultural heritage
is one of top priorities of the Serbian Ministry of Culture. There are no
specific and systematic training and educational programmes available for
cultural heritage professionals. However, some partial initiatives in the form
of life-long learning courses have been developed by the Diana Centre. The
central objectives of these educational courses have been focused on different
conservation problems, management and conservation approaches to the care of
cultural heritage.
The lack of personnel trained in
preventive conservation, as well as educational training for new expertise and
skills are not only problems in museums. Museums also have no specialised
marketing and PR services, animators and professional cultural managers. That
is one of the reasons why the broader public remains insufficiently aware of
the value and significance of their heritage.
Certain progress has been achieved
to re-establish professional contacts and co-operation with international
institutions and organisations in the conservation field, with the aim of
improving methodology and knowledge in this area, as well as opening up
possibilities to engage expert consultants on the more complex professional
Efforts have been made to improve
conditions for institutional work in cultural heritage institutions. The most
important changes in this area have been made by the Ministry of Culture. The
first step will be the reconstruction of the Yugoslav Film Library building and
the creation of 6 new depots for storing film material. This initiative has
received support from the French Government and the Serbian Ministry of
Culture. In the framework of the National Investment Plan, reconstruction and
modernisation of the National Museum in Belgrade and the Serbian National
Library have been supported in the amount of 9.2 million euros in the period of
2006-2007. In the same period, for reconstruction and modernisation of national
cultural heritage institutions, about 23 millions euros has been allocated,
while for the purpose of reconstruction and modernisation of local museums and
libraries, 3 millions euros will be invested.
On the whole, the network of
institutes is considered satisfactory. It is possible that the territorial
jurisdiction of certain institutes will be revised due to the fact that some
may cover too much territory, such as the institutes located in Nis and
A clearly defined conservation
policy, including improvements to the existing heritage protection service will
require a modernisation of all areas: from legal protection, documentation,
categorisation, technical protection, to presentation and use.
The natural heritage is under the
supervision of the Institute for the Protection of Nature, which covers 25% of
the state territory; however, in fact, only 7.6% are officially and legally
protected areas.
Serbia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.10 Gender equality and cultural
Gender plays a minor role in
cultural policy debates. Following World War II, women played and continue to
play a leading role in the cultural field. The problem can be seen at another
level: while women represent the majority of employees in the cultural sector,
only 30% of managerial positions are held by women in Serbia.
On the other hand, there are quite a
number of women in key positions such as the State Secretary of Culture and
half of the directors of national cultural institutions, such as the Museum of
Contemporary Arts, the National Museum, the Museum of Applied Arts City
Archive, Sava - Cultural and Congress Centre, the National Theatre in Subotica,
the Ethno Museum "Old village" in Sirogojno, the Theatre Museum, the
Historical Museum, the City Archive, etc.
In many municipalities in Serbia,
the position of City Secretary for Culture, (or City Officer for Cultural,
Educational & Social affairs - in smaller municipalities), is held by
women. Still, the issue of gender had to be considered more seriously, as
general statistical data on gender equality in Serbia is not promising.
Serbia/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.3 Other relevant issues and
The importance of cultural tourism
is currently being raised within cultural policy debates. It is expected
that a partnership between culture and tourism will contribute to greater
financial and organisational independence of cultural institutions and
organisations throughout the country, as well as to a decentralisation of
culture. The main challenge facing this partnership is the constant neglect of
the tourism infrastructure, which left the country with a bad road
infrastructure, lack of proper accommodation, poor communication facilities and
not enough competent staff.
In 2002, the (former) Ministry of
Culture organised a seminar on cultural tourism in one of Serbia's most famous
(and now run-down) spas. At this conference, it was decided that urgent action
was required to promote various cultural sites throughout the country, such as
churches, monasteries, museums and monuments, as well as ethno-villages and
other specific sites. The Institute for Cultural Development also organised two
seminars for both cultural and tourism staff in 2002. The Tourist Organisation
of Serbia organised its first meeting, in September 2003, to discuss promoting
tourism in Serbia as well as building strategies for development.
Internationalisation, as a strategy
of cultural development, but also of promotion of Serbian culture in the world,
is the focus of attention for the joint action of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and the Ministry of Culture. Creation of some new cultural centres
abroad (currently, there is only one Cultural Centre of Serbia in Paris),
preferably in Brussels and Moscow, are under consideration. "Branding
Serbia" is also part of the government's activity, creating a committee
for actively working on the re-creation of the Serbian image, away from the
negative stereotype, towards a more positive imagine. The Ministry of Culture
is prioritizing participation of Serbian artists in international events, as
well as accentuating the international component of domestic manifestations.
During 2007, issues relevant to
politics of memory and remembrance, intercultural and inter-confessional
dialogue, and preservation of cultural heritage came into focus through the
efforts of civil society and public authorities. Actions were in the form of
cultural practices (festivals and events), policy actions (monuments, renaming
of streets) and media debates. Several controversial actions occurred, such as
the renewal of the Monument of the Four Faiths in Cacak, followed two days
later by removal of the art project of the Italian artist (red and black
flags), seen not as anarchistic but Albanian state symbols. The Centre for
Cultural Decontamination held two days of debate on the issue of memory
politics, while the media held extensive coverage of the controversial debate
about historical figures and events. The cultural audience still wants and asks
the Ministry of Culture to issue direct statements on controversial issues
regarding the removal of monuments (such as the monument to the 19th century
bohemian poet Djura Jaksic, which was requested to be removed from the church
courtyard due to his "immoral" behaviour).
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.1 Constitution
The Draft of the New Constitution
was approved in the Parliament on 30 September 2006 and was planned to go to
Referendum on 28th & 29th October. The Constitution represents Serbia as
the country of the Serbian nation and all its citizens, recognizing cultural
diversity and human rights among the main principles.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.2 Division of jurisdiction
Jurisdiction is solely the
responsibility of the Serbian Parliament.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.3 Allocation of public funds
General laws regulating the
financing of culture are the: Law on Activities of General Interest in
Culture (1999), the so-called "Omnibus Law" (2002),
issuing the activities and institutions in the territory of Vojvodina which
will be financed by the Ministry of Culture and the Secretary for Culture in
the autonomous province of Vojvodina. There are also regulations on important
institutions and organisations for culture in Belgrade, as well as in the
autonomous province of Vojvodina, which regulates a system of financing culture
on the city and province level.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.4 Social security frameworks
The status of free-lance artists is
regulated by the Law on the Rights of Self-employed Artists. According
to the law, these artists are entitled to health, pension and disability
insurance, which are paid by the municipalities. Freelance artists are usually
organised in different professional arts associations, which keep a register of
their status. As of 2005, the law had not yet been put into force and
free-lance artists continue to be treated as any other self-employed professionals.
