ir a Junta de Andalucía






GRANADA, SPAIN, 19-20 May 2003





Prepared by CILS, Centro de Investigaciones Legales y Sociales


The opinions expressed in this work are the responsibility of the authors

and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Council of Europe





Background of the Conference


Objectives of the Conference




Materials and evaluation of the Conference


Outcomes and conclusions of the Conference


I. Participation of Roma


II. Further policy developments,

Sectoral and Local Policies and Mainstreaming


III. Communication strategies


IV. Monitoring and evaluation


V. At international level


Specific conclusions concerning policies towards Roma in Spain


Follow-up of the Conference


Agenda of the Conference

 Appendix 1


List of participants

 Appendix 2








In November 2002 the OSI/EUMAP report on the situation of the Roma in Spain was made public, and it highlighted inter alia that the National Gypsy Development Programme (Plan de Desarrollo Gitano) adopted in 1985 (one of the oldest programmes for Roma in Europe) needed to be fully evaluated and then, re-thought and re-focused. In the course of the discussions which followed the launching of the report, the idea came out that it might be useful to hold a European conference on policies towards Roma/Gypsies.


A member of the Spanish Senate, representing the City of Granada, offered assistance to the Centre for Social and Legal Studies (CILS, Madrid) to organise the Conference in Andalusia, where half of the Roma population of Spain1 is living, and proposed to hold the meeting in Granada. Since the Autonomous Community of Andalusia has its own strategic plan for the Roma (Plan integral para la comunidad gitana de Andalucía), it seemed particularly relevant to organise the meeting there, so as to give an opportunity to Spanish national and Andalusian authorities to evaluate these programmes and to carry out a comparative analysis between programmes for Roma which have been implemented for many years (as in the case of Spain or Finland) with more recently adopted strategies (such as those of EU Accession countries)2.


The Conference was jointly organised by CILS and the Council of Europe with support and assistance from the Andalusian Government (Junta de Andalucía)/Secretariat for the Gypsy Community and its Andalusian Gypsy Socio-Cultural Centre (Centro Socio-cultural Gitano Andaluz, Granada), the City of Granada, the Assembly of local authorities of the Granada Province (Diputacíon Provincial de Granada), and the OSI/EUMAP Programme3.


The Council of Europe supported the organisation of this Conference for several reasons. On the one hand, the Migration and Roma/Gypsies Department of the Directorate General of Social Cohesion had envisaged to organise one or several meetings in 2003 on the implementation of the Council of Europe recommendations concerning Roma, Gypsies and Travellers4 and - more generally-speaking - to discuss national comprehensive programmes specifically for Roma and Travellers that this organisation has been promoting over the last years. On the other hand, the Council of Europe considered that it was particularly relevant to hold the conference in Granada, since Spain was one of the first European countries to design a programme for Roma at national level, and also one of the few examples where a similar regional programme co-exists.


The organisation of the conference, particularly the participation of foreign participants and interpretation, was financially supported by the Council of Europe thanks to a generous contribution of the Finnish Government to the Special Account for policies towards Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in Europe. The City of Granada offered the wonderful venue (Carmen de los Mártires in Alhambra), the Granada Assembly of Local Authorities (Diputacion Provincial de Granada) supported the production of material and other organisational costs and the Andalusian Government covered the costs of the Spanish participants. The OSI/EUMAP gave a grant to CILS for the logistical preparation of the Conference.






The main overall objective of the conference was to carry out an in-depth analysis of all aspects of programmes for Roma, Gypsies or Travellers – from their drafting to their evaluation. In that respect a large number of actors involved over the past years in the design, implementation, and monitoring of strategies to improve the situation of the Roma and Travellers were invited, including governmental officials, Roma and Traveller representatives, international experts and representatives of international organisations/institutions.


The agenda was divided into three main sessions to reflect the three main stages of policies towards Roma, Gypsies and Travellers:


a) The drafting phase, insisting on the definition of the contents, as well as the political and institutional processes which led to the adoption of these strategies, including the various types of consultation/participation mechanisms which have been set up;

b) The implementation, with a particular focus on the role of local authorities and the need for financial resources, as well as on monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of these programmes;

c) The role of international organisations and institutions in shaping national and international policies, their co-ordination and the way they foresee a possible European policy towards Roma and Travellers.


The Conference was therefore envisaged as a brainstorming on the methodology chosen by each respective state for the elaboration, adoption and implementation of national programmes for Roma and Travellers. In order to be able to cover all relevant areas, the organisers invited a number of speakers to highlight at the beginning of each respective session some of the most pertinent issues. Following these statements, a group of panellists was invited by a moderator to respond to particular questions thus bringing complementary and/or comparative information. The floor was then opened to all participants for additional questions or discussion.


