Report creation date: 14.10.2008 - 10:01
Countr(y/ies): Croatia
Chapter(s): 1,2,21,22,23,24,241,242,243,244,245,246,3,31,32,33,4,41,42,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,4210,43,5,51,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,52,53,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539,5310,6,61,62,63,64,7,71,72,73,8,81,811,812,813,82,821,822,83,831,832,84,841,842,9,91,92
Croatia/ 1. Historical perspective:
cultural policies and instruments
After the Second World War, Croatia
was one of the republics confirming the second Yugoslav Federation. Its
cultural policy was designed to accomplish the ideological mission of building
up a socialist culture. Art was governed by the canon of socialist realism and
science and education were governed by the canon of dialectic and historical
materialism. Culture was concentrated in towns and disseminated through trade
The 1960s and 1970s were a time when
cultural professionalism and decentralisation were emphasised as a reflection
of the country's multiethnic character. Ideological control over culture
loosened, followed by political liberalisation that ended with the emergence of
the "Croatian Spring" in 1971. This was a national movement in which
cultural and educational institutions played a main role, mainly Matica
Hrvatska (a publishing house established in the 19th century with branches
around Croatia) and the Zagreb University. Despite the ensuing political
repression over those supporting this national movement, the decentralisation
of cultural and other public policies continued and led to greater autonomy of
the republics in the federation.
From the 1970s to the end of the
1980s the introduction of self-management in culture and other public fields
led to the establishment of quasi-market measures. Instead of grants from the
budget, special funds were created and their allocation was decided by bodies
composed of providers and recipients of services. This new system became
increasingly embroiled in the main political clash between federal centralists
and republican co-federalists. These political clashes led to war and the
eventual dissolution of Yugoslavia.
In the 1990s, the cultural policy of
independent Croatia was politically and administratively centralised and
incorporated in everyday life with special emphasis on the symbols of national
tradition. It was designed to foster a sense of national cohesion, especially
at the beginning of the period when the country was drawn into war. In the
formal sense, the policy was formulated in general terms emphasising pluralism,
a market approach, freedom of creativity, professionalism and
de-ideologisation. Cultural planning and funding gave priority to activities of
"national interests" in culture and left all other activities to the
market and to NGOs.
Since 2000, when the new coalition
government was elected, there has been a broader implementation of cultural
policy in the sense of a pluralist cultural orientation. A more balanced
approach to tradition and a new evaluation of the national and the
multicultural components is being undertaken with steps towards further
decentralisation and direct co-operation with NGOs.
The current government was appointed
in 2004. Since that time, there have not been any major shifts in cultural
policy development and overall cultural policy strategy. Major reforms were
undertaken in the book sector, as well as in the audiovisual sector and
performing arts, with the adoption of new laws. There was also a reorganisation
in the government with a new division of portfolios and reduction in the number
of ministries. As a result, the Ministry of Culture became responsible for the
protection of nature and biodiversity.
The period since 2005 has been
marked by the beginning of negotiations for Croatia's full membership in the
European Union which has given a new impetus for reforms in all sectors
including the cultural and audiovisual sector.
Croatia/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.1 Organisational structure
Croatia/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.2 Overall description of the
Decision-making and the
implementation of cultural policy involve procedures and interaction between
the Ministry of Culture, the government and the Parliament, on the one hand,
and consultative arts councils, local government and self-government, cultural
institutions, NGOs, and individual artists and their associations, on the
The Ministry of Culture drafts laws
and other important documents for the government, which passes them on to the
Parliamentary Committee for Science, Education and Culture, after which they
undergo parliamentary discussion and enactment. The Ministry of Culture plays a
part in drafting the budget and decides on the allocation of budgetary funds to
various cultural fields.
The latest major change to the
cultural policy system has been the adoption of the Law on Cultural Councils
(2001) and its subsequent changes (2004). Cultural Councils are
consultative bodies, first introduced in 2001 as semi-arm's length bodies (they
were described as semi-arm's length because they were independent in making
decisions about the distribution of funds, but it was the Ministry of Culture
which managed and distributed subsidies). With the 2004 legislative changes,
Cultural Councils became consultative bodies to the Minister of Culture with
reduced autonomy but a similar mandate: i.e. proposing goals for cultural
policy and measures for achieving them, offering professional assistance to the
Minister of Culture, working out a long-term national cultural programme, and
giving opinions on the distribution of grants.
The following cultural councils were
established by law: film and cinematography, music and performing arts, theatre
arts, visual arts, books and publishing, the new media culture and the Council
for international relations and European integration. Specific laws established
three other Councils (cultural heritage, archives and libraries). While the
previous laws offered a possibility for local government to introduce cultural
councils on a local and regional level, the new law made it mandatory for all
counties and cities with more than 30 000 inhabitants. The intention of
the legislator was to contribute to the process of decentralisation but the
effects of this change have not been assessed. This legislation guarantees
local cultural self-government in the fields of archives, libraries, protection
of cultural property and the theatre.
Besides existing cultural councils,
there are other councils and committees established by the government having
direct and indirect impact on the formulation of cultural policies, such as the
government committees for national minorities, youth, gender equality, civil
society and others.
Croatia/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.3 Inter-ministerial or
intergovernmental co-operation
The Ministry of Culture regularly
co-operates with other ministries to bring general and related laws into
harmony with cultural legislation. They also co-operate in fields in which the
competencies of various ministries are involved, such as the protection of
cultural heritage (with the Ministry of the Interior), conservation and
protection of historical town centres (with the Ministry of Environmental
Protection, Planning and Construction), drafting media legislation (with the
Ministry of the Marine, Tourism, Transport and Development), and in appointing
cultural attachés or organising cultural events abroad (with the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs).
Some important areas of culture,
however, do not fall fully under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture,
such as art education, research and minority cultural groups. For example,
while the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports takes the lead role for
arts education, the Ministry of Culture provides some funding in the form of
bursaries for artists and support for continuous education. There is a shared
responsibility for research between these two Ministries. The Ministry of
Culture and the Government's Office for National Minorities share responsibility
for ethnic minority cultural groups.
Prospects for closer
inter-ministerial co-operation are hindered by the strict division of
developmental issues by sector. The only links are financial and economic, i.e.
the budget and economic growth, and the issue of EU membership, which has been
singled out as the common goal. Co-operation between national, regional and
municipal levels of government continues to be a very important segment of
cultural policy, particularly investment projects in renewing old institutions
or building and setting up new cultural institutions such as libraries,
archives, museums and theatres.
Croatia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.1 Overview of main structures
and trends
The government has listed
international cultural co-operation among its priorities and established a
Cultural Council for International Relations and European Integration in 2004.
The aim of this Council is to better coordinate and plan international cultural
cooperation activities. In addition to its consultative role in the
distribution of grants, the Cultural Council for International Relations and
European Integration also has the task to make proposals to improve the
coordination of those involved in planning and participating in international
exchanges. In May 2006, the Council produced public Guidelines for planning
international cultural co-operation, which can be found at the web site of the
Ministry of Culture (
Following the proposals made by the Cultural Council, the Ministry made some
changes in the rules for distributing grants. In 2006, the Ministry introduced
a second (spring) deadline for financing projects of international cultural
cooperation, besides the regular call for proposals for financing cultural
projects in September.
The government continues with the
policy of signing bilateral agreements and programmes of cultural cooperation.
It is important to stress that the majority of projects financially supported
by the Ministry of Culture are not based on the traditional form of
"government to government cooperation" but on direct contacts between
artists and arts and cultural organisations.
The government has listed, as one of
the priorities, strengthening cultural cooperation within the region of South
Eastern Europe. The cooperation is based on existing links between artists and
arts managers; bilateral and regional programmes of cooperation; cooperation
within the framework of international organisations such as UNESCO or the
Council of Europe; cooperation within regional organisations such as the
Council of Ministers of Culture of Southeast Europe (the Charter, signed in
Copenhagen on 31 March 2005), the network of ministers responsible for cultural
heritage sponsored by UNESCO, the Danubian Region, the Alps Adriatic Working
Community, the Central European Initiative, the Quadrilateral Initiative, etc.
Special projects include post-war reconstruction, the return of stolen cultural
objects, support for mobility, and cooperation in the field of policy-making,
cultural itineraries etc. In April 2007, Croatia took over the presidency of
the Council of Ministers of Culture of South-East Europe.