This provoked a huge protest and revolt from art associations and they are
currently asking for a revision of their status.
The register of freelance artists is
administered by each of the individual professional artist unions. During the
previous regime, many artists had left the "official" artist unions
and created new, parallel ones. Therefore, currently, there are three writers'
unions, two publishers' unions, etc., which is creating a problem regarding the
registering of freelance artists.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.5 Tax laws
There are three relevant tax
The tax rate on the net income
resulting from intellectual property rights is 20%. The Income Tax
Law (RS OG No. 24/2001) provides a breakdown of the % share of income
derived from intellectual property rights that is tax deductible:
After the Income Tax Law was
amended in 2002, 2004 and 2006 (RS OG No. 80/2002, 135/2004, 62/2006 and
65/2006) the % share of tax deductible income derived from intellectual
property changed as follows:
The Income Tax Law does not
permit individuals to deduct for contributions to charity. This restrictive tax
treatment came into effect in 2001 as a part of general tax system reform. The
new Law on Personal Income Tax repealed a system of non-standard tax
deductions, which could be up to 15% taxable income. Except for donations for
cultural purposes, this tax-benefited treatment had been dedicated also for
investments in objects with special cultural, historical and scientific value.
Deductions offered, in the Law on
the Profits of Legal Entities, on donations to culture are not really
considered as an incentive in practice. In addition, the character of cultural
donations and types of organisations that may receive tax-benefit contributions
were regulated by direction. The donations can be made for: production, prevention
and research of cultural values and heritage; improvement of conditions for the
development of cultural activities; international cultural cooperation;
education and research in the field of culture and stimulation of creative
work. The types of organisations that may receive tax-benefit contribution are
in the field of: heritage, museums and galleries; artistic, literary and other
creative work; film industry and video production; archive, library, botanical
and zoological gardens and the publishing of books, publications and booklets.
The Law on the Profit of Legal
Entities also regulates tax exemption for
non-profit organisations. According to Article 44, non-profit
organisations are granted tax exemption under the following conditions:
Incentives introduced during the
former regime have disappeared, such as the matching fund "corporation-state
/ dinar na dinar". New incentives have not yet been created. At present,
all donations (except those given through the government) have a 5% gift tax,
even if the donation is made in kind. This represents a huge obstacle, even to
large donors of equipment. The institution / recipient usually has to find
another donor to cover the taxes to be paid to the state.
VAT was introduced in Serbia at the
beginning of 2005. The general rate is 18%. A reduced rate of VAT for
books, tickets for music manifestations and cinema tickets is 8%.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.6 Labour laws
In Serbia, all artists that are
employed in cultural institutions are public servants under the Public
Servants Law Regime (2005). The future theatre law envisages the introduction
of a new model in which artists will be engaged on a contractual basis rather
than as employees.
A general change has been made
through a new Labour Law and new Law on Public Administration (2005),
which will affect artists employed in public institutions or those working
part-time in public institutions. There are restrictions on double employment
in the public sector that are preventing artists employed by art schools to be
also employed by public theatres (which was often the case, i.e., a professor
of theatre-directing being, at the same time, an artistic director of the
theatre, etc.).
Collective bargaining agreements
exist in the fields of theatre, archives, museums, libraries and institutes for
heritage protection. A special section of the trade unions are responsible for
bargaining, enforcing and monitoring these agreements. On 29 August 2003, the
City of Belgrade signed special collective agreements with all of the relevant
trade unions, which would cover 1 600 employees in the city's cultural institutions.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.7 Copyright provisions
Efforts are underway to harmonise
the domestic regulations on intellectually property with international
conventions. Authorities are looking at various international documents and
recommendations to aid them in their work:
The new Law on Copyright and
Related Rights was adopted in 2005. It regulates the object and the content
of copyright and related rights, the organisation for collecting royalties
generated from copyright and related rights, and sanctions for infringement.
The law extends copyright protection to any "original intellectual
creation of an author, expressed in particular form, irrespective of its
artistic, scientific or other value, its purpose, size, content and manner of
expression, as well as the permission to publicly announce its content". A
non-exclusive list of objects is included within the scope of the law: written
works (books, pamphlets, articles, etc.); spoken works (lectures, speeches,
orations, etc.); dramatic, dramatic-musical, choreographic and pantomime works;
works originating from folklore; music works, with or without words; film works
(cinematography and television works); fine art works (paintings, drawings,
sketches, graphics, sculptures, etc.); architectural works; applied art and
industrial design works.
There are no blank tape levies in
Serbia. Existing legislation does not recognise public lending rights. Due to
the difficult economic situation, there are no possibilities to cover these
expenses by users, libraries, video rentals or by the government.
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.8 Data protection laws
Information is currently not
Serbia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.9 Language laws
See chapter
Serbia/ 5.2 Legislation on culture
The first task of the new government
has been to impose the rule of law in all fields, which means re-creating the
basic and most important state legislative documents starting with the
Without a basic legal framework,
which defines the territorial organisation of the country, property issues,
privatisation, taxation etc., work on specific concrete laws in the cultural
field would be futile. This was one of the reasons why many new laws relevant
for the cultural field are only now in the process of being drafted while more
general state laws are passed and Parliamentary procedures set up.
At the moment, the cultural field is
still being regulated by the laws established during the period of the
Milosevic government, including:
The Ministry of Culture has been
active in the process of drafting new laws, acts and measures, such as the Decree
on Special Awards for Artistic Excellence (October 2007). A new draft law
replacing the Law on Activities of General Interest in the field of Culture
received positive feedback through public debates held in 5 Serbian cities. It
is planned that the draft law will reach the government in December 2007,
together with the new on Law on Cinematography. In January 2008, several
other draft laws will enter public debate: Law on Immovable Cultural
Heritage, Law on Funds and Foundations, and Law on Museums.
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.1 Visual and applied arts
There are no specific laws for the
visual or applied arts.
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.2 Performing arts and music
There are no specific laws for the
performing arts and music. A Theatre Law is under preparation, mostly
dealing with labour issues (types of institutions, employment policies, etc.).
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.3 Cultural heritage
The 1994 Law on Heritage
Protection defines public services in this field. A number of special
decrees and regulations have further outlined rules on how to conduct
inventories, to valorise and categorise cultural heritage as well as define the
responsibilities of archives, museums, film archives and libraries.
Cultural heritage protection is one
of the top priorities of the Ministry of Culture and Media because it
represents the national traditions and identities of all people and cultures in
The system and means of heritage
protection is regulated by the Cultural Properties Law, dating back
to1994. A new law is still in the process of being enacted.
According to the 1994 Cultural
Properties Law, the activities to be carried out by the heritage protection
institutes consist of: research, registration, valorisation, proposing and
determining cultural properties, categorisation, maintaining registers and the
Central Register, preparing studies, proposals and projects, providing owners
and users with expert assistance in preserving and maintaining cultural
properties, proposing and overseeing how technical protective measures are
carried out, publishing the results of cultural property protection activities,
and participating in the preparation of urban and territorial plans.
