Report creation date: 14.10.2008 - 09:44
Countr(y/ies): Austria
Chapter(s): 1,2,21,22,23,24,241,242,243,244,245,246,3,31,32,33,4,41,42,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,4210,43,5,51,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,52,53,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539,5310,6,61,62,63,64,7,71,72,73,8,81,811,812,813,82,821,822,83,831,832,84,841,842,9,91,92
Austria/ 1. Historical perspective:
cultural policies and instruments
Austria's history in the 20th
century was marked by the decline of the Habsburg Empire and the end of the
monarchy, by difficult times in the First Republic between the wars, by its status
as a province annexed by Hitler-Germany from 1938 to 1945, and by a period of
allied occupation from 1945 to 1955.
Austrian post-war cultural policy
was mainly prestige-oriented and non-political. It favoured support for federal
theatres or festivals and ignored contemporary works of literature, theatre,
the visual arts and music. Most of the artists and intellectuals who had been
driven away by Nazism during the war were not invited to return.
The post war-attitude toward culture
changed with the general European politicisation and radicalisation of the
1960s and 1970s. The cultural vanguard became a political factor and was
employed as a tool to prepare for the upcoming political changes in Austria,
i.e. the Social Democratic government of Bruno Kreisky, which promised
modernisation and reform in all areas including a concept of culture embracing
all expressions of life. Moreover, cultural policy was regarded as a variation
of social policy.
A package of cultural policy
measures of the Federal Ministry of Education and the Arts was adopted in 1975.
Its main goals were to improve the cultural habits and education levels of the
public and to reduce the educational gap between city-dwellers and the rural
population. A culture service (Öks) operated by the Ministry was established to
create contact between artists and culture workers on the one hand and schools,
adult education establishments, companies and cultural centres on the other.
This marked a turning point insofar as it launched a dialogue between governing
bodies and artists and art mediators. The decisive step towards the current
system of arts promotion was taken up at this time, and was gradually extended
and refined over the next 25 years, including the establishment of various
advisory bodies (incl. boards, juries and commissions and specialised
curators). Such bodies were given some decision-making powers in an effort to
make the arts support-system more democratic. Intermediary bodies were also
established, supervised by the government and to some extent anchored in
private business.
In the 1980s, the country was seized
by a veritable culture boom in the sense that more and more events were
organised and cultural spending increased approximately seven times the annual
amount of the past 25 years. In general, the reason for the increase was due to
the support for large-scale events, numerous festivals and major exhibitions.
Towards the end of the 1980s,
cultural policy priorities shifted and discussions became focused on issues of
cultural sponsorship and privatisation. This was at a time when there was a
renewed grand coalition between the Christian Democratic People's Party (ÖVP)
and the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and against the background of the major
political changes of 1989. In 1988, public support for the arts was enshrined
in a federal law: the Federal Arts Promotion Act. While public
discussion on privatisation was initially of marginal significance in the
1980s, it became a hot topic in the latter years of the 1990s, especially in
fields such as musicals, popular operas and museums which - judged by
international standards - were able to raise a greater share of funds in the
market than the more avant-garde art forms.
In 1998, a discussion on the
re-structuring of cultural policy was initiated. The Chancellor and the
Secretary of State for arts affairs commissioned a working group of experts to
analyse Austria's federal cultural policies and administration. Proposals were
elaborated to modernise and improve public cultural administration / cultural management
(Weissbuch, 1998). Although these proposals were widely discussed in the
press and among cultural policy makers and artists, they were not implemented.
Another major political shift was
brought about in 2000 with the building of a coalition between the People's
Party (ÖVP) and the right-wing Freedom Party. This political shift encountered
fundamental criticism from many social, political and cultural forces,
nationally and internationally. In general, the cultural policy objectives of
the coalition, re-elected in 2002, have been focussed on restructuring public
support for culture (outsourcing of public cultural institutions and reduction
of the cultural budget). Greater emphasis has been placed on prestige culture,
the creative industries and the promotion of economically oriented projects
(such as festivals to increase tourism).
Following the parliamentary
elections in autumn 2006, a coalition between the parties with the most votes,
the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the People's Party (ÖVP), was formed.
Since 2007, arts, cultural affairs and heritage have again been integrated in
one ministry, the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. The plans
for future cultural policy measures are outlined in chapter
Austria/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.1 Organisational structure (organigram)
There is no organigram available.
Federal Level
The Federal Ministry for
Education, Arts and Culture (BMUKK) is responsible for culture,
arts, education and school matters.
The Department for Culture is
responsible for:
The Arts Department is responsible
Other institutions within the
responsibility of the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
(BMUKK) are:
The Cultural Policy Department of
the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA)
is responsible for the co-ordination, planning, financing, evaluation and
implementation of Austria's international cultural policy:
The Federal Ministry for
Education, Arts and Culture and the Federal Ministry for European and
International Affairs share responsibility for:
There are other government
Ministries that deal with culture such as:
The Federal Chancellery is in
charge of
The Federal Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Labour is responsible for:
The Federal Ministry of the
Interior is in charge of:
the association for the
commemoration service at the Holocaust Memorials (24 intern positions per
the "Never Forget"
Association for the Protection of Holocaust Memorials (16 intern positions per
year); and
the association for services abroad
at memorials, according to the Community Service Act (26 intern
positions per year).
Provincial level
The Bundesländer (federal
provinces) in Austria are: Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg,
Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vienna and Vorarlberg. There is a cultural
department in the executive offices of each provincial government; in some
cases, these are combined with science and / or education. With the exception
of Vienna, every Bundesland has its own Cultural Promotion Act,
most of which were implemented during the 1980s.
General cultural responsibilities of
the Bundesländer include:
Local level
Political responsibility for culture
at the local level rests with either the city / town councillor or in smaller
municipalities with the mayor. The majority of local government offices - or
municipal administrations - have cultural departments (often combined
with science and / or education) which are inter alia responsible for
libraries, as well as amateur art. Communities with fewer than 20 000
inhabitants generally have no culture department of their own.
Local level competence includes:
Austria/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.2 Overall description of the
Austria is a federal state. The
general clause of Article 15 of the Constitutional Law
assigns most cultural competence to the provinces or Bundesländer (an
arrangement known as "cultural sovereignty"), while the federal
government has competence over "sovereign" matters such as scientific
and technical archives and libraries, artistic and scientific collections and
federal facilities (federal museums, the National Library), federal theatres,
historic monuments, religious groups, foundations and funds.
Even though public responsibility is
clearly defined for some specific cultural fields, public bodies (at any level
of government) may take an active role in supporting all arts and cultural
activities. In this case, the relations between the various governmental bodies
are shaped by informal co-operation as much as by competition (see also chapter
2.3). While the Austrian constitution is federalist in principle, in
practice the federal government is more active than the Bundesländer in
supporting the arts and culture.
Cultural Administration of the
Federal Republic
The basis for the administrative
structure in the field of culture is the Federal Ministry Act. Since 2007,
after alternating ministerial responsibilities in recent decades, arts, culture
and cultural heritage were integrated into one ministry, the Federal Ministry
for Education, Arts and Culture.
The legal basis of arts promotion at
federal level is the federal Arts Promotion Act, adopted in 1988,
amended in 1997 and 2000 (see chapter
5). Decisions on subsidies for the arts are made upon the recommendations
of several advisory boards which consist of experts from the respective fields
in almost all divisions of the Arts Department of the Ministry (see
5.1): visual arts, music, theatre, dance, film - the Austrian Film
Institute (Selection Commission / Auswahlkommission), literature,
translation, publishing, architecture and design, and cultural initiatives. The
advisory boards' recommendations are not binding. In some branches of the arts,
there are also juries (experts) that are used to decide the awarding of
scholarships and prizes.
The annual Arts Report
(Kunstbericht) is stipulated in the federal Arts Promotion Act and
provides information on state expenditure for the arts and cultural activities.
The presentation of the support payments also follows the "LIKUS
system" (see chapter
6), which was set up in 1996 to achieve as much transparency and
comparability as possible - especially between the expenditures of the Bundesländer
and those of the federal level. This system organises the data by sector (e.g.
literature; film and photography etc.), rather than by the administrative
The annual Culture Report (Kulturbericht)
provides information on state expenditure for the main cultural institutions
(e.g. museums), heritage protection etc.
International cultural policies and
cooperation activities are described in the annual Austrian Foreign Policy
Yearbook, published by the Federal Ministry for European and International
The Institute of Culture Management
and Culture Studies (IKM) publishes annually a report on the financing of
culture at the federal level, which provides detailed information on the
expenditures for culture and the arts along the above mentioned LIKUS system.
Cultural Administration of the
Federal Provinces (Bundesländer) and Local Authorities
The Bundesländer are active
in promoting culture in all relevant fields, based on elements of private law.
All Bundesländer governments have at least one department that concerns
itself with cultural affairs. A member of the government generally assumes the
political responsibility for this department. Occasionally, some cultural
competence is reserved for the governor. The legal basis of the promotion of
arts and culture are the respective Cultural Promotion Acts (except
Vienna), which stipulate the establishment of advisory boards and - in some Bundesländern
- the publication of a report on the expenditure on the arts and culture.
Subsidy reports are available for all the Bundesländer except Upper
The capitals of the Bundesländer,
as well as small rural municipalities, allocate considerable resources to
cultural promotion, aimed at urban institutions, local museums, libraries and
adult education facilities. Since 2000, there has been a trend towards more
transparency in municipal cultural support, for example through cultural
development strategies (Salzburg, Linz, Krems), reports on support for culture
(Graz, Salzburg) and the establishment of advisory boards.
Austria/ 2. Competence,
decision-making and administration
2.3 Inter-ministerial or
intergovernmental co-operation
Examples of inter-ministerial
cooperation in recent years are on the issues of the creative industries (see chapter
4.2.6), cultural tourism (
4.2.9), cultural diversity (
2.4.3), architectural policies (
4.3) and intercultural dialogue (see
Annual intergovernmental information
meetings (Landeskulturreferentenkonferenz) are held between the nine Bundesländer
and the federal government, where important cultural projects or events are
discussed. On request, informal, inter-ministerial meetings are organised
between the various ministries and administrators.
Alongside Vienna and the provincial
capitals, practically all cities and towns with more than 10 000
inhabitants are members of the Association of Austrian Cities; cultural agendas
are dealt with by the association's cultural committee. Alongside the
Association of Austrian Municipalities, which represents the smaller towns, the
Association of Austrian Cities is the discussion partner for the government at
national and provincial level.
Austria/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.1 Overview of main structures
and trends
The agendas of international
cultural cooperation are distributed over various ministries in Austria. The
main actors are the cultural policy section in the Federal Ministry for
European and International Affairs (see chapter
2.4.2) and the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. The
Federal Ministry of Employment and Economic Affairs is also involved in this
area (see
2.1); also the Federal Ministry of Finance, which provides state guarantees
for major international museum exhibitions, the Federal Ministry of Science and
Research and the Ministry of Justice (copyright or / and other intellectual
property rights issues).
In the field of international
cultural exchange, the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture is
responsible for cultural affairs in the framework of the EU (Cultural Contact
Point etc.), the Council of Europe and UNESCO (see chapter
2.4.3) and for bilateral cultural exchange (supporting the activities of
Austrian artists abroad, events and artist-in-residence programmes in the
framework of cultural agreements). Since 2004, the Arts Department has been
supporting an initiative focused on central and eastern European music
theatres, together with the Viennese State Opera and the Deutsche-Bank Stiftung.
Above and beyond this, the
association KulturKontakt Austria, founded in 1989, is responsible for cultural
cooperation with eastern and south-eastern Europe (see chapter
International cultural exchange also
takes place at provincial (Bundesländer) and city level and, alongside
the promotion of events and projects, includes support for the activities of
Austrian artists abroad (scholarships, travel costs) and places for
artists-in-residence. In addition, the City of Vienna also organises regular
"cultural days" (Kulturtage) for selected guest cities.
The main cultural institutions, arts
universities, but also smaller cultural initiatives, maintain their own
cultural cooperation relations, including activities within European and
international networks (such as EFAH, ELIA, ENCANTC, etc.)
Generally spoken, international cultural
cooperation is geographically focused in central, eastern and south-eastern
European countries. In recent years, cultural exchanges with Asian countries
(e.g. China) have also gained importance.
According to Culture Statistics
(Kulturstatistik), in 2005 the federal government spent approximately euro 25
million on international cultural exchanges. The corresponding expenditure by
the Bundesländer (provinces) and municipalities was approximately euro
1 million and euro 2.9 million respectively.
Austria/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.2 Public actors and cultural
Austria currently has 30
"Cultural Fora" (Kulturforen) of various sizes in 27 countries
(Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Romania,
the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey,
Ukraine and the United States). These include not only the former 11 cultural
institutes but also the cultural departments in Austrian embassies, which often
consist only of a cultural attaché. Most of the operative budget for
international cultural policy is distributed to the cultural forums, which
thereby have their own annual budget. The programme planning is agreed with the
respective ambassador and the responsible department in the Ministry of Foreign
Cultural protocols or programmes,
with a term of three or four years, regulate the main types of bilateral
cultural cooperation, specify the framework conditions and also include
agreements on the exchange of experts, cultural activities, groups of artists,
ensembles and dance companies. The general and financial provisions are subject
to the agreements and protocols negotiated.
Austria has signed agreements on
cultural co-operation with a total of 25 states, including eight EU member
states. In addition to these cultural agreements, further agreements on
co-operation in the scientific and technical fields have been signed with
twelve states. Informal co-operation in the fields of culture and science has
developed with six partner states without requiring any underlying written
The main tasks of international
cultural policy were outlined in a concept paper (Auslandskultur Neu, 2001)
prepared by the former Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001. One key
element was to restructure the cultural institutes and the culture departments
of the Austrian Embassies in the form of "Cultural Forums" (Kulturforen).
