“The Package consisted of no less than 137 points:


Part I: Measures to be adopted through modification of the existing Autonomy Statute.


1. Modification of Article 4, paragraph 1, so as to insert after the words 'national interests' the words 'among which is included the protection of local linguistic minorities'.


Modification of Articles 4, 5 and 11 so as to transfer to the Provinces of Trento and Bolzano primary legislative power with respect to the following:


2. (i) Mines, including mineral and thermal waters, quarries and peat bogs.

3. (ii) Hunting and fishing.

4. (iii) Conservation of alpine lands and parks for the protection of flora and fauna.

5. (iv) Roads, railways, aqueducts and public works of provincial interest.

6. (v) Transport   and   communication   of   provincial   interest ;   obli­gation to consult the Province in the case of powers of concession enjoyed   by   other   authorities   over   transport   services   running through provincial territory.

7. (vi)  Direct responsibility for public services.

8. (vii) Tourism and the hotel industry (including alpine guides and ski schools).

9.  (viii) Agriculture, forestry, forestry personnel, animal -husbandry,, fisheries,   phytopathological   stations,   agricultural   consortia   and experimental farms, hail protection services, land reclamation.

10. (ix) Preventive action and first-aid for public disasters'.

11. (x) Artistic, cultural and educational activities of a local nature, including those by means of radio and television, but [excluding; the right to install new radio and television stations.

12. (xi) Housing, subsidized wholly or partially with public-financing including credits for housing in disaster areas, and the activities that bodies of an extra-provincial nature—such as G.E.S.C.A.L.[1] carry on in the Province with public funds.

13. (xii) Expropriations in the public interest in all matters falling within the competence of the Province.

14.  (xiii) Creation and administration of  communal and provincial commissions for the assistance and placement of workers in employment.

15. (xiv) Protection and maintenance of the historical, artistic and popular heritage  of  the   Province;   executive   measures   to be adopted within one year of the modification of the Statute indicating the historical  and artistic property in the Province considered to be of national interest and therefore excluded from the competence of the Province; the Province to take over the related administrative functions through provincial laws failing the adoption of these executive measures.

16.  (xv) Water projects of the Third, Fourth and Fifth categories, and consultation of the Province necessary for projects of the First and Second  categories  (competence  of  the  State),  In   agreement between the State and the Province, an annual plan to be prepaid co-ordinating the water projects falling within  their respective competences.

17.  (xvi) Public welfare and charity.

18.  (i) Modification of the wording of Article 5, section 1, to strike out the words '... and the Provinces.'

(ii) Modification of the wording of Article 5, section 2 to ‘the regulation of public welfare and charitable organisations,'

(iii) Add to Article 4 'regulation of health and hospital services’.


Modification of Articles 5 and  12  so  as to  grant the  Provinces secondary legislative power with respect to the following:

19.   (i) Commerce.

20.   (ii) Apprenticeship, employment cards, trade categories and qualifications,

21.   (iii) Vocational training.

22.   (iv) Public security in relation to public entertainment.

23.   (v) Increase in industrial production. Of the sums annually allocated in the National Budget for the encouragement of industrial activities,   the  Ministry   of   Industry   to   grant  the   Province of Bolzano the quotas earmarked for the latter. These quotas to be determined in consultation with the Province of Bolzano, taking into account the Budget possibilities and the requirements of the populations. These funds to be used In agreement between the State and the Province.

24.   (vi) Public water, with the exception of major canals and water­ways  for hydro-electric purposes.    The use of public water by the State and the Province within their respective competences to be based upon an overall plan to be drawn up by agreement within a commission composed of representatives of the State and the Province.

25.   (vii) Creation   and   administration   of   communal   and   provincial employment control commissions.

20.   (viii) Hygiene and health, including health and hospital assistance.

Modification of Article 8 of the Statute so as to transfer to the Provinces:

27.   (i) The  power to  appoint,  in  consultation with the  Ministry of Finance, the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Cassa dl Risparmio savings bank.