Croatia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.2 Public actors and cultural
The Ministry of Culture (on the
national level) and larger cities (on the local level) are major founders of
international cultural cooperation projects and initiatives. The Ministry of
Culture cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Department for
International Cultural Cooperation, which is responsible for coordination of
work of cultural attachés. As Croatia does not have publicly mandated cultural
agencies or institutes abroad for cultural co-operation, Croatian embassies are
the most important focal points for the promotion of Croatian culture abroad.
The Ministry of Culture operates all
major instruments used in international cultural relations including state
guarantees, bilateral agreements and programmes, as well as sector-specific
agreements such as co-production agreements.
The Ministry of Culture allocates
around 15.7 million HRK (app. euro 2 150 000) for international
cultural cooperation, which includes the Funds received by the Ministry through
the Lottery Fund (the amount varies depending on the income of the State
Lottery, but it amounts to about euro 200 000 for international cultural
Croatia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.3 European / international
actors and programmes
In June 2007, Croatia signed the
Memorandum of Understanding with European Communities, thus becoming a full
member of the EU Culture programme. The Ministry of Culture published
by-laws, introducing rules for co-financing of Croatian participants in the Culture
programme, with the aim to stimulate applications in the first period of
the Croatian participation in the Programme.
Croatia is an active member of
UNESCO and the Council of Europe and participates in numerous projects
initiated or supported by these organisations. Croatia is in the process of
negotiations for full membership of the European Union. It has ratified almost
all normative instruments of both organisations that refer to culture and
cultural heritage.
The UNESCO Convention on the
Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions has been
ratified by the Croatian Parliament on 12 May 2006 (Official journal
reference: NN-MU 5/2006) and the instrument of ratification was submitted
to UNESCO on 31 August 2006. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for
implementing and monitoring of the Convention, together with the National
Commission for UNESCO. At the first Conference of the Parties of the Convention
in June 2007, Croatia was elected among 24 members of the Intergovernmental
Committee, for the period of four years.
Croatia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.4 Direct professional
Some important multilateral
co-operation projects, coordinated or supported by the Ministry of Culture,
In the past few years, it is
possible to observe a greater interest from cultural operators and artists for
participation in various international networks. Several Croatian theatres are
members of the European Theatre Convention and Croatian artists participate in
several platforms and networks supported by the Culture 2000 programme
(i.e. Triathlon Network, project SEAS, Gemine Muse etc.) While it is still
difficult to obtain extra-budgetary funds for cultural cooperation projects and
networking in Croatia, financial support is mostly provided by the Ministry of
Culture and local communities.
Croatia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.5 Cross-border intercultural
dialogue and co-operation
Much effort is being invested in
support for cross-border co-operation projects, both by the Ministry of Culture
and the Ministry of Education. Initiatives are usually carried out by NGOs
which apply for government funding. Co-operation programmes include joint
education programmes, co-operation in promoting common heritage, student camps
etc. An important role in initiating and supporting such initiatives was played
by the Stability Pact, through the "Working Table on Education and
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Croatia/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.6 Other relevant issues
Programmes that support
"culture in development" are not designed as special measures
outlined and proclaimed by cultural policy and Croatia did not have a tradition
of funding such projects abroad. Following the war and subsequent stabilisation
processes in South-East Europe, Croatia initiated symbolic support and
co-operation projects (mainly focussing on transfer of knowledge and exchange
of experiences) in the region of South-East Europe.
Croatia has a large Diaspora around
the world from North and South America, Australia and New Zealand to Western
European countries particularly Germany, Switzerland and Austria. An
independent organisation / institution "Croatian Heritage
Association" (Matica Hrvatska) established by the government, and funded
through the Ministry of Culture, supports and coordinates cultural programmes
for Croatians abroad. The Ministry of Culture also supports special radio
programmes aimed at the Croatian Diaspora, as well as satellite programmes on
Croatian television.
Croatia/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.1 Main elements of the current
cultural policy model
See also chapter
2.2 for a description of the cultural policy system, including Cultural
Councils and
4.1 for the list of cultural policy priorities pursued since 2000.
The general objectives of the
current policy are: cultural pluralism (aesthetic and multiethnic), creative
autonomy, the increase and diversification of sources for financing culture,
polycentric cultural development, encouraging cultural participation as a new
quality of life and co-operation between the public and the private sector to
increase efficiency, quality, employment and innovation. The most ambitious
goal is, bringing culture into the focus of interest in the country. The
"Strategy of Cultural Development - Croatia in the 21st Century",
drawn up in co-operation between the Ministry of Culture and a team of
independent experts and accepted in the Croatian Parliament in early 2002,
gives a detailed presentation of these goals and the necessary instruments to
achieve them. However, it seems that few efforts have been made to follow-up on
this Strategy, both by the previous and by the current government. There is
currently no indication that the administration is planning to work on any
alternative or new overall strategy with the exception of some sector specific
strategies or policy documents (such as the Strategy on digitisation in the
cultural sector)
Democratisation was elaborated in
the proposals contained in the Cultural Development Strategy and its goals to increase
active participation in culture and to popularise art and culture in schools
and through the media.
Decentralisation is still an
important subject of debate in Croatian cultural policy and practice. There are
ongoing discussions to extensively reform and decentralise public
administration in all fields. Experts in the Ministry of Culture and the
Croatian Law Centre (NGO) have drafted a model of cultural decentralisation
covering financing, infrastructure, decision-making and planning based on polycentric
development corresponding with Croatian cultural and historical regions.
However, as result of the first reactions to the announced reforms, the process
slowed down considerably. This was primarily due to lack of funds on the local
level, which is the main reason for not following-up with the plans for further
decentralisation of other policies such as education, health and others. There
is continuous pressure on the central government to enable fiscal
decentralisation, which is a necessary precondition for any other efforts in
this direction. The model of cultural decentralisation is to be publicly
debated, revised, and then, if possible, gradually implemented.
Experts consider that
decentralisation will be ensured when regional Culture Councils are established,
as anticipated by the law (see chapter
2.2). Also, the regional councils are to establish city and county cultural
councils to further decentralise the decision-making process. The process of
decentralisation is also supported through the provisions in the Law on the
Protection and Preservation of Cultural Goods (1999), which regulates the
distribution of funds collected through the "monument annuity" fund.
This law ensures that 60% of the funds collected are used by the local
governments in their respective city / municipality for the
protection of cultural heritage.
Croatia/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.2 National definition of culture
The Cultural Development Strategy
(2002) defines culture as follows:
"All forms of intellectual and
artistic expression of symbolic social identity, belonging, behaviour and
customs, and such industrial products, including the media, produced for
spending leisure and shaping people's attitudes".
This strategy emphasises the
importance of culture for Croatia and elaborates 14 different concepts, all
focusing on "culturally sustainable development". In other words, the
"development of human interests
and activities that will progressively decrease the drain on natural reserves
and the existing capacities of the infrastructure and settled areas, and will
at the same time use art, science, education, and cultural games and customs to
encourage the enjoyment of values that stimulate closeness among people".
Croatia/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.3 Cultural policy objectives
The principles of promoting identity
and diversity, supporting creativity and participation in cultural life were
set up in 1990 as part of the declared cultural policy objectives in Croatia.
Today, these principles are being put into practice in the following way:
Croatia/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.1 Main cultural policy issues and priorities
In the past 6 years, there has been
a change from one cultural policy model to another (see chapter
1). The most important priorities of the cultural policy, introduced at the
beginning of 2000 were, among others: building up the functions, work methods
and public respect for the new Culture Councils; creating mixed funds for
cultural investment; renewing and readapting the cultural infrastructure
remaining from the socialist period; finalising a complete registry of cultural
monuments; and furthering the use of information technology in culture.