With this concept, the Ministry presented its international cultural policy for
the first time. In general, emphasis is placed on the importance of culture as
Austria's most important image factor, with the following priorities being
The Platform "Culture - Central
Europe" was founded with "cultural neighbour" countries
(Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia) in 2001. It
is a forum to facilitate cultural dialogue with the purpose of providing
support for bilateral and multilateral cultural projects focusing on common
Central European cultural interests. The "Dialogue of Culture"
initiative aims to foster a dialogue between the major world religions.
The initiative "Culture
Matters. Austrian Cultural Cooperation with South-East European Countries"
was set up in 2006 aiming to foster cultural cooperation with Albania,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. The joint
projects and events are intended to support the involvement of school students,
students, academics and artists from these countries in Austrian and European
Austria/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.3 European / international
actors and programmes
Multilateral issues of international
cultural policy are dealt with in the framework of UNESCO, the European Union,
the Council of Europe and the OSCE. Austria is also a member of different
networks: the International Network on Cultural Policy (INCP), the network of
the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue Between Culture and
the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). Further Austria is
represented at the worldwide network of artists and the International Network
for Cultural Diversity (INCD). Since 2004, Austria has had observer status at
the Francophonie. The Bundesländer maintain their own European and
external relations and are represented in networks like the Assembly of
European Regions, Committee of the Regions (see also chapter
2.4.5). The municipalities maintain town-twinning partnerships and
cooperation; the capital Vienna is a member of international / European
networks, such as Eurocities, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) etc.
The Austrian UNESCO Commission is
the national agency for UNESCO matters. In accordance with the intention of
Austria to ratify the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage, the national agency for Intangible Cultural Heritage was
established at the Austrian Commission for UNESCO in 2006.
In Austria, the following ministries
are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the UNESCO Convention
on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions: the
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, the Federal
Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture and the Federal
Ministry of Economics and Labour. The Working Group on Cultural Diversity
(established in 2004) of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, composed of
experts, artists and their interest groups, cultural organisations and creative
industries, as well as representatives of ministries and the Bundesländer,
also plays an important role in the implementation and monitoring process.
Austria/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.4 Direct professional
There are numerous institutions in
the sphere of art and culture involved in transnational cooperation in Austria,
ranging from major institutions such as museums to small cultural initiatives.
Since the 1990s, cooperation projects have been concentrating above all on the
central and south-east European area. The activities include festivals (music,
film, etc.), exhibitions (fine art, architecture, photography etc.) conferences
and workshops, information and training programmes etc. Private institutions (such
as banks and insurance companies) have also started initiatives to make fine
art, especially from central and south-eastern Europe, accessible to a broader
public. Examples are the "Kontakt" and "Tranzit" programmes
by the Erste Bank, activities of private exhibition houses (Generali
Foundation, Bawag Foundation, BA-CA Kunstforum, Siemens Artlab, etc.), and,
since 2002, the Henkel company's CEE Art award.
Festivals are an ever-more popular
form of cultural cooperation. Under the traditional, large festivals (like the
Salzburg festival, Bregenz festival, steirischer herbst etc.), which are highly
supported by the different governments (state, Bundesländer and cities),
the Austrian festival landscape has constantly grown due to initiatives by the
independent cultural scene. According to Cultural Statistics (Kulturstatistik),
there were 65 festivals with 2 045 performances (at different performance
venues) and 1.656 million visitors in 2005. However, the number of festivals
included is not complete. In the field of film alone there exist more than 20
festivals of varied size.
Austria/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.5 Cross-border intercultural
dialogue and co-operation
In recent years, the relevance of
cross-border cooperation has increased. In addition to already existing
networks and partnerships (Arge Alpen Adria; Arge Donauländer, Arge Kärnten /
Slowenien, Internationale Bodenseekonferenz, 10 Euregios etc.), new networks
and projects have been initiated: Austrian Czech Cultural Cooperation (since
2002) and Stratcult (strategy for culture) aiming to develop a long-term plan
for co-operation in the field of culture and structural funds, with partners
from central Europe and Finland, under leadership of the government of Upper
Austria. The Central European Region (Centrope) was founded in 2003 to foster
cooperation within the border quadrangle of the Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Hungary and Austria. Since 2001, awards for cross-border activities have been
granted by the federal and regional governments.
Cross-border projects are largely
financed within the framework of the EU Structural Funds, as are activities in
the field of intercultural dialogue (e.g. ethnic groups), youth and schools.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Austria/ 2.4 International cultural
2.4.6 Other relevant issues
In 2003, Graz was the first Austrian
city to be designated as "European Capital of Culture". "Graz
2003" presented 108 projects with about 600 individual events, which
attracted over 2.85 million visitors. During this event, the number of
overnight stays increased by up to 23%.
As one outcome of (ongoing)
discussions on the sustainability of this event, a Cultural Development Process
for the city of Graz was initiated in 2003. Results of this process so far are
the establishment of public debates ("Culture Dialogues") concerning
future cultural policy, the setting up of advisory boards and the publication
of an annual report on municipal expenditure for arts and culture.
In 2009, the city of Linz will be
European Capital of Culture (together with Vilnius). For more information on
the programme see
Austria/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.1 Main elements of the current
cultural policy model
The policy-making system in Austria
includes different elements. In principle, Austria is a federal state. Public
responsibilities for cultural affairs have been re-allocated by sector to
different institutions or bodies, like the Austrian Film Institute and
KulturKontakt Austria. Furthermore, some attempts to decentralise responsibilities
for culture are illustrated by the reforms of the federal theatres and the
restructuring of the federal museums (see also
Austria/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.2 National definition of culture
There is no one official Austrian
definition of culture - culture and the promotion of culture are not defined by
law as such but are integrated as a part of a federal Arts Promotion Law.
Various definitions of culture are to be found in the Arts Promotion Laws
of the individual Bundesländer, usually highlighting the regional specificity
of those cultural activities which are to be promoted.
Austria/ 3. General objectives and
principles of cultural policy
3.3 Cultural policy objectives
Generally, the main objectives of
cultural policy making in Austria can be organised under three categories:
Austria/ 4. Current issues in
cultural policy development and debate
4.1 Main cultural policy issues and
From 2000 until 2006, the following
priorities within cultural / media policies were set by the Austrian
government: continued reorganisation (outsourcing) of main cultural
institutions; various initiatives within the cultural heritage sector (tourism,
digitalisation etc.); reform of the social security insurance for artists; main
emphasis on creative industries (new support schemes and research); promotion
of major events and festivals; measures in the field of media policy (e.g.
foundation of "Komm Austria" - "Austrian Communications
Authority", amendments to the media laws); amendments to the Copyright
Act; and a shift from basic funding to project-oriented funding for smaller
cultural initiatives and associations.
In the fields of culture and the
arts, the government programme for the years 2007-2010 lists the following
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.1 Cultural minorities, groups
and communities
In 1976 the federal government
passed a new Law on the Rights of Indigenous Ethnic Minorities in Austria,
the Volksgruppengesetz (Ethnic Groups Act), which significantly
curtailed the rights granted in Article°7 of the 1955 State Treaty. Five
groups - later extended to six - were recognised as ethnic minorities in
different parts of Austria: Slovenes (in Carinthia and Slovenia), the Croats
(in Burgenland), the Hungarians (in Burgenland and Vienna), the Czechs and Slovaks
(in Vienna). In 1992, the Roma (in all nine Austrian Bundesländer)
became the latest ethnic minority group to be recognised. There is also an
ongoing debate among the recognised ethnic groups over the perception that the
provisions meant to safeguard their cultural heritage are not being properly
applied and executed.
As a whole, the public discussion on
the rights of ethnic groups hardly touches on questions such as democracy,
human rights or pluralism. It is dominated, above all, by the conflict over
bilingual place-name signs in Carinthia. The refusal of the Carinthian
provincial governor to fulfil the appropriate constitutional laws continues to
put a strain on the relationship between the German-speaking and
Slovenian-speaking ethnic groups.
According to the 2001 census, the
breakdown of Austrian ethnic minorities (Volksgruppen) is: Slovenes
18 000, Burgenland-Croats 19 400, Hungarians 25 900, Czechs
11 000, Slovaks 3 300. The Roma consists of 4 300 people (compared
to 122 in 1991). These figures, however, only partly reflect the "ethnic
reality" in Austria. Unofficial estimates record higher figures.
In addition, there are many
migrants, e.g. Turks (183 400) living in Austria, as well as those coming
from former Yugoslav countries such as Serbs (177 300), Croats
(131 300) and Bosnians (34 900). These groups are not officially
recognised ethnic minorities of the Austrian state; they are recognised as
migrant groups, formerly called "Gastarbeiter". These immigrants, who
have come to Austria since the 1960s, are not officially recognised as cultural
minorities with their own set of rights to protect their cultural identity. It
should be mentioned that there are many more immigrants than members of
recognised minority groups - for example, there are 20 200 officially
registered Slovenes (1999 census) compared to around 339 000 immigrants
coming from the former Yugoslav countries in total.
In 1999, the federal government
(Arts Department of the Federal Chancellery) commissioned a report on
"Cultural Diversity in Austria". This was part of a 7 country
transversal study developed and organised under the auspices of the Council of
Europe. The report was conducted by Andrea Ellmeier of the österreichische
kulturdokumentation. internationales archiv für kulturanalysen in February
In summary, there are no specific
arts community programmes for ethnic minority groups provided by the Arts
Department of the Federal Government in Austria. However, the Federal
Chancellery's department for the Volksgruppengesetz (Ethnic Groups
Act) is responsible for providing support for their cultural activities.
Essentially, associations, foundations and funds are entitled to apply for
funding for projects specific to ethnic groups, as well as churches and
religious communities and their institutions. At euro 3.8 million, the budget
for ethnic groups has remained the same since 1995.
The new cultural minorities - the
immigrants - are not officially recognised as minorities and therefore do not
receive support or enjoy the same legal rights as minorities. Nevertheless,
financial support for cultural activities is provided to these groups via
normal cultural budgets at national, regional or local level.
In 2000, the Ethnic Groups Law
was anchored in the constitution (Article 8, para.2) as a defining
national objective. In 2001, the government signed the European Charter for
Regional or Minority Languages. In 2006, Austria was one of the first countries
to sign the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity
of Cultural Expressions.
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.2 Language issues and policies
The dominant language spoken in
Austria is German. Minority languages covered by the Volksgruppengesetz
(Ethnic Groups Act) are Croatian and Hungarian (found mostly in
Burgenland) and Slovene (found mostly in Carinthia). In Burgenland, the
language of instruction in a school depends on the number of students in that
school speaking a second language. Hungarian language instruction at the
elementary level is provided for the Hungarian minority in Burgenland. For the
largest ethnic minority in Austria, the Carinthian Slovenes, secondary
education is provided in Slovene; a so-called "minority education
right" (see also chapter
Austria/ 4.3 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.3 Intercultural dialogue:
actors, strategies, programmes
In Austria "intercultural
dialogue" is often used in context with external relations, events,
co-operation projects etc. (not only in the field of culture). Within Austria,
migration and integration issues are complex and often conflict-laden:
Different actors (the state, Bundesländer, local level, but also NGOs),
with divergent interests, have so far made a cohesive, consensus-based
integration and migration policy difficult.
Austria is an "immigration
country". In 2006, 10% of the resident population were foreigners (or
826 013, compared to 8.9% (710 926) in 2001). 36% or 297 000
came from the successor countries to the former Yugoslavia (excepting Slovenia);
the majority from Serbia, Montenegro and from Bosnia and Herzegovina. German
nationals make up the second-largest group (14% or 114 000), followed by
Turkish citizens (109 000). The Bundesländer (federal provinces) of
Vienna (19%), Vorarlberg (13%) Salzburg (12%) and Tyrol (10%) have the highest
proportion of foreigners.
According to the latest census
(2001) 4.2% of the Austrian population (or 338 998 persons) practice the
Islamic faith. In Vienna, the share is higher at 7.8%, (or 121 149
persons). As a result of the inclusion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the
Habsburg Empire, Islam became (and remains) a recognised state religion.
However, state recognition does not mean social acceptance.
In law and in practice there are
very clear differences in Austria between citizens of Austria / the EU and
those of third countries, which make social and political integration more
difficult. A number of measures in this area have attracted considerable
criticism from human rights organisations and other NGOs, such as the tightening
of residence permits in the context of the Aliens' Rights Act and a
further tightening of this Act in 2006, which no longer includes any transition
period. Generally, immigrants from non-EU-countries are disadvantaged in the
labour market as well as within the Austrian education system. At the same
time, they are at double the risk of poverty as the rest of the population.
Above and beyond this, public debates on immigration questions at the political
level and in media are often characterised by xenophobic undertones. According
to a Eurobarometer survey in 2003, public resistance in Austria to immigrants
was above the EU average. The latest election results also give a clear
picture: in 2005 (Vienna city parliament elections), almost 15% of the population
of Vienna voted for the extreme right wing party, the FPÖ; the 2006
parliamentary elections also showed over 14% of the vote for the right wing
parties, the FPÖ and the BZÖ.
Since 2001, on the other hand, there
has been an increase in integration policy measures above all at the municipal
level (as well at the provincial level). Since 2003, the City of Vienna, in
particular, has been introducing an improved integration policy to respond
better to the needs of the immigrant population through a diversity strategy
(in the fields of health, social issues, housing, district work etc.). The
number of education measurements has also increased. However, cuts in the
education budget, for example, have meant that the extra resources (teachers)
required for language learning are insufficient. According to the second
Austrian report on migration and integration (2007), there are too few
integration measures, and apart from this the existing ones are not
sufficiently coordinated.
Concerning the cultural field - apart
from individual projects and the stipulation of cultural diversity in strategy
papers and laws - there have not been any cohesive programmes linking
intercultural dialogue and culture so far: Grants for "multicultural"
projects are inter alia given by the different levels of governments
(state, Bundesländer and local level). The "promotion of (ethnic)
cultural diversity" is one of the new government's proposals. It is also
an objective of the Styrian and Carinthian Cultural Support Act and also
included in cultural strategy papers at the local level (Salzburg and Linz
municipalities). Nevertheless, the visibility of migrants as cultural consumers
and producers is still very low in Austria.