28.   (li) The power to authorise the opening or the transfer of branches of local, provincial and regional credit banks after consultation with  the  Ministry  of  Finance.    The  authorisation  to  open  and transfer in the Province of Bolzano branches of other credit banks to be given by the Ministry of Finance after consultation with the Province.

29.   With respect to the granting of concessions for major canals and waterways for hydro-electric purposes, the provisions of Article 9 of the Statute to refer to the Provinces instead of the Region, in so far as applicable.


The Ministry of Industry to base its decisions in the light of the E.N.E.L. [2] activities in the Province, in consultation with the provincial administrations.


30.   Modification   of   Article   10   of   the   Statute   to   provide   for  the transfer to the Provinces of the services and supplies of electrical energy,  including,  in so  far as  applicable,  the provision  of the third last paragraph, under which the Region, on the same con­ditions, should have preference in major concessions within the E.N.E.L. system.


Modification of Articles II and 12 so as to grant the Provinces primary legislative power with respect to the following:


31.   (i) Nursery schools.

32.   (ii) Educational assistance in those sectors of teaching in which the Province has legislative power, Provincial Law of 5 January 1958, n.1  excepted.

33.   The building of schools.    In cases when the  State  carries  out special national plans with its own funds, these funds to be used in agreement with the Province.

34.   Continuation courses (addestramento professionale).


Modification of Article 15 to provide as follows for the offices and services for schools:


35.   (i) Appointment of a Superintendent of Education by the Ministry of Public Instruction, in consultation with the Provincial Junta of Bolzano, to administer Italian schools and supervise German-language schools and those in the Ladin communes mentioned in Point 69.

36.   (ii) Appointment by the Provincial Junta, in consultation with the Ministry of Public Instruction,  and the German-speaking repre­sentatives  on  the  Provincial  Educational Council,  of  a  Schools Inspector for the administration of the German-language nursery, elementary and secondary (media, classica, sclentifica, magistrale, tecnica, professionale e artistica)  schools.

37. (iii) Appointment by the Ministry of Public Instruction, in con­sultation with the Ladin-speaking representatives on the Pro­vincial Educational Council, of an Inspector to administer the nursery, elementary and secondary (media, classica, sclentifica, magistrale, tecnica, professionale e artistica) schools in the Ladin communes.

38.  (iv)   Appointment by the Ministry of Public Instruction, in agree­ment with the Province, of the Presidents and the Commissions for State examinations for German-language schools.

39.  (v) Obligatory   consultation   of   the   'Higher   Council   of   Public Instruction on teaching programmes and examinations for schools in   the   Province  of  Bolzano,   and  on  the  equipollence  of  final diplomas.

40.  (vi) The  administrative   staff   of  the  Board   of   Education   for German-language, schools, as well as the German-speaking admin­istrative staff of the Secretariats for secondary schools and that Schools Inspectorate to come under the authority of the Province of Bolzano.

41.  (vii) Without prejudice to the organic dependence  on the State of all teaching staff, the Inspector for German-language school: and the Inspector for schools in the Ladin communes to receive powers relating to the transfer, dismissal, leave and disciplinary measures up to one month's suspension from grade and salary of teaching staff in their respective nursery, elementary and secondary (media, classica, sclentifica, magistrale, tecnica, professionale e artistica) schools.


Appeal against the above-mentioned measures of the Schools Inspector to be made to the Minister of Public Instruction, whose decision, in consultation with the Superintendent of Education, shall be final.


42.   (viii) Modification of Article 15, paragraph 4,  as  follows:

The Italian, German and Ladin linguistic groups are repre­sented on the Provincial Educational Council and Board of Teachers.

The   teachers' representatives on the Provincial Educational Council shall be elected by the staff of the schools, and in pro­portion  to the number of teachers in the respective linguistic groups.


In addition to its normal institutional duties, the Educational Council must obligatorily be consulted on the following matters:

  • Creation and suppression of schools;
  • Programmes and hours;
  • Branches of study.