Cultural policy priorities of the
current government (elected in 2004) include:
However, given that there is a lack
of systematic monitoring and analysis of the impact of cultural policies, it is
difficult to assess the value and impact of these policy priorities and policy
changes. This is probably also the reason why public debates about cultural
policy models and solutions, in most of the cases, become very political and
ideological with less attention on statistics, indicators, impact assessment or
independent analysis of different models.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.1 Cultural minorities, groups
and communities
There are 16 officially organised
minorities in Croatia: Serbs, Montenegrins, Italians, Hungarians, Jews,
Austrians, Albanians, Germans, Slovenians, Ukrainians, Ruthenians, Czechs,
Slovaks, Bosniacs, Macedonians and Roma. All of them receive state support
through the Government Office for Ethnic and National Communities and
Minorities. The total population of Croatia is 4.43 million. According to the
2001 census, Croats made up 89.63% of the population and 7.47% were ethnic
minorities (the remaining % did not respond to the census). The political and
legal basis for the enjoyment of civic rights by representatives of national
minorities is derived from the Constitution (1990, rev. 2001) and
Constitutional Law on National Minorities (2002).
Minority cultural activities are
predominantly traditional, e.g., preserving language, nurturing folk
traditions, music and art, organising exhibitions, acting and reciting groups.
The cultural activities of the Jewish and Italian minorities are two exceptions,
for which interest in the cultural life of Croatia is more general. The
cultural activities of the other minorities seem to awake little interest.
The Ministry of Culture supports
various programmes through the distribution of grants in all art and cultural
fields. Ten libraries act as reference libraries for national minorities,
namely: City Library Beli Manastir (Hungarian); Public Library Bjelovar
(Czech); City Library Karlovac (Slovenian); City Library Pula (Italian); Public
Library Našice (Slovak); Library Bogdan Ogrizović Zagreb (Albanian);
Libraries of the City of Zagreb (Rutheninan and Ukranian); City and University
Library Osijek (Austrian). The Ministry also provides support for the
establishment of the Serbian Cultural Association Prosvjeta (Serbian) and the
Jewish Community in Zagreb (Jewish).
Several bilateral agreements on
cooperation in the field of culture and education include references to the
cultural needs of national minorities and the activities of their respective
associations and institutions.
The Ministry of Culture supports
programmes proposed by national minorities based on their artistic or cultural
excellence and following the procedure and criteria that applies for all other
programmes. However, there is a special fund for supporting activities and
projects by national minorities, administered by the Government's Council for
National Minorities, which includes also cultural projects in the fields of
arts and heritage, media, events and festivals as well as various projects promoting
education, social cohesion and intercultural dialogue. The government has also
adopted a National Programme for the Support of Roma activities and programmes
which includes special provisions referring to education and cultural
activities of representatives of the Roma national group.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.2 Language issues and policies
The official language is Croatian.
Laws passed in May 2000 regulate the status of minority languages and alphabets
and their official use on the local level. The laws are especially effective in
areas where language groups are concentrated e.g. the use of the Serbian
language and Cyrillic alphabet in East Slavonia, Italian in Istria, etc. These
laws were received favourably by the ethnic minority groups.
Croatian Radio and Television have
special and regular news programmes in several minority languages. Local radio
stations also have special programmes in minority languages.
The school curricula include
supplements in minority languages (language, literature, history, art and
music); there are optional programmes for mother tongue learning at various
summer schools.
Apart from these supplementary
minority language classes in school, language pluralism is not widely debated
due to the low numbers of linguistic minorities in Croatia.
Croatia/ 4.3 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.3 Intercultural dialogue:
actors, strategies, programmes
Promotion of intercultural dialogue
is a relevant issue in Croatia and appears on the agenda of cultural, media,
educational and social policies. However, there are no explicitly formulated
policies for the promotion of intercultural dialogue nor is there a special
fund or support scheme. It is important to note that due to recent Croatian
history and the consequences of the homeland war, the issue of integration and
re-integration of minorities, coexistence, as well resettlement of refugees and
displaced persons have been for some time very high on the list of political
priorities. It is also important to note that Croatia is not a country
receiving any substantial number of immigrants other than those from
neighbouring countries. This is why the issue of intercultural dialogue within
the country remains largely an issue of integration and creating equal opportunities
for existing minorities.
There are numerous NGOs and
initiatives, both on national and regional levels, focussing on issues of
intercultural dialogue. Examples of good practice include: BEJAHAD - Jewish
cultural scene - a project that has been taking place on the island of Hvar for
six years. The programme consists of a week-long series of cultural programmes,
activities and debates where, every year, the Jewish community invites one of
the other minority groups. A special segment of BEJAHAD is the programme called
"Bejahad after Bejahad", which extends to a year-long series of
activities taking place in Croatia and in other countries of South East Europe.
The 2006 Bejahad was marked by a public appeal launched by the Jewish and
Muslim Community asking for the promotion of intercultural and inter-religious
dialogue and the programme continued in 2007.
Another programme is a literary
seminar "The Days of Vladan Desnica" named after a famous Croatian
writer of Serbian nationality. The seminar promotes intercultural dialogues
through debates about literature and broader topics.
An international conference
"Dialogue in today's world" took place in Zagreb in March 2006
organised by the representatives of the Catholic Church and University,
together with the Cultural Centre of the Iranian Embassy in Zagreb and the
Muslim community, involving various religious communities focusing on
inter-religious dialogues in Europe today. The government of the Republic of
Croatia takes steps to promote all activities that promote dialogue between
different faith groups. The government has signed agreements with the minority
faith groups on the issues of common interest - with the Serbian Orthodox
Church in Croatia; the Islamic religious community in Croatia; the Evangelic
Church in Croatia; the Reformed Christian Church in Croatia; the
Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Croatia, which additionally represents the
Christ Pentecostal Church in Croatia; the Adventist Church in Croatia, which
represents the Reformed movement of the Seventh-day Adventists; the
Baptist Union Churches in Croatia, which represent the Churches of
Christ; the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Croatia; the Croatian Old
Catholic Church; and the Macedonian Orthodox Church in Croatia. In 2003, the
government adopted the Agreement between the government of the Republic of
Croatia and the Jewish Community in Croatia, which the Community refused to
sign. Presently, the Draft of an agreement between the government and the
Co-ordination of Jewish Communities in the Republic of Croatia and the Jewish
faith group Bet Israel in Croatia is under preparation.
For more information, see:
Database of Good Practice on Intercultural Dialogue and our
Intercultural Dialogue section.
Croatia/ 4.3 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.4 Social cohesion and cultural
Croatia is not a country with any
significant immigration, which is why the issue of social cohesion is also
looked at primarily in the context of ensuring that all minorities, as well as
all social groups, have equal access to public services such as education,
social security, health protection, culture etc. (see also chapter
In the field of culture, transition
did not bring many changes in relation to the functioning and financing of
public cultural institutions (other than cultural industries); the latter are
heavily subsidised and offer cultural programmes and services whose prices are
much lower in comparison to other services. In that context, it is
understandable why there are not so many debates about accessibility of culture
and cultural activities.
The existing network of community cultural
centres (domovi kulture) assists in bringing cultural programmes and projects
closer to vulnerable communities and helps to balance the often unequal
cultural offer which is mostly centralised in larger urban centres.
The National Foundation for the
Promotion of Civil Society is a central body which supports programmes targeted
at the promotion of social cohesion.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.5 Media pluralism and content
There has been much debate about
media legislation, media pluralism and diversity in Croatia during the past few
years. As a consequence, media laws, even the new ones, have been changed and
amended several times. The main focus of the debates in the electronic media
was on the privatisation of the third channel of Croatian television. One of
the most important debates in 2003/2004 in the field of print media was the
discussion about media concentration because one of the most important
publishers (Europa Press Holding) bought another one of the six main daily
newspapers. Even though Croatian legislation includes regulations on quotas and
responsibility of broadcasters and media owners with regard to the diversity of
contents, there is no systematic monitoring and therefore it is impossible to
assess to which extent the provisions of different laws are being respected.
Media production in the arts,
humanities, cultural history and identity is mostly broadcast on Croatian TV
First Channel and Croatian Radio Three (completely intended for
"highbrow" culture). "Highbrow" culture has a constant
share of 4% in the total radio broadcasting. Local television and radio
stations broadcast a considerably larger amount of commercial programmes than
the national stations, primarily because the former are solely dependent on the
market. While daily press covers cultural life and social / political events,
three specialised weekly and bi-monthly magazines (Zarez, Vijenac and Hrvatsko
slovo) write extensively about art and culture.
Anti-trust measures were included in
the Law on Electronic Media (2003) and improved with the new Law on
Electronic Media (2007), as well as in general Anti-trust Laws. The
question of anti-trust measures has been greatly discussed in the context of
the process of joining the EU, prompted by requests to harmonise legislation
with European standards.
