Report creation date: 14.10.2008 - 11:26
Countr(y/ies): Poland
Poland/ 1. Historical perspective:
cultural policies and instruments
One can identify two basic periods
which characterise the development of Polish cultural policy in the last 50
years. Distinguishing features of the first period - real socialism - include
limited sovereignty, a one-party system and a planned economy. The second
period - liberal democracy and market economy - recovered Polish independence,
introduced parliamentary democracy and principles for a market economy. 1989 is
the watershed year that marked the shift between these two periods and the year
when the first democratic parliamentary election was held in post-communist
Before 1989, cultural activities
were organised under a system characterised by a high level of centralisation,
institutionalisation and a monopoly of state property. Decisions made on the
development of cultural activities were strongly politicised and the creative
arts were under political censorship. The principles of cultural policy were
created by both the Ministry of Culture and Arts and the Cultural Division of
the Central Committee of the PZPR (Polish Communist Party). At the same time
the growth rate of public cultural expenditure was higher than the growth rate
of the GDP, which gave the state legitimacy to act in this field. The
"Fund of Development for Culture" was established in 1982 as a means
to secure this position. Between 1982 and 1989, expenditure on culture within
the overall state budget rose from 1.25% to 1.81%. This relatively high level
of public funding for culture enabled wider access to cultural goods and
services and a feeling that professional stabilisation for artists working
conditions was being achieved.
After 1989, Poland underwent a
process of political and economical transformation and the state re-established
its new responsibilities with a social character. Those responsibilities were
formulated in the introduction to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Article 73
directly refers to the field of culture and states that everyone is granted the
right of freedom of creation, to conduct scientific research and announce their
results, freedom of education and use of cultural assets.
The new principles for organising
and financing cultural activities were formulated in 1993 and presented in the
governmental document entitled The Principles of State Cultural Policy.
According to this document, the Polish government should:
Cultural policy should therefore
achieve the following goals:
These goals are in support of the
principles formulated in 1993. In 2003, efforts were made to prepare Poland for
gaining access to EU funds, especially Structural Funds. In this context,
emphasis has been placed on developing regional approaches to the development
of culture. Cultural identity and the protection of national heritage have been
given top priority since 2005. The year 2006 saw a continuation of a
significant shift in the overall state policy related to heritage and
establishment of a "historical policy" commenced during the previous
Poland/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.1 Organisational structure
Poland/ 2. Competence, decision-making
and administration
2.2 Overall description of the
There are cultural administration
bodies located at the central (state), regional (Voivodship*), provincial
(poviat) and municipal (gmina) levels.
The central state administration is
the main actor which sets cultural policy objectives and funding principles.
The Ministry of Culture (former Ministry of Culture and National Heritage) is
responsible for legislation, searching and securing new sources of non-public
financing for culture, monitoring the implementation of cultural policy and
keeping track of ongoing changes in the system. In other words, the main
Ministerial tasks are to set the legal, financial and programme frameworks
which facilitate the development of culture. The Ministry does not engage in
the direct management of culture, even though it organises a few activities for
the most important cultural institutions and provides financial support to
cultural events of a regional or local character.
Local authorities (at all tiers: region,
province and municipality) and - to a certain degree - non-governmental
organisations have acquired an important role in cultural policy whether it be
according to state set objectives or creating their own development strategies.
In the latter case, it is important to underline the autonomy and independence
of local governments.
The institutional picture of Polish
culture is changing gradually. The main changes deal with a shift from the
state monopoly over cultural institutions towards diversification of ownership
(including changes to their legal status to private organisations, foundations
or associations) and the creation of third sector institutions. There is a lack
of arm's length culture institutions in Poland, which in other European countries
play a key role in protecting the autonomy of decisions taken in the sphere of
The Cultural Commissions located in
two houses / chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland - Sejm and
Senat - are responsible for legislation in the field of culture. Their role
is to:
The Commission of Culture and Mass
Media of the Sejm specifically deals with issues arising in the
following fields: creativity, dissemination of culture, protection of cultural
heritage, press, radio and television, publishing houses, socio-cultural
movement and cultural co-operation on the international forum / foreign
cultural co-operation.
were formerly part of the state. The new Voivodships are now part of both the
state and local government (self-government) structure. Responsibility for
culture is now in the hands of the self-governing Voivodships.
Poland/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.3 Inter-ministerial or
intergovernmental co-operation
Since 1998, inter-ministerial
co-operation in the field of culture has been extensively organised around the
programmes devoted to the preparation of Poland for EU membership. The European
Committee of the Council of Ministers was formed in March 2004 to operate as a
decision-making forum and is responsible for drafting EU integration policy.
There are also a few examples of
other intergovernmental cooperation:
Poland/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.1 Overview of main structures
and trends
The overall character of Polish
international cultural co-operation is determined by either specific
geographical location or economic and political interest. The main groups that
benefit from Polish cultural diplomacy tend to be part of influential and
opinion-making circles throughout the world, mainly in the Member States of the
EU. In recent years, the most important cultural projects were therefore
realised in Belgium, Austria, France and Germany. On the other hand, Polish cultural
diplomacy supports co-operation with countries on its Eastern border: Ukraine,
Russia and Belarus, the latter via non-governmental bodies. Poland is also
engaged in multilateral co-operation with regional organisations e.g. Visegrad
Group and Ars Baltica. Another very visible focus of cultural co-operation is
the USA, which is tied up with economic lobbying. Cultural links with Israel
are also important due to the historical background of the Jewish Diaspora.
The most distinct change in foreign
cultural policy has been fuelled by Poland's accession to the European Union
and is aimed at strengthening relations with EU structures and West European
countries. Simultaneously, there has been a visible set-back in former
East-East relations. Over the past years, the significance of state bilateral
co-operation has been decreasing and is being replaced by activities initiated
by European organisations and initiatives undertaken by networks, institutions
and individual artists who have pursued their own (direct) forms of
There are two basic forms of
The most important document
concerning international cultural cooperation is a one which has been prepared
by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture entitled: Polish
Foreign Cultural Policy - Priorities for the Period 2001-2003. Originally,
a document was to be prepared every three years. Important implications for
foreign cultural policy are also presented in a programme adopted by the Cabinet
in the year 2000 entitled: A Government Framework Programme for Foreign
Promotion of Polish Accession to the EU. In 2002, the Cabinet accepted the
"Governmental Programme of Cooperation between Poland and Polish people
living abroad" coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Poland/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.2 Public actors and cultural
The main institutional actors in the
promotion of Polish culture abroad are the Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Other ministries and agencies
that also play an important role in this field are the Ministry of Education
and the Ministry of the Economy and other public or private institutions and
organisations such as the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, the International Centre
of Culture, the Book Institute, the Polish National Tourist Office, the Polish
Film Institute, and the Polish Information and Foreign Investments Agency.
The Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are responsible for working out
the priorities of foreign state cultural policy. The Ministry of Foreign
Affairs ratifies the cultural agreements on the government level. Poland has
many bilateral agreements with countries from all over the world (in October
2006 there were 68 binding agreements). The Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage supervises the application of these agreements and the implementation
of cultural cooperation programmes.
In the Ministry of Culture and
National Heritage, international cultural cooperation is the responsibility of
the Department of International Relations and the Department of Cultural
Strategy and European Affairs. Both of these departments are mainly responsible
for coordinating all the actions undertaken in the field of international
cultural cooperation. The Ministry executes the operational programme Promotion
of Poland Abroad. It is devoted to the creation and promotion of a positive
image of Poland in other countries through the presentation of Polish culture,
Polish creators and their activities and by international co-operation in the
field of culture based on particular inter-governmental and inter-ministerial
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
realises its tasks in the field of international cultural cooperation chiefly
through the Polish Institutes based in other countries: Germany (Berlin,
Düsseldorf, Lipsk), Slovakia (Bratislava), Hungary (Budapest), Romania
(Bucharest), United Kingdom (London), France (Paris), Czech Republic (Prague),
Italy (Rome), Bulgaria (Sofia), Sweden (Stockholm), Austria (Vienna), Lithuania
(Vilnius), Israel (Tel Aviv), Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg), Ukraine (Kiev),
United States of America (New York). Co-operation is also undertaken through
Polish embassies and attachés (cultural and science attachés) and the
departments of the Polish Academy of Science in Berlin, Paris, Rome and Vienna.
The programmes related to the
promotion of Polish culture abroad and international cultural cooperation are
mostly implemented by two national (governmental) institutions: The Centre of
International Cultural Cooperation - Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw and
the International Cultural Centre in Cracow.
In recent years, an increasing role
in cultural relations has been carried out by cultural institutions founded by
regional and local authorities as well as NGOs. Many of these institutes help
to influence and shape Polish cultural relations with other countries e.g. Nadbałtyckie
Centrum Kultury in Gdańsk and Ośrodek Pogranicze in
Sejny (see also chapter
Foreign cultural institutes such as
the British Council and the Institute Français no longer play a major role as
cultural operators, although they do organise a series of cultural projects
which are the outcome of co-operation with Polish private and public
institutions. The British Council organises a series of music shows entitled Soundbites
which present various styles of modern music performed by British artists and a
similar programme is organised by the Institute Français entitled La
Republique de la Musique.They also run popular and respected language
schools that educate both students and teachers.
Some of the bilateral agreements
with other countries include the promotion of film co-production. This enables
film-makers, who apply for funding in the framework of bilateral co-production,
to receive state support. Poland is also a party to the European Convention
on Cinematographic Co-production (1994) and to the EURIMAGES FUND (1988) -
the Council of Europe fund for the co-production, distribution and exhibition
of European cinematographic works, which has currently 32 Member States.
EURIMAGES aims to promote the European film industry by encouraging the
production and distribution of films and fostering co-operation between
There are no official statistics in
Poland for public spending on intercultural co-operation. However some
calculations are available for the year 2000 which were prepared for the EFAH /
INTERARTS study on the State of European Cultural Co-operation
(Brussels, 2002). The expenditure of the Ministry of Culture on international
cooperation in 2000 was estimated to be 18 349 000 PLN
(4 624 000 euros), which constituted 1.7% of the budget of the
Ministry of Culture (however this is regarded as a low estimate). As a more
current example, in 2005 the expenditure of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute on
the realisation of international cultural projects (e.g. Polish-German Year)
amounted to 4 064 000 PLN. An additional sum of 3 700 000
PLN was earmarked for funding other tasks of the Institute connected with
international co-operation. In 2005, the Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage's expenditure on the cultural operational programme entitled Promotion
of Polish Culture abroad was 10 500 000 PLN.
Since 2006 a new operational
programme established by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage called Promotion
of Polish Culture Abroad gives various institutions and organisations an
opportunity to gain financial support for projects aimed at popularising Polish
culture in other countries. According to the ministerial statistics,
7 million PLN was allocated in 2006.
Poland/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.3 European / international
actors and programmes
Poland became a party to the UNESCO
Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
in 1976. Since then it has been involved in the work of the World Heritage
Committee aimed at the preservation and conservation of cultural properties. As
a result of these efforts two Polish cultural and natural sites were included
on the prestigious World Heritage List two years later (in 1978) - Cracow
Historical Centre and Wieliczka Salt Mine. In 2005, there were 12 Polish
cultural and natural properties on the List, the latest being Muskauer Park in
The UNESCO Convention on the
Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was ratified
in Poland in 2007. The Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage had
declared earlier that the Convention would be ratified by the end of 2006 but
this was not fulfilled. The late adoption of this important document can be
partly explained by the lack of special coalitions of politicians, artists and
UNESCO national commission representatives (similar to those in Germany, Canada
and Switzerland) that could contribute to and benefit from a quick ratification
of the convention within cultural circles. The convention was adopted through a
simplified procedure by the government without parliamentary voting.
In the framework of co-operation
with the Council of Europe, Polish activity is aimed at the enhancement
of the protection of monuments on the international level. This means
comprehensive Polish involvement in some important Council of Europe projects:
European Heritage Days and HEREIN. Poland has been involved in the organisation
of the European Heritage Days since 1999. In 2000, Poland joined the European
Network of Heritage "HEREIN" - a project aimed at creation of an
Internet database of policies for the protection of monuments in Europe.
Polish presence in the Council of
Europe has been strongly enhanced since its chairmanship of the Committee of
Ministers from November 2004 until May 2005. Poland took the initiative to
organise the opening conference to mark the 50th anniversary of the European
Cultural Convention, which concluded with the adoption of the Wroclaw
Declaration, a crucial document for the future of the Council of
Europe-led collaboration in the areas of culture. In addition, the Third Summit
of the Heads of State held in Warsaw in May 2005 adopted two important
documents referring to the guidelines for future action in the area of European
unity, European values and challenges for co-operation: the Warsaw Declaration
and Action Plan.
Prior to taking up membership in the
European Union in 2004, Poland had already participated in some of the EU
funding programmes. Since EU accession, Poland has benefited from the
Structural Funds.
As part of the preparatory
activities for EU membership, Poland joined the SOCRATES programme in 1996 -
which is aimed at expanding European co-operation in the domain of education.
In 1998, Poland formally became an active member of SOCRATES. Polish participation
in the programme's components - such as "Erasmus",
"Commenius" and "Youth" - facilitates the participation of
young people in various activities at the European level. In recent years, in
particular, the exchange of students and academic professionals in the
framework of the "Erasmus" programme has become a real tool for the
encouragement of trans-national activities for young Polish people. The
participation figures are growing constantly: only 1 426 students were involved
in the university exchange programme in the school year 1998/1999, whereas in
2005/2006 the figure had risen to 9 974. For academic teachers, the
participation rates rose from 678 in 2000/2001 to 1 740 in 2005/2006.
Figures for admission to Polish universities under the programme also rose
considerably from 220 in 1998/1999 to 3 063 in 2005/2006. In the first
academic year of the Polish participation in the exchange programme only 46
Polish higher education institutions were involved while in the year 2005/2006
this number rose to 217. The total budget for the Polish students exchange
programme in 2005/2006 amounted to 17.5 million euro and for academic lecturers
it was 1.1 million.
The European Union Programme Culture
2000, which Poland joined in 2001, creates the possibility for the promotion of
Polish culture via multilateral co-operation with cultural organisations from
the other Member States. Polish participation in Culture 2000 is constantly
growing: in 2001 Polish operators were involved in 14 projects, while this
figure rose to 46 projects in 2005 - involving 79 Polish organisations. The
total EU funding given to the projects which included Polish participants was 6
million euros in 2005.