43.  (ix) Teaching of the second language in all schools and grades by teachers whose mother tongue is that language.[3]

44.  (x) Teaching of the second language to begin in the Third grade of elementary school,

45.  (xi) The declaration of the father or his representative to suffice for  inscription  in  the  schools  of  the  various  linguistic  groups. Appeal against denial of inscription to be made to the Court of Administrative Justice by the father or his representative.

46.  (xii) Executive measures  in  the  educational  sector to  be issued within one year of the modification of the Statute, failing which, the Province to have the right to take over the relevant adminis­trative functions through provincial laws.

47.  (xiii) The possible creation of a University in Trentino-Alto Adige to be  preceded  by  consultations between the  Region  and  the Provinces concerned.

48.   Addition to Article 16, paragraph 2, and Article 17 of the words 'or the local city and rural police.'

49. Modification of Article 19, paragraph 2, so as to increase to 70 the number of Regional Councillors, to be divided proportionally between the Provinces.

50. Modification of the last paragraph of. Article 19 so as to require four years uninterrupted residence in order to participate in regional and communal elections.

51.   Modification   of   Article   27   to   provide   that   dissolution   of   the Regional Council does not comprise dissolution of the Provincial Councils, but only their renewal with the re-election of the former,

52.   Modification of Article 48, section 5, to read as follows:

Supervision and protection of municipal administrations, public assistance and charity organisations, consortia and other local organisations and undertakings, including the faculty of sus­pending or dissolving their organs according to the law. If, in the above-mentioned cases, the administrations are not able, for whatever reason, to carry out their duties, the Provincial Junta shall have the right to appoint Commissioners for that purpose who must, however, be chosen from the linguistic group having i majority on the most representative organ of that body.

The special measures set out in the preceding paragraph an reserved to the State when necessitated by reasons of public order or when relating to communes with more than 20,000 inhabitants

53. Modification of Article 46 to allow the Presidents of the Pro­vincial Juntas to participate in Cabinet meetings when question: regarding the Province are under discussion.

54. Modification of Articles 57 and 58 to provide for the succession of the Province, as a result of its new powers, to the public pro­perty of the State and the Region, excluding military property and property belonging to services of a national character, as well as public property relating to matters of Regional competence, to be laid down within one year by executive measures.

55. Modification of Articles 59, GO, 61, and 70 to abrogate the system of indirect financing of the Province by the Region and to transfer to the Province revenue in relation to the new provincial powers.

56.   Modification of Article -65 to enable the Provinces to increase taxes established by the Region and within the limits laid down by Regional laws.

57.   Modification of Article 69 so as to give the Provinces secondary legislative power with respect to local finance.

58.   Modification of Article 70 to provide for contributions to communal budgets of funds required in connection with bilingual ism

59.   For the approval of the Regional budget, in addition to the procedure laid down in Point 85, the system existing under Article 7 of the Statute to continue in force, but with the Ministry of the Interior replaced by a regional organ.

60. The wording of Chapter VII of the Statute to be changed from 'The Government Commissioner for the Region' to 'Relations between State, Region and Province.'

61.   Modification of Article 76 to provide for the appointment of two Government Commissioners, one at Trento, for the affairs of the Region and the Province of Trento, the other at Bolzano, for the affairs of that Province.

62.   Modification of Article 83 so as to confer on the Provinces the right to contest State laws and to bring conflicts of powers arising out of administrative measures of the State before the Constitu­tional Court.

63.   Modification of Article 84 in   order to express the principle of equality (parificazione) of the German language with the Italian, the official language of the State.   Italian to continue to be used in documents of a legislative character and in the other cases laid down in the Statute.


Modification of Article 85:


64.   (i) To  include  the   offices   of   the  Judiciary   and  public   services among those offices of the public administration obliged to cor­respond with German-speaking citizens in their language.

65.   (ii). To lay down the obligation for public offices to reply in the language in which documents are sent from another public office.