There are specific training
programmes for journalists that are organised by the Association of Journalists
and particularly by the International Centre for Education of Journalists in
Opatija. The debate in the past few months focused on hidden-advertising and
the question of independence of journalists, not only from politics, but also
from media owners and the main sponsors.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.6 Culture industries: policies
and programmes
There is no programmed and
systematic support for the culture industries in Croatia, other than through
regular subsidies of the Ministry of Culture and local communities. The
cultural industries are still not generally recognised as potentially
interesting for investment nor are they perceived, by the public, as a
profit-driven sector. However, some sectors such as publishing or film and
music distribution and production are almost entirely privatised and generate
funds from a variety of sources including public funding, sponsorship but also
direct investment and their own income. The products of domestic cultural
industries are mostly distributed and consumed in the domestic market with the
exception of pop-music and soap-operas, which are successfully exported
throughout the region. Films also find their way to international audiences
(mainly through festivals) and there are a few writers whose works are
translated and distributed internationally. Liberalisation of the audio-visual
market and the presence of private broadcasters on the Croatian market will, to
a certain extent, boost the domestic audio-visual production which includes
both the advertising sector but also independent productions (mostly
entertainment programmes).
Lack of appropriate statistics for
this sector makes it impossible to assess the turnover or employment figures
for most cultural industries in Croatia.
There are some attempts to design
local strategies for the promotion of cultural industries, the most interesting
example being the city of Split where a group of researchers from the
University of Split undertook a mapping exercise and made some strategic
proposals for the further development of creative industries in the city.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.7 Employment policies for the
cultural sector
Statistics regarding employment in
the cultural sector are based on a narrow definition of cultural activities
which do not include cultural workers employed in other sectors. Within
independent artistic professions, statistics recognise only artists in the
traditional sense (i.e. actors, musicians, painters, etc.) but not other
professions (such as designers or others employed mostly in small businesses).
According to the Strategy on the
Cultural Development of Croatia (2002), employment in the cultural sector
follows some of the general trends observed in many other European countries,
primarily regarding more flexible employment with all the benefits and
challenges that it brings. The biggest percentage of those employed in the
cultural sector is financed from public funds (state or municipal and local
There is no specific policy or
campaign in this field, only some general and indirect measures through
taxation and social policies (see chapter
5.1.4 and
The salary levels of employees
working in public cultural institutions can be compared with others employed in
the public sector. The statistics do not show the differences in remuneration
between single self-employed person and large cultural institutions like the
national and university library or the national theatre. The data available
only shows the average wages and salaries and are not broken down according to
the earnings of subgroups.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.8 New technologies and cultural
Information and communication
technologies (ICT) are increasingly being used as a "bridge" towards
particular segments of the culture industries, between culture and other
sectors, and towards the public.
ICT companies are increasingly
giving support to cultural activities through sponsorships and donations.
However, neither side is doing this according to any government programme.
ICT use is increasing in particular
culture industries, such as librarianship and keeping archives, which are
leading to new employment.
The number of Internet users in
Croatia is also growing rapidly: from 2.1% active users in 1999, to 12% in
2001, 23.2% in 2004 and 33% in 2005. Data from 2006 shows that, although about
45% of citizens have access to Internet, the percentage of users is less at
With the creation of the Cultural
Council for Media Art, the financing of artists working with new technologies
became more transparent and they gained easier access to public funds. One of
the most active promoters of new media culture is the Multimedia Institute, a
non profit organisation in Zagreb, which, through the idea of net.culture,
promotes different perspectives on the issues raised by the use of new
technologies and media in contemporary culture, presenting discourses from
civil (activists), technical and media cultural scenes. The Multimedia
Institute is also a focal point of CLUBTURE - a network of non-for profit and
independent cultural organisations, clubs and initiatives operating as a
programme platform for exchange. In the first five years since the independent
cultural organisations established a CLUBTURE Network, they have organised more
than 1 000 programmes around Croatia and they initiated a media project and
Magazin za hakiranje stvarnosti 04. The Network advocates for new
cultural policies, at national, regional and local levels. It has initiated
projects of regional cooperation and education programmes.
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.9 Heritage issues and policies
The Law on the Preservation of
Cultural Assets (1999) states that every monument must have an owner and
that licences will be granted for restoration and conservation work.
Application of this law is continuously monitored and improved. However, it
seems that in practice people still do not trust private owners and investment
partnerships. The number of well-presented and well-managed archaeological sites
is growing.
In recent years the media and the
public have become more aware of issues connected with cultural heritage.
Although the Law on Archive
Material and Archives (1997) has made it possible for units of local
administration and self-government to found archives, and also provides for new
independent private archives (founded by companies, universities, political
parties, religious organisations, the media and so on), there has not been any
marked interest in their establishment nor have conditions been created for
founding public archives outside the existing state and private system. In the
past four years, branches of state archives have been established in three
cities, as well as a new archival institution, Memorial-documentation centre, about
the Homeland war.
The network of public libraries is
not evenly spread out over the Croatian territory. Due to the different levels
of information technology development and availability, several library systems
are not in use. However, the Ministry of Culture and local authorities are
investing in the improvement of the library system. In the past four years, 33
cities have opened either new or newly restored libraries as joint investments
between local authorities and the Ministry of Culture.
The war in Croatia and the
transition processes affected museums in many ways: physical damage,
destruction and theft of museum property, decrease in the number of
professional staff and a drastic fall in the number of museum visitors. In
1998, a uniform legal system was introduced, museums became independent
(partner-museums), and definitions were given for institutions that could work
as museums or care for the movable cultural heritage, for standards of computer
networking, supervision over work and professional levels. Holdings were
reviewed to establish the number and the condition of items in the museum
collections. However, these changes led to many disputes among museum branches
and institutions, and in some local units the very existence of museums or collections
was jeopardised.
The government, together with local
authorities, is investing in the construction and reconstruction of new museums
and galleries (Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Narona Museum Vid, Museum of
the Krapina Prehistoric Man Krapina, Novigrad Lapidarium, etc.) and is planning
the establishment of new museums (Homeland War Museum Zagreb, Archaeological
Museum Osijek, Museum of Sacral Art Split, Museum of Croatian Emigration
Zagreb, etc.) While investment in cultural infrastructure is seen by many as
very positive, there is also some criticism expressed by those who believe that
there is no adequate investment in modernisation and strengthening of the
capacities of existing museums.
One of the greatest weaknesses in
the treatment of the heritage in Croatia was the relative neglect of the
traditional rural heritage. The main reasons for this were the neglect of the
rural economy, a great decrease in the rural population and the small interest
among the rest of the population in old traditions and public resources, as
well as the fact that developmental investment is concentrated on a limited
number of areas thus marginalising others. In summer 2006, the Minister of
Culture announced the introduction of special loans and support schemes for rural
heritage. This will be also one of the priorities for the programming of EU
pre-accession funds in Croatia.
A National Working Group (set up in
2005) presented the National Programme for Digitalisation of Cultural Heritage
(including archives, libraries and museums) to the Minister of Culture, in
September 2006. This programme aims at improving digitalisation of cultural
heritage and includes educational and "operational" components. Special
funds were earmarked for this programme in the 2007 cultural budget. The main
institutions for implementation of this Programme are the National and
University Library and State Archives.
For more information, see
European Heritage Network: Country profile Croatia
Croatia/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.10 Gender equality and cultural
There are no specific programmes or
campaigns in this field that focus on culture and cultural policies. However,
gender issues are systematically monitored and adequate policies are designed
by the government and parliament bodies for the promotion of gender equality.
Croatia/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.3 Other relevant issues and
In 2002, there was a protest of
independent artists and a public debate with the Ministry of Culture over the
Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Social Affairs' presentation of the
draft of a new Law on Retirement Benefits and Health Insurance in the
Cultural Sector. Accordingly, the contributions of artists whose activity
is not regulated in regular employment contracts would be increased up to 19.5%
for retirement benefits and up to 16% for the costs of health insurance
payments. The protesters against thus demanded that artistic creativity obtain
a special status within the fiscal system since "artworks are of general
public significance". After two years of negotiations and debate with the
old and the new government, new rules were introduced that guarantee the
continuation of the existing system of state support. However, it was agreed
that a monitoring system would be strengthened and that "income limitation"
(or property census) would be introduced in order to avoid misuses (see chapter
5.1.4). A status for independent artists remains one of the burning issues
in Croatia where an overall reform of the system is needed.