EU Structural Funds: 217 projects were chosen in May 2006 by the voivodships to
be funded under the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP). The total
budget of the projects was 1 282 981 749 PLN (c.a. 321 million
euro). Most of the projects were placed within action 1.4. Development of
Tourism and Culture (37.3% of all projects in the field of culture). The
remaining projects in the field of culture fell into the following categories: 3.1.
Rural Areas (24.9%); 3.2. Industry Regeneration Areas (14.3%); 3.3.
Disadvantaged Metropolitan, Post-Industrial and Post-Military Areas (17.5%);
1.5. Information Society Infrastructure (3.2%); and 1.3.1. Regional
Educational Infrastructure (2.8%).
The largest applications in the
field of culture were chosen from the Śląskie voivodship -
149.75 million PLN, and the lowest total value from the Podlaskie
voivodship - 30.83 million PLN.
Graph 1:
Classification of the types of projects funded, 2005
Poland is a member of Visegrad Group
(V4), which reflects the efforts of the countries of the Central European
region to work together in a number of fields of common interest relating to
European integration. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have
historically been part of one civilisation sharing cultural and intellectual
values and common roots of religious traditions which they wish to preserve and
further strengthen. All the V4 countries aspired to become members of the
European Union, perceiving their integration in the EU as another step forward
in the process of overcoming artificial dividing lines in Europe through mutual
support. They reached this aim on 1 May 2004 when they all became members of
All of the activities of the
Visegrad Group are aimed at strengthening stability in the Central European
region. The participating countries perceive their cooperation as a challenge
and its success as the best proof of their ability to integrate into structures
such as the European Union. In order to support multilateral co-operation the
Visegrad Fund was established in 2000. The mission of the Fund is to promote
the development of closer cooperation between the Czech Republic, Hungary,
Poland and Slovakia and strengthening of ties between these states. The fund
supports the development of common cultural, scientific research, and
educational projects, exchanges between young people, promotion of tourism and
cross-border cooperation.
The budget of the Fund is created by
equal annual contributions of the four Member States. Since 2005, Member States
agreed to contribute euro 750 000 each, providing a total annual budget of
euro 3 000 000. In 2006, the sum amounted to euro 5 million, thanks
to the increased subscription of 1 250 000. The V4 Fund carries out a
grant programme aimed at enhancing the co-operation between member countries
and cultural projects particularly welcomed. There are three types of grants,
each dedicated to projects of different dimensions. Another form of financial
support to creativity and education is the Visegrad Scholarship Programme for students,
with a budget of euro 1 306 000. The most recent grant from V4
addressed to cultural circles is the Artist Residencies Programme. It was
created to facilitate artistic exchanges of artists from the Visegrad Group
countries willing to implement artistic projects in the area. The programme
covers 3 month stays and assures fees of 750 euro for visiting artists and the
same amount for the hosting organisations.
The current activity of the V4 Group
in the field of culture is focused on matters connected with participation in
EU bodies as well as on current issues like the protection of cultural heritage
or the role and functioning of libraries. Presently, the V4 Group is seeking a
platform of co-operation with partners from the Ukraine and Belarus.
Poland is also a member of Ars
Baltica - created in 1989 as a forum for multilateral cultural co-operation
with an emphasis on common projects within the Baltic Sea Region. It gives
priority to art, culture and cultural history. The intention of Ars Baltica is
to enhance cultural identity in the Baltic Sea Region and also to realise
projects of European significance. Its goal is to implement common projects,
with the intention that they will become regular networks of individuals and
organisations. Co-operation between the members is carried out by meetings,
exchanges of information and joint projects. There are 10 member countries at
present including: Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania,
Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden). A number of Polish cultural operators have
been involved in projects such as the: Towns on the Baltic Coast and their
Common Heritage and Baltic Culture and Tourism Fortresses' Route. The
Secretariat of Ars Baltica is situated in the Polish institution
Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury.
Poland is a member of CEEPUS -
Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies which was
established in 1993. The member states are: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, and the Ukraine. In the
framework of this programme, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
supports international exchange of students of from higher arts education
institutions (high schools) and provides funding for study visits.
The scholarship programme of the
Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Gaude Polonia, is aimed at
young artists as well as translators of Polish literature from countries of
Eastern Europe. Each six-month scholarship covers accommodation costs in Poland
and artistic training. There is also a Polish government scholarship for
foreign students, co-ordinated by the Ministry of Education, which supports
international exchange in this area.
Poland/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.4 Direct professional
Polish NGOs are the main
institutions that devote attention to the issue of intercultural dialogue.
Moreover, in some cases, they are more committed to the process of establishing
partnerships with foreign institutions than with local governmental bodies. The
project Metropolises of Europe (see also chapter
4.2.1 and chapter
4.2.2) confirms the role of NGOs (Pro Cultura Foundation in this case) in
introducing and implementing modern research in the broad field of culture,
including the theme of multiculturalism which seemed to be neglected in Polish
cultural policy. The resulting publication entitled "Metropolises of Europe.
Diversity in Urban Cultural Life" is a good example of the involvement of
a Polish NGO in the subject of intercultural dialogue.
The Foundation Pogranicze (Borderland),
situated in Sejny - a small town near to the Lithuanian border - provides
various programmes (together with the Centre Borderland of Arts, Cultures
and Nations) for students, artists, cultural activists etc. Sejny is a town
where the atmosphere of multiculturalism is still vibrant (in the past it was a
village inhabited by Jews, Poles, Lithuanians, Russians and Germans - a perfect
example of the cultural blend that was characteristic of Poland before World
War II). The Foundation is very interested in extending its projects that
result in co-operation with European and world organisations involved in
intercultural and trans-national issues. In June 2005, the Foundation
Pogranicze was one of the co-organisers of the 2nd Colloquium of
Intercultural Dialogue which took place in Tbilisi, Georgia and gathered many
specialists in cultural, social and religious affairs. Sejny based institutions
are very active and give support to many initiatives aimed at promoting
tolerance and peaceful co-existence of many ethnic and national groups.
In May 2006, the Minister of Culture
and National Heritage established the Cultural Non-governmental Cultural
Organisations Council - an advisory body appointed for a 4-year term of
office. However, many NGO workers are disappointed as this body is composed of
representatives of big associations representing interests of particular
creative disciplines and artistic unions. Research organisations and innovative
non-governmental projects had been neglected within the process of the
council's establishment. The council's activity can hardly be noticed and no
comprehensive information on its actions is presented by the ministerial
Poland/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.5 Cross-border intercultural
dialogue and co-operation
There are interesting cases of
cross-border intercultural dialogue and cooperation involving Poland. Below is
a "case of good practice" prepared by Rostyslav Kramar, senior
lecturer, Warsaw University, the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East
Slavonic Studies, the Department of Ukrainian Studies.
Kiev-Warsaw - a Common Cause: The process of profound social changes in the Ukraine in
autumn 2004 brought about the activation of Ukrainians and the pro-Ukrainians
in Warsaw. The Kiev-Warsaw - a Common Cause concert, organised by
Ukrainian and Polish civic initiatives, with the support from the Warsaw
authorities, became a symbol of the phenomenal interest in Ukraine and of the
solidarity with the Ukrainian democracy.
The initiative itself came from
students: Poles and Ukrainians studying in Warsaw. From the students community,
two youth groups emerged which then were transformed into the Free Ukraine
(Wolna Ukraina,,
created by the Poles and The Initiative "Our choice - Ukraine"
(Inicjatywa "Nasz Wybór - Ukraina",,
created by the Ukrainian students. The initiators addressed the city
authorities with a proposal to organise jointly a concert of solidarity with
the Ukrainian democracy. Polish music and TV stars, and social activists were
invited. To underline the symbolic bond between Poland and Ukraine the event
was organised at the Piłsudski Square (where the alliance between two
great leaders Piłsudski and Petlura took place during the Bolshevik war).
In order to inform the Ukrainians
about the event, it was decided that the Polish public television Channel 3 and
the opposition Ukrainian channel 5 would organise jointly a transmission bridge
between Warsaw and Kiev. The Warsaw authorities were in favour of this
initiative. The Office of Theatre and Music, the Stołeczna Estrada and the
city community services (transport, police) took part in the organisation of
the event.
The efforts of the organisers, among
which was also the Union of Ukrainians in Poland, made it possible to prepare
the event in merely 48 hours. A day before the concert, a large media campaign
was launched. It should be noted that also the commercial media joined the
campaign on a non-profit basis. Popular actors and musicians, representing all
age groups and styles, took part - from those known in the 1980s to hip-hop
performers. For example the Ukrainian jazz singer Roksana Wikaluk, actors such
as Daniel Olbrychski, Piotr Machalica, Stanisław Tym, Robert Kudelski,
Michał Żebrowski, Agata Buzek, also the Rampa Theatre presented
parts of the "Wielka Woda" play, Elektryczne Gitary, Gawęda
and a folk group from Gdansk Chutir gave concerts, as well as many
others. Robert Leszczyński, a well-known TV music presenter, hosted the
concert. The event was opened by Lech Kaczyński, the then President of
The outdoor beams and live TV
transmission from the Ukrainian capital were also a success. Two beams on the
square showed, during breaks, what was happening in Kiev, whilst those gathered
in Kiev could watch fragments of the Warsaw concert. Also during the concert
there was a connection with those in the Independence square in Kiev. Victor
Jushchenko's spokesperson Iryna Gerashchenko stressed the role Poland played in
the negotiations between the Ukrainian opposition and the authorities. In spite
of the cold rainy weather about 5 000 people attended the concert and the
whole square was covered by the colour of the revolution - orange.
The fact that the success of the
concert, a cultural undertaking with a very positive effect on the relationship
between Poland and Ukraine (which not long ago was not very good), was a result
of co-ordinated work and engagement of a Polish civic initiative, Ukrainian
minority and the city authorities, is undoubtedly important.
European cultural meetings "Europe of neighbours: new prospects"
The idea of European Cultural
Meetings is one of the results of an inter-ministerial conference which took
place in Berlin in November 2004 where a "Berlin Declaration" was
signed by cultural officials from several European countries, including Poland.
In effect, regular meetings devoted to cultural co-operation, intercultural
dialogue and the role of culture in European integration started to take place
regularly in various cities.
The latest conference was held in
the city of Lublin on 12th - 13th October 2006. The subject was trans-border
and intercultural co-operation and the issue of "new neighbourhoods"
in the context of EU enlargement. Historically, Lublin is strongly connected
with multiculturalism as it was situated on a trade route followed by many
ethnic and cultural groups. Among invited guests were ministers responsible for
culture and education from France, Denmark, Finland, Ukraine, Turkey, Slovakia,
and Estonia, representatives of the Council of Europe and NGO activists.
Special guests came from Belarus and discussed the difficult position of the
non-governmental structures in their country. The general aim of the event was
to widely discuss possible measures to build efficient cultural co-operation
with the future members of the European community from the south-eastern part
of the continent. In this context, factors such as new media, dialogue between
cultures and religions were indicated as relevant.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Poland/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.6 Other relevant issues
Regular co-operation with Polish
Diaspora communities, which live mostly in the USA, Great Britain and France,
as well as dissemination of information on Polish cultural heritage beyond the
borders, is one of the major tasks of Polish foreign and cultural policy.
Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Polska (Association) gives funding to projects
elaborated by associations or institutes established by the Polish Diaspora.
The Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage, as well as other institutions like the State Archives and the
National Library, have been involved for many years in disseminating
information on Polish heritage outside of Poland as well as safeguarding and
protecting monuments, sites, archives e.g. in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Estonia.
Most of this activity is realised via bilateral agreements (MSZ). Poland
financially supports the following areas in this field:
The Permanent Conference of Museums,
Archives and Polish Libraries in the West involves 20 institutes operating in
Canada, Great Britain, USA, Italy, France, etc., which can apply to the
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for funding of their projects via
Polish partners since 2005.
Poland/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.1 Main elements of the current
cultural policy model
When developing the new model for
Polish cultural policy, various systems were considered. First, the old social
democratic / social democracy approach was examined, but was quickly rejected
as a basic model because it was demanding and related too much to the Communist
era. During the first three years of transformation, there was strong support
for a more neo-liberal approach, but it was then dismissed as an option for the
future. Today the "third way" has become a popular approach. It is
based on the welfare state model and advocates partnership between the state
and an active civil society. Despite the potential role of third sector
organisations - foundations or associations - they are still not regarded as
real partners of local authorities or state in the field of culture (e.g. as
cultural managers or as agencies to distribute public funds).
In summary, the major changes which
have taken place in the cultural sector since 1989 revolve around 6 main axes:
Today, the Polish cultural policy
model is characterised by a high level of decentralisation, which emphasises
the important position and role of local authorities.
The process of decentralisation for the
management and financing of culture is connected to the introduction of various
legal acts which initiated an overall reform of the national political system
and transferred many competencies in the field of culture to local authorities
and their administration. For example, the 1990 Act on Local Authorities
states that responsibility for libraries and other institutions aimed at the
local dissemination of culture is to be devolved to local authorities.
As a result of the second phase in
the overall administrative reform, two new tiers of local level management were
established: provincial and voivodship. These two new levels became legally
obligated to provide public activity within the area of "culture and
protection of its goods". Responsibility for local culture activity and
the establishment of local cultural institutions, once the sole domain of
municipalities, is now shared between the provincial, Voivodship and municipal
The gradual assumption of
responsibility for culture by local authorities was accompanied by a revamped
of funding strategy, with local authorities allocated 78.1% of public funds for
culture in 2004 (79.4% in 2003; 81.1% in 2002).
Changes in the public responsibility
for culture came in the wake of a more general process of decentralisation of
state powers and the subsequent reform of several laws. For example, overall
tax law reforms and amendments which introduced relief and exemptions for
people making charitable donations were also applicable to the cultural sector.
One of the assumptions has been that the overall reforms will automatically be
beneficial to the needs of the cultural sector and therefore it has not been
actively involved in shaping, but rather adapting to the new realities in
Poland. In the last two years the adaptation process has continued and has been
aimed at assisting Polish culture to benefit from European Union funds.
In the second half of 2002, the
Minister of Culture, Andrzej Celiński, made an unsuccessful attempt to
reform the general system of financing and organising the cultural sector.