The present law, as well as
regulations, are outdated and do not correspond with changes in the theory and
practice of conservation and protection of cultural and natural property. Since
2002, certain efforts have been made to prepare a new Law on Heritage
Protection and it is still in the process of being enacted. In August 2007,
the new members of a working group for the preparation of the Law on
Heritage Protection were appointed by the new team at the Ministry of
The Ministry of Culture initiated
the draft of a new Archives Law, which currently does not exist. The aim
of the draft law was to outline a new legal framework for archival activities
in line with European standards.
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.4 Literature and libraries
The Serbian Library Law (1994) defines
the types of libraries (national, regional, municipal as part of one network
and university and faculty libraries as another network) as well as the
responsibilities of national and regional libraries in their respective
The national library should organise
and guarantee the quality of professional education, organise professional
exams and give accreditation - licences to the work of librarians. Also, they
are to select and issue the classification (CIP) to be printed in each book and
be used by all library networks.
By law, all publishers are obliged
to give 10 copies of each publication to the National Library; the books should
be delivered directly from the printer. The books are then to be distributed
among libraries of national importance in Belgrade (National and University),
Novi Sad, Cetinje and Banja Luka - this shows the extent that the law defines
every aspect including the techniques of delivery. During the 1990s, this
obligation was not followed, as was the case for many other legal obligations
in society. Amendments helped to reintroduce respect for the law and to follow
legal provisions as a normal part of daily business practices. Now the new
proposal of a Legal Deposit Law is being considered within the Ministry
- to diminish the obligation, from 10 to 4, of the book copies, including a
digital version of the book.
The Ministry of Culture is now
drafting a new Library Law, which is to classify and re-organise pubic
libraries according to UNESCO standards and to make the necessary legal
provisions to improve their activities, especially in the context of
e-publishing, digitalisation and networking.
The Parliament, at the request of
The Ministry of Culture, approved the amendment to the Law on Publishing
through urgent parliamentary procedure, recognizing the National Library as the
only state agency for delivering four international publication numbers: ISBN,
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.5 Architecture and environment
Information is currently not
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.6 Film, video and photography
The former Yugoslavia was very
well-known for its film production, not only of long features, but also in the
field of documentary and short films. 20-30 films were produced per year.
However, in 1991, with the dissolution of the country, only about five films
were being produced per year. This situation is expected to change with new
support for film production coming from both State Television and from the
Ministry of Culture. The tables below show the number of films produced
in Serbia, as well as motion picture projections in the period 2000-2004.
Table 4:
Motion picture (movie making) production in Serbia, 2000-2004
Year |
films |
films |
Documentary |
cartoon |
Experimental |
tape |
tape |
tape |
tape |
tape |
tape |
tape |
tape |
2000 |
6 |
2 |
28 |
12 |
110 |
- |
19 |
1 |
14 |
2001 |
11 |
2 |
25 |
4 |
103 |
1 |
18 |
1 |
21 |
2002 |
8 |
1 |
39 |
2 |
111 |
- |
17 |
- |
17 |
2003 |
10 |
1 |
45 |
2 |
131 |
1 |
21 |
- |
33 |
2004 |
10 |
na |
na |
na |
na |
na |
na |
na |
na |
Total |
45 |
6 |
137 |
20 |
455 |
2 |
75 |
2 |
85 |
Svetlana Jovičić and Hristina Mikić: Creative Industries in
Serbia - Basic Facts and Recommendations, British Council, Belgrade, 2006.
Table 5:
Motion picture projections in Serbia, 2001-2004
Year |
of cinemas |
Projections |
Total |
films |
films |
2001 |
149 |
75 406 |
12 091 |
63 315 |
2002 |
156 |
81 101 |
12 542 |
68 559 |
2003 |
149 |
79 606 |
12 375 |
67 231 |
2004 |
152 |
78 859 |
16 651 |
62 208 |
Svetlana Jovičić and Hristina Mikić: Creative Industries in
Serbia - Basic Facts and Recommendations, British Council, Belgrade, 2006.
There are two basic public
institutions responsible for cinematography in Serbia:
In Serbia, laws for film are
considered out-dated and are currently being revised: the Law on
Cinematography (1991). In anticipation of the adoption of a
new Film Law, the Ministry of Culture and Media organised an open
competition for state funding to new films. From 2002 to 2007, 10.18 million
euros were invested in feature films, in a number of short films and some
documentaries, some of which have already received awards from international
and national film festivals.
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(now the Republic of Serbia) entered Eureka Audiovisual in 2001. It also became
very active within the South East European Cinema Network and has now become a
member of Eurimage.
A new draft Law on Cinematography
has been sent to the Secretariat for Legislation and other relevant ministries.
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.7 Culture industries
A new Publishing Law for
Serbia is in preparation (see also chapter
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.8 Mass media
Laws related to the mass media are
the Law on Broadcasting (2002), the Public Information Law
(2003), the Law on Telecommunication (2003), the Law on Free Access
to Information of Public Importance (2004) and the Law on Advertising
The Law on Broadcasting
The Law on Broadcasting also
sets general programme quotas. The following obligations have been made:
The Law on Advertising regulates
advertising and sponsorship issues. The commercial broadcasters are not allowed
to use more than 20% of their daily airtime for advertising (maximum 12 minutes
per hour of programming). Advertising time is limited to 10% of daily airtime
(maximum 6 minutes per hour of programming) for public (national, local and
regional) and civil broadcasters.
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.9 Legislation for self-employed
Currently, new legislation is being
debated for self-employed artists. If enacted, only free-lance artists, who are
not able to earn a certain minimum income, will have the right to receive state
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Serbia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.10 Other areas of relevant
The Law on Foundations and Funds was
created in 1998. The main goal was to clearly spell out the differences between
"foundations" as non-governmental organisations, created as charities
to support certain programmes and ideas, and "funds" which were
mainly created to give grants in defined fields / domains. The main difference
lies in the obligation of the "fund" to have a financial deposit in a
bank (to show that it is grant giving, not just a grant seeking organisation).
Traditionally, the concept of a foundation as developed in 19th century (as a
grant seeking and philanthropic organisation) in Serbia was linked to culture
(protection of national cultural identity, promotion of culture etc.), so it
was logical for the legislative body to give the responsibility for maintaining
the register of Foundations and Funds to the Ministry of Culture.
Serbia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.1 Short overview
In September 2001, Serbia introduced
a new budgetary system based on internationally accepted financial statistical
codes, which enables the whole public sector to formulate and monitor all
public expenditure in new ways.