66.   (iii) To replace the words 'may use' in the first paragraph with 'have the option of using'.

67.   (iv) To  replace the words 'German may be used'  in the second paragraph with 'either language may be used.'

68.   (v) After the third paragraph, add a fourth paragraph as follows:

With the exception of those cases expressly laid down in executive measures for joint use of the two languages in docu­ments for public use and for documents for more than one office, the separate use of one or the other of the two languages is recognised, with the exception of the sole use of Italian In military provisions.

69. Modification of Article 87, paragraph 1, to provide for the teaching of Ladin in elementary schools and the use of that language in local schools of all types and grades in which teaching must be carried out on a basis of parity of hours between Italian and German.


Modification of Article 95 to provide for:


70.   (i) The composition of the Joint Commission on executive measures for the Statute to be twelve members, six to be appointed by the State, two by the Regional Council, and two each by the Provinces of   Trento   and   Bolzano.    Three   members   must   belong   to   the German-speaking group.

71.   (ii) The creation, within the  above-mentioned Commission,  of  a special commission of six members for the executive measures concerning  those subjects  falling  within  the  competence  of  the Province of Bolzano;  three members to  represent the State and three the Province (of the latter, one must be a representative of the Italian-speaking group).

72.   Modification of Article 96 so as to change the German name of the Region  from   'Trentino-Tiroter Etschland'  to  'Trentino-Süd-tirol'


Part II: Measures to be adopted through new clauses in the Statute.


73.   The Provinces to receive secondary legislative power with respect to  restaurants,  cafes  and bars, without  prejudice,  however,  to: the conditions laid down  by  State laws for obtaining licences; State power to supervise the public security aspects;  the ability of the Minister of the Interior to cancel the measures concerned, ex officio, according to State law.


Appeals against the above-mentioned measures to be settled within the framework of the provincial autonomy.


74.   The Provinces to receive tertiary legislative power with respect to placement in employment. The members of the communal employ­ment agencies to be chosen and appointed by organs of the State in consultation with the President of the Provincial Junta and the mayors concerned.

Until the constitution of their own offices, the Provinces to be able to use the branch offices of the Ministry of Labour for the administration connected with the legislative powers on the subject of employment.


75.   Creation of the post of Vice-President of the Regional Junta and appointment of two Vice-Presidents (one from the minority lin­guistic group), leaving to the President of the Junta the choice of Vice-president to replace him in his absence; adoption of a similar arrangement for the Province of- Bolzano.

76.   Transfer to the Provinces of receipts from concessions regarding public water existing and flowing through their territory.

77.   Transfer of personnel and offices of the Region to the Provinces through decree of the President of the Regional Junta, in consul­tation with the Provincial Junta concerned.

78.   (omitted).                                                                  ;'

79.   Recognition of the right of the Provinces to their own 'standard and crest.

80.   (omitted).

81.   Obligatory delegation by the Region to the Provinces of admin­istrative functions in regard to fire services.

82.   The principle of preference in employment for residents of  the Province of Bolzano,  without distinction  as to linguistic group or length of residence.

83.   (i) The majority of the Councillors of  an  ethnic group  in  the Regional Council or the Provincial Council of Bolzano to be able to request that voting take place by linguistic groups whenever a draft  law   is   considered  detrimental   to   the equality  of  rights between citizens of the various groups and their ethnic and cul­tural characteristics.

84.   (ii) The Councillors of the individual linguistic groups to be able to contest before the Constitutional Court Regional or Provincial laws   whenever   the   request   for   separate  voting   is   rejected,   or whenever the draft law is approved over the contrary vote of two-thirds of the members of the linguistic group outvoted.

85.   At the request by a majority of one linguistic group, the individual chapters of the Budget of the Province of Bolzano to be voted by linguistic groups.

Those chapters not receiving a majority within each linguistic group to be submitted within three days to a Commission of four Provincial Councillors, elected by the Provincial Council at the beginning of the legislative session and for" its duration, with equality of membership between the two major linguistic groups arid in conformity with the appointments of each group.