The policy of the next Minister
Waldemar Dąbrowski was focused on an opportunity to co-finance Polish
culture from EU resources, especially from the Structural Funds. It should be
also noticed that Minister Dąbrowski made significant efforts to elaborate
a new financing system for Polish cinematography. Unfortunately, Dąbrowski
did not manage to carry out an eagerly awaited reform of Polish cultural
policy. Neither did his successor Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski. He has been
in office since the beginning of the Kaczyński's governance (2005). As his
party lost the election a few days ago, Ujazdowski has to resign. However his
governance effected an increase in public expenditure for cultural purposes,
which was 22% more in 2006 than in the previous year. The cultural priority set
by the government was the protection of national heritage, therefore
Ujazdowski's policy successfully contributed to an improvement in this field
which had been seriously neglected by previous governments. Still, Polish
cultural policy suffers from a lack of systemic reform.
(One should notice that the
information presented above is directly connected with the issues described in chapter
4.1. To understand the topic completely please read chapter
3.1 and chapter
Poland/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.2 National definition of culture
An official definition of culture in
the Republic of Poland is still being debated. Unofficially, culture is being
defined as both "an area of social life which helps to create values"
and as "a field in which artistic creation has a major role". These
two aspects are presented in several government documents such as
"Cultural Policy of the State in a New Historical Situation", a speech
of the Minister of Culture at the conference entitled "The Situation of
Polish Culture at the Time of Transformation 1989 - 1997".
In reality, the problem is not the
definition of culture, but the scope of state responsibilities for culture and
the interests of the Ministry of Culture (see chapter
The emphasis being placed on
national heritage, for example, is on the one hand easy to understand in the
light of globalisation and European integration processes. On the other hand it
generates fears of a traditional understanding of culture and raises questions
about support for contemporary cultural issues and activities.
A new attitude towards culture can
also be noticed. One example is the effort being made to stress the economic
value of culture. The latter is, however, creating a separation between
subsidised culture, which is a central objective of state cultural policy, and
its industries. More and more objections are being voiced regarding this
separation. This new way of defining culture is reflected in the 2004
government document, The Strategy for Development of Culture 2004-2007.
In this document, culture is defined as one of the elementary factors of
development, the basis of intellectual capital, while it also encourages equal
opportunities in access to culture and promotes economic growth through rising
investment attractiveness of particular territorial units and Poland as a whole
culture is also the basic determinant in defining the metropolitan functions of
cities in a spatial, economic and social context.
Poland/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.3 Cultural policy objectives
Contemporary cultural policy of the
Republic of Poland reflects the major objectives of the Council of Europe
policy dealing with: decentralisation and democratisation of the decision
making processes, observing the principle of transparency of the decision
making, compliance with the rules of diversity and subsidiarity and departing
from the idea of placing culture on the periphery of public administration. Of
course, it is easier to comply with the rules in a declarative manner rather than
applying them.
However, it is important to keep in
mind that while it may be popular to adopt commonly defined democratic
principles and cultural policy objectives, the way in which these principles
are formulated and implemented can not be harmonised. In this context, Poland
has the ambition to find its own cultural policy model rather than merely
replicating established models and solutions from Western European
Poland/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.1 Main cultural policy issues and
According to the position of the
Polish government laid out in the "The Principles of the Cultural
Policy" and adopted by the Council of Ministers in 1993, the cultural
policy objectives of the state are:
Cultural policy priorities
established by the Ministry of Culture for the newly established democracy were
published in 1995. The three most important areas for state support were
identified as books, the protection of national heritage and cultural
In 1998, a general framework was
presented which identified the major directions and activities of the Ministry
of Culture and Arts in the following areas:
In 1999, the "Directions of
Cultural Policy of the State / Government" were published and
described the basic duties of the state in the following areas:
Priorities established in 1998 and
1999 were carried out by the government with different levels of success. There
were some concerns voiced over the long list of priorities and that they were
being mixed up with principles. In fact, while there were several priorities
listed, in practice, there were no priorities at all.
The years 2001 and 2002 can be
considered a turning point when the Culture Minister Andrzej Celiński's
programme of reforms became the subject of consultations. The programme
included comprehensive changes in the organisational and financial system for
Polish culture. A principal objective of the programme was to make changes to
the legislation concerning the organisation of cultural activities and state
support to the field of cinematography. New sources of financing for culture
were also proposed including financing culture from state lottery funds which
was eventually introduced.
The following Minister of Culture,
Waldemar Dąbrowski, specified new priorities for 2003 as follows:
In 2004, encouraging access to
European Union funds was a priority for the Ministry of Culture. The Minister
created the Plenipotentiary for Structural Funds and an extensive document
entitled The National Strategy for the Development of Culture (NSRK)
for 2004-2007 was developed. The NSRK was accepted by the Polish
government on 21st September 2004 and contains: a detailed analysis of the
condition of Polish culture, a new mission for the development of culture in
Poland, aims and a plan to achieve these aims. Operative programmes for the
realisation of the development strategy for culture were also implemented.
The strategic aim of the NSRK is
"balanced development of culture in the regions". The strategy was
created centrally for the fully territory of Poland but it defines coherent
horizontal actions that are to be realised in the regions.
Three instruments which were deemed
essential for the implementation of the NSRK were accepted:
The NSRK defines financial sources
for the strategy, taking Structural Funds and other European funds into
The arrival of the National
Development Programme for 2007-2013 forced the Minister of Culture to extend
the period of the National Culture Development Strategy. As a result, a
document extending the strategy was prepared entitled the "National Development
Strategy Supplement for 2004-2020".
The supplement included:
At the end of 2005, Michał
Ujazdowski became Minister of Culture. The name of the Ministry was changed
from the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
On the 17th of December 2005, during a press conference, the Minister presented
guidelines for the cultural policy and protection of heritage programme. These
were then included in a document: Policy on Support to the Field of Culture
and National Heritage. The new Minister underlined the necessity of
continuing the policy of his predecessor, especially as regards benefiting from
the EU funds. At the same time he stressed the need to introduce a new priority
into cultural policy - the broadly defined cultural heritage. The points of the
programme are:
On the basis of the new guidelines, a
list of priorities has been created which formed the National Operational
Culture Programmes for 2006:
A résumé of Minister Ujazdowski's
governance had been included in a document entitled Full-scale Patronage.
Cultural Policy of the State in the Years 2005-2006. This is not a
programme-shaping document however firm stress is laid on the new
"patriotic" approach to national culture. National institutions of
culture are listed there and some of the Minister's achievements named.
Although national martyrology. We understand national martyrology as putting
traditional values, history (especially its chapters related to the struggle
against foreign invasions and protection of the national values) and homage to
those who fought for the country's independence on the top of the list of the
priorities. still seems to be the focal point of the current cultural
policy model, it must be emphasised that thanks to the current approach an
improvement in the field of preservation of the assets and development of
projects related to the national heritage must be considered. Nonetheless, the
aforementioned paper presents a rather one-sided vision of Polish cultural
policies, focused on re-thinking and reformulating the image of the national
culture. It also illustrates a decrease in the level of decentralisation and
confirms the Ministry's role as the main governing body in the field of
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.1 Cultural minorities, groups
and communities
Between 3 and 4% of the Polish
population are national minorities including: Germans, Ukrainians (including
Łemkowie), Belarussians, Latvians, Slovaks, Roma, Jews and Czechs.
Descendants of Karaims, Ormians and Tatars also live in Poland and reflect its
diverse history.
Article 35 of the Polish Constitution ensures that national and ethnic
minorities retain freedom to practice their own traditions and customs, and to
use their national language.
The Department of Culture for
National Minorities located within the Ministry of Culture (until the end of
2004), was responsible for supporting the cultural activities of minorities.
For example, the Department financially supported magazines of individual
minority groups: Belarussian "Niva", Ukrainian "Our word",
German "Schlesisches Wochenblatt" or Jewish "Dos Idyshe
Wort". Local radio broadcasters present programmes prepared in the
language of different minority groups. Several festivals and competitions are
also organised by the state and local authorities such as: the Festival of
Ukrainian Culture, Belarussian Song, Latvian Saskrydis, Festival Białystok
- Grodno, International Festival of Church Slavonik Music in Hajnowka. In
January 2005 the cultural affairs of minorities became the responsibility of
the National and Ethnic Minorities' Cultural Affairs Group within the Ministry
of the Interior and Administration. This unit is responsible for supporting
cultural, educational and linguistic activities of minorities. Dissemination of
information about minorities is also one of the group's main purposes.
The National and Ethnic Minorities
and Regional Languages Act was
adopted by the Polish Parliament on 6th January 2005. This is the first legal
document that gives a precise definition of national and ethnic minorities in
Poland. This Act describes "national minorities" as those groups who
identify themselves with an established country / nation i.e., Germans,
Ukrainians, Jews etc. It also defines "ethnic minorities" as those
who do not have their own country - those who are state-less such as the Roma
people. Other points of the legal definition are common for both types of
This Act is perceived as
controversial by many experts, politicians and social activists. Some of its
items provoked a discussion about the situation of new minorities e.g. the
Vietnamese. The National and Ethnic Minorities and Regional Languages Act
emphasises that a foreign community can only be recognised as a national and
ethnic minority if its ancestors had lived in Poland for at least a hundred
years. Currently, the Vietnamese are a significant and continually increasing
community in major Polish cities. They do not, however, enjoy equal rights with
other, officially acknowledged minorities. The law has been criticised for not
including such communities.
The only minority group with
parliamentary representation are the Germans (two deputies in the Lower
Chamber). Other communities have their representatives in local governments. In
a few communes in various regions of the country, German and Lithuanian
obtained a status of "auxiliary languages" and public information is
published both in Polish and German or Lithuanian.
Other examples of locally supported
activities are: the protection of cultural monuments representing minorities,
inventory and restoration of Jewish cemeteries and the conservation of icons
and polychrome in Orthodox churches located in Sanok and Komańcza. The
2005 National and Ethnic Minorities and Regional Languages Act foresees
concentration of all these issues, including cultural matters, within the
competence of a Minister responsible for religious, national and ethnic
minority affairs.
Roma People
An inter-institutional governmental
programme was set up in 2003 by a Decision of the Council of Ministers to
address the issue of the Roma community in Poland. It established a common
platform involving the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Ministry of
National Education and Sport as well as local authorities, NGOs and Roma
associations. Its fundamental goal is to lead the Roma to full participation in
public life and to address the divisions that exist between this group and the
rest of society. Integrated action will be taken on different levels in the
domains of education, employment, health, living conditions, and how the Roma
function within the civic society.
One of the programme's objectives is
to take action in the area of culture and preservation of the Roma identity,
especially aimed at supporting Roma artistic initiatives. Support is given for
actions that carry out scientific research concerning the Roma culture and
history, that help to create new music groups, prepare cultural events, and
enhance publishing activity etc. In accordance with the data included in the
report on the realisation of the Programme in 2006, the total public funding of
activities organised on behalf of the Roma community amounted to more than 9
million PLN (5 million PLN in 2005). The Programme received support from extra
budgetary sources - more than 5 million PLN (2 million PLN in 2005). The
2006 breakdown of expenses shows that 445 000 PLN was earmarked for
scholarships for Roma students and young people with artistic abilities
(127 000 PLN in 2005). The highest amount set aside for realisation of
activities co-funded from the programme resources was expended in
Małopolskie Voivodship. Dolnośląskie and Śląskie
Voivodships ranked second and third. The recent results of the Programme are
promising in terms of the Roma participation figures in educational and
cultural actions.
Roma associations participated
actively in all these actions. They constituted 28% of the total number of
organisations involved in these activities.
City of Warsaw
In 2004-2005, a comprehensive study
was conducted on multiculturalism in the city of Warsaw as part of a larger
European project "Metropolis of Europe: Diversity in Urban Cultural
Life" co-financed by the European Commission and co-ordinated by the
CIRCLE network. The forms of cultural diversity examined in the context of this
study were: ethnically-marked cultural differences associated with the
international movement of peoples across and within national territories; and
claims to difference associated with the protracted struggles of in situ
minorities to maintain their identity and specificity in the face of the
homogenising force of national cultures.
The study describes Warsaw as a city
which lost its multicultural face due to dramatic events of the twentieth
century. After 1989, a new social setting was created that provided the
opportunity for a multicultural revival in Warsaw. The systemic breakthrough
provided minorities with the legal freedom of cultural creativity. Increasing
numbers of immigrants significantly enriched the cultural offer in the Polish
capital city. The majority of minorities in Warsaw engage in cultural
activities which focus on "preserving" an identity and, occasionally,
"presenting" it to the general public. City policy supports such
cultural practices rather than "multiculturalism" or "cultural
diversity". The cultural reality of Warsaw is still in many ways based on
a mono-cultural model of the ethnic majority, national culture being simply an
extension of the ethnic majority culture. Sometimes those cultural events which
are organised (or co-organised) by minorities acquire a political significance,
which is usually oriented toward their country of origin or national
affiliation, e.g. in the case of the "orange revolution" in Ukraine,
events in the countries of the Caucasus, the struggle for human rights in
Vietnam etc. The report calls on the development of a cultural policy for
minority cultures that goes beyond religious rites and the marketplace. Warsaw
is still waiting for a coherent and well meant policy aimed at integrating
minorities; a policy to be addressed to both the Warsaw Polish majority and
minorities and aimed at promoting dialogue as well as the creative co-existence
of cultures. Political will as well as collaboration on all levels of local
government, the Ministry of Culture, artistic communities and, last but not
least, minorities' representatives, are required. The city civil servants
responsible for culture should be more flexible in their views on
multiculturalism and, in fact, they are daily becoming more and more so and are
engaged in working out programmes favouring multicultural development.
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.2 Language issues and policies
The official national language is
Polish. The national interest in protecting the Polish language was expressed
through the adoption of The Polish Language Act in 1999 (see also
There is currently no debate on
minority languages in Poland. Particular projects focused on sustaining
minority traditions and languages are financially supported by the Ministry of
Culture, for example the publication of periodicals.
Poland/ 4.3 Recent policy issues and
4.2.3 Intercultural dialogue:
actors, strategies, programmes
Intercultural dialogue is becoming
more and more identified as one of the priorities of the Polish Ministry of
Culture and National Heritage. Up to now, a lot of work undertaken on issues of
dialogue with recognised national and ethnic minority groups has been done
through local organisations and institutions.
The following cases of good practice
were presented in the project "Metropolises of Europe: Diversity in Urban
Cultural Life" (see also chapter
4.2.1). The first two cases were elaborated by Rostyslav Kramar, senior
lecturer, Warsaw University, the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East
Slavonic Studies, the Department of Ukrainian Studies. The third case study was
prepared by Wanda Górska, Head of Bielany District Cultural Unit.