In fact, the essential players here
have been primarily smaller initiatives and cultural associations that try to
reflect migrant experiences, e.g. the Soho festival in Ottakring, the Moving
Cultures festival in Vienna, the "Gastarbejteri" exhibition
organised in 2004, and NGOs such as "Stimme der Minderheiten" (voice
of minorities) that try to give a voice to minorities living in Austria. The
free radio stations, institutions such as the MAIZ in Linz and the
interest-group for cultural initiatives (IG Kultur) are also active in this
The national committee for the
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID) 2008 consists of 35 partner
institutions (ministries, "social partners" (Sozialpartner) the media
and civil society), the national coordination body is the Federal Ministry for
Education, the Arts and Culture, supported by KulturKontakt Austria.
For more information, see:
Database of Good Practice on Intercultural Dialogue and our
Intercultural Dialogue section.
For more information on the
government's National Strategy for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
please see:
Austria/ 4.3 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.4 Social cohesion and cultural
Only in recent years has social
cohesion in general become an issue in Austria - one of the richest countries
in the EU - not least because of the rising risk of poverty in this country
too. Generally, the role of social "stabilisers" such as the
"social-partnership" (the out-of-parliament agreements between the unions
and the political parties), which have cushioned social imbalance for decades,
has weakened within the last five years. According to the national report on
the social situation (2003), 13.2% (1996 12 %) of the population was at risk of
poverty, 5.9 % were affected by acute poverty (1999 4%), especially women, who
work disproportionably in atypical forms of employment and poorly paid
industries. Moreover, the income gap between women and men is still high in
Austria (on average women earn 30% less), and the income gap between the rich
and the poor has also risen. In response to these developments, networks and
platforms such as the Austrian Social Forum and the "Conference on
Poverty" (Armutskonferenz) have been initiated since 2000.
In Austria there are no cohesive
programmes at national level linking social inclusion and culture. Artistic
funds, grants and (prize money) awards, as well as project money, are the main
support schemes for artistic work. The Social Security Insurance Fund for
Artists, effective since 2000, only covers basic social needs to a limited
extent (pension supplement); moreover, artists on very low incomes are excluded
(see also chapter
There are various projects, mainly at
the local level, focusing either on participation or artistic analysis of the
issue of "social exclusion". Many artistic works discuss political
issues such as migration and poverty. The Equal project "Artworks -
Artistic Services in the Third Sector" (2002-2005) sought to
advance the development of new areas of work for artists within the third
sector (health care, social work etc.). In Austria, there are also critical and
feminist voices arguing that such social artistic intervention does not take
artistic work seriously and, moreover, that it is not equally addressed to both
genders - many more women artists participate in "social projects"
and this reinforces the conventional societal gender division.
The initiative "Hunger auf
Kunst und Kultur" (hunger for arts and culture) was founded by the
above-mentioned "Conference on Poverty" and the Viennese theatre
"Schauspielhaus" in 2003. 95 cultural institutions in Vienna, Styria,
Upper Austria and Salzburg provide free entrance (via a "culture
pass") for unemployed people and those on lower incomes. Since 2006,
"Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur" has been organised as an association,
supported by the City of Vienna.
The level of voluntary work is
comparably high in Austria. According to a country-wide study (2001), over 51%
of Austrians over the age of 15 were active in the voluntary sector, especially
in the fields of neighbourhood help (53% women), social services (61% women)
and culture and entertainment (42% women).
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.5 Media pluralism and content
Since the break up of the Austrian
Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) monopoly in 1993, the Austrian media scene
operates in three categories:
Since 2000, many important changes
have taken place in the field of electronic media:
The main characteristic of the media
landscape in Austria is concentration in the field of the print media, which is
one of the highest in the world: in 1988 the leading dailies in Austria - Kronenzeitung
(which reaches over 50% of Austrian households) and Kurier merged to
become the Mediaprint cartel. Due to another big merger in 2001, the situation
has further intensified: one publishing group now publishes the three leading
political-economic news weeklies (News, Format, Profil; as
well as Trend), media magazines (TV-Media and E-Media) and
several lifestyle-magazines.
In 2002, content diversity was
further limited by abolition of state subsidies for the distribution of
newspapers. This led to considerable financial problems for smaller newspapers
and magazines. Many of the cultural initiatives and small civic organisations /
institutions / NGOs which relied on distribution support for their publications,
especially at the regional level, have been forced out of business.
A particular clause in the Austrian
Cartel Act (1988) regulates media mergers. This states that a media merger
cannot only be prohibited if a market-dominating position results from it or is
strengthened, but also if "media diversity" is threatened by it,
although media diversity is not closely defined. Apart from the cartel act,
there are also limitations on shareholdings in the Private Radio Act
relating essentially to the number of receivable programmes and residents
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.6 Culture industries: policies
and programmes
Since 2000, the field of Creative
Industries has acquired increased importance in the cultural policy debate,
which is demonstrated not least by the increasing number of research works in
this area: thus far two reports on Creative Industries have appeared at
national level, as well as studies on the cities of Vienna, Linz and Graz, as
well as for the provinces of Burgenland, Vorarlberg and Tyrol. However, the
respective definitions and sector definitions differ (see
According to the second Austrian
Creative Industries report, in 2004 there were 28 700 Creative Industry
enterprises in Austria (mostly one-person and micro-companies), with
101 600 (directly employed) workers. These companies made around euro 18.3
billion. In Vienna, 24% of all Viennese companies (18 000), with
approximately 100 000 - 120 000 employees (almost 14% of all
those gainfully employed) are considered to be part of the creative industries
sector. 48.2 % of these 18 000 companies are one-person enterprises.
Between 1998 and 2002, the growth in employment in this area was 6% on average
compared with two percent in the overall economy. The level of qualification of
those involved in this area is above average: one in four of those gainfully
employed has a university degree, a further 44% have the equivalent of A-level
In the course of the research
activities, support programmes were initiated such as the nationwide "IP
creative industries impulse programme", which focuses on music, multimedia
and design and is funded with euro 10.3 million (since 2004). In 2003, the
"Departure - Wirtschaft, Kunst und Kultur GmbH" company was founded
by the Vienna City Council as an economic support and service office for
creative industry enterprises in Vienna. Since 2004, 89 projects have been
supported by Departure - with euro 7.2 million, mainly in the fields of
fashion, music, multimedia and design. In 2006 also, the province (Bundesland)
of Styria launched a funding scheme ("Creative Incentives") for enterprises
within the creative industries.
All these initiatives and
activities, however, have been accompanied by certain fears that the focus on
creative industries is leading to a further "economisation" of the
cultural sector and to a reduction in public support for the arts. Furthermore,
critics question whether the focus on project funding is an adequate or
sufficient measurement to support the prosperity of the Austrian creative
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.7 Employment policies for the
cultural sector
In 1999, the cultural sector became
part of the Austrian national employment strategy. The prospering culture and
media industries sector, with high increases in turnover, was recognised by the
government as a source for new jobs. "Culture and Employment" was
also one of the main cultural policy issues explored during the Austrian
EU-presidency in the second half of 1998, via the conference on "Cultural
Competence: New Technologies, Culture and Employment". Since the end of
the 1990s, several studies have been published on employment in the cultural
sector, e.g. on the impact of information and communication technologies on
employment and qualifications or on the development of new areas of work for
artists within the Third Sector.
According to cultural statistics
(Kulturstatistik), in 2005, 51 700 people worked in cultural occupations,
which amounts to 1.35% of all economically active people in Austria. The
proportionally biggest occupational group, with some 28 700 workers, is
"writers, fine artists and performing artists", followed by
13 000 people in occupations in the "artistic and entertainment
occupations" sub-group. The overall ratio of men was 61.5%. Almost
three-quarters (72%) of the workers in cultural occupations were in the 25 to
50 age group, 19% were 50 or over, and 8% were under 25. At 38%, workers in
cultural occupations were significantly more often self-employed than the
general average (13%). Furthermore, people in the cultural professions in
general had a better education than workers as a whole: in 2005, 36.2% of
workers in cultural occupations were graduates; for workers as a whole, the
figure is only 13%.
Differing calculation methods make
it more difficult to make statements on the employment potential of the
creative industries, which are considered to be the great white hope for the
cultural labour market in Austria: thus, the nationwide creative industries
report calculates 101 600 (directly employed) workers in 2004, whereas the
study on the Viennese creative industries identifies between 100 000 and
120 000 workers in the cultural industries field. A research project by
the Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt (FORBA) takes a closer look at
the labour and employment quality in selected Viennese creative industry
sectors (multimedia, film / video, TV and radio, graphic design /
advertisement, design and fashion and architecture). The study shows that these
sectors are essentially characterised by low incomes from atypical employment
relations, project work and multiple job holding as well as the general
quantitative under-representation of women (Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle
Arbeitswelt (Forba; 2006).
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.8 New technologies and cultural
In April 2000, the government agreed
on the initiative "e-Austria in e-Europe". The main focus is on the
digitalisation of cultural heritage coupled with specific programmes such as
the creation of the Austrian Digital Heritage Initiative established to digitalise
cultural and scientific / academic works (
The Austrian National Library is also working to establish new standards in
this field. Moreover the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
(BMUKK) has launched school projects, for example, the annual "media
literacy award" and the interface to promote cooperation
between museums and schools through the use of innovative technology.
The level of support for media arts
is much lower in comparison. A main actor in this field is the Ars Electronica
in Linz, which organises one of the most important festivals at the interface
of arts and the new media in Europe.
In 2005, the cultural department of
the City of Vienna launched a new support scheme for "net culture"
initiatives. This scheme provides, in principle, two kinds of support measures
with different decision making processes. On the one hand, grants are given to
small projects and "newcomers" (which receive small grants from the
cultural department) and large scale projects (which receive 90% of the funds
available). On the other hand, funding is made available for infrastructure,
services and events - this decision is based on suggestions from within the
"net culture scene" itself. However, this new support scheme has led
to fierce controversies.
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.9 Heritage issues and policies
Some of the country's most important
cultural institutions in the heritage field are: the federal museums and the MuseumsQuartier
in Vienna, the Austrian National Library, the Austrian Phonotheque (sound
archives), the Vienna Court Orchestra, the Federal Office of Historic
Monuments, the Austrian Film Archive and the Austrian Film Museum. Each of
these institutions has been undergoing a process of change with regard to their
organisational, juridical and economic structures. The most crucial reform has
been the decision to grant full legal status to the federal museums and
transform them into scientific institutions under public law - an important step
towards more autonomy. New statutes were developed by the former Federal
Ministry for Education, Science and Culture for each of the federal museums.
The strategic programme
"Culture Tour Austria" (launched in 2004) was financed (with 1
million euros) by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour and the former
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This two-year programme was
designed in cooperation with international experts to develop a mid- and
long-term strategy for cultural tourism in Austria. Within this programme,
regional cultural centres should also be supported to develop measures for the
internationalisation of their cultural tourism products. Other projects concern
Austrian music tourism and the development of strategies for internationalisation
of historical buildings and non-metropolitan museums.
Since this reform of the federal
museums, there have been ongoing (public) debates not only on the financial
situation of the federal museums, but also on content-related overlaps between
those federal museums presenting visual arts. Almost ten years after the above
mentioned reorganisation of the federal museums a reform of the museums is now
(2007) being discussed at federal level. The core themes are the national
museum policy, planning and collection policy and "governance".
Results of the discussion (, with the involvement of
experts, political parties, museum directors, media representatives, should be available
by June 2008, after which specific implementation measures will follow.
Austria/ 4.2 Recent policy issues
and debates
4.2.10 Gender equality and cultural
In Austria, a political programme
that clearly defines aims to address women in culture does not exist.
Within administrative bodies, the
former "equality officers" - civil servants responsible for
gender-fairness issues - have been changed to "gender-mainstreaming
officers". The policy of gender-mainstreaming is concerned with the reform
of policy-processes rather than with a single gender-equality employment
policy. Since 2001, the Department of Culture of the City of Vienna publishes
gendered data in a supplement "Frauenkunstbericht" to their Annual
Financial Report.
Since the end of the 1990s, a number
of studies have been carried out on women in the arts labour market. A research
project (1998-1999) to examine the (social) situation of female artists in
Austria pointed out that in addition to the general low regard for works by women
in comparison to men, the income and social situation of female artists is
unsatisfactory. A national review of the status of women in the arts and media
in Austria, as part of a larger European comparative project co-ordinated by
ERICarts, examined the employment situation of women in the arts and media;
more recently with a special focus on the representation of women in
decision-making positions. The study shows that the high level of
qualifications gained by women have not translated into a higher number of
women working in decision-making positions. Generally, the ratio of women in
the Austrian arts and cultural labour market has been falling again since the
turn of the millennium. Here, too, as in other labour market segments, women
are more frequently affected than men by precarious forms of employment.
Organisations such as Fiftitu and IG
Kultur Vorarlberg in particular are striving to reduce the gender-specific
imbalance in the arts and cultural field: thus, in 2004, at a networking
meeting of women creators of culture, a catalogue of measures was drawn up that
demands the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the cultural field and
the development of specific measures for women creators of arts and culture.
Austria/ 4. Current issues in cultural
policy development and debate
4.3 Other relevant issues and
In the context of the elections for
the National Assembly in Austria in 2002, the Austrian platform for
architectural policy and building culture (,
consisting of the main relevant institutions, was founded to foster
architectural policies in Austria. Beneath consciousness-raising via workshops
and several discussion forums, the platform was essentially concerned with the
setting up of a conference in the Austrian National Assembly in 2004. One
outcome was a resolution passed by all parties in parliament which,
inter alia, requested a report on the status of the building culture in
Austria. The first Austrian Report on Building Culture, commissioned by the
former State Secretariat for Art and the Media and the Federal Ministry for
Economy and Labour, together with the Federal Real Estate Agency (BIG), was
presented in summer 2007. It contains several recommendations in the fields of
public awareness, production, economy sustainability etc. In autumn 2007 the
Austrian parliament decided to continue the publication of a national report on
building culture every five years and to establish an inter-ministerial
advisory council in the federal chancellery. It remains to be seen to what
extent further measurements will be implemented in future.