Within fifteen days, this Commission (o decide the final form and content of the aforesaid chapters. Decisions to be binding on the Council. They can be taken by a simple majority: no Councillor to have a deciding vote.

If the Commission is unable to reach a majority on a proposal, the President of the Provincial-Council to send within seven days the disputed chapters, together with the text of the Budget and ail the documents and minutes of the debates within the Council and the joint Commission, to the Court of Administrative Justice, which must decide, within thirty days, 'on the form and content of the chapters in question.

The decisions of the Joint Commission and the Court of. Administrative Justice cannot be contested before the Constitu­tional Court 'by Councillors of the individual linguistic groups.

The law approving the Provincial Budget may, however, be referred back or contested by the Government on grounds o violation of the Constitution or the Statute.


86.   The right to contest before the Court of Administrative Justice that administrative acts of local organs of the  public administrator considered   as   offending   the   principle   of   ethnic   equality by Regional and Provincial Councillors, and, in the case of municipal measures,, also by Municipal Councillors of the Province o Bolzano, whenever the offence is acknowledged by the majority of the group of Councillors that considers itself offended.

87.   The right of a linguistic group to be represented in the Municipal Junta when that group possesses at least two Councillors in the Municipal Council.

88.  The principle that funds used by the Province of Bolzano for social and cultural assistance must be used not only in direct proportion to the size of each group but also in relation lo the needs of each group.

89.   Modification of the composition of the Council of State to include a   Councillor   from   the   German-speaking   group   in   judgement relating to appeals decided in the first instance by the Bolzano section of the Regional Court of Administrative Justice.

90.   The Bolzano section of the Regional Court of Administrative Jus­tice  to  be  composed  on  a  basis   of  parity  between   State   and Provincial  appointees and parity between the two  major ethnic groups, with the President chosen from career magistrates.

91.   The Ladins to have the right of representation in the Regional Council the Provincial Council of Bolzano, and in organs of local public bodies.

92.   Proportional representation of Ladins in public offices along the lines, in so  far  as applicable,  laid  down  for German-speaking personnel.

93.   Recognition   of the right of  the   Ladins  to  cultural,   press   and recreational activities.

94.  Application of ethnic proportions in the individual administrations effectively represented in the Province of Bolzano, and, within the administrations, in the individual permanent career posts, on the basis of the existing proportions between the Italian and German linguistic groups in the Province (approximately one-third and two-thirds).

The creation, limited to the above administration and for each career grade, 'of a special category for the Province of Bolzano in which approximately two-thirds of the posts shall be reserved for German-speaking citizens. These proportions to be achieved gradually   through   recruitment   for vacancies   in   the   Individual grades.

95.   Guarantee of employment in the Province of Bolzano for those in that  special  category,  with  the exception  of those  employed  in. administrations  or careers   for which  transfers  are  required  by conditions of employment or training.

Transfers of German-speaking personnel to be limited, how­ever, to 10% of the total posts occupied by them.

The principle of creating local categories not to apply to careers in the administrative class in the Civil Administration of the Ministry of the Interior, to the Police, and to the administrative offices of the Ministry of Defence.

The Ministry of the Interior to follow the political line by keeping in the Province of Bolzano citizens of the various lin­guistic groups o[ the Province employed in the police, except when individual disciplinary measures require transfer.

96.   Extension of the criteria concerning the reservation of a number of posts and guarantee of fixed employment in the Province of Bolzano to the personnel of the Magistracy (Magistrature giudicante ed inquirente).

97.   (omitted).


Part III : Measures to be adopted through executive measures.


A.    Modification of the D.P.R. of 3 January I960, n. 103:


98.   (i) To  provide  that  in  cases  of flagrant violation  interrogation by officials and police be in the mother tongue of the detained.

99.   (ii) To provide for the  drawing up of documents sworn before a Notary in German alone, but with the obligation to use both languages  for those parts of the text liable to be  copied or published.