The "Koka" music company: The initiators
of "Koka" are young persons from the Ukrainian community, which took
part in the 1980s ferment comprised of Polish inspirations and western
counter-culture with the discovery of their own ethnic roots. One of the
expressions of this ferment was the creation of a rock band Oseledec (which
gave concerts in Warsaw) and a low-edition periodical
"Widryżka", published in Warsaw. Among the most important
accomplishments of "Koka" were: the Polish edition of a long-play of
a popular British group "The Ukrainians", the co-organisation of
events such as the above mentioned youth festival and the Independent Ukrainian
Music Festival (with the participation of the Warsaw "Postregiment"
group) in Lvov in 1995. Moreover, "Koka" published many long-play
recordings and cassettes with various kinds of Ukrainian music - from folk music
to rock avant-garde and organised concert tours of Ukrainian artists. According
to the company manager's estimates, ethnic Ukrainians made up one fifth of the
buyers. The rest were the young Poles with a growing interest in Ukrainian
music. In February 1999 the Polish pop magazine "Machina" published a
large article on Ukrainian music in the Polish scene and attached to each issue
a CD compilation of Ukrainian music, prepared by "Koka". Taking into
consideration the large edition that the paper had at the time (about
70 000 copies), it can be said that it was the first presentation of young
Ukrainian culture in Poland on such a large scale. Regrettably, the sad reality
of the market did not allow "Koka" to continue its intense cultural
activities in the following years, which demonstrates the existence of real
barriers hindering valuable cultural activity of minorities.
The municipal Cultural Centre in the
Bielany district: Several years ago, the Warsaw
district of Bielany realised a series of events entitled: "Let's Get to
Know the Culture and Customs of other Nations" (Poznajemy Kulturę
i Obyczaje Innych Narodów). Once every two months, the Bielany Cultural
Centre organised a space where "free crossing of borders" was made
possible to its audiences. It included: lectures, films, artistic performances,
orientation courses on culture and civilisation of a chosen country, meetings
with diplomats, artists, travellers, photo and art exhibitions, etc. The
advantage of these events, organised in local communities, was that participation
was free and all were welcome. One can not underestimate the cognitive and
educational value of such international events.
The main aim of this initiative was
mutual cognition, becoming acquainted with differences and similarities, as
well as cultural specifics, eliminating stereotypes and disenchanting
commonplace opinions and prejudices, such as: a "cold Swede",
"phlegmatic Englishman". The choice of the thematic evenings does not
result from precise programming. Nor is there any censorship on the preference
of one country above another. We meet with everyone - sometimes even to set a
justification of matters that appear to be controversial when based only on the
information distributed by the mass-media. Soon after the evening on South
Korea, one on North Korea was organised. After a Cuban evening there was a
Colombian one. China was a guest, and a few months later so was a group
demanding Tibet's independence. It also happened that the institution was
surrounded by a cordon of security guards as the Israeli evening was organised
at the time of the escalation of the armed conflicts in the Near East.
Discussions on the discrimination of women carried on till late in the night at
the Iranian meeting. Thanks to such confrontations, numerous participants had
the opportunity to get together and enlarge their knowledge of the complex
modern world.
Another form of the Bielany district
authorities activity for tolerance and understanding is the organisation of the
National Days. During the annual Bielany Days of Culture the events have a more
celebratory character, the attendance is higher and there is access to wider
information on different sorts of workshops, exhibitions, concerts,
performances of artists from foreign countries. During the Week of Japanese Culture,
organised twice already, several hundreds of people took part in calligraphy
workshops, ikebana and tea ceremonies. Many people participated in concerts,
exhibitions, reciting evenings and theatre performances. The Dni Kresowe Polish
Eastern Borderlands Days, held for the past several years in March, presented
the modern artistic activity of acknowledged Lithuanian and Ukrainian artists
and the borderland holiday traditions. All the mentioned activities were
initiated and financed by the local authorities and implemented, with full
commitment, by the Bielany Cultural Centre. They are one of the ways of how to
lead activities aimed at building integration on the local level by a local and
public cultural institution.
Another example of an initiative connected
with intercultural dialogue is the internet portal "Kontynent Warszawa -
Warszawa wielu kultur"* ("Continent Warsaw - Warsaw of many
It is a project carried out by Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń (Other Space
Foundation) and was started in December 2006. The portal was established thanks
to the financial support of the Warsaw Municipality. This is the first Polish
portal which provides rich and extended information on national and ethnic
minorities in Warsaw. "Kontynent Warszawa" is a cultural guide to
(and providing media patronage to) artistic, scientific and entertainment
events related to multiculturalism, tolerance and communication between cultures.
The main aim of the portal is to present Warsaw's cultural variety in a
professional and original way. The portal is particularly focused on promoting
such activities, places or institutions that are not widely known by the
audiences. Moreover, the portal promotes Warsaw as a lively and ethnically
varied metropolis. The aim of Kontynent Warszawa is to promote the complexity
and variety of the phenomenon which is multiculturalism.
The idea of multiculturalism is also
promoted by various events organised and co-organised by the portal editors'
team. Among the many projects are: Dzień Jedności Afryki (African
Unity Day), Ludzie z Kontynentu (People from the Continent), Cały
Świat w Warszawie - Warszawskie Wielokulturowe Street Party (The Whole World
in Warsaw - Warsaw Multicultural Street Party), El Mundo Hispano.
"Kontynent Warszawa" also
publishes a printed bulletin focused on ethnic and cultural minorities' issues.
This publication also includes an event calendar. One can obtain a copy in
Warsaw clubs, cafes, restaurants and galleries.
The portal and the publication are
addressed to all people living in the Polish capital as well as tourists
visiting the city. The portal is available in Polish, English, French and
Russian language versions.
For more information, see:
Database of Good Practice on Intercultural Dialogue and our
Intercultural Dialogue section.
For more information on the
government's National Strategy for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
please see:
Poland/ 4.3 Recent policy issues and
4.2.4 Social cohesion and cultural
The National Strategy of Social
Integration for Poland is a
government document which was produced to tackle social cohesion. The strategy
was prepared by the Task-Force for Social Reintegration, established by the
Prime Minister in 2003. The team worked under the leadership of the Minister of
the Economy, Work and Social Policy - J.Hausner. The aim of the team's work was
to help Poland realise the second Lisbon Strategy goal, in other words, to
participate in the modernisation of the European social model, investing in
people and fighting social exclusion. Social exclusion was defined in the
document as a "lack or limitation of possibilities for inclusion and of
influencing or profiting from the basic public institutions and markets, which
should be available to everyone, especially the poor". Such a definition
shows that poverty was a special point of reference in this document. Issues
related to culture were raised in the Strategy by Mr. Krzysztofek:" (...)
There are no governmental programmes
on the state level in Poland devoted to fighting exclusion through the
promotion of participation in culture, because there is no general coherent
cultural policy. Lack or insufficient level of access to culture is not treated
in Poland as exclusion. In a situation where the fulfilment of basic life needs
(nutrition and accommodation) is problematic, the higher needs - affiliation,
appreciation, status and self-realisation - have no importance or are lower in
the hierarchy. Such a situation, currently present in Poland, can be viewed as
a threat: an individual's cultural needs that do not have a chance to be
satisfied, might simply vanish.
Exclusion in the field of access to
culture in Poland only refers to the following social "sub-category"
which includes the homeless, a substantial part of the unemployed and the
inhabitants of former communist collective farm areas. This "sub-category"
is excluded from almost everything and is socially degraded. Other social
groups affected by inequalities are not considered to be really excluded.
In the National Strategy for
Cultural Development 2004-2007 there were no direct references to the issue
of social cohesion. Indirectly, this issue is addressed in the main goal of the
Strategy - the balanced development of culture in the regions. Another document
of the Ministry of Culture, the Supplement to the NSCD 2004-2020, touches
on the issue of building a community support system, including the assurance of
local assistance for those people who experience or are threatened by
Volunteer Sector
Research published in the year 2005
by the Klon / Jawor Association entitled "The state of non-governmental
organisations in Poland in 2004" includes the following information on
voluntary work in Poland (based on a sample of 4 000 persons): in 2004
voluntary workers between 18 and 25 years old made up 23.4% of volunteers in
general and their number is growing. The percentage of the elderly who work as
volunteers is also growing (increasing from 9% in 2003 to 14% a year later).
Nevertheless it is still students and school pupils who constitute the largest
group of voluntary workers (30%). Among those most actively involved in
voluntary work are people with a good education (26%).
The above mentioned research also
included philanthropy. Thus, in 2004, the majority of donations in Poland were
given to foundations taking care of the homeless and the poor. Half of all
Poles donated less then 50 PLN, while every third donation was between 50 and
200 PLN; 3% of the donations were over 400 PLN. The donors usually gave money
to those who addressed them directly (34%) or gave in under the influence of
media campaigns (26%). As much as 89.9% of donators engage themselves in
supporting chosen organisations as they believe it is right to do so.
Nearly 80% of the target group did
not devote time or funds to those in need or to charity organisations, possibly
due to the efforts required to care for their own families. In November 2004,
over 18% of the researched group declared that they transferred 1% of their
income tax to NGO's (only to those organisations that according to Polish law
can obtain such transfer from donors). 29% of the people in the group have not
heard of this measure, and 40% did not wish to avail of it. In the following
years, billboards and flyers encouraging people to transfer 1% of their income
tax to the public benefit organisations were organised. The campaigns brought
positive effects.
There are about 5 500 NGOs in
Poland which are active in the field of culture and art. They constitute about
11.5% of the overall number of Polish NGOs. Their actions concerns are mainly
in the following sectors: (the following percentages do not sum up in 100%
because many organisations are engaged in various areas of activity at the same
40% of Polish NGOs also operate in
other spheres of culture.
The cultural non-governmental sector
is mainly concentrated in big cities (73% of all NGOs and about 80% of
culture-oriented ones are located in large cities). Foundations and
associations which represent this sector often join international networks and
federations and also co-operate with foreign partners. However, they employ a
relatively small number of people (75% of them do not have any registered
workers). A significant percentage of employees working in cultural NGOs have
higher education degrees and the majority of them are women (one could speak of
a feminisation trend among those working for cultural NGOs).
The income of NGOs' is usually
generated from membership fees (56% of cultural organisations) but also from
donations made by:
About 75% of all organisations
declare an intention to apply for EU financial support via projects.
Half of the Polish cultural NGOs
have a rather modest budget - about 8 500 PLN (sector average is
13 000 PLN). In 2003, almost 30% had an income lower than 1 000 PLN.
Cultural NGOs maintain frequent
contacts and co-operation with the media which is not characteristic for the
entire sector. They also prevail in collaboration with academic and scientific
circles. Still, cultural organisations' main partners are local communities and
authorities. About 33% declare that they only undertake actions on a nationwide
or an international level.
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.5 Media pluralism and content
The major responsibilities of the
National Broadcasting Council are set out in the Broadcasting Act and
are twofold: to award broadcasting frequencies to public radio and television
stations and to share income from the license fees between different public
Public radio and television are
financed from two basic sources - advertising and license fees - which gives
them a comparative advantage over commercial broadcasters who do not receive income
from license fees.
Several complaints against public
broadcasters have been issued which argue that they do not fulfil their public
function to support independent and ambitious producers or young creators.
In 2005, TVP S.A. presented
14 860.6 hours of broadcast material. The data in the table below concerns
two major channels with nationwide coverage including TVP1 and TVP2.
Table 1:
Programme type in % of total air time, 2005
Programme type |
share of total air time |
Information |
7.0% |
Journalism |
9.8% |
Documentaries |
7.6% |
Feature films |
41.2% |
Entertainment |
4.4% |
Education |
3.9% |
Sport |
4.1% |
Religion |
2.0% |
Classical music |
0.6% |
Pop music |
3.9% |
Theatrical performances |
0.5% |
Promotional trailers |
2.9% |
Commercials and payable programmes |
9.5% |
National Broadcasting Council
In 2006, the total time for all TVP
S.A. broadcasts was 15 571.5 hours. The thematic structure of the two
major channels TVP1 and TVP2 was as follows:
Table 2:
TVP1, % breakdown of programming content, 2006
Programme type |
share of total air time |
Information |
7.3 |
Journalism |
13.1 |
Documentaries |
6.3 |
Feature films |
43.2 |
Entertainment |
1.2 |
Education |
4.9 |
Sport |
5.5 |
Religion |
2.0 |
Classical music |
0.3 |
Pop music |
2.9 |
Theatrical performances |
0.4 |
Promotional trailers |
3.3 |
Commercials and payable programmes |
9.1 |
National Broadcasting Council
Table 3:
TVP2, % breakdown of programming content, 2006
Programme type |
share of total air time |
Information |
5.3 |
Journalism |
5.4 |
Documentaries |
8.5 |
Feature films |
43.2 |
Entertainment |
8.2 |
Education |
6.2 |
Sport |
4.7 |
Religion |
0.7 |
Classical music |
0.5 |
Pop music |
4.3 |
Theatrical performances |
0.3 |
Promotional trailers |
3.7 |
Commercials and payable programmes |
9.0 |
National Broadcasting Council
The participants of the Congress on
Polish Culture, held in December 2000, made a proposal to create a
"culture channel". TVP Kultura channel was launched on 24th
April 2005. It is aimed at the promotion of various cultural activities,
including non commercial artistic projects. In the first version of the
programme structure, specific disciplines were assigned to particular days of
the week (literature on Mondays, theatre on Tuesdays, fine arts and science on
Wednesdays, music on Thursdays, film on Fridays, folklore on Saturdays and
meetings with special guests on Sundays). However, TVP finally decided that
this formula should be changed and now half of the channel's broadcast material
is based on Polish Public Television's (TVP) archival programmes. The rest
consists of programmes bought from foreign broadcasting companies (35%), e.g. Arte
television and TVP Kultura's own productions (15%). The channel is still
facing significant financial problems (there is no additional support from
national authorities). Moreover, TVP Kultura does not attract huge
audiences. The channel is still developing and actions to enhance its formula
are being regularly undertaken but repeatable reshuffles and a lack of
financial resources make its position unstable. In spite of all the problems,
in September 2006 TVP Kultura won the Hot Bird Award for the best
European satellite thematic channel in the category of culture and education,
beating Deutsche Welle and Rai Sat Nettuno.