This new system gives the Ministry
of Culture, as well as all public cultural institutions, a new
"philosophy" on public financing. At the same time, the new system
gives Serbia an opportunity to establish a comparative system, which would be
of great help to the Ministry to analyse and formulate new methods and
instruments of cultural policy concerning public financing. The recent changes
provoked a lot of dissatisfaction because taxes on each contract have been
The statistical system that
currently exists in Serbia does not provide the real or full picture on the
level of state expenditure for culture. In addition, allocations made to
numerous cultural institutions are included in the budgets of different
ministries, such as:
The Ministry of Culture of Serbia
finances the work of 22 public cultural institutions of national importance
(plus 14 cultural institutions on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija) and,
via project funding, several hundred more cultural institutions and NGOs. The
City of Belgrade finances 34 institutions that have city importance and 9
events and, through project funding, the number increases to a few hundred
institutions, NGOs and individual projects.
To improve the system of financing
culture, the government established an Agency for Cultural Development in June
2001. The main tasks of the agency were to:
As the work of the agency has not
been clear or transparent, and its level of efficiency is very low, the new
Minister of Culture has dissolved the Agency and engaged the Ministry staff to
undertake its tasks.
Reform initiatives in the financing
culture were introduced in 2002 by new procedures for financing cultural
projects. It is very interesting that project funding (informal) includes two
main budget lines: the first represents small action projects - the scale of
the average grant is from 1 700 euros up to 7 200 euros. The second
budget line is for major investments, dedicated to film production, library
purchases and support to capital publishing projects.
Table 6:
Structure of projects financed by public competitions in the filed of arts and
culture, 2005-2007
Field |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
in euro |
of projects |
in euro |
of projects |
in euro |
of projects |
Film festivals, awards etc. |
163 678 |
18 |
201 906 |
28 |
210 000 |
19 |
Performing arts |
296 358 |
79 |
179 883 |
54 |
355 250 |
43 |
Music |
165 294 |
43 |
107 436 |
43 |
250 250 |
40 |
Visual arts & multimedia |
177 482 |
134 |
324 023 |
107 |
400 313 |
96 |
Literary events & awards |
54 882 |
36 |
137 174 |
56 |
80 437 |
51 |
Journals and magazines in the
field of arts and culture |
177 067 |
39 |
174 419 |
37 |
226 687 |
34 |
Folklore, traditional arts |
104 529 |
74 |
102 790 |
75 |
84 250 |
52 |
Culture in Kosovo & Metohija |
67 529 |
29 |
12 093 |
5 |
111 150 |
46 |
Other |
21 765 |
11 |
67 000 |
27 |
33 125 |
7 |
1 228 584 |
463 |
1 306 512 |
432 |
1 751 457 |
388 |
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, 2006-2007
Table 7:
Structure of projects financed by public competitions in the field of media,
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
in euro |
of projects |
in euro |
of projects |
in euro |
of projects |
General |
231 111 |
57 |
233 032 |
52 |
- |
- |
Informing Diaspora communities |
113 059 |
16 |
104 231 |
16 |
141 856 |
17 |
Informing national minorities |
- |
- |
120 688 |
39 |
143 629 |
42 |
344 170 |
73 |
457 951 |
107 |
285 485 |
59 |
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, 2006-2007
The amount of money intended for
competitions (in the field of arts and culture as well as media) accounts for
approximately 2-3% of the total budget of the Ministry of Culture, which is
more or less similar to the total amount of money intended for financing film
production, library purchases and capital publishing projects.
Focussing on competitions, in terms
of granting funds, there are five priority fields: media, performing arts, film
festivals and visual arts. In 2006, these activities receive two thirds of all
direct support granted by the open competition system (22-26% for media, 18-20%
for performing arts; 16-18% for visual arts and 8-10% for journals in the filed
of arts and culture). In 2007, financial priority was given to visual arts and
multimedia (which receives 23% of direct support granted by the open
competition system) and performing arts (which receives 20%). Since the open
competition was introduced, no project in the field of cultural research has
been supported.
It is important to underline that
since 2005, cultural heritage became a financial priority of the Ministry of
Culture of Serbia. In 2005, approximately 5.4 million euros was allocated for
cultural heritage projects (e.g. reconstruction of Hilandar Monastery - 1.15
million euros; reconstruction of Palace Complex Dedinje- 1.44 millions euro;
projects of archaeological research - 196 000 euros etc.). In 2006, the
budget for cultural heritage projects increased by 25%. Table 8 shows the
structure of the cultural heritage projects financed in 2006.
Table 8:
Cultural heritage projects financing by Ministry of culture, in euro, 2006
Field |
amount |
Reconstruction of Hiladar
Monastery |
1 411 000 |
Reconstruction of Palace
Complex Dedinje |
1 656 441 |
Programme of sacral built heritage
reconstruction |
613 000 |
Protection of the Serbian heritage
monuments in foreign countries |
220 858 |
Archive network |
325 153 |
Museum network |
1 079 754 |
Programme of regional institute
for protection of cultural monuments |
1 578 000 |
Projects of archaeological
research (Faculty of Philosophy-archaeology department and the Archaeological
Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) |
222 515 |
7 106 721 |
Report of the Ministry of Culture of Serbia (2006)
Philanthropy and donations to art
and culture developed in Serbia in the 19th century as part of a nationalist
resurgence, when the new bourgeoisie felt responsible to support the creation
of national cultural institutions. The Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad,
and all the other theatres in Vojvodina, had been created exclusively through
private support and donations. During that time, donations played a crucial
role, both in the form of large individual donations, but also smaller
collections of private support for important cultural initiatives that were not
supported by the state - such as the gallery "Cvijeta Zuzoric" in
Belgrade, which was built around 1930 with private donations.
After World War II, private
ownership of property was banned and the only form of private support to the
arts was made by individuals to museums, etc., or by collectors operating in
the art market. However, enterprises (socially owned) acted as "corporate
donors" up until the economic crises at the beginning of the 1990s.
Nowadays, a small number of enterprises use sponsorship as part of their
marketing strategy, mostly supporting art production with services or with
goods. A revitalisation of the Serbian economy, as well as legal provisions,
are the basic conditions which are needed to create more efficient partnerships
between the business sector and culture. Recently, new art and business
partnerships have been created by foreign companies that operate in the Serbian
market. The companies such as Aktavis, Telenor, Philip Morris, LUKOIL, Mercedes
Benz etc, continually support cultural programmes and activities in the
framework of their "corporate social responsibility strategy".
The number of possible donors
(foreign foundations for example) is very small because the law does not
currently provide sufficient incentives to stimulate private investment in
Serbia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.2 Public cultural expenditure per
Public cultural expenditure per
capita in Serbia in 2004 was 18.22 euros (1 457 CSD).