In early 2004, the new government
was challenged by a protest against the proposed changes to the Law on
Cultural Councils because it was seen by the cultural community as the
minister's intention to limit the independent decision-making powers introduced
by the 2001 Law on Cultural Councils. Regardless of the protests, the
Parliament adopted the new law. Those working in the non-institutional art
scene mobilised themselves on such a level that the government was forced to
amend the law and to preserve the Cultural Council responsible for "media
art". According to the statements of the Minister of Culture at the time of
the adoption of the law (spring 2004), the Ministry intended to undertake an
evaluation of the existing legislation and practices and intended to propose an
overall reform of both the decision-making and financing structures for
culture. However, there does not seem to be any initiative to follow-up on this
The Ministry of Culture has invited
a group of experts to make proposals to reform the book policy in Croatia which
includes redistribution of subsidies, a system of acquisitions as well as
introduction of fixed book prices and a public lending rights scheme. The
trigger that provoked a fierce public debate starting in April 2004 was the
phenomena of the sale of books with daily newspapers which, according to the
Association of Publishers, has had an extremely negative impact on the Croatian
book market. As a consequence some changes were introduced, i.e. bursaries for
writers and translators, Fixed Book Prices, as well as support schemes for
bookshops for the promotion of Croatian writers and literature.
Fierce debates on the proposed Theatre
Law took place at the end of 2005. Criticisms were made by the Union of
cultural workers as well as by some prominent theatre directors and actors
during the first reading of the proposed law in Parliament (December 2005). The
Law was adopted in spring 2006 and came into force on 1 January 2007 (see chapter
The beginning of negotiations for
full membership of Croatia in the EU (October 2005) sparked increased interest
among artists and cultural workers in EU issues and debates, in particular, the
opportunities to obtain EU funding, reforms of tax policy (especially regarding
the VAT) as well as cultural and national identity in the context of EU
The Ministry of Culture has
supported an initiative launched by the Association of Producers and the
Association of Film Directors on the reform of audiovisual legislation. The new
Law on Audiovisual Activities was adopted in 2007 and, consequently,
the newly created Croatian Audiovisual Centre will resume
responsibilities for the production, promotion and distribution of films from
January 2008 (see also chapter
The Croatian Parliament was the
first European parliament to ratify the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and
Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions on 12 May 2006.
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.1 Constitution
The Constitution of the Republic of
Croatia (adopted in 1990, amended in 2001) guarantees the freedom of
scientific, cultural and artistic creativity and prescribes that the state is
obliged to stimulate and help their development (Article 69). It
guarantees freedom of thought and expression, freedom of the media, freedom of
speech and public activities, and prohibits censorship (Article 38).
The Constitution also guarantees the right to a healthy life and environment
and demands of government bodies and legal entities to pay attention to the
protection of human health, nature and the human environment. The sea and other
natural resources and items of special cultural, historic, economic or
ecological significance enjoy special protection by the state (Articles 69
and 52).
In addition, comprising a number of
articles concerning culture directly, the Constitution contains some provisions
with indirect relevance. Above all, this refers to norms defining the
competence of various governmental bodies and the scope of local autonomy (Article 2,
paragraph 2).
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.2 Division of jurisdiction
There is no one single law
regulating the division of jurisdictions. Specific laws regulate different
fields and prescribe whether the local and regional authorities or the state
are responsible for establishing and financing institutions in that particular
Decentralisation has been a
much-debated topic in the past ten years. The new Law on Cultural Councils
(2004) includes the responsibility to establish cultural councils at city and
country levels (decentralisation of decision-making process) but there has not
been any successful attempt to consider some form of fiscal decentralisation.
The provisions in the Law on the
Preservation of Cultural Assets (1999) regulating the distribution of funds
collected through the "monument annuity" fund ensures that a certain
percentage of funds is distributed by the local government in the city /
municipality where the annuity has been collected (see chapter
See also chapter
2.2 and
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.3 Allocation of public funds
The Law on Financing Public Needs
(1990 amended in 1993) classifies public needs which can be financed in three
ways: from the budget, from public funds, and through public enterprises. The Law
on the Administrative Boundaries of Counties, Towns and Municipalities
(1998 amended in 2000) establishes the administrative structure of the Republic
of Croatia for the purposes of classifying those activities to be financed from
the different budgets at particular levels.
General laws regulating the
financing of culture include the Law on Financing Public Needs in Culture
(1990 amended in 1993) and subsequently adopted Rules for determining
cultural projects reflecting public needs and the Law on Cultural
Councils (2004).
Cultural councils are consultative
bodies and the minister has the discretion to accept or reject their proposals
and make the final decision.
With regard to the compulsory public
tendering, cultural institutions have to follow the general rules about public
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.4 Social security frameworks
The legislator has acknowledged the
special status of independent artists in comparison with other workers.
Although the law prescribes a revision of their status every five years, the
number of independent artists for whom health and social security benefits
(including pension) were paid for by the budget has been constantly growing
over the past years. With the recent changes in the by-laws of the Association
of Independent Artists a more efficient system was put in place including the
introduction of a ceiling set at 5 000 HRK per month. This means that
independent artists earning less then 5 000 HRK per month, will continue
to receive health and social security benefits paid from the state budget.
Those which earn more than this amount will no longer be entitled to additional
state support.
Independent artists have the right
to retirement and disability insurance and to health insurance. Contributions
are paid from the state budget (see also chapter
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.5 Tax laws
Although legal incentives exist to
encourage private support for culture, it can still be considered
"marginal" compared to the funding provided by the public sector. The
same is true for foundations and funds, despite the Law on Foundations and
Funds that was passed in 1995.
Independent artists have the right
to receive specific tax benefits. An income of less than 20 000 HRK a year
is not taxed (approximately 2 740 euros). Compensation for per diems and
travel expenses is not considered part of the income. 25% of authors' fees are
not taxed, and another 40% are recognised as business expenses.
Donations made for cultural purposes
to associations and other legal entities engaged in cultural activities are not
taxed. Donations of up to 2% of the donor's total annual income are recognised
as such by law, while donations exceeding this sum must have a certificate
issued by the Ministry of Culture.
A zero VAT rate on books has been introduced
and additional taxes on cinema tickets have been abolished. Regular VAT rate of
22% applies to other cultural goods and services. To date, much of the debate
on the impact of EU enlargement on culture has been focussed on tax policies
and a possible re-introduction of a higher VAT rate on books.
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.6 Labour laws
There is no specific legislation
regulating labour relations for the cultural field. There is also no systematic
monitoring of trends regarding cultural employment. However, according to the
Strategy for Cultural Development in Croatia (Katunarić, 2001) the labour
market shows some general trends towards more flexible employment similar to
those observed in other European countries. The State Institute for Statistics
produces annual reports based on a very narrow definition of culture (see chapter
There is a unified system of
salaries for those working in the public sector both for those employed in
state-established cultural institutions and those working in the city or
municipal cultural institutions.
There is a Union for workers
employed in the cultural sector. However, there is no tradition of negotiating
collective bargaining agreements seems to be a need to clarify the position and
rights of those who are employed in institutions vis-ŕ-vis self-employed or
freelance artists and cultural workers. It can be expected that this issue will
be put on the agenda in the near future.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.7 Copyright provisions
The Law on Author's Rights and
Neighbouring Rights was adopted in November 2003 (amended in 2007) and
brought Croatian regulations into line with EU regulations.
The Croatian model follows the droit
d'auteur tradition. Both in theoretical deliberations and in legal texts,
it follows the continental European tradition on the protection of moral rights
which has been incorporated in the text of the new law passed in 2003.
The law includes provisions for the
"fair use" of copyright material for educational purposes without
remuneration. It regulates the use of "private copying" and adequate
remuneration through provisions for blank tape levies.
According to Croatian legislation,
authors and performers have exclusive rights of public performance while the
owners of secondary rights (i.e. phonogram producers) have the right of
remuneration for secondary use. The process of negotiations for full membership
in the EU may bring some additional changes in the existing legislation as a
consequence of the further harmonisation with the acquis communautaire,
particularly with regard to the anticipated enforcement of the public lending
right provisions.