TVP Kultura is a satellite and cable television station and it is
accessible to approximately 4 million people in Poland.
In 2006, TVP Kultura
broadcast 5 978.1 hours of programming. The table below presents the
thematic structure of the channel's output.
Table 4: TVP
Kultura, % breakdown of total airtime, 2006
Programme type |
share of total air time |
Feature films |
40.8 |
Documentaries |
18.2 |
Journalism |
13.5 |
Pop music |
9.1 |
Classical music |
8.1 |
Entertainment |
4.9 |
Promotional trailers |
4.3 |
Theatrical performances |
1.1 |
Commercials and payable programmes |
0.1 |
National Broadcasting Council
Anti-monopoly actions lie in the
competence of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. All projects
that fall under this jurisdiction must be notified to the Competition Office if
the applicant had an annual turnover of more than 50 thousand Euros in the
previous budgetary year. Under the Broadcasting Act (1992), the Head of
the National Broadcasting Council can refuse to grant a license to a
broadcaster who might dominate the market.
Nevertheless, media concentration
remains a topic of animated debate. Strong political influence on Polish public
broadcasting institutions is also very visible and commonly discussed.
For information on the programming
quota system in accordance with European Community regulations see chapter
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.6 Culture industries: policies
and programmes
State intervention in the
functioning of the culture industries is limited to regulating access of
different producers to the marketplace, providing direct subsidies to selected
activities and introducing tax incentives and allowances which could facilitate
the development of different areas of the industry.
For example in the field of
publishing the major instrument used to support the book market is the 0% VAT
rate for publishing and printing, domestic sale of books, newspapers and
periodicals bearing ISSN and ISBN numbers, and publications in Braille. A 7%
VAT rate has been introduced for items not bearing these symbols and on books,
magazines and printed goods imported from abroad (see also chapter
In 2003, the Ministry of Culture
initiated a 3-year "Reading Programme", to help combat the growing
functional illiteracy in Polish society. In its first year, the Programme
concentrated on reading habits in families, with special attention paid to
youth. Actions such as, Huge Reading on the Small Screen in which famous
Polish actors took part, or Poland Reads to its Children, served this
purpose. The second year of the Program will aim at improving the situation of
libraries' and to elevate their status as cultural institutions. The third and
final year of the programme will concentrate on new technologies.
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.7 Employment policies for the
cultural sector
Despite the dangerously high levels
of unemployment at 19.52 in 2004 (19.90% in 2003; 16.21% in 2001), cultural
policy makers have not yet made any comprehensive efforts to create strategies
that would stimulate employment in the cultural sector in Poland.
There are, however, some training
programmes developed by the state for cultural managers, leaders in local
administrations, individual artists, amateur arts teachers and cultural
animators promoting cultural education and cultural participation. These
programmes are carried out in co-operation with the National Centre of Culture
(previously by the Centre for Cultural Promotion) and are aimed at providing
participants with knowledge on the legal and financial aspects of cultural
management, negotiation techniques, culture and arts marketing, etc. In the
year 2003, activities under the "Polish regions in the European cultural
space" programme were launched including training courses on EU structural
In 2002, the monthly average salary
in the public sector was equal to PLN 2 149. In the field of education it
was PLN 2 073, in the health sector PLN 1 716. There has not been any
recent or comprehensive analysis made on the salary levels of employees working
in public cultural institutions. However, we can examine some data on persons
working in certain institutions. For example, according to a Report on
Polish Theatre (ZASP, Warsaw, 2003) the average salary for those working in
public drama theatres was equal to PLN 2 131 in 2001.
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.8 New technologies and cultural
Libraries quickly acknowledged that
the new technologies would be able to reduce their costs and increase the
public's access to their collections. A standard classification system (MARC
21) was introduced in 1993 which helped to harmonise the different library
catalogues and to facilitate the exchange of data between different libraries.
There are around 100 out of
1 200 scientific and academic libraries providing their catalogues via the
Internet in Poland. The central catalogue run by the Library of Warsaw
University currently has more than 500 000 records, including 50 000
in the Kaba language, which are compatible with the US Library of Congress Subject
State support for the development of
widespread access to the Internet is deployed through measures such as a
reduced 7% VAT rate for Internet connections (the basic VAT rate is 22%) and
education programmes introduced at the school level.
In December 2003, the Ministry of
Scientific Research and Information Technology in co-operation with other
ministries drew up a Strategy for the Introduction of Information Technology
in the Republic of Poland 2004-2006 - ePolska; a document based on the EU
initiative eEurope. A number of activities have been foreseen within the
framework of the Strategy, some of which are aimed at ensuring access of
citizens to the new information and communication technology in the field of
culture. More specific references have been made to:
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.9 Heritage issues and policies
Heritage issues were a top priority
in 2006. This resulted in a rise in financial resources devoted to the
protection of national heritage and placing it in a privileged position.
According to the ministerial document entitled Full-scale Patronage.
Cultural Policy of the State in the Years 2005-2006, about 100 million PLN
was dedicated to the protection of historical monuments in the state budget for
the year 2007 (referring to the same source, in 2005 the sum was only about
24.5 million PLN). One of the most visible examples of this history-oriented
approach was a wide promotion of the Patriotism of Tomorrow operational
programme in outdoor advertising and the press. It represented the first
ministerial programme to be advertised like a commercial product.
The process of political and
economic transformation started in 1990 and was finished on the 1st of January
1999. At this time, local authorities became partners of the Polish Service for
the Protection of Monuments in projects to enhance cultural heritage and
At the regional level, the
protection of cultural heritage is expressed in three - among five - major
objectives of the voivodship's overall strategy:
In 2000, the Minister of Culture
established a new institution, the Institute of National Heritage, which was
focused on the promotion of Polish national heritage both internally and
abroad. However, in 2002 it was transformed into the National Centre of Culture
including a new structure called the Centre of Cultural Animation.
Strategies to develop digital
heritage are included in the ePolska Programme co-ordinated by the State
Committee for Scientific Research and as part of the overall information
society plan.
More and more attention is being
drawn to the connections between cultural heritage and tourism. This trend is
clearly linked with the Polish accession to the EU, or to be more specific,
with the opportunity to benefit from structural funds.
The National Strategy for the
Development of Culture (NSRK)
emphasizes the need for establishing modern solutions to protect and promote
Polish heritage. The National Centre of Research and Documentation of Monuments
is an institution responsible for such actions (including the protection of
12 Polish cultural heritage objects placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List).
In 2005, several new initiatives on
the promotion of heritage were undertaken. In January, the former Minister of
Culture Waldemar Dąbrowski, the former President of Warsaw Mr. Lech
Kaczyński and a representative of the Jewish Historical Institute (Prof.
Jerzy Tomaszewski) signed an agreement on the establishment of the Museum of
the History of Polish Jews.
On 9th September 2006, the final
contract for the architectural project (elaborated by Rainer Mahlamäki and
Ilmar Lahdelma) of the museum was signed by the municipal authorities. A
website for the museum has been launched (
which provides information on the project's aims. While the opening of the
museum is planned for 2009, some projects have already been started. In
September 2006 an installation entitled "Ohel" was officially opened.
It fulfils several functions simultaneously: it is the information centre on
the progress of the museum's construction process and it holds artistic
performances and exhibitions. The Museum of the History of Polish Jews is
one of the very few projects being carried out through a public-private
partnership. There is a need for further development of this form of
co-operation of bodies operating in the cultural sector.
The need for enhancing the regional
and national collections of modern art has also been discussed by the
authorities. The main initiative in the field is the Museum of Modern Art
in Warsaw. On 30th October 2006, an agreement between the Warsaw Municipality
and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage was signed and the museum was
named a national institution of culture co-led by the Ministry and the city
authorities. It will be the largest national institution to present Polish and
foreign contemporary art in an attractive, innovative form. Still, many doubts have
been expressed by people connected with arts about the future of the museum.
Since 2006 there has been a serious conflict between two structures within the
museum: the Programme Council and the Museum Council. The former had been
opting for a more distinct image for the museum, following the examples of
great artistic institutions that reorganise the public space and strongly
influence the image of cities elsewhere in the world, while the vision of the
latter, however not very different on the ideological level, prefer a rather
more modest approach. Actually, the architectural project (authored by
Christian Kerez) chosen in the voting by the decision-makers and all the bodies
existing within the museum was rejected by most of the programme council members.
There have also been many personal changes in the governing structures of the
project (e.g. former director Tadeusz Zielniewicz resigned from office after
the result of the architectural competition). Another problem is the model of
functioning of the institution. Neither the city of Warsaw nor the bodies
acting on the nation-wide level can afford to purchase expensive pieces of art
to establish a considerable collection as it is planned. A number of experts
have been recommending regular lending of works of acknowledged creators rather
than buying less known artistic items.
The network of museums and galleries
in Poland and the number of exhibitions is increasing. There were 13 more
registered museums in 2006 than the previous year. In spite of the revival in
this field, numerous institutions encounter difficulties with finding
convenient exhibition space and remain unable to present the whole of their
collections (e.g. the National Museum in Warsaw). Furthermore, many Polish
public museums require renovation and modernisation. Urgent digitalisation of
their collections is needed, yet hard to implement, particularly in smaller
towns and villages. The process of digitalisation is only partly financed by
the EU (it concerns not only exhibition institutions, but also libraries and
Polish national archives).
The new government formed in 2005
draws much attention to the issue of national heritage mainly in the
ideological sphere. Such matters as "national memory" and patriotism
are used as instruments in political debates with the parliamentary opposition.
In some respects, Polish authorities seem to understand the category of
heritage as identical to "tradition" which arouses the opposition's
anxiety for the process of adaptation of the field of cultural heritage to the
modern economic reality.
For more information, see
European Heritage Network: Country profile Poland
Poland/ 4.2 Recent policy issues and
4.2.10 Gender equality and cultural
There is a relatively high degree of
feminisation in public sector cultural professions. However, there are still
few women holding executive posts and there are no special programmes to
promote the position of woman in the cultural sector.
Below is an overview of the share of
women working in public culture sector. These figures represent the total
number of women working in 5 specific sectors of professions as defined by the
Central Statistical Bureau:
Table 5:
Share of women working in the public cultural sector, 1995, 1998 and 2000
Year |
number of employees |
share of women |
1995 |
99 100 |
60 |
1998 |
103 600 |
60 |
2000 |
101 400 |
62 |
Data from Central Statistical Office (GUS)
The figures indicate a high
percentage of women working in these fields and show that in terms of numbers
their position has remained steady since the mid 1990s.
Two women have held the office of
Minister of Culture since 1989: Izabella Cywińska (12th September 89 -14th
December 90) and Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa (31st October 97 - 25th March 99).
Poland/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.3 Other relevant issues and
The debate that took place in Poland
in 2002 was one of the first attempts in years to undertake a wide public
discussion on comprehensive changes in the field of culture. On the 6th of
April, the debate "Chance for Culture" was held in the Warsaw Castle
with the participation of the Prime Minister, the Marshal of the Parliament
(Sejm), representatives of the President, the Minister of Culture and members
of the artistic community. The main issue of debate was the programme introduced
by Andrzej Celiński (Minister of Culture) concerning organisational and
financial changes to the cultural sector.
The theoretical background of the
proposed ministerial programme was brought about through a set of reports
concerning the organisational and financial system of managing culture in
Poland. Dorota Ilczuk (the Jagiellonian University) and Wojciech Misiąg
(Gdansk Institute of Market Economies) were the authors of the foundations of
the complex reform project including: new sources of financing, the role and
tasks of the government, creating conditions to encourage the private sector to
finance culture and proposals for new legislation regarding cultural
Andrzej Celiński ran his term
of office and left the Ministry in July 2002. The main financial instrument
emerging from the report to be realised in 2002 was the proposal to use lottery
funds for cultural purposes. Indirectly - through the Act on Activity of
Public Benefit (ustawa o działalności pożytku publicznego) -
the 1% principle of tax for cultural purposes was implemented - although it
only refers to non-governmental organisations. Work on legislation regarding
cultural activities was suspended.
The year 2003 brought an intensified
interest, among those working within the culture sector, in Poland's accession
to the EU and its influence on the development of Polish culture. At that time,
it was the private sector that came forward to meet the expectations of the
cultural community. The Polish Confederation of Private Employers, and its
Culture and Business Working Group, organised a debate entitled "The
European Union and Culture: Is it really only about money?" held at the
Warsaw Castle on the 14th of May 2003. The goal of the debate was to
find out what kind of help can be expected from the EU, but also, how the
culture sector will have to adjust to the EU. Experts from many EU countries,
representatives of the president's office and of the Ministry of Culture as
well as representatives from the cultural community took part in the debate.
Shortly afterwards, the Minister of Culture created a new post to deal with
structural funds and appointed a Task Force for Structural Funds (within the
National Cultural Centre).
The programme Polish Regions in
the European Cultural Space is also directly connected to Poland's
accession to the EU. It is managed by the National Cultural Centre (NCK), and
its primary goal is to identify unique "places", often
underestimated, with a high cultural potential as well as initiatives which
cannot fully develop solely on local support. Within the programme, several
workshops, conferences, expert reports, publications etc., are organised and
advice is provided on possible financial sources for cultural activities. In
2004, the NCK organised a competition "Promise of co-funding by the
Minister of Culture" which is to provide co-financing for cultural
projects financed by EU structural funds.
In the year 2003 began a phase in
which the Minister of Culture created new public institutes such as the new Theatre
Institute named after Zbigniew Kraszewski. The aim of the Institute is to
document theatre life, assemble, elaborate and provide access to press releases
and valuable archive items from private collections, etc. The Institute is also
working on an Internet database (, which includes the artistic
careers of those working in theatres as well as those plays performed on Polish
A decision was made to open the Book
Institute in 2004 as a state cultural institution responsible to the Ministry
of Culture. Its task is to support books and reading and to promote Polish
literature abroad. The Book Institute's activities are financed mainly from the
budget of the Ministry of Culture. It is also seeking additional funding from
sponsors and from EU programmes.
The year 2004 was dominated by
public interest in the National Strategy for the Development of Culture
(2004-2007) prepared by the Ministry of Culture. During conferences and seminars,
discussions were held on the aims of the Strategy and its potential
effectiveness. Attention was drawn to its implementation (or lack of it) and to
modern civilisation challenges, especially issues concerning the building of an
information society. Calls have been made to ensure that related network
projects are judged against access criteria, for example, whether the
construction of virtual platforms and network systems gives users adequate
access to library collections or connections to public cultural institutions.