100.   (iii) To modify Articles 2 and 4 relating to the use of German in court notifications, in the translation and drafting of court pro­ceedings and sentences; to modify Article 10 to clarify that lan­guage safeguards be extended to tax offences; to modify the last paragraph to provide that violation of the linguistic guarantee shall annul civil as well as penal proceedings.

B.    Adoption of new executive measures.

101.   To provide, without prejudice to the criterion of bilingualism for recruitment of new staff into public offices, for promotion of a complete knowledge of both languages among staff employed in the Province of Bolzano.

102.   (omitted).

103.   To provide that in court proceedings statements taken down in German shall be translated into Italian at the end of the session Executive measures shall indicate the cases in which such trans­lation is obligatory and those in which it may be omitted.

104.   (omitted).

105.   Reservation of posts for German-speaking personnel in the, offices of the Province of Bolzano of I.N.P.S., I.N.A.I.L., E.N.P.A.S., and O.N.M.I.[4], with application of the same principles provided for state employees in so far as ethnic proportions and fixed employ­ment are concerned.


Part IV: Measures to be adopted through ordinary laws.


106.   Modification of the Law of 21 April 1962, n,161, to accelerate the examination of German-language films to be shown in the Province  of  Bolzano,   and  to  ensure  participation  of  the   language concerned  in  a branch  of the Censor's office to  be  created  al Bolzano.

107.   Fiscal facilities for the importation of the above-mentioned films,

108.   Division of the material held in  the  State Archives of Bolzano between  the  State  and  the  Province,   the  latter  to  be  grantee custody  of  documents  of  particular  interest  to  local  history,.., (omitted).

109.   Modification of the R.D.L. of 27 May 1929, n.1285, so as to confer recognition of the right to information regarding statistical data on subjects falling within the legislative and administrative com­petence of the Region and the Province and the power to carry out, in relation to these subjects and on the basis of measures agreed upon with the Institute of Statistics, surveys, censuses and statistical research.

110.   Modification of Article 12 of the Civil Code so that the State grants   the   Presidents   of   the   Provincial   Juntas   the   power   to recognise bodies operating within the Province.

111.   Modification of Senate-constituencies so as to permit the Italian and German linguistic groups in the Province of Bolzano to be represented in proportion to the sizes of the said groups.

112.   The Province to receive the power to draw up the Provincial economic development plan, but respecting the principles and aims of the national economic plan, and in agreement with the State administrations' and regional organs. Possible industrial activity by public bodies with state participation and by foreign capital to require agreement between, the State and the Province.

113. Municipal secretaries (clerks to the council) to come under the authority of the communes. A regional law to lay down regu­lations concerning the legal status of this category, taking into consideration the rights and position so far acquired by those clerks now registered as permanent Civil Servants.

114. The Vice Government Commissioner to be obliged to send the President of the Provincial Junta copies of findings, and to inform him of administrative measures adopted with respect to the registry of births, marriages and deaths. The President of the Provincial Junta to have the right to obtain inspections of the registers and participate in them, as well as to institute appeals to the competent authorities. Apart from inspections, the other powers of the Vice Government Commissioner in the subject to be exercised in agreement with the President of the Provincial Junta. In case of inability to agree, the decision to lie with the Minister of the Interior.

115. Recognition of dentists diplomas obtained in Germany and Austria by ex-optants.

116. Creation of a shortened and cost free procedure for the restoration of given (Christian) and family names in the German form.

117. To have the Egna court of the first instance attached to the 'district court of Bolzano, and the communes of Senate and San Felice attached' to the Merano court of the first instance (already implemented through the D.P.R. of 31 December 1963, n.2105).


119. Reparation through indemnification for alpine huts formerly the property of the South Tyrolese section of the Alpine Club.

120. Suspension and liquidation of the Ente Nazionale per Ie Tre Venezie, within the Region Trentino-Alto Adige, with division of its property  in consultation with  the Provinces  concerned.


Part V: Measures to be adopted through administrative provisions.