The raise could be explained by
development of investment policies of many regions, cities and municipalities
after year 2000, as the need for the renewal of the cultural infrastructure,
neglected for 10 years, had been absolute priority especially of the city of
Belgrade. In the same time, as the subscription to media had been abolished,
the state expenditure for culture had been raised to fulfill the public media
needs. (The subscription was again introduced in 2006, so it is expected the
downsizing of the expenditure per capita again).
Serbia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.3 Public cultural expenditure
broken down by level of government
Table 9:
Share of public cultural expenditure, by level of government, 1994-2000
Level of government |
1994 |
1998 |
2000 |
State |
44.00% |
45.00% |
45.80% |
Regional |
0.40% |
0.94% |
0.63% |
County |
55.60% |
54.06% |
53.57% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
Statistical Yearbook, 1995, 2000, 2002, Office for Statistics of the Republic
of Serbia
Table 10: Share of
culture in total budgets, by levels of government, 1994-2000
Level of government |
1994 |
1998 |
2000 |
State |
1.7% |
1.72% |
1.47% |
Regional |
3.4% |
6.36% |
4.13% |
Country |
11.6% |
8.53% |
9.78% |
Statistical Yearbook, 1995, 2000, 2002, Office for Statistics of the Republic
of Serbia
The present statistical system does
not provide precise data concerning the share of different levels of government
in the public financing of culture. According to the last available data
(2004), government subsidies at the national level account for about 50% of the
total public cultural expenditures; Belgrade City government subsidies account
for about 18% of the total public cultural expenditure; and municipalities, as
well as the Province of Vojvodina, take up the remainder (32%). Public cultural
expenditure in Serbia can be described as highly centralised, with the state
share constantly around 50% and more.
Table 11: Share of the
budget of the Serbian Ministry of Culture in the total government budget, in
thousand CSD and in euros, 1997-2007
Year |
expenses of the Republican government |
expenses of the Ministry of Culture |
of the budget of the Ministry of Culture |
euros |
1997 |
13 820 981 |
311 834 |
- |
2.26% |
1998 |
16 807 473 |
289 154 |
- |
1.72% |
1999 |
17 640 691 |
245 088 |
- |
1.57% |
2000 |
32 702 454 |
557 690 |
15 934 000 |
1.71% |
2001 |
127 339 827 |
1 074 235 |
23 871 000 |
0.84% |
2002 |
217 379 629 |
1 389 625 |
22 818 000 |
0.64% |
2003 |
318 691 919 |
2 954 919 |
47 814 000 |
0.93% |
2004 |
362 045 252 |
5 851 070 |
85 305 000 |
1.62% |
2005 |
400 767 778 |
5 608 642 |
70 548 000 |
1.40% |
2006* |
459 407 647 |
6 376 627 |
78 240 000 |
1.38% |
2007* |
551 126 440 |
4 942 284 |
60 345 000 |
0.89% |
Statistical Yearbook 2000 and 2002, Office of Statistics of the Republic of
Serbia, Law on Budget of Republic of Serbia for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006 and 2007.
Excluded are expenditure of the National Investment Plan.
Note: By the end of 2003, the
Radio-Television of Serbia (public broadcasting service), the Regulatory Agency
for Broadcasting, and the public enterprise PANORAMA were financed through the
budget of the Ministry of Culture.
The share of the Ministry of Culture
in the total government budget increased in the period from 2004 to 2006, but
this budget growth doesn't mean a real increase of financial resources for
cultural and art production (programmes). Starting from 2004, Radio-Television of
Serbia (public broadcasting service), the Regulatory Agency for Broadcasting,
the public enterprise PANORAMA, and the publishing organisation
"Bratstvo" (journals, newspapers, magazines in the Bulgarian
language), were financed through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.
Financing activities of these organisations took up around 45% of the budget of
the Ministry of Culture. By the end of 2006, financing of those organisations
was cut, due to the introduction of new legal forms of their financing (e.g. broadcasting
license fees, TV subscriptions etc). This is one of the reasons why the share
of the budget of the Ministry of Culture is reduced in 2007., as there are no
more "media" expenditures in it, while the rate of participation in
payment of TV subscriptions has finally achieved the desired level of 80% (the
resistance to the "renewal" of TV subscription in Serbia was great,
as the "boycotting" of the payment of the subscription was part of
the democratic battle at the end of 1980s and beginning of 1990s).
Serbia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.4 Sector breakdown
Table 12: State cultural
expenditure in Serbia: by sector, 2000-2004
Sector |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
share of total |
share of total |
share of total |
share of total |
share of total |
Libraries and publishing |
17.05% |
11.23% |
11.72% |
12.46% |
12.67% |
Museums / archives |
14.14% |
10.36% |
10.04% |
12.05% |
13.98% |
Performing arts |
24.90% |
18.26% |
20.08% |
23.04% |
27% |
Radio and TV |
14.22% |
57.40% |
54.80% |
47.57% |
41.87% |
Heritage protection |
7.98% |
2.54% |
3.09% |
4.57% |
4.2% |
Cinematography |
Other (cultural-educational
activities) |
11.46% |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Statistical Yearbook 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, Office for
Statistics of the Republic of Serbia.
Serbia/ 7. Cultural institutions and
new partnerships
7.1 Re-allocation of public
The arm's-length principal is not
part of the Serbian cultural policy model on any level - municipal, city or
ministerial. Government authorities are responsible for nominating managers to
cultural institutions and for overall management control. In order to set up
this type of system, it would be necessary for the government to transfer its
authority to the boards of cultural institutions and to the directors. However,
in reality, the role of the boards is not known, and directors, nominated
without public competition, are often too dependent on public authorities. The
links and responsibilities between the public authorities and the boards, and
the division of tasks between the boards and the managers of the institutions,
have not yet been clearly defined. This means that monitoring and evaluation,
as standard forms, have not yet been established. The boards of the cultural
institutions usually approve a one-year plan and publish annual reports that
are sent to the ministry, where further financing is considered and decided
A new role for the boards of
cultural institutions as strategic policy-making bodies should be established
to coordinate government priorities according to the mission and strategic
priorities of the cultural institutions. Currently, the board members of cultural
institutions are paid by the City of Belgrade and are only partially
responsible for policy-making. It is not clear whether, or not, the boards of
national cultural institutions are voluntary bodies that are left to their own
sense of responsibility and knowledge about policy priorities in culture.
Serbia/ 7. Cultural institutions and
new partnerships
7.2 Status/role and development of
major cultural institutions
According the Law on Public
Interest in Culture, there were 22 national cultural institutions
(including those located in Vojvodina and Kosovo) covering all sectors of
The National Museum, National
Archive, National Library and Republican Institute for Heritage Protection
perform a key role in the overall system of cultural institutions. They also
organise professional education and training and they provide monitoring and
evaluation services. All these institutions are over-staffed and still lack new
professional competences / skills in PR, marketing, fund-raising, human
resource management, strategic planning, etc.