It has been argued that the authors
of the Strategy create a separate operative programme aimed at the development
of new technologies in order to give special significance to this sector and to
catch up on huge arrears in this domain. Equally important is the lack of an
operative programme devoted primarily to culture in a document defining the
structural policy of the country - the National Development Programme.
General reservations on the NSRK
also concerned its saturation of an adaptive mentality. Meanwhile, many people
suggested that Poland's development, in particular its cultural development,
should not be influenced solely by European Union Structural Funds, which have
their own objectives and where support is granted to specific projects. It
could signify a move away from original and creative ideas to the requirements
of ready-made standards.
In 2006, the Polish Ministry of
Culture and National Heritage successfully proposed to change the official name
of the former Nazi concentration camp situated in Oświęcim (formerly
Auschwitz). In March 2006, an official motion was presented to UNESCO and it
was finally accepted at the organisation's session in Wellington, New Zealand
in 2007. Since then the official name of the Nazi camp is: the Former Nazi
German Concentration Camp Auschwitz - Birkenau. The Ministry's action was
carried out in reaction to a number of articles in the foreign press where Nazi
camps existing on the territory of Poland during the World War II were
dishonestly named "Polish".
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.1 Constitution
Article 6 of the Constitution states:
Article 73 directly refers to the field of culture and states that
everyone is granted the right of freedom of creation, to conduct scientific
research and announce their results, freedom of education and use of cultural
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.2 Division of jurisdiction
Poland is administratively divided
into the central (state), regional (Voivodship), provincial (poviat) and
municipal (gmina) levels. The central state administration - the Ministry of
Culture - is the main actor legislatively and financially responsible for
There are laws which oblige
municipalities to realise public tasks to satisfy the needs of the local
community. Among them are cultural responsibilities such as establishing local
cultural institutions.
Provinces and cities assume
responsibility for cultural institutions registered on the voivodeship level
based on the following legal Acts:
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.3 Allocation of public funds
The following Acts provide the legal
bases which enable the Minister of Culture to provide subventions for cultural
institutions (of which the Ministry is the founding body) and to provide
project funding outside the public sector:
The following laws enable local
authorities to grant aid for state administration tasks (financial aid is
granted on the basis of an agreement between the Minister of Culture and the
local authority units):
Tenders in the field of culture do
not fall under strict procedural rules specified in the Act on Public
Tenders can be granted through any
procedure without the need of agreement from the Head of the Public Tender
Office. Article 71 of the Act allows granting a public tender
freely for creative and artistic activities in the field of art and culture and
in the case of issues linked with protection of exclusive laws consequential to
separate regulations.
Cultural institutions are, however,
bound by the Act on Public Tendering through regulations concerning
issues such as:
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.4 Social security frameworks
Within the Ministry of Culture, a
Commission for Pension Provisions for Artists was set up to determine the
starting date of a creative and / or artistic career for pension purposes.
Decisions are made in accordance with the following legal Acts:
Those concerned must send the
Commission a form together with necessary documents confirming the duration and
character of their work.
According to the Prime Minister's
Decree from the 7th February 1983, some groups of artists can retire
earlier. For example:
Subsistence allowances are granted by the Minister of Culture from the Fund for
Creation and Promotion to artists who are in a difficult financial situation.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.5 Tax laws
According to amendments made to the Income
Tax Act (1993, amendments 2003), deductions of up to 10% are available on
donations made by legal persons (organisations, foundations etc.) for
"public good purposes". In the case of private persons / individuals,
a ceiling of PLN 350 has been introduced - a maximum which can be deducted from
income tax for donations to culture.
Since 1991, state cultural
institutions are allowed to receive private donations from individuals or legal
The following tax exemptions are
made available for NGO's - including both foundations and associations: goods
and services tax (1993); the tax on increase of remuneration within the
framework of statutory activities (1992); property tax which exists within the
framework of statutory activities (1991). Foundations are also exempt from
paying court fees when registering.
According to Annex 2, of the Act
on Goods and Services Tax (1993) and the Act on Toll Tax, the
sale of services connected with recreation, culture and sport is
exempt from tax with some exceptions, for example:
According to widespread opinion, the
tax changes in Poland do not encourage sponsors and donors to adequately
support culture. Transparency and new solutions / measures are being called
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.6 Labour laws
The Labour Code passed in
1974 (amended 2003), is used as a basic legal regulation for labour laws. There
are no specific provisions regarding culture within the Labour Code.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.7 Copyright provisions
The Act on Copyright and Related
Rights was passed on 4 February 1994, and amendments adopted on 9
June, 2000 in order to make the Act compatible with EU law. Some of the main
areas of change were:
The Act on Copyright and Related
Rights provides the legal basis to levy fees on blank tapes and copying /
reprographic machines. Payments to producers of blank tapes, records, video and
other similar machines amounted to 3% of the net price. Fees are distributed
according to the following scheme:
The payments / fees for producers
and importers of copy machines equal 1% of the net price.
There is no public lending rights
scheme in Poland.
Since 2000, a special group within
the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has been responsible for
preparing the annual Report concerning the observance of Copyright and
Related Rights in Poland. The 2005 report indicates a need for further work
on adapting Polish regulations related to the protection of intellectual
property to EU law. The main problems mentioned in the report are the pirated
audiovisual media trade (based in the marketplaces across the country) and
infringement of copyright in the use of internet and new technologies. The
scale of production of illegal music and film recordings on CDs and DVDs is
still very significant but it has decreased in recent years. At the same time,
web piracy became a crime of increasing importance. Fast development of modern
technologies of sound and visual content compression (MP3, MPEG, DivX etc.)
enlarges the size of the pirate's market offer. This is one of the most
problematic issues in the entertainment business to be faced by Polish public
servants in the near future.
In recent years, the Copyright
Laws have been a topic of wide debate. Several reforms of the copyright
system in Poland had been elaborated and some actions undertaken to harmonise
the law with the European Commission recommendations and directives (e.g. the
one from 18th October 2005 concerning the cross-border copyright management of
on-line musical services). However, technology always develops faster than law,
thus the Polish copyright system is still not efficient in its struggle against
the illegal use of intellectual property and artistic content.
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.8 Data protection laws
Since the 29th of August 1997,
the Act on Protection of Personal Data has been in force. Until now,
there has not been any significant impact of this law on cultural
Poland/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.9 Language laws
The Law on the Polish Language
(7 October 1999) introduced particular obligations on the use of the
Polish language within the territory of the Republic in legal transactions involving
Polish entities, or if one of the parties in a given transaction is a Polish
entity. This pertains in particular to the names of goods and services
including foreign language advertisements which must be accompanied by a Polish
translation. The use of foreign language names is allowed even without
translation. However, this law is quite general and does not refer directly to
the film or television industry or other cultural activities such as theatre.
Poland/ 5.2 Legislation on culture
The legal basis for cultural
institutions is the Act on Organising and Conducting Cultural Activity of
25 October, 1991 (OJ 110, p.721 with later amendments and annexes);
It is essential that a new legal Act
regulating the terms of organising and financing cultural activities in Poland
is prepared. The one in force at the moment is being strongly criticised. The
core of the current Act has been inherited from the planned economy system with
its budgetary rules which constrains the functioning of modern cultural
institutions. The consequence is that Poland has financially unstable
institutions managed by directors who are limited in their autonomy. The
paradox of the current Act is that it discourages institutions to seek
additional sources of financing (income from private sources during a year
cause a decrease of public funds in the following one).
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.1 Visual and applied arts
There are no detailed legal
regulations for painting, sculpture, photography, video, graphic art,
design, ceramics, textiles and decorative arts / crafts. Several
references are however found in the Act on Protection of Cultural Goods of
15 February, 1962 (OJ 98, p.1 150).
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.2 Performing arts and music
There are no detailed legal
regulations for theatre, dance, opera, music theatre, music, circus, street
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.3 Cultural heritage
The following laws are relevant to
the field of cultural heritage:
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.4 Literature and libraries
An Act on Libraries was passed on
27th of June 1997.
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.5 Architecture and environment
There are no detailed legal
regulations for architecture or the environment. References to both can be
found in the Act on Protection of Cultural Goods of 15 February, 1962
(OJ 98, p.1 150).
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.6 Film, video and photography
The Act on Cinematography was
passed in July 1987. Since then, work has been carried out to develop
new market principles, financing models and regulations as amendments to the
Act. These amendments are pending.
In recent years, there has been
increased interest on the part of the private sector (e.g. large banks) to
invest in the development of the film industry in Poland. Such interest
supports a transformation from the former state controlled film production
industry to one based on co-operation between the public and private sector.
Interest from the private sector to invest in film production is not based on
any new kind of specific legal or tax incentive.
In former times, the Committee on
Cinematography distributed budgetary funds for the financing of film
productions and subventions for film houses. About 20 feature films and 546
short films were produced in 2000. The main co-production partners were the
public broadcasters or foreign companies. The Committee was dissolved in Spring
2003.Work on amendments to the Act on Cinematography had been initiated
several times in recent years without any result.
A new draft bill was elaborated in
2005. It was, however, voted down by the Social Democratic Party SLD
government, led by Leszek Miller, on the 30th of June 2005. At the time, the
Minister of Culture (Waldemar Dąbrowski) was responsible for the bill.
In its current status, the Act
provides for state support to the film industry and its main premise is to
ensure the endowment of film production and promotion, as well as
popularisation of film culture.
In order to achieve these goals, the
Act establishes the Polish Film Institute which is responsible for the
fulfilment of Polish cultural policy in the film sector. It manages its own
grants and funds that it raises through its own initiatives. The institution is
responsible directly to the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The
institution also has a Board appointed by the minister which comprises eleven
people chosen from the film community.
The Act determines that the
Institute's income is to come from: budgetary subsidies, income from
exploitation of films where the Institute is the owner of copyright and
donations. In addition, the Act assures the Institute profits from a long list
of public and private entities' income in the amount of 1.5% of their
particular income sources. These are: from cinema owners' income received from
film and commercial projections, from film distributors' income received from
the sale and rental of films, from television broadcasters' income from
commercials, from operators of digital platforms' income from programme fees,
from cable television operators' income from access fees for television
programmes, and from the public broadcaster from its annual income (Dz. U. Z
2005 r. Nr. 132, poz. 1111). The Polish Film Institute manages its income
according to an annual financial plan. The co-financing granted by the
Institute for film production cannot exceed 50% of the film's cost and
respectively the amount of 4 000 000 PLN in the case of feature
films, 500 000 PLN in the case of documentaries and animated films, and
2 000 000 PLN for documentaries addressed primarily for a cinema audience.
At the same time it has been decided that grants for difficult films can cover
up to 90% of their budget. The criteria upon which the co-financing is granted
are: artistic merit, cultural significance, reference to tradition and European
diversity and economic conditions.
Table 6:
Number of films produced in Poland, 2004-2006
Year |
films |
Documentaries |
films |
films |
Total |
2004 |
(3)* |
36 |
10 |
1 |
66 |
2005 |
(4) |
35 |
26 |
4 |
93 |
2006 |
(2) |
30 |
6 |
0 |
73 |
Polish Film Institute.
Figures in brackets represent the number of international co-productions.
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.7 Culture industries
There is no overall legal framework
to specifically promote and develop the culture industries. However, there are
sector specific measures, e.g. for film (see chapter
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.8 Mass media
The media sector in Poland is mainly
based on two legal Acts: the Press Law of 26th January 1984 and Broadcasting
Act of 29th December 1992, which came into force on March 1 1993.
The major part the Press Law
concerns both the printed press and the audiovisual media sectors irrespective
of their kind and type. It contains general provisions concerning freedom of
expression, access to information, media rights and duties, and the system of
the right to reply. It also refers in particular to the legal preconditions to
start, register and conduct publishing activity in the printed media market. Since
1989 it has been changed several times, although the regulation of key matters
remained untouched. In 2004 no amendment was made to the Press Law.
The Broadcasting Act was
amended during the last ten years, mainly due to the fulfilment of Poland's
international obligations (Poland has ratified the European Convention on
Transfrontier Television of the Council of Europe and is implementing the
EU Directive "Television without Frontiers" according to its EU
accession obligations).
Programme quotas, which were finally
regulated in a detailed manner in line with EU standards, are outlined in the Broadcasting
Act of 29 December 1992. According to the final consolidated version
of the Act, with amendments in 2004, broadcasters of television programmes are
obliged to reserve at least 30% of their quarterly transmission time to
programmes originally produced in the Polish language. This binding legal
measure is aimed at protecting and promoting the Polish language. A
discriminatory article setting out the conditions based on criteria of
nationality and citizenship was withdrawn earlier and confirmed in the
abovementioned consolidated version of the Act with 2004 amendments.
A duty of fulfilment to the European
majority quota has been laid down in a normative manner ensuring that the
broadcasters will earmark a majority of the transmission time for European
works (Article 15 par.4). A definition of European work has also
been elaborated on the basis of standards stipulated by the Community Law.
This Act includes an amendment concerning the share of works of independent
producers as well as new works in the regular television programming schedule.
The broadcasters of television programmes shall reserve at least 10 % of their
quarterly transmission time for European works produced by independent
producers, taking into account certain exclusions provided by the EU law (e.g.
advertisements). Programmes produced not later than 5 years before their
transmission in the programme service shall constitute at least 50% of the time
reserved for European works produced by independent producers (Article 15
par. 1). The quota of independent production has been also clarified as
well as the criteria of preference for recent works rising the period from 3 to
5 years in reference to the time of their production.
The consolidated Act also covers
changes affecting the public radio and television sector, mainly the issues
related to the public mission i.e. introducing the definition of a public
broadcaster, the manner of financing, the organisational structure of public
broadcasters and the role of their supervisory bodies.
Since the 2004 amendments, public
broadcasters are authorised to produce and transmit thematic programme
services, however a license is required to broadcast (Article 21 par.
1a). In 2004 Polish Public television was granted the first license for a
thematic programme - TVP Kultura to be transmitted via satellite, devoted to
cultural issues (TVP Kultura started transmission in 2005).
The MP's draft amendment to the Broadcasting
Act was signed by the President on the 30 Dec. 2005 and came into force in
early 2006. The amendment is intended to introduce: changes in the composition
of the National Broadcasting Council and to close down the Office for the
Regulation of Telecommunications and Post. At the same time, it provided a
legal basis for the establishment of the Office of Electronic Communications,
which took over some of the tasks from the National Broadcasting Council.