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.1 Constitution
An attempt to take stock of the
prevailing legal regulations in the cultural sector in Austria is impeded by
two factors. First, Austria is a federal state with relatively independent Bundesländer;
this independence is reflected in the assignment of responsibilities for
culture to the Bundesländer. Secondly, the Austrian Federal Constitution
does not explicitly mention arts and culture. Statutory provisions regulating
the cultural sector have not been laid down in a comprehensive Cultural Act,
nor have they been systematically collected.
Therefore, the statutes referring to
the cultural sector are found throughout the legal system: for example in the Federal
Constitution Act (see chapter
5.1.2) or the Basic Law on Civil Rights (including Freedom for the
Arts - Paragraph 17a, 1982).
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.2 Division of jurisdiction
Article 15, para.
1 of the Federal Constitution Act states that all matters not assigned
to the national government are to be paid by the Bundesländer, including
culture. However, in Article 10, responsibility over
"sovereign" matters such as scientific and technical archives and
libraries, artistic and scientific collections and federal facilities (federal
museums, the National Library), federal theatres, historic monuments, religious
denominations, foundations and funds are assigned to the national government.
The Bundesländer are responsible for preserving the appearance of towns
and villages, for foundations and funds owned by the Bundesländer,
theatres, cinemas, events, heritage, tradition and folk arts. According to Article 17
of the Federal Constitution Act, however, the national government and
the Bundesländer as upholders of civil law are not bound by the above
distribution of competences.
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.3 Allocation of public funds
The Federal Arts Promotion Act,
adopted in 1988 (amended in 1997 and 2000), includes the provision that the
federal budget must include the requisite funds for public arts promotion and
that the social situation of artists and the framework for private sponsoring
need to be improved. The law stipulates that promotion has to be directed
mainly at "contemporary art, its spiritual changes and its variety"
and lists the fields to be supported by way of production, presentation,
dissemination and preservation of works and documents. Facilities that serve
this purpose have to be similarly supported. The law also lists individual
measures that may be taken (e.g. funds, grants, acquisitions, loans,
commissions, prizes awarded).
An advisory system has been
operating since 1973 and includes specialised bodies such as juries to make decisions
on the granting of funds. Mention was also made in the act of the potential
conflicts of responsibility that needed to be avoided between the federal and
state governments, stating that the principle of "subsidiarity" must
be employed. The federal government, nevertheless, supports activities and
projects at regional or local levels that are "of supra-regional interest
or suitable to be exemplary, of an innovative character or which are promoted
within the scope of a single promotion programme".
With the exception of Vienna, every Bundesland
has its own Cultural Promotion Act, most of which were implemented
during the 1980s.
The Arts Support Act (1981) states
that in addition to the monthly radio and television fees, an
appropriate contribution (monthly euro 0.48) to support contemporary arts is to
be raised and distributed between the state and the Bundesländer
(provinces) on a 70:30 ratio. 85 per cent of the state share is given to the
Arts Department of the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture; the
rest is spent on heritage protection and museums. Since 2000, further
contributions have been dedicated to the social security insurance fund (see chapter
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.4 Social security frameworks
For a long time there were no
specific regulations to ensure that social security provisions for artists
reached across all professional fields. Only artists in the music and visual
arts sectors were covered by the obligatory social security provisions. All
other artists were free to enrol in a social security insurance plan of their
choice. Several funds were created to help artists pay part of their
(non-obligatory) social security insurance, the Künstlerhilfe Fonds for
visual artists, for example (see chapter
The Employment and Social
Security Law Amendment Act (1997) produced an initial change: up
until 1997, artists had widely differing social security coverage, depending on
their professional status, nature of labour relations and field of work. This
amendment generally regulated labour conditions and required contracts for all
freelance workers in the form of either a Werkvertrag (contract for
work) - also called the "new" self-employed, a term that describes
one person enterprises without a trade licence - or a freier Dienstvertrag
(self-employed contract of service), depending on the nature of the work
(people who work under the freier Dienstvertrag have more social
protection than the self employed, but less than the employed).
Following this amendment, anyone
earning over 6 453 euros per year was forced to pay social security
insurance (24% of annual Werkvertrag profit, 17.5% of Dienstvertrag income).
Artists were exempt from this law until the end of 2000 and were not obliged to
pay social security insurance. Those who chose to pay the insurance could apply
to the above mentioned funds, like Künstlerhilfe Fonds (see chapter
8.1.1) to help cover the costs of their social security fees.
Since January 2001, freelance
artists have been given the same treatment as other self-employed
professionals. Under certain conditions, a pension supplement is paid within
the framework of the Social Security Insurance Fund for Artists (see chapter
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.5 Tax laws
In Austria, only an estimated 1.8 %
of the overall cultural funding is supplied by the private sector despite the
existence of a "Sponsors' Ordinance" regulation adopted by the
Federal Ministry of Finance in 1987. Under this regulation, an enterprise /
entrepreneur is granted a tax break on expenses for sponsoring cultural events.
The ordinance lists various criteria that must be fulfilled in order to qualify
for the tax break (sponsoring must, for example, be in the form of an
advertisement). This regulation only allows for a very small amount of
expenditure to be tax deductible; however, plans for the introduction of new
legislation, which has long been discussed, have been announced.
A study commissioned by the Arts
Department of the Federal Chancellery was concerned with the effects of these
planned tax breaks on the purchase of art objects (Österreichisches Institut
für Wirtschaftsforschung (Wifo), 2002). Regarding the benefits of these tax
breaks, the study estimated that the market potential of private households and
enterprises is between 50 and 70 million euros.
On the basis of an amendment to the Federal
Arts Promotion Act (1988) in 1997, certain public subsidies are now tax
free, retrospectively to 1991. These include: grants, prizes and supplements
from the Austrian Film Institute for promoting the creation of film concepts
and screenplays; income and assistance from public funds or from the funds of
public or private foundations, as far as compensation for expenditure or
expenses is concerned, or - with the exception of private foundations - for
activities abroad.
Amendments to the Tax Law in 2000 provide that an estimated 12 per cent (not more than
8 725 euros per annum) of artists' / authors' income is tax-deductible.
Furthermore, their (often irregular) incomes can be spread over three years
(income averaging). Also in 2000, tax privileges for foreign artists taking up
residence in Austria were introduced: foreign creative artists can now apply
for the partial or full cancellation of tax liabilities in Austria that are in
excess of tax liabilities in their country of origin if their establishment of
residence serves to advance art in Austria and if there is public interest in
their work.
A new legal incentive was introduced
in October 2002 which stipulates that donations made to museums (to important
country-wide private museums, as well as to federal museums) are tax
There are two tax rates under the Austrian
VAT Law (1994), one at 20% and a reduced rate at 10%. The reduced
rate applies to turnover related to artistic activities, cinema, theatre and
concert tickets, museums, botanical gardens or nature parks, as well as
services by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) and cable TV companies,
books magazines and dailies. There is 20% VAT on music CDs.
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.6 Labour laws
Alongside the growing rate of
unemployment, the structure of employment in Austria has changed considerably
in recent years. For example, the number of people working under a freier
Dienstvertrag (self-employed contract of service) has risen by 150% within
five years. At the end of 2002, the figure was approximately 24 300. It is
similar for people working under a Werkvertrag (contract for work) - or
"new" self-employed: here the number almost quadrupled between 1998
and 2002, from 7 700 people to 30 300. Generally, all freelancers
fall outside the system providing entitlements and protective measures
envisaged by the general Austrian Labour Law.
In the field of the performing arts,
there is a specific labour law, the Actors' Law (Schau-spielergesetz, 1922)
regulating the working hours, holiday rights and bonuses for actors which are
different from the employee regulations. Formerly, the actors were assumed to
be employees but full employment with all the costs and obligations for
employers (e.g. festival-organisers) is now often circumvented.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.7 Copyright provisions
According to the Austrian Copyright
Act, copyright arises with the creation of a work by its originator. No
formal act (notification or registration) is required in order to obtain
copyright protection for a work. According to paragraph 1, such works must be
"personal intellectual creations in the fields of literature, music,
visual arts and film". Since the 1980s, developments have increasingly
tended towards lump-sum compensation. Proceeds from claims for compensation
that are asserted by the copyright collecting societies are partly devoted to
social / cultural purposes, and partly distributed to the copyright holders.
An amendment to the Copyright Act
in 1980 introduced a copyright fee on blank tapes. The copyright collecting
society Austro-Mechana is entrusted with collecting the royalties. The fee
varies between 0.04 euro and 0.27 euro, depending on whether it is regulated by
contract or an autonomous tariff and depending on the type of recording medium.
In 2005, total royalties amounted to euro 17.6 million.
Comparable to this fee, a copyright
fee for reprography - for single devices and for (large-scale) operators - was
introduced in 1996. It is collected by the copyright collecting societies
Literar-Mechana, VBK (copyright collecting society for visual artists) and
In 1994, an author's claim to funds
collected via public lending rights from approximately 2 500 public
libraries was established in Copyright Law; the sum of which is to be
agreed upon by the authors' collecting society. In 1996, a lump sum payment
between the federal government (116 276 euro), the Federal Provinces
(465 106 euro) and the authors' rights society was contractually agreed.
Further amendments to the Copyright
Act were implemented in 2003, in accordance with the EU Directive on the
harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the
Information Society. Minor changes were made including the list of types of
free use, and the improvement of legal protection against the circumvention of
technical measures.
In 2005 - in line with the EU
directive - a resale right for artists was introduced in Austria as well. Under
this right, artists receive between 4% and 0.25% of the profits from the resale
of their work according to the appropriate price scale. The reimbursement
amounts to euro 12 500 at most. The right to claim, however, only exists
for a sale price of over euro 3 000, something the artists' interest-group
representatives criticise as being much too high.
A reform of the Act on Copyright
Collecting Societies in 2006 means that "KommAustria" (see chapter
4.2.5) is now responsible for overseeing the eight Austrian copyright
collecting societies.
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.8 Data protection laws
Data protection has been legally
secured in Austria for 20 years. The Data Protection Act 2000, which
primarily implements the EU data-protection guidelines, regulates all rights
and obligations of operators of information collections and applies both to
public-legal (authorities etc.) as well as to private legal information
collections (such as for companies, associations and other organisations etc.),
including those held by cultural institutions. Fundamentally, according to Paragraph
47, the transfer of addresses requires the agreement of those affected,
although there are exceptions (for statistical or scientific reasons, for
Austria/ 5.1 General legislation
5.1.9 Language laws
The new Broadcasting Act
(2001) stipulates that the ORF is obliged to ensure that "all aspects of
democratic life are to be understood by the public", and an appropriate
share of their programming has to be broadcast in the language of ethnic
minorities. Although there is regulatory support for programmes broadcast in
the languages of ethnic minorities, the article is general and the management can
apply it "as appropriate", which means without obligation. The third
radio programme is required to broadcast mainly in a foreign language
Since the passage of the Private
Broadcasting Act in 1998, many small (non-commercial) free radio stations
have been founded and currently provide programmes for (national) minorities
and immigrants - e.g. Radio Orange (free radio Vienna), Radio Mora
(Croatian private radio station, run by the Croatian cultural centre Kuga
in Burgenland) or radio Korotan / Radio Agora (the two Slovenian radio stations
in Carinthia). Until 2001, such broadcasts were supported by the federal
government. Since then, these free radio stations have been continually
struggling and Radio Mora has been forced to close down due to financial
reasons. In 2007, the 12 free radio stations are again to receive support funds
of euro 300 000.
The first Austrian Community TV
channel ("Okto TV") started in 2005. This open-channel TV programme
is supported by the city of Vienna (euro 980 000) and provides space for
programmes in languages other than German.
Austria/ 5.2 Legislation on culture
Specific federal regulations or acts
Laws on the Promotion of Culture have also been adopted by the federal Bundesländer,
with the exception of Vienna.
In addition to direct public support
for the arts and culture, Austrian legislation provides for a number of
important instruments of indirect support for the arts. This refers to various
legal provisions of social policy and fiscal policy, the system of social
insurance for artists, measures taken in the field of labour market management,
copyright legislation (both direct and indirect payments such as library
royalties), the encouragement of private sector support for the arts by means
of tax exemptions, tax deductions for private donations and for arts
sponsorship, as well as promotion of art-works for buildings financed with
public money. While such policies are welcome, surprisingly few sector specific
legal regulations have been formulated in areas such as orchestras or theatres.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.1 Visual and applied arts
Generally, the Federal Arts
Promotion Act stipulates that promotion has to be directed mainly at
"contemporary art, its spiritual changes and its variety" in the
fields of literature, performing arts, music, visual arts, photography, film,
video and experimental art forms (para. 2 (1)). All sub-departments within the
Arts Department of the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture have
published detailed summaries of their grant programmes according to para. 2 of
the Federal Arts Grants Act. In addition, there are general guidelines
for awarding federal financial resources by the Federal Ministry of Finance and
special guidelines with a view to public grants in the arts sphere.
Under the Federal Arts Promotion
Act, the government purchases works by contemporary fine artists as a
support measure. The administration of this collection - Artothek -, which
contains more than 28 000 objects, was contracted out in 2002; the federal
government remains the owner of the collection itself.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.2 Performing arts and music
There are special regulations
concerning theatre funding, stating that the government is obliged to pay an
annual supplement (currently 21.3 million euros) to the regional and city
theatres under the regularly agreed Financial Equalisation Act.
The Federal Law on the
Establishment of the Salzburg Festival Fund (1950) provides for the
Salzburg Festival's losses to be covered by the federal government (40%), the
province of Salzburg (20%), the city of Salzburg (20%) and the fund for the
promotion of tourism (20%).