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.8 Data protection laws
The Law on the Data Protection
has been in force since 2003 (NN103/2003) but so far, there have been no
discussions about its relevance for cultural organisations.
Croatia/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.9 Language laws
The Croatian Constitution determines
the use of language in the public sphere. According to the Law on Croatian
Radio-Television (2003), the HRT fosters the use of the Croatian language
and Latin alphabet in radio and television programmes and promotes creativity
in the dialects of the Croatian language. Similar provisions bind all other
radio and television activities.
Croatia/ 5.2 Legislation on culture
Since acquiring independence in
1990, new laws in the field of culture were passed and many have gone through
several stages of revision and amendment.
Cultural institutions are registered
legal and physical entities that may be private or public. The most important
and the largest cultural institutions have been set up as public institutions.
There is no unified law on culture.
General laws and regulations that influence culture and cultural policy include
the Institutions Law, Associations Law, Tax and Custom
Regulations, Law on the Implementation of the State Budget, laws
that regulate the organisation and work of public administration bodies and
units of local administration and self-government, etc.
Specific laws and regulations that
completely or predominantly relate to culture are:
In the past four years, the main
legislative changes happened in the fields of:
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.1 Visual and applied arts
There is no specific legislation in
these fields.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.2 Performing arts and music
The new Law on Theatres was
passed in the Croatian Parliament in spring 2006 and came in force from 1
January 2007. This law brings some reforms to the rules and criteria for
funding theatres and theatre groups, as well as managing public theatres,
including four national theatres. The law establishes theatre councils as the
bodies responsible for monitoring the programme and business plans of theatres.
The law also brings some innovation regarding the status and more flexible
employment rules for artists and others employed in public theatres.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.3 Cultural heritage
Cultural property may be publicly or
privately owned and may be exported only in exceptional cases. The most
important obligations are care and maintenance of the property and public
accessibility, with the right, under certain conditions, to receive
compensation from the budget for some maintenance costs. The owners of cultural
property enjoy tax and duty benefits.
The Law on the Protection of
Cultural Assets, 1999 introduced the obligation of
paying a "monument annuity" in case a cultural asset is used in a
printed work, for promotion, or when an income or profit is made from an
economic activity performed in an immovable cultural asset. This law was
amended in 2003 aiming to improve the system of collecting and distributing
funds collected from monument taxes. The recent changes reflect EU regulations
regarding the trafficking and return of cultural goods.
There is special legislation (the Law
on Archive Material and Archives, 1997 amended in 2000) on the protection
of archival material and its handling, librarianship, and the preservation of
films and film material of historic, artistic and other cultural significance.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.4 Literature and libraries
The Law on Library Activities and
Libraries (1997 amended in 1998 and 2000) is the main legal source for
librarianship. Library activities defined in this law include the acquisition,
collection, classification, maintenance, setting professional technical
methods, access to books and other library materials, the conduct of
bibliographic-information and documentation services. Libraries may be
autonomous or components of other legal entities; they can be public or
privately owned and are normally organised as institutions. Before being
permitted to operate as a library, it must meet certain professional
standards, including employing the required number of specialised trained
staff, etc.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.5 Architecture and environment
Since 2004, the preservation of
nature has been added to the Ministry of Culture's list of responsibilities.
Protection of the environment as well as legislation regarding urban planning
is within the competence of the Ministry of the Environment, Planning and
Construction. The Law on the Preservation of Nature (162/03) regulates
the protection of the following: national parks, nature parks, strict
reservations, special reservations, forest parks, protected landscapes, nature
monuments, monuments of park architecture, and certain plant and animal species.
There are a large number of secondary pieces of legislation as well as separate
laws about each national park and some nature parks. Croatia is in the process
of amending its legislation to comply with EU standards.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific legislation
5.3.6 Film, video and photography
The new Law on Audiovisual
Activities (adopted in 2007) regulates the performing, organising and
funding of audiovisual activities as fundamental components of contemporary
culture. It establishes a public institution - Croatian Audiovisual Centre -
which is responsible for the production, financing, promotion and
distribution of audiovisual activities. The Law also introduces a new system
for financing audiovisual activities, where funds will be secured from the state
budget as well as from annual gross income gained from the performing of
audiovisual activities by Croatian TV, television broadcasters at the national
and regional level, as well as cable service providers and operators in fixed
and mobile telecommunication networks and Internet service providers (see also chapter
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.7 Culture industries
There is no overall legal framework
to specifically promote and develop the cultural industries. There are neither
fixed book price regulations nor film promotion laws. The government and in
some cases local and regional authorities are subsidising book production,
music and the recording industry and film (see chapter
5.3.6). The Ministry of Culture also subsidises the promotion of Croatian
films at the most relevant film festivals through financing of copies,
promotion materials, dubbing and translating films etc.
The government announced in 2004
that it is preparing a reform of state support for the culture industries
including new policies for books, film and new media (see also chapter
4.2.6). Some innovations were introduced as a consequence of this proposed reform,
such as bursaries for writers and translators and fixed book price regulations
in the form of an Agreement between publishers and relevant ministries.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.8 Mass media
The Law on Electronic Media (2003)
follows the main principles outlined in the Television without Frontier
Directive regarding the amount of Croatian and European audio-visual works as
well as the amount of programmes produced by independent producers. It
regulates commercial television and radio broadcasting and its provisions
regarding content also apply to the public service broadcaster, HRT.
The Law on Electronic Media
also defines the basic criteria and procedures for awarding licenses. The
Council for Electronic Media, an independent regulatory body, awards licences
to private radio and television broadcasters. The Minister of Culture, based on
proposals made by the Council, issues the rules regarding the content and the
procedure for each public tender regarding license. The Council, the Agency for
Telecommunications and the respective broadcaster are signatories to the
licenses contract.
The Fund for the Promotion of
Diversity and Pluralism of Electronic Media created by the new Law on
Electronic Media obliges the HRT to contribute 3% of revenues generated
from licence fees to the Fund. The Fund is responsible for promoting the
production and broadcasting of electronic media content of public interest on
local and regional level, especially programmes important for the right of the
citizens to public information, national minorities, promotion of cultural
creativity, and development of education, science and art. This has been only
recently adopted and it is expected that the Council for Electronic Media will
soon adopt the rules for distributing funds collected through this Fund.
Following recommendations after the
screening process for the Chapter on Information Society and Media, the
government announced some minor changes to the Law on Electronic Media
in order to bring Croatian media legislation fully in-line with the acquis
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.9 Legislation for self-employed
Special laws regulate:
See also chapter
5.1.4 and
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Croatia/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.10 Other areas of relevant
Information is currently not
Croatia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.1 Short overview
Resources for financing culture come
mostly from the state budget. In 1992, culture received 0.52% of the state
budget, in 1996 0.66%, in 1999 0.8%, and in 2001 1.1%. In 2003, the total
budget of the Ministry of Culture was 641 729 660.77 HRK and in 2004
the total budget of the Ministry of Culture was 734 102 565.82 HRK,
this represented an 11% increase. In 2006, the budget of the Ministry of
Culture was 877 865 062 HRK.
According to the Statistical
Yearbook, the structure of personal consumption in households in 2002 showed
that 7% of total household expenditures included recreation and culture.
Croatia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.2 Public cultural expenditure per
Information is currently not
Croatia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.3 Public cultural expenditure
broken down by level of government
Unfortunately, the latest data on
public cultural expenditure by level of government is from the year 2000. The
Ministry of Culture is currently finalising its analysis of a recent survey.
Preliminary results show that the share of public cultural expenditure by level
of government has not changed much since 2000.
Table 1:
Public cultural expenditure by level of government, in %, 1999 and 2000
Year |
1999 |
2000 |
Ministry of Culture |
38 |
43 |
Towns |
30 |
27 |
City of Zagreb |
24 |
22 |
Counties |
5 |
5 |
Municipalities |
3 |
3 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.
Croatia/ 6. Financing of culture
6.4 Sector breakdown
The total budget of the Ministry of
Culture for 2006 was 877 865 062 HRK. The table below includes
figures for the running costs of the Ministry of Culture, salaries for
employees in public cultural institutions (broken down by sectors) and figures
for investment in cultural infrastructure. The Ministry of Culture is also
providing funding for three major public institutions: the Croatian News
Agency, the Matica Hrvatska and the Croatian Heritage Foundation.