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.9 Legislation for self-employed
There is no comprehensive legal
framework for artists in Poland.
The state has implemented a 50%
income tax-free for artists provision (1991) which allows creative artists
to deduct 50% of their income from their creative work as expenses for income
tax purposes. Recently, the government's attempt to dismantle the provision
became a subject of animated public debate. Artistic and creative circles have
initiated a firm protest against the plans. The objection raised by creative
workers was supported by the President Lech Kaczyński. As a result of
these protests, their tax privilege has not been changed.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Poland/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.10 Other areas of relevant
Information is currently not
Poland/ 6. Financing of culture
6.1 Short overview
The Polish model of financing
culture is similar to other European countries: the public sector is the major
but not the only patron / mécénat of culture and the arts. The current level of
private patronage should not, however, be seen as an alternative source of
financing for culture, but as a supplementary one.
After 1989, the culture sector
(including its financial problems) was moved down the ladder of government
priorities. The rate of public expenditure on culture represented a low share
of GDP and of total government expenditure.
Public expenses (including both
central government, regional, provincial, and local authority funds) for
culture and national heritage protection in 2006 amounted to 5 231.6
million PLN (nominally about 22% more than in 2005). The cultural share of GDP
was 0.49% (0.44% in 2004). See chapter
6.3 for a breakdown of these funds by level of government.
Table 7:
Public expenditure on culture and heritage, including central government,
regional, provincial and local authority expenditure, 2004-2006
Year |
expenses for culture and national heritage protection (million PLN) |
share |
2006 |
5 231.6 |
0.49% |
2005 |
4 281.4 |
0.44% |
2004 |
3 807.1 |
0.43% |
Ministry of Culture, 2007. Full-scale Patronage. Cultural Policy of the State
in the Years 2005-2006
Also the expenditure for culture and
national heritage from the state budget in 2006 increased.
Table 8:
State (central government) expenditure on culture and heritage, 2004-2006
Year |
budget expenditure for culture and national heritage (million PLN) |
of general state budget expenditure |
2006 |
1 114.5 |
0.50% |
2005 |
1 032.1 |
0.50% |
2004 |
1 062.5 |
0.54% |
Ministry of Culture, 2007. Full-scale Patronage. Cultural Policy of the
State in the Years 2005-2006
There are three main areas of change
in the financing of culture in Poland since 1989:
By the end of 2002, the possibility
of assigning funds from the lottery to culture was introduced. The precedent to
this was the transfer of part of the income from the lotteries to the sports
sector. This sector currently receives funds derived from a 20% increase in the
price of lottery tickets which was introduced in the second half of 1994. As
could be expected, proposals to share this income between the sports and
culture sector met with strong resistance from the sports lobby since this
would reduce the income allocated to it. Consequently, it was proposed to
increase the price of lottery tickets by an additional 5% which the lotto
player would have to bear and to divide this sum between the sports and
culture sectors at a ratio of 80:20.
According to Article 47
of the Gambling Act, funds from the increase of lottery ticket prices in
games are to be transferred to the Fund for the Promotion of Culture
which is at the disposal of the Minister of Culture. These funds are to be
allocated to support and promote the following activities:
The special funds to support culture
from the Gambling Act were estimated by the Budgetary Act 2004 at
120 million PLN. In 2005, the expected amount was 122 million PLN, but in
contrast to the previous year, funds generated from gambling were lower -
117 054 251 PLN (147 429 325 PLN in 2004).The amount was
based on estimates relating to the National Lottery (Totalizator Sportowy).
Total expenditure of the Fund for the Promotion of Culture amounted to
72 647 233 PLN (this sum includes the returned funds from the balance
of commitments repaid in 2004). The expenditure plan was not realised due to
other commitments. The amount which was at the Fund's disposal by the
end of 2005 was destined for projects which will be carried out in 2006 and
2007 (e.g. only 262 000 PLN of the planned 54 955 000 PLN was
spent on the ministerial programme Promesa. See also chapter
Examples of spending on particular
activities in 2005 via the provisions in the Law on the Lottery are:
The average yearly expenditure on
the purchase of cultural goods and services per capita in households in the year 2006 was 301.44 PLN (272.88 in
2005); their nominal value in comparison to the previous year increased by
10.5%. Expenditure on cultural goods was higher than in the previous year in
all socio-economic categories of Polish households.
Poland/ 6. Financing of culture
6.2 Public cultural expenditure per
The total public cultural
expenditure per capita in 2006 was 140.4 PLN (117.11 PLN in 2005); these
figures are derived from the Central Statistical Office's publication Culture
in 2006. It corresponded to 36.65 EUR (30.34 EUR in the previous year) and
0.49% of the GDP in 2006 (the official rate of the euro was equal to 3.8312 PLN
- 29th December 2006).
There is a positive change in the
overall volume of funds for culture per capita.
Poland/ 6. Financing of culture
6.3 Public cultural expenditure
broken down by level of government
Table 9:
Public cultural expenditure: by level of government, in PLN, 2006
Level of government |
expenditure |
share of total |
State (1) |
1 025 573 000 |
19.60 |
Regional (Voivodship) |
1 036 817 000 |
19.82 |
Provincial (2) |
1 480 354 000 |
28.30 |
Local (municipal) |
1 688 816 000 |
32.28 |
Total |
5 231 600 000 |
100.00 |
Central Statistical Office, Culture in 2006.
Without transfers to local authorities.
Including cities with the status of province.
Table 10: Public
cultural expenditure: by level of government, in PLN, 2005
Level of government |
expenditure |
share of total |
State (1) |
867 095 000 |
20.25 |
Regional (Voivodship) |
847 627 000 |
19.80 |
Provincial (2) |
1 327 561 000 |
31.01 |
Local (municipal) |
1 239 104 000 |
28.94 |
Total |
4 281 387 000 |
100.00 |
Central Statistical Office, Culture in 2005.
Without transfers to local authorities.
Including cities with the status of province.
Table 11: Public
cultural expenditure: by level of government, in PLN, 2004
Level of government |
expenditure |
share of total |
State (1) |
831 876 000 |
21.85 |
Regional (Voivodship) |
760 688 000 |
19.98 |
Provincial (2) |
1 050 533 000 |
27.59 |
Local (municipal) |
1 164 024 000 |
30.58 |
Total |
3 807 121 000 |
100.00 |
Central Statistical Office, Culture in 2004.
Without transfers to local authorities.
Including cities with the status of province.
A noticeable progress in public
spending on culture in 2006 has several reasons, one of which is the strong
political position of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Kazimierz
M. Ujazdowski, who is one of the leaders of the governing party and therefore
is able to acquire more budgetary resources for cultural purposes. Still, the
increase in resources has not significantly improved the level of cultural
participation. On the contrary, the number of visitors to galleries and museums
that are at the centre of the authorities' interest due to their approach to
national culture has diminished, as well as the number of people regularly
visiting libraries.
Poland/ 6. Financing of culture
6.4 Sector breakdown
Polish statistics on culture are not
adapted to EUROSTAT requirements but rather to the following classifications.
Table 12: State cultural
expenditure: sector breakdown, in thousand of PLN, 2006
Field |
expenditure (1) |
authority expenditure (2) |
Total |
share |
Total |
share |
Museums |
253 415 |
22.74 |
546 545 |
12.89 |
Protection and restoration of
historic monuments |
72 331 |
6.49 |
244 595 |
5.77 |
Other activities regarding the
protection of monuments |
111 059 |
9.96 |
2 276 |
0.05 |
Galleries and arts exhibitions
(offices) |
8 587 |
0.77 |
36 022 |
0.85 |
Cultural and arts centres |
110 561 |
9.92 |
117 021 |
2.76 |
Libraries |
134 432 |
12.06 |
881 608 |
20.80 |
Cultural houses, arts centres,
clubs and art rooms |
15 788 |
1.42 |
1106 784 |
26.11 |
Archives |
85 338 |
7.66 |
907 |
0.02 |
Theatres |
146 598 |
13.15 |
614 726 |
14.50 |
Philharmonics, orchestras, choirs |
41 975 |
3.84 |
135 564 |
3.20 |
Cinematography (film production,
distribution etc.) |
4 771 |
0.43 |
2 282 |
0.05 |
Polish Film Institute |
30 748 |
2.76 |
9 |
0.0 |
Television and radio activities |
15 766 |
1.41 |
114 |
0.0 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.00 |
Central Statistics Office, Culture in 2006.
Including transfers to local authorities.
Including transfers within local authorities.
Table 13: State cultural
expenditure: sector breakdown, in thousand of PLN, 2005
Field |
expenditure (1) |
authority expenditure (2) |
Total |
share |
Total |
share |
Museums |
263 599 |
25.54 |
453 947 |
13.21 |
Protection and restoration of
historic monuments |
44 366 |
4.30 |
122 302 |
3.56 |
Other activities regarding the
protection of monuments |
97 812 |
9.48 |
1 910 |
0.06 |
Galleries and arts exhibitions
(offices) |
8 680 |
0.84 |
31 212 |
0.91 |
Cultural and arts centres |
77 936 |
7.55 |
82 725 |
2.41 |
Libraries |
139 522 |
13.52 |
818 283 |
23.81 |
Cultural houses, arts centres,
clubs and art rooms |
17 946 |
1.74 |
901 922 |
26.24 |
Archives |
90 494 |
8.77 |
849 |
0.02 |
Drama and puppet theatres |
65 921 |
6.39 |
305 189 |
8.88 |
Music theatres, opera houses and
operas |
83 251 |
8.07 |
198 842 |
5.79 |
Philharmonics, orchestras, choirs |
41 975 |
4.07 |
142 097 |
4.13 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.00 |
Central Statistic Office, Culture in 2005.
Including transfers to local authorities.
Including transfers within local authorities.
The levels of expenditure for
different cultural institutions and forms of cultural activity have remained
more or less consistent in comparison to previous years, but an increase in
spending on activities related to national heritage are noticeable. In 2006,
the highest amount of public expenditure on culture was allocated to museums
22.74% (25.54% in 2005; 25.76% in 2004; 22.20 % in 2003; 20.4% in 2002).
Together with the amount spent on the protection and conservation of monuments,
the percentage of overall expenditure on cultural heritage activities was
nearly equal to the 2005 result: 39.2% in 2006 and 39.3% in the previous year.
In past years, the allocation amounted to: 38.56% in 2004; 35.90% in 2003; in
2002 - 35.22%. Expenditure on theatres, operas and opera houses was 13.15% in
2006 (14.46 in 2005; 15.02% in 2004; 16.02 % in 2003; 16.03% in 2002).
In 2006, local authority spending
priorities in the cultural sector, similarly to past years, were cultural
houses and centres and clubs, representing a share of 26.11% (26.20 in 2005;
26.28% in 2004; 27.21% in 2003; 26.8 % in 2002) and libraries 20.80% (23.8% in
2005; 24.83% in 2004; 26.0 % in 2003; 25.6% in 2002).
Poland/ 7. Cultural institutions and
new partnerships
7.1 Re-allocation of public
Changes in public responsibility for
cultural institutions were connected with the national political system reforms
conducted in 1991 and in 1999. The results of the new administrative regime for
cultural institutions were presented in chapter
3.1. The state remains the founding body of national cultural institutions
and the local authorities (voivodship, provincial and municipal) of local
cultural institutions. Those national institutions which are considered to be
the most important in the development of Polish culture are:
Poland/ 7. Cultural institutions and
new partnerships
7.2 Status/role and development of
major cultural institutions
Cultural institutions are trying to
adapt themselves to the new requirements of the market economy by employing
professional cultural managers, setting up departments for promotion and
advertising / public relations and developing activities to attract donors and
sponsors. Relying on the market to generate a portion of their income, managers
or directors of cultural institutions are making decisions which are influenced
by economic rather than artistic objectives (goal displacement). The result is
the introduction of popular repertoire, renting out space for non-artistic
activities etc. Despite these efforts, cultural institutions still do not have
adequate resources to remunerate talented artists according to professional
wage scales or mount experimental exhibitions.
The newest cultural institution with
a national status is The National Centre of Culture (NCK) created in
March 2006 by Minister Kazimierz M. Ujazdowski. Earlier, the Centre existed
within The Adam Mickiewicz Institute. This institution is an equivalent
of the Institute in the domestic area - its promotional duties are similar to
those performed by its former parent structure but The National Centre of
Culture acts in Poland, not abroad. NCK is also responsible for
implementing ministerial operational programmes. There are many contradictory
views on the Centre's activities. Some perceive NCK as very
politically-influenced as its main aim is implementing the current government's
vision of cultural policies.
There have not been any legislative
changes regarding the establishment or functioning of national cultural
institutions; either in the form of privatisation or de-etatisation (see also chapter
5.2). The only recent and noticeable change in the culture sector was the
creation of the so called co-led (co-financed) cultural institutions. In June
2005, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage signed an agreement with
local governments on co-financing local institutions which play a vital role in
the country. These institutions were carefully selected.
Co-led institutions remain of high
interest to the Minister of Culture and National Heritage even though they may
be financed from both local and ministerial sources. They are registered by the
Ministry and, in this respect, are considered important for the culture sector
on both national and local level. They are:
Co-led institutions in which the
local authorities' responsibility is dominant are:
Poland/ 7. Cultural institutions and
new partnerships
7.3 Emerging partnerships or
During the last few years, there
have been some examples of private investments in large scale productions,
especially in the field of film: Ogniem i mieczem, Pan Tadeusz, Quo Vadis.
This kind of support is the result of increased co-operation between cultural
institutions and foundations or sponsors and represents several percentage
points of the cultural institutions budget.
John's Myerscough's report on "Transversal
Reviews of National Cultural Policy (National Cultural Institutions in
Transition)" described the situation for sponsorship of
Polish national cultural institutions in the following manner:
"Private income ratios, by
institution type: museums - 15%; orchestras - 18%; drama - 28%; galleries -
29%. In 1999, earned income ratios in the national museums in Poland was on
average 15 per cent. The National Museum in Warsaw is reported to earn 46 per
cent of its own income, of which 50 per cent came from sponsorship, 30 per cent
from admissions and 20 per cent from other trading. The Museum's business club
is valued as much for its partnership linkages as for its cash contribution.