In August 1998, federal theatres (Burg-
and Akademietheater, Staats- und Volksoper) were reorganised as limited
companies under private law (see also chapter
7.2). The "owner" of such companies is the Republic of Austria.
Their cultural tasks are defined in the Federal Theatre Organisation Act,
1998. This states that the government is to provide an annual basic payment of
133.6 million euros.
The private Vienna theatres (Theater
in der Josefstadt, Volkstheater, Theater der Jugend, Kammeroper) are likewise
co-funded by the Federal government on the basis of a special contract with the
City of Vienna.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.3 Cultural heritage
The Federal Museums Act of
1998 grants full legal capacity to museums and has transformed them into
scientific institutions under public law - an important step towards more
autonomy. The federal museums are still under the authority of the Federal
Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture and receive basic grants from the
Ministry. The rest of the budget must be financed by the museums themselves.
Critics of "partial autonomy" feared that smaller museums would not
be able to withstand the increasing financial pressure as it would be difficult
for them to raise money in the private sector. As a result, the main programmes
of the Museum of Ethnology and the Austrian Theatre Museum have been
incorporated into the Historical Art Museum.
In 1998, the Federal Law for the
Restitution of Works of Art from Austrian Collections to their Jewish Heirs
was passed and a working group set up to clarify the provenance of works of art
in question. In addition, an advisory committee was set up in 1998 by the
Ministry for Education, Science and Culture. A Historical Commission has also
been created (jointly by the Austrian Federal Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor,
the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Speaker of the Federal Council)
with a mandate to investigate and report on the whole complex of expropriations
in Austria during the Nazi era and on restitution and / or compensation
(including other financial or social benefits) after 1945 by the Republic of
Austria. In the meantime, seven restitution reports have been published at
national level.
The Federal Law for the
Restitution of Works of Art does not concede any legal position to the
heirs. It refers to holdings of the federal museums and state collections;
exceptions include the Leopold Collection (confiscation of two paintings of
this collection in New York initiated the debate which led to the federal law)
and holdings of art universities.
Under an amendment to the Monument
Preservation Act in 1999, the federal monument office (under the Ministry
of Education, Science and Culture) can issue a decree provisionally placing
monuments owned by public bodies under monument preservation. By 2010, these
monuments are to be registered in a list of monuments. Further, in the
framework of the amendment, the export ban on cultural goods has been brought
in line with the corresponding EU guideline and 56 historical gardens have been
listed for monument preservation.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.4 Literature and libraries
Generally, local government offices
are responsible for libraries. Above that, the government subsidises public
libraries under the Federal Law on the Promotion of Adult Education and Public
Libraries from federal funds (1973). The government ministry responsible is
the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. Alongside direct
subsidies for library syndicates, support includes funds for staff training and
further education, and nation-wide projects and software. In 2006, support from
the ministry amounted to euro 1.6 million.
However, due to the lack of binding
standards for premises, equipment and employment of staff, there are large
differences (size, holdings, staff etc.) between public libraries in Austria.
Therefore, claims for a Library Act including conditions on the
establishment and funding as well as guidelines on the standards of the
content, the services and the qualifications of the librarians have risen in
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.5 Architecture and environment
In 1985, a Decree by the Council
of Ministers established a mandatory share for the arts to be included in
Federal civil construction projects ("Kunst und Bau"): 1% of the net
construction cost is made available to art in public projects. The selection
procedure is decided upon by an expert advisory body. The government's building
and real-estate administration was outsourced in 1992 to the foundation of the
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) (federal real-estate company). Since then,
the "Kunst und Bau" projects have been coordinated by a government
expert advisory body, the BIG and the property developers.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.6 Film, video and photography
The Film Promotion Act (1998)
regulates the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI) which is in charge of promoting and
supporting the Austrian film industry, i.e., to allocate subsidies for Austrian
films, e.g. for filmmakers and film producers. The projects are selected by
members of the Austrian Film Institute. Amendments made in 1998 were designed
to strengthen the economic base of the Austrian film scene by making
international co-productions easier, encouraging support for distribution
systems, and creating a cinema support scheme (15% of the budget reserved for a
new generation of film makers and film producers). Due to an amendment in 2004
to the Film Promotion Act, an Austrian Film Council was established to
advise the federal government on film policies and funding. Furthermore, the
law stipulates the publication of an annual report on the Austrian film economy
by the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI). This amendment contains further new
provisions on video and television broadcasting rights and deadlines for the restitution
of rights.
The global development in the
audio-visual media sector and media industry, as well as severe competition in
this sector, required prompt reorganisation and proper regulations in the
Austrian audio-visual media sector (e.g. referring to the monopoly held by the
Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, ORF). Amendments were subsequently made to
the Public Broadcasting Law 1997-1999 to enable the public TV
broadcasting system to be efficiently managed in the face of increasingly
fierce competition (see chapter
The "Film Television
Agreement" (Fernsehabkommen 1981) was signed by the Austrian
Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), and by the Austrian Film Institute to promote
and support Austrian films with funds from the Austrian Broadcasting
Corporation (annually 5.96 million euros).
According to an amendment to the
"KommAustria" Act (see chapter
4.2.5), an "Austrian Television Endowment Fund" (Fernsehfonds
Austria) was set up in 2004. This fund receives an annual endowment of 7.5
million euros and is derived from broadcasting fees to support the production
of Austrian television films, series and documentaries. This fund is
administrated by the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and
Telecommunications (RTR), which acts as the operative arm of the Austrian
Communications Authority ("KommAustria").
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.7 Culture industries
In 2000, a Federal Law on Fixed
Book Prices was implemented. The law refers to publishing, import and
trade, but not to the cross-border electronic trade. This law was important to
ensure that small publishing houses, booksellers, distribution firms etc.,
which play a crucial role to maintain media diversity, can still compete with
the big publishing and distribution firms / enterprises.
In 2001, a Law was passed to Privatise
the Biggest Austrian Publishing House (Österreichischer Bundesverlag).
This process was completed in 2002. The purchaser, a German publishing
group, has to maintain the levels of production of school books as well as the
publication and / or preservation of works by Austrian authors until 2007.
Under an amendment to the Federal
Arts Promotion Act in 2000, selected federal, provincial and municipal
museums can receive an annual supplement in order to acquire art from the
holdings of Austrian galleries. In addition, support is granted (since 2002)
for the participation of Austrian artists (galleries) at international arts
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.8 Mass media
Austrian regulations on content
correspond to the European Directive "Television without Frontiers"
(see Austrian Broadcasting Act, Article 1, 2 b, 1999).
Advertising is regulated by the Austrian
Broadcasting Act. In its two TV channels, the state broadcaster ORF is
allowed to broadcast advertising programmes only nationwide. On a yearly
average, advertising broadcasts (TV) must not exceed 5% of the daily length of
programmes, with deviations of not more than 20 per cent per day being
permissible. Only 172 minutes of advertising is allowed per day and per channel
for radio programmes, with deviations of not more than 20 per cent per day
being permissible. Austria 1 is the only "advertising-free" public
station and Radio Orange is one of the advertising-free private radio
Amendments to the Austrian
Broadcasting Act forbid "interruption advertising" (i.e.
advertising that interrupts running programmes). Advertising is not permitted
on Good Friday, Christmas and All Saints Day on either public radio or
television. Furthermore, advertising for newspapers, magazines etc., on
television is limited to two minutes per day; cross-promotion is permitted and
"interrupting advertising" is only allowed for the transmission of
events (e.g. sports events). Since 1999, TV-programmes considered unsuitable
for minors have been flagged on screen.
An amendment to the Broadcasting
Act ("Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Act") in 2001 included
the legal transformation of the ORF into a foundation and the production of a
new version of the statutory programme directive. It also included a new clause
on the promotion of Austrian artistic and creative productions. Nominations for
the foundation council are partly submitted by the government. A significant
change has been the introduction of a new regulation that forbids the
nomination of politicians to the council. The statutory tasks are to be more
clearly separated from other commercial activities of the ORF. Although this
reform was intended to reduce party-political influence on the ORF, many
commentators remain doubtful about the success of this step towards
The new Broadcasting Act,
laying down the promotion of arts and culture, also includes a limitation on
advertising. This led to financial cuts in the ORF budget: one result was the
cancellation of the high-quality TV programme Kunst-Stücke - under
protest from many artists - which had primarily presented contemporary arts and
films over the last 20 years.
In 2004, a new Press Subsidy Act
(Presseförderungsgesetz) came into force. In addition to distribution
subsidies for daily and weekly newspapers and special subsidies for the
preservation of diversity in regional daily newspapers, the Press Subsidy
Act also provides new measures, such as support for the education of
journalists and for research projects. The Journalism Subsidy Act (Publizistikförderungsgesetz,
1984) sets out, among other things, provisions for support to periodicals if
they deal with the topic of culture or related scientific disciplines. Since
2004, the Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria) has been
responsible for administering the press subsidies and subsidies under the Journalism
Subsidy Act. A digitalisation fund (euros 7.5 million annually, derived
from broadcasting fees) was launched in 2004 to foster digital terrestrial
broadcasting in Austria.
An amendment to the Private Radio
Broadcasting Act was made in 2004. In the future, nation-wide radio
broadcasters and those who can demonstrate long-term financing will receive
preferential treatment in the granting of licences. Critics fear this will lead
to further media concentration in the radio sector which, above all, will drive
out the non-commercial, free radio stations.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.9 Legislation for self-employed
Artists have been comparatively
successful in creating, improving and consolidating lobbies for themselves.
Authors and translators in particular, as well as cultural initiatives, and to
some extent independent theatre groups, cinematographers and media artists have
been able to create associations and interest groups to represent them in
public, to lobby for more funds and commissions, to fight for legal and social
improvements and for the maintenance of artistic freedom. Among their major
achievements has been an improvement in the flow of information on market
opportunities and mutual communication among artists. As to their social security
status, several reforms and improvements (copyright, social security scheme for
artists and other social benefits) have been achieved by umbrella
organisations, interest groups and collecting societies.
Since January 2001, when the new Law
on Social Security for Artists (Künstler-Sozialversicherungsfondsgesetz)
came into force, freelance artists are treated the same as other self-employed
professionals, which means they must pay their statutory social security
insurance if they earn more than 6 453 euros per annum. In many cases, the
new law created a situation whereby artists end up making two different types
of social insurance payments: statutory insurance for freelance work and any
other social security insurance payments which result from other part-time
employment contracts they may have. As many freelance artists are employed both
part-time and do free-lance work, the contribution to the social
security system is relatively high compared to total income.
The new Law set up a Social
Security Insurance Fund for Artists (Künstlersozialversicherungs-Fonds)
which grants artists a pension supplement of up to euro 85.5 per month, if
their annual income from the artistic activity is at least euro 4 094 and
the sum of all their income does not exceed euro 19 622 annually. The
pension supplement is based on self-evaluation of future income. If either of
the above limits are not achieved, or are exceeded, the supplement has to be
paid back. Those artists entitled to receive a grant must meet certain
requirements such as being specifically trained (art-university graduates, for
example). Others are selected by a specific board (commission). Each year about
4 500 to 5 000 artists receive this pension supplement; about 20% do
not reach the minimum level.
The new Social Security Insurance
System was widely criticised by artists and their professional associations,
mainly because of the exclusion of artists on very low incomes. Further demands
were to secure obligatory contributions to the fund by the federal government
and a supplement not only for pensions but also for health and accident
The reform of the artists' social
insurance is among the cultural policy priorities of the new government.
However, in contrast to announcements by the government to abolish the minimum
level (euro 4 094), a draft version of an amendment to the law provides
only for changes, such as allowing prizes and scholarships to be taken into
account as part of the income, and the possibility for those artists with a
lower income to receive a supplement also for health and accident insurance.
For more information, see our Status
of Artists section.
Austria/ 5.3 Sector specific
5.3.10 Other areas of relevant
Information is currently not
Austria/ 6. Financing of culture
6.1 Short overview
In 2005, approximately 2.01 billion
euros, or 1.34% of all public expenditure, was spent on culture and the arts by
the federal, provincial and local governments; in 2004, the total sum spent on
culture and the arts was 1.96 billion euros, or 1.36% of all public
expenditure. In 2005, 34.7% of this budget is spent by the federal government,
while the remainder is divided among the provincial governments, including
Vienna with 34.4%, and the municipalities with 31.0%. In 2004, 34.6% of this
budget is spent by the federal government, while the remainder is divided among
the provincial governments, including Vienna with 34.4%, and the municipalities
with 31.0%.
The years 2001 and 2003 were the
first years in the history of public funding of the arts and culture that the
total provided by provincial governments including Vienna, in nominal terms,
was greater than that provided by the federal government. In the year 2005, the
public funding of the arts and culture that the federal government provided, in
nominal terms, was insignificantly greater than that provided by provincial governments
including Vienna. From the budget year 2000, the first one calculated in euros,
public funds for the arts and culture increased at federal level in nominal
terms from 668.8 million euros to 695.9 million euros by 2005. This is an
increase of 4%. During the same period, the total sum at the level of
provincial governments increased from 593.5 million euros to 673.96 million
euros. This is an impressive increase of 16.3%.
A high percentage (approx. 50%) of
federal expenditure on culture goes towards the maintenance of large-scale
projects and institutions such as the federal theatres and museums as well as
to performing arts activities - the majority of which are located in Vienna.
Federal theatres are financed by the Federal Chancellery while the federal
museums are financed from the budget of the Federal Ministry of Education,
Science and Culture.
Subsidies from the Bundesländer
(excluding Vienna) have more than tripled since 1980. The majority of resources
are spent on education, followed by the performing arts. The former includes
considerable investment in music schools and conservatories.
Additional support for
"non-traditional" fields of culture, such as contemporary art or more
general art promotion, is derived from indirect levies e.g. on radio licences.
An advisory board monitors spending within the Federal Chancellery and the
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Seven Bundesländer have
emulated this example and levy a "broadcasting, radio or culture
schilling". The extra funds have, in fact, made quite an impact on the
budgets of some public institutions (in some cases up to 15% of the culture
budget). Funds are also obtained from "blank tapes" levied by
collecting societies.