Provincial institutions in Vojvodina
perform a similar role and have similar problems as the national cultural
institutions. They are both large and dependent on public budgetary allocations
City and municipal institutions
represent the largest network of public cultural institutions in Serbia. They
are basically financed from the city or municipal budget even in those cases
when, by their activity, they cover an expanded territory of several
neighbouring municipalities. For example: the City Museum of Kragujevac is in
charge of research and collecting the objects in five surrounding
municipalities, yet, it is solely financed by the City of Kragujevac. City
cultural institutions are more and more motivated to address the market.
For cultural organisations, the
amount of budgetary subsidies as a percent of the total income can vary between
30% and 80% depending on the kind of activities. In 2004, budgetary subsidies
represented 80% of the total income of museums, galleries, archives and
libraries; 50% of the total income of performing arts organisations, 35% of the
total income of heritage protection organisations etc. On the other hand, the
share of different kind of revenues from the business sector varies from 2.5%
(archives) to 40% of total income (preservation of cultural inheritance and
Private cultural institutions were
already created at the beginning of the 1980s, including galleries, film
production groups and theatres. Now they exist in all cultural fields and are
eligible for project funding. This has been an important development as private
bookshops, for example, were not allowed to exist prior to 1990 (however, the
first small book stand, as a private bookstore, had been opened in 1985 as a
café-bookshop within the Yugoslav Drama Theatre). Private cultural businesses
must pay taxes, similar to any other commercial enterprise.
Owners of private cultural
institutions started creating associations to lobby for their new and specific
position in the market, but legislators still do not recognise the necessity to
create a specific status for private non-profit institutions, which would give
them tax deductions or other advantages.
Serbia/ 7. Cultural institutions and
new partnerships
7.3 Emerging partnerships or
More and more cultural institutions
are developing projects with other public or private sector institutions due to
incentives coming form different bodies, such as the Open Society Institute,
the European Cultural Foundation, Pro Helvetia, Stability Pact, etc. This type
of co-operation is also taking place on a regional (South East Europe) level.
Partnerships with the private sector
are widely spread in Serbia, also due to the long tradition of corporate
sponsorship and the economic necessity of cultural institutions to fund-raise
for programmes and projects; throughout the 1990s it was the only way for
cultural institutions to survive. Keeping in mind the current state of the
Serbian economy, it is not paradoxical that the majority of sponsorship is
currently in the form of sponsorship "in-kind" (in goods and
services) which is not expressed in official budgets.
It is also noteworthy to underline
that companies are financing and setting up their own art workshops, studios
and groups, e.g. Terra Kikinda, Copper mine in Bor, etc. Many of these
companies, and their projects, are eligible and receive financial support from
the Ministry of Culture.
Some cultural institutions have
launched different initiatives to attract money from the private sector. The
National Theatre created an "Association of Business Supporters" and
the National Philharmonic established a special "V.I.P. Subscription
Scheme". These initiatives represent a new approach to establish links
between the arts and business.
In an effort to stimulate
inter-sectorial cooperation, the Ministry of Culture of Serbia launched a
competition to reward the best strategic partnership between businesses and the
cultural sector in 2005. The Ministry also created an award for the best achievement
in graphic design, industrial design and branding.
International companies, such as
Philip Morris and Erste Bank, have developed their programmes to support
cultural activities and projects. Philip Morris in Nis is supporting mostly
visual arts activities and culture and education. Erste bank, together with
BCIF - Balkan Community Initiatives Fund (founded in Serbia in 2004) - supports
small artistic initiatives and projects in Serbian provincial cities that have
an Erste bank branch.
Serbia/ 8. Support to creativity and
8.1 Direct and indirect support to
See chapter
8.1.1 to
Serbia/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.1 Special artists funds
The majority of support for
creativity is given to cultural institutions and their productions and to NGOs
on the basis of project competitions.
There are no public incentives for
free-lance artists to, for example, write a book, create a visual art work,
etc. They do have the possibility of applying for funds to support the
exhibition and presentation of their work inside and outside of the country.
However, there are no precise application procedures or any transparency in
decision-making. Only a few private funds support artistic creativity such as:
the "Borislav Pekic" Fund (for writing a novel) or the "Madlena
Jankovic" Fund (usually for musicians).
Real mechanisms of support for
artistic production still need to be created.
Artists are allowed a tax deduction
of between 40-65% on their earnings for expenses related to their work (without
Support to creativity is the most
underdeveloped area of cultural policy, which still needs a lot of work to
build up measures, incentives and instruments. In September 2004, a working
conference, "Cultural Policy and Art Production" was organised at the
University of Arts in Belgrade, which provided a platform to discuss future
policy measures in this field.
In 2007, the New Decree About
Special Recognition / Acknowledgment for Extraordinary Contribution to Arts
Creativity, and a committee for evaluating excellence had been created. The
state budget has an allocation to support 250 "grants" (monthly
allocations) - popularly named "National artistic pensions".
Serbia/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.2 Grants, awards, scholarships
13% of the state cultural budget is
allocated to project funding in all cultural disciplines.
As public cultural institutions and
heritage protection institutes are also entitled to apply for this money, the
share given to individual artists is extremely small (approximately 10% of the
13% above).
Serbia/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.3 Support to professional
artists associations or unions
The fact that professional artists'
associations are legally treated similarly to all other associations (i.e. of
art amateurs) has created a lot of tension between public authorities and those
associations. They have lost all the privileges they once had during socialist
times and have, upon occasion, even been expelled from their premises (because
they happened to be located in buildings which were legally owned by some other
organisation or private person, a fact not challenged before).
A new and completely different
legislative logic is needed to differentiate between professional associations
(which act more as trade unions for freelance artists), groups of amateurs and
NGOs working on policy issues. In this context, a new Association Law
has been put on the Parliament's agenda. It is expected to give artists'
associations the possibility to earn money through their activities and to
invest in projects of NGOs. The general assumption is that this new law will
facilitate artistic workshops, educational activities, and will contribute
towards job creation.
Generally, in Serbia, the
transformation, of a state association of artists, to an association as a
non-governmental organisation, provoked a lot of controversies and negative
reactions among the artistic community, which felt rejected by the state.
Serbia/ 8.2 Cultural consumption and
8.2.1 Trends and figures
The cultural market in Serbia was
ruined during the 1990s due to huge inflation rates and decreasing standards of
quality of life. This also meant that audience numbers decreased, for example,
film viewers decreased from 24 million in 1989 to 4.6 million in 2000. As the
purchasing power of the population decreased, so did the number of buyers of
cultural or artistic goods and services.