Much energy was put into sponsorship in Poland, almost as a token of the new
reality, not always with successful outcomes. There is evidence of substantial
under pricing in sponsorship deals, and the Examiners saw instances of the
promotion of sponsors which was too intrusive."
A "Patron of Culture
Award" is given by the Minister of Culture to a private sector company
based on their financial investment in culture. Below is a list of those
awarded in 2006.
Poland/ 8. Support to creativity and
8.1 Direct and indirect support to
The whole system of public support
to cultural institutions and events together with a variety of incentives for
private sector support have an enormous role providing indirect support to
creativity. While there are a few support schemes for individual artists such
as awards which are funded by public authorities, direct support for creative
artists is nevertheless quite limited. There is also a lack of measures which
could provide financial support to young or emerging artists, to establish
residential programmes or provide travel grants promoting transnational
mobility. In 2003, several schemes promoting artists were initiated, in part
due to funds generated from gambling.
Poland/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.1 Special artists funds
The Fund to Support Artistic
Creation is awarded once a year mainly to young creators. Funding (not
really sufficient) comes from income generated on the sale of artworks whose
copyright has expired (so-called "dead hand" funds).
In 2004 there were 43 creative
scholarships granted in the sphere of literature, music and visual arts, and 10
subsidies on book publishing. One-off support was given to 38 artists who were
in financial difficulty.
See also chapter
Poland/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.2 Grants, awards, scholarships
Poland/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.3 Support to professional
artists associations or unions
The Ministry of Culture provides
several grants to professional artists associations or unions. The following
received the largest subsidies in 2003:
Poland/ 8.2 Cultural consumption and
8.2.1 Trends and figures
The drastic fall / collapse of
cultural participation rates observed during the first years of transformation
came to a halt in 1994. While figures have begun to rise, they have not yet
reached the levels recorded before the transformation period.
There has been a decrease in the
rates of participation in activities of "high culture" - those which
require higher intellectual skills and aesthetic sensibility. At the same time,
there has been a scaling down of cultural education and programmes of aesthetic
education in public schools. Surveys on household spending have shown that in
the 1990s, approximately 80% of the Polish population reduced their
expenditures on culture. It has been observed that the way of life for many
Polish people has become "home-centred provide" in the past 15 years:
watching TV and video cassettes which limited other forms of cultural activity.
The reasons which originally facilitated "home-centrism" were of a
political nature, today they are economic. Participation in cultural life
outside of the home is taking on a "holiday" value.
In 2006, the share of expenditure
for culture in the "total" household expenditure was 3.4% (3.3% in
2005, 3.4% in 2004; 3.2% in 2003; in 2002 - 3.1%), ranging between 1.9% and
3.9% (in 2004 - 1.8% and 3.8%) respectively according to different
social-economic groups. The majority is spent on:
In large cities, the average
expenditure on culture per capita in households is at least 3.5 times higher
than in villages (in 2005- 539.52 PLN - 156.72 PLN; in 2004 - 592.92 PLN -
157.44 PLN; in 2003-515.16 PLN - 146.88 PLN).
Table 14: Public
libraries, 1995 - 2006
1995 |
1999 |
2000 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
Registered readers in thousands |
7 023 |
7 332 |
7 392 |
7 579 |
7 509 |
7 337 |
7 23 |
Borrowing of books per 100 readers
2 241 |
2 029 |
1 992 |
- |
1 979 |
1 840 |
- |
Kultura 2005 published by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) and Concise
Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2007 (GUS)
Table 15: Attendance
figures for selected cultural fields, in thousand, 1995-2006
Field |
1995 |
1999 |
2000 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
Museum visitors |
17 060 |
16 019 |
16 612 |
16 881 |
17 505 |
18 487 |
18 191 |
Art gallery* visitors |
2 318 |
2 361 |
2 644 |
3 040 |
- |
2 958 |
3 287 |
Theatre and music institutions** |
10 197 |
10 667 |
10 533 |
9 519 |
9 321 |
9 609 |
9 601 |
Cinema attendance |
22 613 |
27 516 |
20 892 |
25 264 |
33 268 |
24 866 |
32 400 |
Central Statistical Office (GUS), Kultura w 2005 and Concise
Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2007 (GUS)
53% of all art galleries are public.
Audience figures.
Poland/ 8.2 Cultural consumption and
8.2.2 Policies and programmes
The 1996 Law on Museums
stipulates that free admission to the public must be guaranteed one day per
week and that reduced tickets must also be made available (the amount to be
determined by the museum directors). Museums have recently developed cultural
education programmes for children and youth.
Cultural centres also play a very
special role in promoting participation in cultural life. First of all they
provide facilities for amateur art activities and help to organise various
events. There is also formal co-operation between schools and the cultural
centres as part of a cultural education programme.
Directly connected with the
promotion of participation in cultural life is the three year Reading
Programme presented in more detail in chapter
Poland/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.1 Arts education
The Ministry of Education is
responsible for arts education of the first and second degree (primary and
secondary schools). The Ministry of Culture is responsible for arts education
on the academic level including 8 music academies, 7 fine arts academies, and 3
theatre and film schools. In addition to the existing public schools, private
ones are being established. The European Academy of Arts was the first private
academy to open in 1992.
The Inter-ministerial Programme of
Cultural Education co-ordinates programmes in this field. One example is the
arts education programme called The Paths. The objectives of the
programme are to help students learn to communicate through the international
language of art and to cross national and language borders. The Paths
programme is concentrated in the fields of contemporary art, visual arts,
theatrical performance, video art and literature. Several schools and bodies
are involved in the programme such as: 4 schools in Poznań, the Jugendwerk
Foundation, the National Centre of Art for Children and Young People in
Poznań and the Kulturamt in Hannover.
Examples demonstrating the
implementation of the Bologna process in Poland are visible especially on the
administrative side of education. Many higher education institutions have
modified their systems of evaluating students' work. Since the academic year
2004/2005, university graduates receive special supplements to diplomas which
contain detailed information about their education process, exam results,
qualifications and also the number of gained ECTS points.
Thanks to the implementation of the
Bologna agreement, several institutions have been modernised. One of these is
the State Accreditation Committee which monitors and evaluates the quality of
teaching in public and private universities.
Other positive impacts of the
Bologna process include the increasing mobility of Polish students and many
pro-European elements have been added to the curricula of arts and humanities
Poland/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.2 Intercultural education
The official Polish educational
system does not cover issues related to intercultural dialogue and
multiculturalism. However, many smaller-scale initiatives are undertaken in
this field (usually by NGOs and independent institutions). In 2002, the group, which is a part of the KONTEKST society, carried
out a cycle of meetings and workshops to sensitise students of particular
schools in Warsaw to the issue of intercultural dialogue. The programme was
executed in co-operation with Warsaw School of Social Psychology. Among others,
the Jan Józef Lipski Common University in Teremiski (alternative education
institution supported by acknowledged scientists, social and cultural activists
etc.) and the Foundation Pogranicze, offer various
intercultural-oriented educational projects.
In many respects Poland seems to be
a culturally homogenous country. However, the subject of interculturalism has
been seriously neglected in national education. Still, being a part of the
larger multicultural European community should encourage educational
authorities to incorporate such topics in school curricula. Some elements of
intercultural education have been introduced into teaching programmes in the
regions which have a significant number of students with origins other than
Polish. These programmes are mainly based on national and ethnic identity (as
defined by law - see chapter
4.2.1) and do not address or draw attention to other aspects such as
dialogue with new immigrant groups, actions aimed at combating xenophobia,
racism and lack of tolerance, etc.
The question of interculturalism in
arts and cultural education is pointedly connected with the issue of mobility.
Schools and universities which participate in European programmes like Socrates
etc., have made a notable contribution to the process of modernisation of
Polish education. Activities concerning multilingualism, tolerance etc., as
well as creative actions related to such issues become more and more popular
among students from all types of educational institutions. The growing
popularity of intercultural activities facilitates and increases the
possibilities of gaining financial, technical and content related support from
various institutions.
In 2006, several new intercultural
educational projects appeared. Worth-mentioning is the activity of the
Intercultural Education Foundation (registered in 2006). The Foundation runs
the portal
(funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and plans to carry out
numerous projects dedicated especially to young people. The portal informs on
selected interesting actions related to intercultural education conducted by
other organisations e.g. the Association for Youth and Children "Okna",
Polish Humanitarian Action and their partners.
One can observe an increase of
interest in intercultural issues among students and teachers. However, in 2006
the Ministry of National Education was governed by a team with a strong
nationalist orientation, thus no progress in the field of intercultural
education was made. A shift in educational policy resulted in fierce criticism
directed to the Minister Roman Giertych and his collaborators. In spite of
those conservative tendencies at the ministerial level, private and independent
initiatives connected with interculturalism continued to develop.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Poland/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.1 Amateur arts
Artist unions have the legal status
of an association, which means they have the right to conduct their own
economic activities. Many of them are using this right to run their own galleries.
Throughout the 1990s, the situation of unions / associations deteriorated due
to "the pains" of market transformations and to the fact that they no
longer received subsidies from the state budget. Some associations have
re-adjusted to the new market requirements and are able to continue operating.
The legal regulations for the
non-profit sector (e.g. associations and foundations) were prepared and
implemented before the post-Communist period. Since the transformation, there
has been a rise in the number of third sector organisations: there are
currently 20 000 NGOs in the country according to data published by the
Information Bank on NGOs. 24% of them have declared an interest in becoming
involved in culture including artistic creativity, cultural heritage (including
national memorials and shrines), the cultural development of national
minorities, the landscape etc. These organisations, associations, societies,
foundations and funds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
The Act on Public Benefit
and Voluntary Service raises hopes. Not only does it regulate the status of
volunteers in Poland, but it also defines the framework of co-operation between
non-governmental organisations (those with the special status of public
benefit) and local authorities. The Act was passed on the 1st of January 2004.
Poland/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.2 Cultural houses and community
cultural clubs
Prior to 1989, cultural houses in
Poland were leading institutions of the communist cultural politics. It was
difficult to find their equivalent in democratic European countries. There were
even problems with translating the term itself. However, cultural houses run by
state enterprises were dismantled in the free market economy environment because
their costs were seen as unjustified. Today, cultural houses and centres are
creating a new image for themselves as a shelter for amateur art and various
programmes aiming at broadening participation in cultural life, with a special
accent put on those parts of the population which are "socially
excluded". Together with libraries they are often the only cultural
institutions in the Polish suburbs. Their activities are undertaken in
co-operation with and financed by local authorities.
The extent to which cultural houses
and community cultural clubs are financed by the government is presented in chapter
In 2005, the following were
registered: 830 cultural houses, 1 488 cultural centres, 394 clubs and
1 225 community centres. Altogether they organised 208 853 events for
32 283 418 participants. Almost half of the venues (2 063) had
stages and gained a total seated audience of 395 453. Approximately 917 of
these institutions had their own libraries. Permanent hobby and artistic
workshops were organised in 4 692 specialist studios (including 1 350
fine art studios and 1 255 music studios). There were 17 382 amateur
artistic groups which involved 275 857 participants, of whom 156 922
were under the age of 15. There were 10 332 clubs, with 237 836
members, of whom 1 599 696 were children and young people. As a
result of a cultural education inter-resort programme for young people,
39 032 music, theatre and art workshops were organised and 9 763
other events to place which involved 671 098 people. Additionally,
5 696 courses were organised (of foreign languages, dance, music), which
involved 91 537 participants, including 47 022 children under the age
of 15.
Poland/ 9. Sources and Links
9.1 Key documents on cultural policy
The National Strategy for the
Development of Culture in 2004-2007.
Warsaw: Ministry of Culture, 2004. Available at
Conference Warsaw Castle April
2003: Chance for Culture. Conference Reader prepared for the debate
which was held in the Warsaw Castle on the 6th of April 2003.
Ilczuk, D.: Comparative Analysis
of National Development Plan 2007-2013 and National Culture Development
Strategy 2004-2013, Pro Cultura, Warsaw 2005
Ilczuk, D.: Cultural
Citizenship. Cultural Policy and Civil Society in Europe. Amsterdam:
Boekmanstudies, 2001.
Ilczuk, D.: Polityka
kulturalna w społeczeństwie obywatelskim. Cultural Policy in civic
society) Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2002.
Ilczuk, D.; Misig, W.: Finansowanie
i organizacja kultury w gospodarce rynkowej. (Financing and culture
organisation in free-market system)Warszawa: IbnGR, 2003.
Ilczuk, D.; Siciński, A.;
Wojciechowski, J. S.: Polityka kulturalna państwa (projekt).(Cultural
country Policy) Kultura Wspуłczesna, nr 2-3/1999.
Kostyrko, T.; Czerwiński, M.
(eds.): Kultura polska w dekadzie przemian. (Polish culture in changes
decade) Warszawa: Instytut Kultury, 1999.
Ministry of Culture and Art: The
Principles of the Cultural Policy. Prepared by the Ministry of Culture and
Art and adopted by the Council of Ministers, 1993.
Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage: Full-scale Patronage. Cultural Policy of the State in the
Years 2005-2006. Warsaw: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, 2007.
Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage: The Directions of Cultural Policy of the
State / Government. Warsaw: Ministry of Culture and National
Heritage, 1999.
Orzechowski, E.: Wokół
zarządzania kulturą, edukacją, mediami. Pytań sporo,
odpowiedzi mało. (Around culture, education, media menagement. Lots of
questions, not many answers) Krakуw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Jagiellońskiego, 1999.
Poland/ 9. Sources and Links
9.2 Key organisations and portals
Cultural policy making bodies
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of
the Republic of Poland
Office of the Committee for European
Polish Ministry of Culture and
National Heritage
Polish Ministry of Foreign
Polish Parliament
Professional associations
National Broadcasting Council
Polish Book Chamber
Polish Performing Artists
Polish Visual Artists Union
The Authors Society (ZAIKS)
Grant-giving bodies
Culture Foundation
Leopold Kronenberg Banking
Stefan Batory Foundation
Warsaw Culture Foundation
Cultural research and statistics
Jagiellonian University, Institute
for Public Affairs
National Office of State
Pro Cultura Foundation
Culture / arts portals
Arts & Culture Network Program /
Arts & Culture Network Program /
Cultural Link
Arts & Culture Network Program /
Cultural Policy
Arts & Culture Network Program /
Adam Mickiewicz Institute
National Centre of Culture
Council of Europe/ERICarts "Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in
Europe, 9th edition", 2008