Austria/ 6. Financing of culture
6.2 Public cultural expenditure per
In 2005, cultural expenditure per
capita in Austria amounted to 249.99 euros; the share of GDP in 2005 was 0.84%.
In 2004, cultural expenditure per capita amounted to 239.54 euros. The share of
GDP in 2002 was 0.87%. The two years in comparison represent a slight decrease.
Austria/ 6. Financing of culture
6.3 Public cultural expenditure
broken down by level of government
Table 1:
Public cultural expenditure: by level of government, in million euro, 2005
Level of government |
Total |
% |
State (federal) |
695.91 |
34.66% |
Regional (provincial, Länder) |
689.88 |
34.36% |
Local (municipal) |
622.21 |
30.99% |
2 008.00 |
100 |
Kulturstatistik 2005, Tabellenwerk. Statistik Austria. Calculations Otto
Table 2:
Public cultural expenditure: by level of government, in million euro, 2004
Level of government |
Total |
% |
State (federal) |
677.14 |
34.59% |
Regional (provincial, Länder) |
673.96 |
34.43% |
Local (municipal) |
606.30 |
30.97% |
957.40 |
100.00% |
Source: Kulturstatistik 2004,
Tabellenwerk. Statistik Austria. Calculations Otto Hofecker.
Public cultural expenditure broken
down by level of government is calculated in Table 1 of this chapter, for the
year 2005, and in Table 2 for the year 2004. The figures in both Tables are
calculated on the basis of Table 3 and Table 4 in the next chapter. The main
message of Table 1 and 2 is to examine the proportion between levels of
government in the field of public cultural expenditure; the main message of
Table 3 and 4 is to shed some light on the shares of the subcategories within
the levels of government. Austrian culture statistics are not yet in a position
to identify exactly all transfers between the levels of government, especially
the amount and flow of transfers from the provincial governments to the local
level cannot be shown in all its complexity. The funds for arts education
represent, in most of the provinces, a huge share of total cultural
expenditure, in most cases around 50%. The average figure of around 25.19% for
2005 is influenced strongly by the province of Vienna which provides, in this
field, only an arbitrary sum with respect to total cultural expenditure. Money
for arts education means, at federal level, funds for the arts universities, at
provincial level and at the level of municipalities, funds for the music
Music schools are organised in very
different forms and status. Organising music schools as part of the provincial
administration or as independent associations or as organisations by business
law influences the flow of subsidies from the provinces to the music schools.
Because of these problems, the Austrian yearbook on music schools has not yet
dealt with this delicate problem, but there are plans to do so in the next
edition. Problems like these are the main reason the aggregated sum of the
subdivisions' funds - based on the "funding reports" - is not the
same as when we calculate the total arts funds from the budgeting documents.
But the budgeting documents are not helpful for relating the total funds to the
subcategories. For the compendium series in 2008, this problem will be much
better served by the findings of the forthcoming music schools statistical
yearbook next spring. In the meantime the solution was to subtract the total
overlapping sum from the funds calculated at local level.
Austria/ 6. Financing of culture
6.4 Sector breakdown
Table 3:
State cultural expenditure, by sector, in million euro, 2005
Domain / Compendium subcategories |
State |
States |
Municipalities |
Total |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
I. Cultural Goods |
247.64 |
35.59 |
150.47 |
21.81 |
183.09 |
29.43 |
581.20 |
28.94 |
I.1 Cultural Heritage |
224.93 |
122.66 |
158.43 |
506.02 |
1.1 Historical Monuments |
105.93 |
15.22% |
25.20 |
3.65% |
81.85 |
13.10% |
212.64 |
10.59% |
1.2 Museums |
119.00 |
17.10% |
97.46 |
14.13% |
76.92 |
12.36% |
293.38 |
14.61% |
I.2 Archives |
2.1 Archives (included in 1.2) |
I.3 Libraries |
22.71 |
27,81 |
24.66 |
75.18 |
3.1 Libraries |
22.71 |
3.26% |
27,81 |
4.03% |
24.66 |
3.96% |
75.18 |
3.74% |
II. Arts |
188.34 |
27.06 |
208.90 |
30.28 |
161.29 |
25.92 |
558.53 |
27.82 |
II.4 Architecture |
4.1 Architecture |
II.5 Visual Arts |
8,78 |
15.78 |
5.75 |
30.31 |
5.1 Visual Arts (incl. Design) |
8,78 |
1.26% |
15.78 |
2.29% |
5.75 |
0.92% |
30.31 |
1.51% |
II.6 Performing Arts |
179.56 |
193.12 |
155.54 |
528.22 |
6.1 Music |
8.86 |
1.27% |
36.49 |
5.29% |
72.38 |
11.63% |
117.73 |
5.86% |
6.2 Theatre, Musical Theatre |
156.99 |
22.56% |
120.83 |
17.51% |
67.52 |
10.85% |
345.34 |
17.20% |
6.3 Multidisciplinary |
13.71 |
1.97% |
35.80 |
5.19% |
15.64 |
2.51% |
65.15 |
3.24% |
III. Media |
39.76 |
5.71 |
19.28 |
2.79 |
5.31 |
0.85 |
64.35 |
3.20 |
III.7 Books and Press |
23.80 |
3.54 |
1.61 |
28.95 |
7.1 Books |
8.15 |
1.17% |
2.35 |
0.34% |
1.61 |
0.26% |
12.11 |
0.60% |
7.2 Press |
15.65 |
2.25% |
1.19 |
0.17% |
0.00% |
16.84 |
0.84% |
III.8 Audio, Audiovisual and
Multimedia |
15.96 |
15.74 |
3.70 |
35.40 |
8.1 Cinema |
15.96 |
2.29% |
15.61 |
2.26% |
3.08 |
0.50% |
34.65 |
1.73% |
8.2 Radio |
0.00% |
0.13 |
0.02% |
0.62 |
0.10% |
0.75 |
0.04% |
8.3 Television (included in 8.2) |
IV. Other |
220.16 |
31.64 |
311.23 |
45.11 |
272.49 |
43.80 |
803.88 |
40.03 |
IV.9 Interdisciplinary |
213.57 |
222.63 |
237.77 |
673.97 |
9.1 Socio-cultural |
5.96 |
0.86% |
47.77 |
6.92% |
92.99 |
14.95% |
146.72 |
7.31% |
9.2 Cultural Relations Abroad |
25.04 |
3.60% |
1.05 |
0.15% |
2.91 |
0.47% |
29.00 |
1.44% |
9.3 Administration |
9.4 Educational Activities |
182.57 |
26.24% |
173.81 |
25.19% |
141.87 |
22.80% |
498.25 |
24.81% |
IV.10 Not alloc. by domain |
6.59 |
88.60 |
34.72 |
129.91 |
10. Not alloc. by domain |
6.59 |
0.95% |
88.60 |
12.84% |
34.72 |
5.58% |
129.91 |
6.47% |
Total |
695.90 |
100.00 |
689.88 |
100.00 |
622.18 |
100.00 |
2 007.96 |
100.00 |
Kulturstatistik 2005, Tabellenwerk. Statistik Austria. Calculations Otto
Table 3a: State cultural
expenditure, sector breakdown, in %, 2005
Domains / Compendium subcategories |
State |
States |
Municipalities |
Total |
I. Cultural Goods |
I.1 Cultural Heritage |
1.1 Historical Monuments |
49.82% |
11.85% |
38.33% |
100% |
1.2 Museums |
40.56% |
33.22% |
26.22% |
100% |
I.2 Archives |
2.1 Archives (included in 1.2) |
I.3 Libraries |
3.1 Libraries |
30.21% |
36.99% |
32.80% |
100% |
II. Arts |
II.4 Architecture |
4.1 Architecture |
II.5 Visual Arts |
5.1 Visual Arts (incl. Design) |
28.97% |
52.06% |
18.97% |
100% |
II.6 Performing Arts |
33.99% |
36.56% |
29.45% |
100% |
6.1 Music |
7.53% |
30.99% |
61.48% |
100% |
6.2 Theatre, Musical Theatre |
45.46% |
34.99% |
19.55% |
100% |
6.3 Multidisciplinary |
21.04% |
54.95% |
24.01% |
100% |
III. Media |
III.7 Books and Press |
7.1 Books |
67.30% |
19.41% |
13.29% |
100% |
7.2 Press |
92.93% |
7.07% |
0.00% |
100% |
III.8 Audio, Audiovisual and
Multimedia |
8.1 Cinema |
46.06% |
45.05% |
8.89% |
100% |
8.2 Radio |
0.00% |
17.33% |
82.67% |
100% |
8.3 Television (included in 8.2) |
IV. Other |
IV.9 Interdisciplinary |
9.1 Socio-cultural |
4.06% |
32.56% |
63.38% |
100% |
9.2 Cultural Relations Abroad |
86.34% |
3.62% |
10.03% |
100% |
9.3 Administration |
9.4 Educational Activities |
36.64% |
34.88% |
28.47% |
100% |
IV.10 Not alloc. By domain |
10. Not alloc. by domain |
5.07% |
68.20% |
26.73% |
100% |
Total |
34.66% |
34.36% |
30.99% |
100% |
Kulturstatistik 2005, Tabellenwerk. Statistik Austria. Calculations Otto
Table 4:
State cultural expenditure, sector breakdown, in million euro, 2004
Domains / Compendium subcategories |
State |
States |
Municipalities |
Total |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
Total |
% |
I. Cultural Goods |
240.61 |
35.53 |
160.00 |
23.74 |
195.31 |
32.21 |
595.92 |
30.44 |
I.1 Cultural Heritage |
213.34 |
134.14 |
170.47 |
517.95 |
1.1 Historical Monuments |
104.11 |
15.37% |
29.34 |
4.35% |
90.71 |
14.96% |
224.16 |
11.45% |
1.2 Museums |
109.23 |
16.13% |
104.80 |
15.55% |
79.76 |
13.16% |
293.79 |
15.01% |
I.2 Archives |
2.1 Archives (included in 1.2) |
I.3 Libraries |
27.27 |
25.86 |
24.84 |
77.97 |
3.1 Libraries |
27.27 |
4.03% |
25.86 |
3.84% |
24.84 |
4.10% |
77.97 |
3.98% |
II. Arts |
184.38 |
27.23 |
201.21 |
29.85 |
140.32 |
23.14 |
525.91 |
26.87 |
II.4 Architecture |
4.1 Architecture |
II.5 Visual Arts |
9.10 |
14.55 |
6.13 |
29.78 |
5.1 Visual Arts (incl. Design) |
9.10 |
1.34% |
14.55 |
2.16% |
6.13 |
1.01% |
29.78 |
1.52% |
II.6 Performing Arts |
175.28 |
186.66 |
134.19 |
496.13 |
6.1 Music |
8.69 |
1.28% |
39.51 |
5.86% |
51.40 |
8.48% |
99.60 |
5.09% |
6.2 Theatre, Musical Theatre |
151.89 |
22.43% |
110.60 |
16.41% |
64.64 |
10.66% |
327.13 |
16.71% |
6.3 Multidisciplinary |
14.70 |
2.17% |
36.55 |
5.42% |
18.15 |
2.99% |
69.40 |
3.55% |
III. Media |
40.84 |
6.03 |
16.13 |
2.39 |
5.84 |
0.96 |
62.81 |
3.21 |
III.7 Books and Press |
25.81 |
3.80 |
2.04 |
31.65 |
7.1 Books |
8.00 |
1.18% |
2.34 |
0.35% |
2.04 |
0.34% |
12.38 |
0.63% |
7.2 Press |
17.81 |
2.63% |
1.46 |
0.22% |
0.00% |
19.27 |
0.98% |
III.8 Audio, Audiovisual and
Multimedia |
15.03 |
12.33 |
3.80 |
31.16 |
8.1 Cinema |
15.03 |
2.22% |
12.24 |
1.82% |
3.28 |
0.54% |
30.55 |
1.56% |
8.2 Radio |
0.00% |
0.09 |
0.01% |
0.52 |
0.09% |
0.61 |
0.03% |
8.3 Television (included in 8.2) |
IV. Other |
211.31 |
31.21 |
296.62 |
44.01 |
264.83 |
43.68 |
772.76 |
39.48 |
IV.9 Interdisciplinary |
206.84 |
211.99 |
227.31 |
646.14 |
9.1 Socio-cultural |
5.91 |
0.87% |
45.38 |
6.73% |
85.60 |
14.12% |
136.89 |
6.99% |
9.2 Cultural Relations Abroad |
23.38 |
3.45% |
1.05 |
0.16% |
3.05 |
0.50% |
27.48 |
1.40% |
9.3 Administration (when not
alloc. by domains) |
9.4 Educational Activities |
177.55 |
26.22% |
165.56 |
24.57% |
138.66 |
22.87% |
481.77 |
24.61% |
IV.10 Not alloc. by domain |
4.47 |
84.63 |
37.52 |
126.62 |
10. Not alloc. by domain |
4.47 |
0.66% |
84.63 |
12.56% |
37.52 |
6.19% |
126.62 |
6.47% |
Total |
677.14 |
100.00 |
673.96 |
100.00 |
606.30 |
100.00 |
1 957.40 |
100.00 |
Kulturstatistik 2004, Tabellenwerk. Statistik Austria. Calculations Otto
As already mentioned, the main
message of Table 3 and 4 in this chapter is to shed some light on the shares of
the subcategories within the levels of government. How are these figures
calculated and what quality standards are behind them? All departments funding
the arts and culture at federal and provincial level provide so-called "funding
reports". Basing data sets on these reports achieves a reasonably high
quality of analysis and comparison of arts policy. The funding reports are
documents describing where the funds are going at project level. The structure
used to document these subsidies and make the figures comparable in Austrian
cultural policy is the LIKUS scheme, which provides aggregated figures for
around 20 000 projects. It is important to indicate this with respect to
Table 2 and its subdivisions into the levels of government. Since the transfer
of the Austrian funding figures in the LIKUS scheme to the compendium scheme is
possible with only a limited loss of documentation quality, the background for
the share figures in Table 2 is reasonable.