During the past decade, about 10.6%
of the population fell below the poverty line and a further 20% people are
barely at the poverty line. There is a difference between poverty levels of the
rural and urban population - 14.2% of the rural population and 7.8% of the
urban population fell below the poverty line. However, there are also some
positive trends which indicate poverty reduction. For example, the Poverty
Index in 1995 was 28.9%, in 2000 it was 36.5%, while in 2002, it was 14.5%.As
the Poverty index represents some kind of purchasing power of the population,
we can expect growth of cultural consumption in the future.
At the end of the 1980s, individual
expenditure on cultural goods and services represented 80% of the total
expenditure for culture. This, in itself, shows how large the art audience was
and how strong and diversified their needs, practices and habits were to
participate in cultural life.
In 1993-1994, due to huge inflation
(100% daily), the price of an art work, a film or a theatre ticket, became
insignificant - both for users and for institutions. The subscription system
collapsed - both for tickets to events such as the opera or subscriptions to
reviews and journals. Audience development and marketing became senseless.
Step by step, the cultural market is
starting to recover. Art collectors are again reappearing, book shops in the
provinces are starting to operate again, as well as cinemas, private theatres,
etc. But, there is still a certain level of reluctance to recreate or offer
subscriptions. One of the reasons could be the following example: in 1993-1995,
publishers of many books or journals collected subscription fees, but then
failed to send the goods to subscribers and therefore the latter lost
confidence in the system. Trust is one of the key "institutions" to
be re-established between the state and the population. The art market is expected
to recover along with the banking and tax-paying system. A new government
campaign slogan is: I love my country - I have to pay taxes on income.
Table 13: Audience and
user figures, 2000-2004
Sector |
2000 |
2003 |
2004 |
of visitors |
of visitors |
Number of visitors |
Serbia |
Serbia |
Serbia |
Museums |
1 295 000 |
1 515 000 |
476 106 |
1 700 000 |
Professional theatres |
904 000 |
989 000 |
598 195 |
927 000 |
Children's theatres |
308 000 |
285 000 |
198 583 |
256 000 |
Amateur theatres |
155 000 |
131 000 |
22 240 |
165 000 |
Library (users) |
5 363 902 |
6 199 029 |
NA |
4 703 000 |
Cinemas |
4 096 000 |
3 056 000 |
1 591 571 |
2 243 000 |
Office for Statistics, Serbia and Office for Statistics, Belgrade (2005)
Book sales dropped from 26 000 000 in 1985 to
11 000 000 in 2000. Although these figures show more than a 60%
decrease, it is important to remember that in 1993-1994, the number was even
lower. In reality, the book market has started to regain its importance as a
cultural practice.
Libraries: The number of library members is diminishing as they often
do not have the books that users are looking for or they only have one or two
copies available for lending. The majority of libraries do not offer an
Internet service, so part of the audience has moved to Internet cafes where
they can find the information they require.
Archives: the number of visitors and users of archives decreased
from 16 907 in 1984 to 8 767 in 2002, due to the fact that archives
have stopped organizing lectures, courses, temporary exhibitions etc
Serbia/ 8.2 Cultural consumption and
8.2.2 Policies and programmes
Over the past two years, the strategy
of cultural policy-makers has been to deal with more general issues, to fight
to establish a new legal framework, to reform cultural institutions and whole
sectors - mostly focusing on the conventional area of cultural policy, such as
production of arts events or heritage restoration and protection. This means
that policy debates about civic participation and citizenship, as well as
instruments and forms of policy measures to promote participation in cultural
life have not yet been developed.
Even so, attendance at many events
and programmes organised by public institutions or with public money are free,
e.g. the Belgrade Summer Festival, all events in libraries, galleries and
similar programmes in cultural centres. However, more and more cultural institutions
are forced to raise the price of their entrance tickets or, as in the case of
the Studentski grad - the cultural centre on the student campus, are starting
to charge an entry fee for the first time. It seems that price is not a
decisive factor of participation. The price of tickets for museums is extremely
low, 30 cents. Concert prices range from 10-15 euros.
Serbia/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.1 Arts education
A debate on programmes and models of
arts education recently began within the Ministry of Education and Sports and
was initiated by the University of Arts, Belgrade. Until now, arts education
has been integrated in the curricula of primary and secondary schools only for
a few disciplines, namely, literature, music, and fine arts. There are no
drama, film or media literacy courses and, during the last ten years, workshops
as well as extracurricular activities have disappeared from a great number of
schools. A new Law on Education has introduced changes to reverse this
trend, which will impact on students entering primary and secondary school in
autumn 2003.
In the past years, only music
education was systematically developed along specific educational lines, starting
with Elementary Music Schools (in each municipality), Secondary Music Schools
(in big cities) and Schools of Higher Musical Education (University of Art in
Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Nis). Two ballet schools, at secondary
level, are located in Belgrade and in Novi Sad. There are also several
secondary schools for design and crafts.
Four public universities in Serbia
and a few private schools offer programmes in the fields of theatre, film, fine
arts, radio and TV. Together, they provide the educational background for a
wide range of artists, art teachers, cultural managers and other professionals
in the cultural field. The education of cultural managers and animators already
began in Serbia in 1960, introducing thinking about productivity, efficiency
and market orientation in the fields of art and culture.
Higher artistic education is
fulfilling the needs of different professional qualifications except in the
fields of ballet, dance and choreography, as well as puppet theatre. Various
initiatives are being planned to launch adequate courses for ballet students
and choreographers. Graduates from art schools (except fine art graduates) can
easily find a job, and there are many professions where the demand is greater
than "the supply" (music teachers, various orchestra players, sound
engineers, cultural managers, etc.).
Art education, outside of the school
curriculum, is left up to municipal cultural institutions (houses of culture)
or individual artists. They are actively proposing courses, workshops, and
events etc., mostly paid by the children themselves. Public (state) art
institutions do not have an arts education policy or department. In autumn
2002, ICOM organised a working group of museum educators to start working on
project proposals to raise money for such programmes. However, within the
system of cultural institutions, there is a network of children and youth
cultural centres, inherited from the socialist period. Today they are making an
effort to adapt their work, considering new forms and practices.
Following the approval of a new University
Law in Serbia in 2006, all the Faculties of Arts are now in the process of
reforming their curricula and methods of teaching according to the Bologna
Process. The first doctoral studies in the arts have been introduced, in many
art domains, as well as the doctoral studies in art theory and art and cultural
management at the University of Arts in Belgrade.
Serbia/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.2 Intercultural education
Intercultural education in Serbia is
not part of the general school curricula, unless one considers the possibility
to learn the "language of the community" (which remained in the
system from the socialist government's educational policy of the 1970s and
means to learn one of the languages of ethnic minorities, i.e. giving the
possibility to Serbian children living in cities with e.g. Hungarian or Slovak
populations, to learn these languages). Education about world cultures,
religions and traditions is integrated within the curricula, as part of
history, geography and literary studies, as well as in music and visual arts.