Table 2:
State cultural expenditure: by sector, in HRK, 2006
Field / Domain / Sub-domain |
Total |
of total |
Cultural Goods |
284 833 067 |
32.45 |
Cultural Heritage |
205 915 956 |
23.45 |
Monuments |
137 788 589 |
15.70 |
and visual arts |
68 127 367 |
7.75 |
Archives |
52 607 046 |
6.00 |
Libraries |
26 310 065 |
3.00 |
Arts |
78 677 884 |
8.97 |
Visual Arts (including design) |
- |
Performing Arts |
78 677 884 |
8.97 |
Theatre and Musical Theatre |
75 177 884 |
8.57 |
Multidisciplinary |
3 500 000 |
0.40 |
Media |
83 455 300 |
9.50 |
Books and Press |
33 470 000 |
3.81 |
Books |
33 470 000 |
3.81 |
Press |
- |
Audio, Audiovisual and Multimedia |
49 985 300 |
5.69 |
Cinema |
35 000 000 |
3.98 |
* Voice of Croatia |
12 000 000 |
1.37 |
satellite programme for North America |
2 985 300 |
0.34 |
Other |
84 971 772 |
9.68 |
Interdisciplinary |
84 971 772 |
9.68 |
Socio-cultural |
4 018 200 |
0.46 |
Relations Abroad |
13 000 000 |
1.48 |
Administration (Ministry of
Culture) |
67 953 572 |
7.74 |
Activities |
- |
- |
Not allocable by domain* |
780 000 |
0.09 |
877 865 062 |
100.00 |
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.
Other financial transfers to cultural institutions financed from the state
budget not allocable by domain.
Croatia/ 7. Cultural institutions
and new partnerships
7.1 Re-allocation of public
Joint decision-making by the
Ministry of Culture and representatives of the cultural sector was established
on the national level through the establishment of several Culture Councils in
the following fields (Law on Culture Councils, NN, No. 53/01):
film and cinematography, music, theatre arts, fine arts, architecture and town
planning, books and publishing, the media. While these were initially (in 2001)
intended to be independent councils, the new law reduced their autonomy in 2004
(see chapter
2.3). In addition, the Cultural Council for Architecture and Town Planning
was abolished in 2004 and a new Cultural Council for International Relations
and European Integration was established.
Both public and private cultural
consumption are not continuously and systematically monitored. The absence of
this kind of information affects the quality of decision-making, especially
decisions aimed at decreasing the existing disproportions in the level of
cultural development throughout Croatia.
Croatia/ 7. Cultural institutions
and new partnerships
7.2 Status/role and development of
major cultural institutions
In 2000, several laws were changed
and amended to reflect the intentions of the new government to embark on a
process of decentralising responsibility for culture. The right to appoint and
approve directors and to found a public institution has been transferred from
the state to the counties, towns and municipalities. Cultural institutions are
now usually founded by towns, more rarely by counties, and sometimes by the
wealthier municipalities.
The status and number of state-owned
institutions has remained almost unchanged. The negative experiences in
privatising culture industries (especially publishing) markedly slowed down or
stopped the process of privatisation. However, public cultural institutions
have not been closed. The legislation in force prescribes that every decision
to close an institution must be approved by the Ministry of Culture; a
provision to preserve the existing level of cultural infrastructure. In
November 2006, the government announced that income tax will no longer be
collected in the cities where companies have their headquarters (mostly in the
capital city of Zagreb) but rather in the cities where the income is being
made. This will significantly increase budgets of some smaller and middle-size
cities in Croatia and decrease the budget of the City of Zagreb. This could
have some impact on the funding of culture but it is impossible to predict to
which extent and when these changes could take place.
Croatia/ 7. Cultural institutions
and new partnerships
7.3 Emerging partnerships or
In 2000, co-operation was
established between the Ministry of Culture and the Open Society - Croatia
(Soros Foundation), a partnership that offered significant support to the
non-profit cultural sector. The most important project was the development of a
national cultural information portal CultureNet Croatia. It was originally
realised as a joint venture between the Ministry of Culture, Open Society -
Croatia Institute, Croatian Telecommunications, Microsoft Croatia and the
European Cultural Foundation. Today, CultureNet Croatia is a portal managed by
the Ministry of Culture as part of its regular activities.
A more significant contribution to
recent culture funding comes from donations and sponsorship. The precise
amounts and / or indication of trends cannot, however, be given due to
incomplete statistical data. These contributions are given mostly on a project
Croatia/ 8. Support to creativity
and participation
8.1 Direct and indirect support to
On the state level, cultural
creativity is supported - both directly and indirectly - in three ways:
Croatia/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.1 Special artists funds
Every year the Ministry of Culture
organises special competitions to support artistic creativity. A special prize
(Marin Držić Prize) to stimulate contemporary playwriting is
awarded through a public competition. In addition to a monetary prize, a
Croatian theatre stages the premiere of the prize-winning play. There is also a
national prize to support modern Croatian composers to write music, but in this
case the prize-winning works are not given their first public performance.
Finally, there are yearlong competitions in filmmaking and publishing to ensure
continuous support to creativity in these fields.
Guest recitals held in smaller communities
are additionally financed; the resources are allocated to musicians through a
general annual competition. About 260 recitals are financed in this way every
year, and each guest recital must include at least one work by a living
Croatian composer.
Cultural institutions also offer
support. An example is the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, which
occasionally and in addition to its regular activities requests special
resources for commissioning a new Croatian opera.
Finally, the Ministry issues special
decisions to approve support. In 2002, the expenses of performers for acquiring
copyright and for buying music scores are being compensated from a special
Croatia/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.2 Grants, awards, scholarships
The Vladimir Nazor Prize, the
most important national award, is a monetary grant given every year for
achievements of special value in all the fields of culture. It is also granted
to artists for their life's work. Although, it is a state prize given by the
Ministry, the decisions about the winners are taken by independently chosen
experts and renowned artists from the different fields represented. In 2005,
the Ministry of Culture established a new award "Ico
Velikanović" for literary translators. The Ministry of Culture also
gives awards for the protection of heritage "Vicko Andrić" and
the protection of nature "Ivo Horvat".
The central professional art and
culture associations (in the field of literature, theatre, film etc.) also give
many awards. These awards evaluate artistic achievements, and can be given in
recognition of the work of an individual, group or institution.
Special institutions or cultural
events and festivals give prizes. There are numerous examples such as the
Orlando Award for the best performance at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, the
"Golden Arena" Award at the Pula Film Festival and many others.
Since 2004, the Ministry of Culture
has been awarding grants to individual writers and translators. Finally,
companies such as publishing houses also give prizes in the form of financial
support, usually in literature.
The total number of awards and
prizes is very large. For example, 31 major awards are granted in the field of
professional music. Nevertheless, only some of them are monetary. Some of these
are public awards while some are granted by professional associations.
The Ministry of Culture does not
grant educational scholarships. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports
is responsible for granting scholarships.
In some areas, e.g. dance and
cultural management, there is no adequate university-level education in
Croatia. Students try to acquire their training abroad; however, resources for
this training are limited. To rectify the situation, the Ministry of Culture
grants funds for short-term professional training in Croatia and abroad from
the funds set aside for international cultural co-operation and other
Croatia/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.3 Support to professional
artists associations or unions
The Ministry of Culture provides
support for the activities of artists associations or unions in the form of
grants and subsidies for their regular activities. The Ministry also approves
grants for individual members of these associations or unions to spend time at
special artist's centres and various other forms of cooperation (within Croatia
and internationally).
Croatia/ 8.2 Cultural consumption
and participation
8.2.1 Trends and figures
Participation trends stabilised in
the mid-1990s, but participation is still considerably lower than it was in the
1980s. The reasons are: a lower standard of living, changed habits in cultural
consumption (greater consumption within the home), and the disappearance of the
outlets through which tickets were sold en masse, an infrastructure
typical of the 1980s which has not yet been replaced by new electronic systems
to provide information about and sell tickets. A special section for selling
tickets is being planned within the national cultural information portal
(CultureNet Croatia). Major theatres, concert halls or festivals offer on-line
There are no special surveys
monitoring the participation of national minority groups or immigrant groups in
cultural life.