For the municipal level, the funding
figures for arts and culture do not have the same quality as for the federal
and provincial levels, especially when it comes to separating the figures
according to the subcategories of the LIKUS scheme and finally for the
compendium scheme. For this level, there is still a huge amount of
clarification necessary, especially of which field the money is used in. The
subdivisions currently provided are estimates from Statistics Austria but are
still the best available. The main idea at this level is to complete Table 2 at
all levels for Austria. On the one hand, providing the figures and on the other
being aware of this weakness at municipal level, generally there is a need and
a desire to improve the comparative quality at least for the larger towns in
the near future, since the willingness to provide a substantial amount of the
total budget for arts and culture at this governing level is greater than
The figures in the culture policy
reports do not make it clear when transfers are involved. Separating out
transfers is currently only possible using budgeting documents. However, these
documents have a different structure and subdivisions. The biggest average
share devoted to arts and culture was achieved in 2005 with 3.6% at the level
of municipalities. The year before this figure was 3.51%, so this represents a
slight increase. A substantial increase from 2000 to 2005 in the share figures
was achieved at provincial level even though the share at that time was nearly
half that of the municipalities. The provincial level in Austria is represented
by the nine Länder (provinces) such as the Tyrol, Upper and Lower
Austria and the capital Vienna. On average, the share of the funds devoted to
arts and culture at provincial level was 2.03% in 2005 and 2.17% in 2004.
The lowest share for arts and
culture in Austria is provided at federal level. That said, it must be
underlined that this share is much higher than that at federal level in Germany
or Switzerland. It is also important to see and comment on the tendency at
federal level during the last years. There was a decrease in the share figures
from 1997 to 2005 from 0.95% to 0.70%. This steadily decreasing trend overlaps
even the change of governments at federal level from the coalition between the historically
larger political parties in Austria, the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the
conservative Christian Democratic People's Party (ÖVP) to the current coalition
of the conservative People's Party (ÖVP) and the right wing Freedom Party
(FPÖ). The highest share of funds for arts and culture at federal level was
measured at a more or less stable level in the region of 1% at the end of the
first-named coalition's final term in office. The lowest share figure was
reached with 0.57% in the year 2000 when the coalition of the conservative
People's Party (ÖVP) and the right wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) started with its
first budget. These comparatively large changes also indicate the need for a
permanent, qualified and highly professional observation of the trend in
willingness to support funding of arts and culture.
The share figures in cultural public
expenditure at federal, provincial and local level in Table 2 are based on the
analytical quality mentioned at the beginning of this paper with respect to the
data sets on public funding figures in Austria. Some budget lines have not yet
been filled in. That means that, with improved calculation of funding figures
in Austria, the aggregated sums will also increase. In Austria, we have no
figures at all for the costs of administration. Compared to the funding figures
from Germany, this would mean an increase of around 6%. Beyond the need to meet
all the demands of the new scheme, the funds provided for administration seem
to be a figure of strategic importance. And this is not only the case for
Austria/ 7. Cultural institutions
and new partnerships
7.1 Re-allocation of public
Public responsibilities for cultural
affairs have been re-allocated by sector to different institutions or bodies.
Depending on the allocated tasks and responsibilities, different models of
institutions or partnerships have been adopted.
The Austrian Film Institute
(previously Austrian Film Promotion Fund) was established with a separate legal
personality, according to amendments made to the Film Promotion Act in
1998. It is responsible for structural changes to the Austrian film industry,
support to film production, and stimulation as well as improving the quality of
Austrian film culture. The Film Institute is headed by a manager and a board of
trustees, whose duties are defined in the Film Promotion Act. The
institute operates like a fund as it receives its money directly from the
federal level according to the legal provisions.
In 2004, the Austrian Cultural
Service GmbH (formerly Austrian Cultural Service / Österreichischer
Kulturservice (ÖKS)) and the Cultural Promotion Office (Büro für
Kulturvermittlung) were merged into one organisational structure with
KulturKontakt. This new competence centre for cultural education and cultural
promotion is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.
KulturKontakt (Centre for East-West
Cultural Contacts) was founded by the former Ministry for Culture and Arts in
1989, as an autonomous association and interface between artists, arts sponsors
and ministries and to help bring the arts and business communities together. In
1990, the association was given additional tasks: support and co-ordination of
cultural projects with and in the countries of Central, Eastern and South
Eastern Europe, by way of cross-border co-operation and support to educational
On the initiative of the former
Ministry for Education, the ÖKS was established and is a service institution
for cultural education and the dissemination of the arts to Austrian schools in
1977. The main purpose of the service is to provide teachers of all subjects
with support and advice to realise cultural and arts projects. The ÖKS arranges
for artists to visit schools, establishes contact with artists and sponsors and
assists in co-operative ventures. It also advises, informs and paves the way
for financial support. Together with teachers and artists, it develops arts
courses and programmes for structural improvements in favour of cultural
education and considers how arts and creative education could become a
permanent part of the curricula.
Austria/ 7. Cultural institutions
and new partnerships
7.2 Status/role and development of
major cultural institutions
The debate over the status of major
cultural institutions has been going on since the second half of the 1980s. A
great number of initiatives and demands to grant more autonomy to the cultural
institutions and to relinquish state agendas were proposed. The restructuring
of the "Association of Austrian Federal Theatres" is an example which
demonstrates moves towards greater partnership or "divestment"
between the public and private sectors. There are fears, however, that the
public-interest mission of these institutions will be lost and replaced with
market-driven ideologies, and they should therefore be mandated by law with
some kind of cultural responsibility.
A Federal Act on the
Reorganisation of the Federal Theatres in 1998 created the Theaterholding
GmbH, a holding company owned by the federal government, which has four
subsidiaries organised as private limited companies: Burgtheater GmbH, Wiener
Staatsoper GmbH, Volksoper Wien GmbH and Theaterservice GmbH. The holding
company has shifted its operative tasks and financial management to the
subsidiaries, which can use their respective property free of charge. With this
change, theatre directors are fully accountable for their financial management.
The new structure carries the risk that quality might lose out to "cost consciousness".
The Theaterservice GmbH comprises workshops, warehouses and ticket sales. Since
2004, Burgtheater GmbH, the Wiener Staatsoper GmbH and the Volksoper Wien GmbH
have each had a 16.3% holding in Theaterservice GmbH. Arts matters will continue
to be decided upon by the art directors who will run the stages jointly with
the commercial directors. The companies will be supervised by a board, an
arrangement which in turn involves the risk that the directors might be limited
in their artistic freedom.
Austria/ 7. Cultural institutions
and new partnerships
7.3 Emerging partnerships or
Severe budget cuts since the end of
the 1990s have led to an intensified discussion on developing new forms of
partnership. Some steps towards public-private partnerships have been made in
the fields of audiovisual media, music, theatres and museums.
The opponents of privatisation in
the cultural sector argue that, in diverting their responsibilities to the
private sector, public authorities will decrease their financial support and
more importantly leave "public responsibilities" in the hands of
marketplace demands. The growing dependency on private funding is feared to
have negative consequences on cultural development as economic motives and profit
expectations would be placed above artistic and cultural goals. Most of the
cultural institutions, of course, cannot live up to such economic conditions.
Further arguments against
privatisation include the threat of negative financial, economic and professional
consequences in the course of privatisation (e.g. the loss of job guarantees
for civil servants, reduced salaries, reduced staff, etc.).
However, arts sponsorship has become
an integral financial resource, especially for the flagship institutions and
major festivals in the arts sector. Tax deductions for spending on art as a
"special expense" was announced, but they have not yet been
According to the Institute Initiativen
Wirtschaft für Kunst (Austrian Business Committee for the Arts) - which has
launched several incentives to promote arts sponsorship in Austria, for example
the Maecenas sponsorship-award, and also conducts studies in the field -
the estimated private sponsorship potential amounts to about euro 43 million.
In 2005, the Austrian Fund for Music
(Österreichischer Musikfonds) was founded as a public-private
partnership initiative between the Arts Department of the Federal Ministry for
Education, the Arts and Culture and main institutions in the field of music, to
promote the distribution and marketing of professional Austrian music
productions in Austria and abroad, with a budget of euro 600 000 annually.
Austria/ 8. Support to creativity
and participation
8.1 Direct and indirect support to
Apart from direct grants for
artists, Austrian laws offer a number of important instruments that support
artists indirectly. These include various legal provisions in the context of
social benefits and tax policies, various approaches with a view to the social
security of artists, labour market measures, Copyright Law (e.g. public
lending rights), the fostering of private art patronage through tax incentives
and the deductions on private donations and sponsoring.
Austria/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.1 Special artists funds
The main achievements in the field
of indirect support to creativity are the various funds available for artists
including the Künstlerhilfe Fonds founded in 1962 and run by the
Department for the Arts. This fund provided freelance visual artists with some
social security benefits. With the implementation of a new social security
insurance regulation for artists on 1 January 2001, this fund has been replaced
by the Social Security Insurance Fund for Artists which grants benefits for all
artists (not only visual artists). For artists in social need, additional
support is given by the Arts Department within the framework of the Arts
Support Act (euro 1.16 million in 2006).
There is a statutory fund in the
literary field guaranteeing income supplements for writers and authors in
social need (e.g. pensions, incapacity to work, care of dependants, support in
special cases). The Federal Chancellery / Arts Department further supports
income-related supplements for social and pension insurance for freelance
theatre workers ("IG Netz") and musicians ("social fund for the
creators of music"). The copyright collecting societies also pay social
supplements (see also chapter
Austria/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.2 Grants, awards, scholarships
The Austrian arts promotion system
includes various measures of direct support for creativity. The main measures
are awards, prizes, scholarships, purchase of art works, grants such as
contributions to e.g. printing costs of catalogues, running studios (federal
studio house in Vienna and various studios abroad), productions, travelling
expenses; and commissioning of art works.
Austria/ 8.1 Direct and indirect
support to artists
8.1.3 Support to professional
artists associations or unions
Professional associations and
interest groups are associations with restricted membership, aiming at
representing the common interests of their members' vis-à-vis the general
public, other professional associations or the state. They regard themselves as
lobbyists for creative artists and cultural workers and / or operators and
assist their members in professional questions and issues of professional
policy and conduct. Traditionally, they are involved in many decisions,
including consultations on bills and other issues, and frequently serve as
negotiating partners in policy decisions.
In addition to the eight Austrian
copyright collecting societies (see also chapter
5.1.7), there are professional associations active in the fields of:
The Austrian Council for Culture is
a union of interest groups of artists and creators of culture and represents
the common policy demands and objectives of the media and the administration. A
main aim of the council is to open up and foster public debates.
Moreover, artists have the
possibility of joining the Gewerkschaft Kunst, Medien, freie Berufe, a trade
union representing professional and social interests of self-employed and / or
employed creative artists, journalists, art educators, art administrators,
event organisers and related professions in the areas of art, the media, education,
and sports.
Austria/ 8.2 Cultural consumption
and participation
8.2.1 Trends and figures
Participation figures in cultural
life in Austria have fluctuated since 1995. An increase is visible in the
fields of mass media (the number of radio and TV licences etc.) and loans at
public libraries.
Table 5:
Participation figures, 1995-2005
1995 |
2000 |
2005 |
Visits to federal theatres, in
1 000s |
1 339 |
1 297 |
1 336 |
Visits to major Viennese private
theatres and Vereinigte Bühnen Wien, in 1 000s |
1 443 |
1 410 |
1 281 |
Visits to theatres in the Bundesländer
and main cities, in 1 000s |
1 259 |
1 198 |
1 141 |
Visits to federal museums, in
1 000s |
2 782 |
3 213 |
3 453 |
Visits to museums in the Bundesländer, in 1 000s |
2 951* |
2 925* |
1 716 |
Visits to libraries (readers), in
1 000s |
1.03 |
1.12 |
1.10 |
Loans, in millions |
16.9 |
17.1 |
20.0 |
Newspapers total |
182 |
222 |
258 |
which dailies |
26 |
31 |
32 |
Radio licences, in 1 000s |
2.81 |
2.76 |
3.24 |
TV licences, in 1 000s |
2.65 |
2.71 |
3.07 |
Cable TV connections, in
1 000s |
0.86 |
1.01 |
n.a.** |
Visits to cinemas, in millions |
11.9 |
16.0 |
15.7 |
Kulturstatistik 1995, 2000, 2005.
incl. special exhibitions of the Bundesländer.
calculated until 2003 (1.09).
In 2007, for the first time since
1989, a national survey (commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Education,
Arts and Culture) was conducted on the participation of the Austrian population
in culture. The results are following: As a whole, participation rose as a
result of the growing supply, particularly in the fields of the book market,
small stages, film, youth music and exhibitions, while the participation
figures of big institutions were stagnant or slightly declining. The study
further shows a close connection between cultural participation and educational
level. Women in general are more interested in culture, in particular those
under 45 with at least Matura-level (A-Level) education. The
interviewees were in favour of more provision of art and culture in schools.
Only a minority endorse public support for arts and culture.
Austria/ 8.2 Cultural consumption
and participation
8.2.2 Policies and programmes
Since 2000, two major initiatives
have been introduced:
The "Long Night of Museums"
event was created in 2000, as an initiative of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting) and
has been very successful in increasing the number of museum visits
(336 800 visits in 2006). Only one ticket is needed and there are buses to
transfer the visitors from museum to museum.
Similarly successful is the Long
Night of Music, also initiated by the ORF in 2001. Since 2002, the event
was widened to cities in the Bundesländer (Salzburg, Graz, Dornbirn und
Innsbruck). In Vienna alone, this event attracted 53 000 visitors in 2006.