Art and music schools have introduced, into the general curriculum, artistic
experiences from different parts of the world; literature classes have readings
from the texts belonging to the writers of national cultural minorities'.
In 2003, the Ministry of Education,
under political pressure to introduce religious education in primary schools,
made a compromise to introduce together religious education and civic education.
Within civic education, teachers are encouraged to use arts and culture in
teaching about human rights, citizens' rights and responsibilities,
understanding of different world religions, etc.
The only MA in intercultural
mediation within the cultural management discipline was launched in 2002 at the
University of Arts in Belgrade.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Serbia/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.1 Amateur arts
The number of amateur arts groups
has been in decline. According to statistics from 2000, there are 300 000
amateur artists participating in groups such as theatres, choirs, music, folklore,
etc. The whole amateur arts sector is in "transition", due to the
fact that some of the amateur groups qualify as professionals, for example,
choirs and folklore groups. Some are real groups of art practitioners without
artistic ambitions. Many had premises and administrative staff, which made them
very similar to cultural institutions and were heavily dependent on public
funding. In 1995, the Ministry stopped financing these groups and transferred
responsibility for them to the municipalities. However, the Ministry of Culture
and Media still recognises the need to help reorganise the Serbian union of
amateur artists.
In the period 2004-2006, the policy
of the Ministry of Culture in Serbia underlined the importance of the amateur
movement and has raised financial support for amateur festivals and events. The
Republic's Union of Amateur Associations received, once again, a state subsidy.
The policy priorities of the new Ministry of Culture, since 2007, transferred
this responsibility to local public authorities.
Serbia/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.2 Cultural houses and community
cultural clubs
Cultural centres as "houses of culture" were created throughout
Serbia immediately after World War II, even in the smallest rural communities.
Their principal role was to host cultural associations and amateur arts
activities, as well as to present art works from the major cultural
institutions (exhibitions, films, theatre plays, etc.).
During the 1990s, most of theses
centres survived by renting their spaces to local businesses such as small
shops, billiard clubs and jackpot machines. They also gave their premises to
local amateur groups and associations for their programmes. Today, there are
more then a hundred active "houses of culture". 80 of these entered
the "Capacity Building Programme" supported by the French government
and organised by the Centre for Professional Continuous Development of the
University of Arts, Belgrade.
The role of cultural associations
in the past 10 years was extremely diversified: ranging from those created to
promote state nationalistic cultural policy, to associations created to fight
against such policies. There were also amateur artists' associations, artists'
unions, etc. The most important cultural associations created during the 1990s
regrouped artists around a certain vision, to break internal and external
co-operation barriers. Groups such as "Dah Theatre", "Led
art", "Skart", "Fia" and "Remont" have
widely contributed to the revitalisation of the cultural field and have
introduced new ways of management and networking in Serbia. Amateur art
associations, which were created during the period of socialism, have decreased
both in number and in activities, not being able to find a new mission and a
new purpose in the changing circumstances / conditions.
Throughout the 1990s, newly
created associations and NGOs were very active. As an alternative to the
established cultural system, they succeeded in getting international support
and recognition. Due to this fact, many of the leaders of these NGOs were given
the opportunity to participate in different management programmes and
leadership training courses, which gave them new and better capacities to
function in comparison to those running associations or cultural institutions
in a traditional manner.
In the mid 1990s, the Fund for an
Open Society (Soros Foundation) helped to create a Centre for NGO support,
which provided consultancy and training advice to numerous NGOs in Serbia. Many
were also encouraged and supported by different international organisations and
joined various European and South East European networks and exchange
programmes which provided them with new competencies as well as collegial
support. The result was an improvement of the internal and external networking,
especially in the cultural field and the inclusion of the NGO movement in a
larger socio-political arena (e.g. Balkankult, Association of Alternative
Theatres, etc.).
Serbia/ 9. Sources and Links
9.1 Key documents on cultural policy
Bogicevic, Biljana et al.: Poverty
and Financial Support Reform for Poor People. Belgrade: Centre for
Liberal-democratic Studies, 2003.
Djukic Dojcinovic, Vesna: Tranzicione
kulturne politike - konfuzije i dileme. Belgrade: Zaduzbina Andrejevic,
Djukic Dojcinovic, Vesna: Cultural
Policies in Serbia 1989-2001. Belgrade: Institute for Cultural
Development, 2003.
Dragicevic Sesic, Milena: Cultural
Policy, the Institutional System and Art Trends in Serbia between the
Past and the Future, ed. Dusan Janjic, Belgrade: Forum for Ethnic
Minorities, 1997.
Dragicevic Sesic Milena & Sanjin
Dragojevic. Intercultural dialogue and mediation on the Balkans, University of
Arts, Belgrade, 2007. (CD in English and French)
Dragicevic Sesic, Milena: Cultural
Policies in Central and Eastern Europe - Comparative Approach. Bucharest:
Review 22, 2001.
Dragicevic M., Jovicic S. and Mikic
H.: Strategic Development of Culture in Belgrade. Zbornik Fakulteta
dramskih umetnosti, br. 11-12/2007.
Group of Authors: Models &
Instruments of Belgrade Cultural Policies (Modeli i instrumenti kulturne
politike grada Beograda). Belgrade: Institute for Cultural Development,
Jankovic, Jelena: Place of the
Classical Music Festivals in a Transitional Society. Belgrade: University
of Arts, 2006.
Jovičić, Svetlana and
Mikić, Hristina: Creative industries in Serbia - basic facts and
recommendations, British Council, Belgrade, 2006.
Mikić, Hristina: Potentials
for Creative-led Development in Serbia. Belgrade: Economic policy and
development of Serbia, Faculty of Economics, 2007.
Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir: Ten
Years Against, Serbian Citizens in the Fight for Democracy and an Open Society,
1991-2001. Belgrade: Media Centre, 2001.
Serbia/ 9. Sources and Links
9.2 Key organisations and portals
Cultural policy making bodies
Ministarstvo kulture i medija
Republike Srbije (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia)
Grad Beograd (City of
Government of the Republic of
Provincial Secretariat for Culture
and Education
Professional associations
REMONT - Independent Art
Udruzenje likovnih umetnika
(Association of Visual Artists)
Grant-giving bodies
Pro Helvetia Belgrade
Fund for Open Society,
Cultural statistics and research
Centre for Study of Cultural
Development, Belgrade
Review Kultura, Belgrade
GeoCultural Map of Serbia
UNESCO - ENCATC Survey on Cultural
Management Teaching in the Region
Culture / arts portals
Artists and Art Organisations of
Seecult-portal za kulturu
jugoistocne Evrope / for South East European Cultures
Radio and Television B92
Rastko Project
Communication: A portal for the
Electronic Edition of Cultural and Academic Reviews
Dah Theater
Council of Europe/ERICarts "Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in
Europe, 9th edition", 2008