Table 3:
Number of visitors in specific cultural fields (in thousands), 1983-2002
Year |
theatres |
Cinemas |
Museums* |
and amateur theatres |
orchestras and choirs |
1983 |
1 101 |
21 324 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
1998 |
624 |
2 738 |
-- |
389 |
333 |
1999 |
634 |
2 295 |
-- |
344 |
293 |
2000 |
658 |
2 743 |
845 |
337 |
246 |
2001 |
815 |
2 935 |
1 402 |
389 |
185 |
2002 |
879 |
2 766 |
1 474 |
426 |
279 |
National Bureau of Statistics (Statistički ljetopis Republike
Data for 2001 cannot be compared
with the data for 2000 as they have for the first time included data for the
Museums in Dubrovnik which explains the significant increase in the total
number of visitors in all Croatian museums while in fact, most of the
museums reported a minor, if any, increase in the number of visitors.
Croatia/ 8.2 Cultural consumption
and participation
8.2.2 Policies and programmes
An increasing number of cultural
institutions have special departments for marketing and public relations and
there are more media campaigns promoting cultural events and activities. While
it is difficult to assess the effects of these efforts, there are visible
examples of some institutions which are able to attract more visitors through
seemingly successful campaigns. One of the most successful examples is
certainly the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb.
Special categories of the population
(school children, disabled persons and senior citizens) pay only 50% of the
full ticket price for some events. There are also reduced cards or tickets
available such as the "Zagreb ticket" or "Dubrovnik card"
which can be used to buy cheaper tickets for various cultural events. Other
cities in Croatia are introducing different incentives in order to increase
Generally speaking, participation is
not something that is being systematically promoted by the Ministry or local
communities. There are very few surveys and statistical information or analysis
that could result in designing polices to link participation in cultural life
to the broader issues of civil participation.
Croatia/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.1 Arts education
Special arts education is carried
out in schools of applied arts and design, music and dance schools, and at the
university level (music, fine arts and dramatic arts academies).
Applied arts and design programmes
are new and now available in 13 secondary schools.
Music is taught in 76 music
schools (23 of them are secondary schools) at 90 different locations which are
homogeneously distributed throughout the regions. This can be considered an
example of good practice. About 16 500 pupils, 1 500 teachers and 240
other staff are part of the system.
Dance is taught in 8 dance schools, 2
of which are secondary schools for classical ballet and contemporary dance.
The Bologna process on higher
education is bringing substantial changes to the higher education system in
Croatia, which has a great impact on arts education as well. As the year 2006
is the first year of the application of the Bologna process, it is still too
early to make any assessment about the impact of the changes.
Croatia/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.2 Intercultural education
A national curriculum for
"democratic society and human rights" has been developed, which also
includes intercultural education. Various elements from this curriculum are
included in different subjects on the primary and secondary level and have been
promoted through the new Croatian National Education Standard (HNOS), which is
in the process of being introduced in all schools. Development of the curricula
in Croatia has, for many years, been supported by UNESCO, the Council of
Europe, the OSCE, the Stability Pact as well as other international and
intergovernmental organisations. Amnesty Croatia is just one example of an NGO
working actively on these issues.
Intercultural education is the
central element of school curricula in those areas which were occupied during
the war and where there is a special need to build an inclusive education
Croatia is also a member of the Task
Force for Education about the Holocaust and participates in the project on the
revision of text books and curricula.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Croatia/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.1 Amateur arts
According to data from the Ministry
of Culture, the number of cultural associations is rapidly increasing by about
30 new associations per year. One of the reasons is the new legislation
introduced in 2001 which provides greater tax benefits than before (see also chapter
5.2). According to data from the Government Office for Associations
(February 2001) there were a total of 18 981 associations; 2 174 of
these are in the cultural field. Associations play a traditionally important
role in cultural life, maintaining professional standards in culture and providing
inspiration for overall cultural policy.
One of the main characteristics of
cultural life in Croatia is a diversified landscape of amateur cultural
activities which usually take place in halls and in schools; considered to be
the most evenly distributed form of cultural infrastructure in the country.
Although the Ministry of Culture considers that local authorities should take
responsibility for amateur activities, it nevertheless provides considerable
funding. The reasons for the Ministry's support are:
Financial support coming from the
Ministry of Culture represents approximately 0.68% of their total programme
resources. In the opinion of the Croatian Culture Assembly (the central
umbrella organisation of amateur activities) this contribution is insufficient
and too much of it is shared among a small number of events in comparison to
funds allocated to culture and art associations to run basic activities and
acquire equipment.
Table 4 indicates the number of
amateur associations which are members of the Croatian Culture Assembly. As
many amateur associations are not members of the Assembly, it is safely assumed
that the total number is much higher.
Table 4:
Amateur associations belonging to the Croatian Culture Assembly (CCA), 2002
of amateur association |
number belonging to the CCA |
Folklore groups |
258 |
Theatre groups |
131 |
Art groups |
32 |
Literary groups |
10 |
Dance groups |
38 |
Wind orchestras |
134 |
Tambura orchestras |
126 |
Choirs |
159 |
Majorette groups |
14 |
Total |
902 |
Report of the Croatian Culture Assembly (Izvještaj Hrvatskog sabora kulture),
16 April 2002.
Croatia/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.2 Cultural houses and community
cultural clubs
Cultural centres are mostly
established by local authorities or run by NGOs on the local (city or
municipal) level. There are a growing number of such centres (especially in
smaller cities) involved in different aspects of cultural lives from
traditional amateur arts activities to new media (see also chapter
4.2.8). A Network of so-called "Zajednica pučkih otvorenih
učilišta" (Croatian Association of Community Centres) are community
cultural and educational centres offering educational programmes for children,
youth or adults and cultural programs. All of these centres are mostly funded
by local authorities but there are no statistics or data available on the state
level that would give some indication of their penetration, impact and overall
Croatia/ 9. Sources and Links
9.1 Key documents on cultural policy
Antolović et al.: Media
Legislation of the Republic of Croatia. Biblioteka kulturni razvitak:
knjiga 6. Ministarstvo kulture RH, 2003.
Central Bureau of Statistics of the
Republic of Croatia: Statistički ljetopis Republike Hrvatske
2001.2002. (Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia). Zagreb:
Državni zavod za statistiku RH, 2001, 2002.
Cvjetičanin, B. &
Katunarić, V. (ur.): Strategija kulturnog razvitka: Hrvatska u 21.
stoljeću. (The Strategy of Cultural Development: Croatia in the 21st
Century). Zagreb: Ministarstvo kulture RH., 2001.
Cvjetičanin, B.;
Katunarić, V. (eds.): Cultural Policy in Croatia: National Report.
Strasbourg: European Programme of National Cultural Policy Reviews,
Landry, C.: From Barriers to
Bridges: Re-imagining Croatian Cultural Policy. Strasbourg: European
Programme of National Cultural Policy Reviews, 1999.
Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Croatia: Kulturni razvitak. (Cultural Development). Zagreb:
Glasilo Ministarstva kulture RH.
Republic of Croatia: Legislativa
u području kulture. (Cultural Legislation). Legislation (in Croatian).
Republic of Croatia: Narodne
novine - Službeni list Republike Hrvatske. (Official Gazette of the Republic of
Croatia). Legislation (in Croatian). See
Croatia/ 9. Sources and Links
9.2 Key organisations and portals
Cultural policy making bodies
Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Croatia (Ministarstvo kulture RH)
Head Office for the Protection of
the Cultural Heritage (Project list)
Professional associations
Croatian Composers Society (Hrvatsko
društvo skladatelja)
Croatian Culture Assembly (Hrvatski
sabor kulture)
Croatian Film Directors Guild
(Društvo hrvatskih filmskih redatelja)
Croatian Freelance Artists'
Croatian Musicians' Union
Updated list of professional
associations can be found at:
Cultural research and statistics
Overview of Cultural
Croatian ITI Centre - International
Theatre Institute (Hrvatski centar ITI)
Croatian State Archive (Hrvatski
državni arhiv)
Culturelink Network
Museum Documentation Centre
(Muzejski dokumentacijski centar)
National and University Library
(Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica)
(in Croatian)
Culture / arts portals
CultureNet Croatia
Links to all relevant cultural sites in Croatia.
Net-culture club Mama (Klub
net-kulture Mama)
Theater Portal
Book Portal
Film Portal
Council of Europe/ERICarts "Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in
Europe, 9th edition", 2008