Austria/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.1 Arts education
The Federal Ministry for Education, Arts
and Culture (BMUKK) has the principal responsibility for issues concerning arts
education in schools. At the elementary school level, arts education in general
includes music, visual arts, textile and technical design education, mainly
provided in an entertaining way. According to new education policy guidelines
for the secondary school level, individual schools are increasingly forced to
define their specific school profiles through autonomous curriculum planning.
Accordingly, secondary school students can choose from different arts subjects
including performing arts (mainly voluntarily) or participation in school
choirs or bands and music ensembles. Generally, many vocational schools (for
students over 15 years) do not offer any arts education as a specific subject.
However, there are individual schools with special educational curricula in
this field (e.g. for music, fine arts, dance, graphics, design or fashion).
Individual arts education programmes, e.g. exchanges of artists, and between
cultural institutions and schools, have been promoted through the activities of
the former Österreichische Kultur-Service (Öks - now part of KulturKontakt
Austria) as a service institution for cultural education and the dissemination
of the arts in Austrian schools since 1977.
Arts education is also provided on
an institutional basis "outside of school hours" by music schools,
children's singing schools or youth and cultural centres ("Musische
Zentren"). They are mainly provided on the Bundesländer (provinces)
or on the community level. As the Austrian school system is currently slowly
changing from half-day-schooling to all-day-schooling, new forms of
co-operation between schools and out-of-school institutions are on the
political agenda.
At the same time, education programmes
of cultural institutions, especially for children and young people, have
increased considerably. In response to the need to search for new audiences
(and by that to legitimise public funding), arts education has become part of
new marketing strategies especially of museums and exhibition halls, followed
by concert halls (concert pedagogy) and theatres (theatre pedagogy). A new
public interest in supporting the creativity and aesthetic capacity of young
people led to the establishment of cultural institutions dedicated to young
target groups (the Zoom children's museum, Dschungel - theatre house for young
people). As cultural institutions are organised on all political and
administrative levels there is no clear political responsibility in this respect.
Generally speaking, arts education, up to now, has not found its place in
cultural policy programmes (except cultural development plans of selected
cities like Linz or Salzburg). Accordingly, cultural policy incentives for
cultural institutions to provide education programmes are still rare.
In 1998, a new Law was
introduced to Grant University Status to the Six Art Colleges (Graz,
Linz, Salzburg, and three in Vienna) for programmes like music, design, drama,
painting or sculpture. The first Austrian Fachhochschulen (universities of
applied sciences) for multimedia and design opened its doors to students in
1994. In 2004, the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz (formerly
Bruckner-Konservatorium) for music, performing arts and dance was founded. In
2005, the Vienna Konservatorium also received the status of a private
university. Within recent years, the number of postgraduate courses in and out
of the existing arts universities has increased, offering further education in
cultural management, intercultural communication, intervention art, pictorial
sciences, archiving, music, design, stage and event management, and museum and
exhibition management.
A national Bologna follow-up group
was established in Austria in 1999; and the Austrian Agency for Quality
Assurance has been operating since 2004. Also, all universities and
universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) have nominated a
Bologna Coordinator for promoting the implementation of the Bologna objectives
in the respective institution. At the universities, about 42% of those study
programmes that may be organised in the two-cycle structure are following the
Bologna System (medicine and higher secondary-school teaching programmes are
exempt by law from the BA / MA-structure). The universities of applied sciences
(Fachhochschulen) have converted about 77% of their programmes to the
two-tier structure so far. However, the implementation of the two-cycle
structure has been accompanied by discussions, especially within and between
the universities of arts. Some critics generally doubt the compatibility of
artistic studies (e.g. instrument studies / concert subjects) with a two-cycle
structure. Also, the international compatibility of the new curricula (for
example in architecture) is questioned, as in Austria only three-year
baccalaureate degrees are to be established, whereas other countries envisage
longer degree courses in this field.
Austria/ 8.3 Arts and cultural
8.3.2 Intercultural education
Since 1992, intercultural learning
in Austria has been anchored in the curricula of the various types of schools,
both as a teaching principle and as a general educational objective. The
Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (BMUKK) is responsible for this area.
Alongside learning about other cultures, the objectives are the promotion of
tolerance and the understanding and respect for cultural, linguistic and ethnic
diversity, the critical analysis of ethno- and Euro-centrism, prejudice, racism
and the strengthening of linguistic, cultural and ethnic identity. The
discussion around minorities living in Austria is, above all, intended to take
place in the Bundesländer (provinces) concerned. Above and beyond this,
bilingualism and multilingualism are to be judged positively; children's
knowledge in their mother tongues is to be incorporated in the teaching.
Finally, intercultural learning is to be combined with other teaching
principles (political education). A database including good-practice-projects
(partly funded by EU-programmes) in this field was launched by the ministry in
According to a study on
intercultural education (2003) the practical implementation of this teaching
principle, however, is above all dependent on the commitment and interest of
the individual teachers. In fact, the primary objective of intercultural
teaching has been linguistic integration of pupils with an immigration
background. However, cuts in the education budget have meant that the extra
resources (teachers) required for language learning are insufficient. This
makes it more difficult for immigrant school children to be integrated into the
education system.
The association KulturKontakt
Austria is also active in this field. Projects and educational courses, with an
emphasis on intercultural educational work, are also provided by the
inter-cultural centre (Interkulturelles Zentrum) in Vienna. Generally,
intercultural communication and management has gained importance in recent
years, for example in the field of (vocational) education and training.
For more information, see our Intercultural Dialogue section.
Austria/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.1 Amateur arts
The amateur arts play a major role
in everyday life in Austria: There are numerous adult education courses in the
field of "creativity", provided by the 293 adult education centres.
The music schools system facilitates a nationwide education programme in the
field of music. Moreover, there are over 14 500 cultural associations
active in the fields of amateur music, theatre and singing in Austria.
Although all these establishments
promote activities in the sphere of amateur arts, above all in the rural areas,
these are neither an object of public debate and discussion, nor have they been
surveyed and assessed by academic research.
Austria/ 8.4 Amateur arts, cultural
associations and community centres
8.4.2 Cultural houses and community
cultural clubs
Cultural associations have become an
important part of Austrian contemporary culture and art since the 1970s. They
range from regional events, multicultural, interdisciplinary and experimental arts
and cultural projects, to service provision and associations that facilitate
the improvement of the organisation and management of arts and cultural
initiatives. Since 1991, regional arts and cultural initiatives have been
funded by a special department in the Arts Department. However, the shift from
basic funding to project-oriented funding has made continuous work of the small
cultural associations more difficult.
Austria/ 9. Sources and Links
9.1 Key documents on cultural policy
Almhofer, Edith; Lang, Gabriele;
Schmied, Gabriele; Tucek, Gabriela: Die Hälfte des Himmels. Chancen und
Bedürfnisse kunstschaffender Frauen in Österreich. (Half of the sky.
Chances and Needs of Female Creative Artists in Austria). Vienna: deA Skriptum,
ARGE Baukulturreport, ed.: Österreichischer
Baukulturreport (Austrian Report on Building Culture). Vienna, 2006.
Austrian Government: Programme
of the Austrian Federal Government for the 23th Legislative Period.
Badelt, Christoph; Hollerweger, Eva:
Das Volumen ehrenamtlicher Arbeit in Österreich. (The Volume of Honorary
Work in Austria). Vienna, 2001.
Bundeskanzleramt, Kunstsektion,
ed.: Cultural Policies. Cultural Administration in Austria. Vienna:
österreichische kulturdokumentation. internationales archiv für kulturanalysen,
Bundesministerium für Unterricht,
Kunst und Kultur, Kunstsektion, ed.: Kunstbericht 2006. Bericht über die
Kunstförderung des Bundes. (Art report 2006. Report on Art Promotion of the
Federal Government) comp. Herbert Hofreither, Robert Stocker. Vienna, 2007.
Bundesministerium für europäische
und internationale Angelegenheiten, ed.: Außenpolitischer Bericht 2006. (Report
with Regard to Foreign Policy 2006). comp. Thomas Schlesinger Vienna,
Bundesministerium für auswärtige
Angelegenheiten, ed.: Auslandskultur Neu. (New Foreign Culture).
Vienna, 2001.
Bundesministerium für Unterricht,
Kunst und Kultur, Sektion Kultur, ed.: Kulturbericht 2006. (Culture
Report 2006). comp. Silvia Adamek Vienna, 2007.
Ellmeier, Andrea; Baumgartner,
Gerhard; Perchinig, Bernhard: Transversal Study: Cultural Policy and
Cultural Diversity. Austria. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2001.
Ellmeier, Andrea; Ratzenböck,
Veronika, eds.: Cultural Competence. New Technologies, Culture &
Employment. Vienna: österreichische kulturdokumentation. internationales
archiv für kulturanalysen, 1999.
Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle
Arbeitswelt (FORBA): Nachhaltige Arbeit und Beschäftigung in den Wiener
Creative Industries. (Lasting work and occupation in the Creative
Industries of Vienna). Vienna 2006.
Instinct Domain: Der
Kultursektor im Burgenland 2000. (The Cultural Sector in Burgenland 2000).
Vienna, 2001.
Institut für Empirische Sozialforschung GmbH (IFES): Kultur-Monitoring
(Culture Monitoring). Vienna, 2007.
KMU-Forschung Austria /Institut für
Kulturmanagement (IKM): Zweiter Österreichischer
Kreativwirtschaftsbericht. (Second Austrian Creative Industrie Report). Vienna,
Mayer-Edoloeyi, Andrea: Platz
nehmen! Studie Vernetzungsstelle für Frauen in Kunst und Kultur in
Oberösterreich. (Take Place! Study Cross-Linking Place for Women in Art and
Culture in Upper Austria). Linz: Verein Fiftitu, 2000.
Mayerhofer, Elisabeth: Frauen
in Kultur- und Medienberufen in Österreich. Über ihre mangelnde Repräsentanz in
Leitungspositionen. (Women as Culture and Media Professionals in Austria.
Over their Lacking Representation in Decision-making Positions). Vienna:
mediacult.doc 04, 2000.
MKW Wirtschaftsforschungs GmbH,
Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internation-ales Archiv für Kulturanalysen
et al: Exploitation and Development of the Job Potential in the
Cultural Sector in the Age of Digitalisation. Comm. by the European
Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs. Munich, Vienna et al, 2001.
Österreichisches Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung (Wifo), Böheim, Michael; Geldner, Norbert; Knoll, Norbert;
Kohlfürst, Andreas; Lehner, Gerhard: Ökonomische und fiskalische
Effekte von Kunst- und Kultursponsoring. (Economic and Fiscal Effects of
Art and Culture Sponsoring). Vienna, 2002.
Österreichische Kulturdokumentation
/ Mediacult / Wifo: Untersuchung des ökonomischen Potenzials im Bereich
Creative Industries in Wien (Investigation of the Economic Potentials
within the Creative Industries in Vienna). Vienna, 2004.
(english summary)
Republik Österreich vertreten durch
den Bundeskanzler, Arbeitsgruppe Weissbuch, eds.: Weissbuch. Zur Reform
der Kulturpolitik in Österreich. (White Paper. To the Reform of the
Cultural Policy in Austria). Vienna: Falter Verlag, 1998.
Restitutionsberichte (Restitution
Statistik Austria, ed.:Kulturstatistik
2005. (Culture Statistics 2005). comp. Wolfgang Pauli. Vienna, 2007.
(also available under
Austria/ 9. Sources and Links
9.2 Key organisations and portals
Cultural policy making bodies
Österreichische Bundesregierung /
Austrian Government
Bundesministerium für Unterricht,
Kunst und Kultur /
Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
Bundesministerium für europäische
und internationale Angelegenheiten /
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Federal Chancellery /
Kärntner Bildungs- und Kulturserver
/ Education and Culture Net. Carinthia
Oberösterreich / Upper Austria
Kulturamt der Stadt Linz /
Department for Cultural Affairs. City of Linz
Kulturhauptstadt Linz 2009
Niederösterreich / Lower Austria
Salzburger Landesregierung. Kultur /
Salzburg. Cultural Administration
Stadt Salzburg. Kultur / City of
Salzburg. Culture
Kulturserver Steiermark. /
Culturenet. Styria
Steiermark. Landes-Kulturverwaltung
/ Styria. Cultural Administration
Stadt Graz - Kultur und Bildung /
City of Graz - Culture and Education
Tirol. Kultur / Tyrol. Culture
Vorarlberg. Kultur / Vorarlberg.
Wien. Kultur / Vienna Culture
Austrian Communications Authority
(KommAustria) / Austrian Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and
Professional associations
IG Kultur Österreich.
Interessensgemeinschaft für autonome Kulturarbeit
IG Bildende Kunst
AKM - Autoren. Komponisten.
IG Freie Theaterarbeit. Interessensgemeinschaft
Österreichischer Kulturrat
Grant-giving bodies
See "cultural policy making
KulturKontakt Austria
Cultural research and statistics
Educult - Institute for the
Facilitation of Arts and Science
Forschungsgesellschaft für
kulturökonomische und kulturpolitische Studien (FOKUS) /
Austrian Society for Cultural Economics and Policy Studies
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom
Menschen / Institute for Human Sciences
Internationales Forschungszentrum
Kulturwissenschaften (IFK) / International Research Centre for Cultural Studies
Mediacult. Internationales
Forschungsinstitut für Medien, Kommunikation und kulturelle Entwicklung /
International Research Institute for Media, Communication and Development
österreichische kulturdokumentation.
internationales archiv für kulturanalysen
Universität für angewandte Kunst in
Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
Donau-Universität, Krems /
University of Krems
Institut für Kulturmanagement und
Kulturwissenschaft (IKM)
International Centre for Culture
& Management (ICCM)
Universität für künstlerische u.
industrielle Gestaltung / University of Art and Industrial Design
Culture / arts portals
Culture Tour Austria
Depot. Kunst und Diskussion im
Kreativwirtschaft Austria
Internetplatform Creative Industries
Plattform Architekturpolitik
Museumsquartier Vienna
Music Information Center (mica)
Council of Europe/ERICarts "Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in
Europe, 9th edition", 2008