121. Authorisation of the separate use of Italian and German on signs, displays, lists or communications to the public,...(omitted).

122.   Settlement of requests by ex-optants, resident in the Upper Adige and stateless, for reacquisition ex novo of Italian, citizenship.

123. Re-examination of those requests for reacquiring Italian citizen­ship ex novo previously rejected.

124. Recognition of the legal personality of the German-speaking citizens War Victims Association.

125. In agreement with the Federal German Government, the initiation of proceedings for the recovery and indemnification, to those con­cerned of property and funds arising from the liquidation of good; and transfer to the Reich of ex-optants.

126.   (omitted).

127.   (omitted).

128.   Measures to have the Law of 2 April  1958,  n. 364,  immediately applied, extending to former members of the German armed forces the benefits granted similar national categories.

129.   Immediate legal recognition of the South Tyrol Alpine Club, which, however, for military reasons, shall not be allowed to construe alpine refuge huts in frontier areas.


Part VI: Measures to be the object of examination by the Government,


130.   The  study   of  some   arrangement  to  prevent the  percentage  of military  votes   in   political   elections  in   the  Upper  Adige, from exceeding the national average.

131.   Legislation for final settlement of the re-optants question.

132.   Steps to settle the individual-family and property problems arising in connection with the options and re-options.

133.   The   possible   recognition   of   some   technical   qualifications   and diplomas obtained by ex-optants in Germany or Austria; possible resumption of contact with the Austrian Government with a view to reciprocal  recognition of further qualifications and university diplomas, in conformity with the Paris Agreement.

134.   Possibility   of   not   proposing   legislation   to   revoke   the   Italian citizenship of citizens of the Provinces annexed by Italy after the First World War.

135.   The possibility of including offences against the traditions, lan­guage and culture of the linguistic minorities to the concept of 'vilification of the nation.'

136.  (omitted).


Part VII: Internal guarantees.


137. The creation, by decree-of the President of the Council of Min­isters, of a permanent commission to study the problems, of the Province of Bolzano, as follows:


Article 1

A permanent commission for the problems of the Province of Bolzano is created within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Article 2

The task of the commission is to examine problems relating particularly to the protection of the local linguistic minorities and the further cultural, social and economic development of the populations of the Upper Adige with a view to guaranteeing their peaceful co-existence on a basis of complete equality of rights and duties.

The commission ... may formulate proposals and express opinions.

The opinion of the commission is not binding. .It is obligatory only in the case of possible .modifications to the Autonomy Statute.

The minutes of the commission, with the relevant positions taken and conclusions, are to be sent to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for possible action.

Article 3

The Chairman of the commission shall be an Under-Secretary of State at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The commission is to be composed of seven members, of whom four are to be German-speaking, two Italian-speaking and one Ladin, chosen by the Bolzano Provincial Council after appointment respectively by Councillors of the German and Italian linguistic group; the Ladin member shall be chosen by the Council in con­sultation with the mayors of the Ladin communes.

Officials from the various Administrations concerned in the problems under discussion, and appointed by the -Presidency of the Council of Ministers on a basis of one per Administration, shall be invited to participate in the meetings of the commission.

An official of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers will act as secretary.

Article 4

Meetings of the commission shall be called either by the Chair­men or at the request of the representatives of any one of the linguistic group on the commission.”


Translation in English in:

Alcock Antony, The History of the South Tyrol Question, Political Scinces Doctoral Studies Thesis, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Genève, Micheal Joseph LTD, London 1970, pages 434-448.


[1] Gestione Case per Lavoratori.


[2] Ente Nazionale per l'Energia Elettrica.

[3] Under Article 15, paragraph 5, of the existing Statute, this had been required only with respect to the teaching of the Italian language in German-speaking schools.

[4] These were four social security organisations: Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale-, Istituto Nazionale Assicurazioni contro gli Infortuni sul  Lavoro; Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza Dipendenti Statali; Opera Nazionale Maternità ed Infanzia.