In so doing, the Conference aimed at:


· Encouraging countries with a longer experience in implementing strategies for Roma to evaluate their strategic approaches, assess both successes and failures;

· Ensuring that the countries which just elaborated a strategy or are in the process of doing so benefit from the experience of those who have already a rich experience in implementing them;

· Providing information to those countries which do not have a national strategy for Roma as such but might consider adopting one;

· Providing a forum for international organisations involved in Roma issues to discuss their policies and actions with respect to strategies for Roma and also to evaluate their activities in this regard.






In total about 120 persons attended the Conference.


They were: representatives and/or speakers from 25 European countries, i.e. EU Accession or Pre-Accession countries from Central and Eastern Europe, which have been developing specific programmes for Roma (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia), EU member states which have already adopted programmes for Roma and/or Travellers (Finland, Greece, Ireland, and Spain), some countries from the EU which have a Roma or Traveller population but which have not adopted such programmes (France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom), and also countries from South East Europe which are in the process of adopting such programmes (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”);


Inter-governmental organisations/institutions which played a major role in promoting the rights of the Roma and Traveller populations were present, including the European Commission and its delegation in Romania, the Dutch forthcoming Chairmanship of the OSCE, the OSCE-ODIHR, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Council of Europe was represented by the Director General of Social Cohesion, as well as staff members of the Migration and Roma/Gypsies Department, the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Council of Europe Development Bank. The former Spanish member of ECRI (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance) was also present.


The Open Society Institute was represented by the OSI Roma Participation Programme director, as well as by the OSI/EUMAP Programme director and several consultants who drafted country-monitoring reports.


One third of the participants of the Conference was coming from Spain itself, i.e. from central (Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs) and regional administration (autonomous communities) responsible for strategies towards Gypsies/Gitano,, NGOs and representatives from the host City of Granada, the rest of Andalusia and other regions of Spain.


The conference was opened by the Mayor of Granada, the General Director of Social Cohesion of the Council of Europe, Mrs Battaini-Dragoni, the Head of Social Policy Department of the Granada Delegation of the Andalucian Government, Mrs. María José Sánchez, the Senator of Granada, Mr Diaz Sol, the Director of the OSI/EUMAP Programme, Mrs Miriam Anati, and a representative of the Centre for Social and Legal Studies, Mrs Carmen Santiago Reyes.


It was closed by the Director of Social Policy of the Andalusian Government, Mr José Mora Galiana, who went through the history of the Roma in Spain since their arrival in the Peninsula five centuries ago and then recalled some of the main challenges for the improvement of the situation of the Roma in the country. He made a plea to improve not only the socio-economic situation of the Roma but also to design and implement better policies of solidarity, of valuing of the diversity in our societies, of intercultural education and of equality of opportunities for all citizens.






The organisers provided for each participant a compilation5 of existing strategies in 15 countries, as well as recommendations relevant for Roma, Gypsies and Travellers adopted at the level of the Council of Europe or the European Union.


Presentations from speakers and panelists can be obtained upon request from the Secretariat of the Council of Europe. An appendix with these texts and the responses to the evaluation questionnaire is under preparation.







The report on the conference should serve as a reference document for countries involved in policies for Roma. In this respect, the conference constituted a useful input for the World Bank/OSI conference on Roma in central and eastern Europe, which took place in June 2003 in Budapest.

The main conclusions and recommendations for the Member States to improve their policies towards Roma and Travellers were presented at the World Bank/OSI conference by Ms Ina Zoon. Ms Angela Kozce, Director of the European Roma Information Office (ERIO) in Brussels - who was also presnt in Granada - reported about Ms Ina Zoon’s presentation in Budapest to the whole Conference participants. The aforementioned recommendations deal with five main areas which can be considered as priority areas for policy-making with respect to Roma and Travellers: the participation of the Roma, the need to elaborate further sectoral policies targetting the Romani/Traveller communities and the need to mainstream specific policies for Roma, the need for better communication strategies, the need for monitoring and evaluation and the need for a more coordinated approach at the level of European/international organisations.


I. Participation of Roma


One of the main conclusions of the conference was that the level of participation of the representatives of the Roma organizations in designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the policies at national and international level is still unacceptably low.


Though the importance of “Roma participation” has been emphasised repeatedly by international organisations, and is generally - at least formally - acknowledged by governments at this point, it has often been interpreted narrowly in practice. As a rule, Roma participation is considered to have been achieved when Roma representatives or organizations are invited to participate in programme development meetings, or a “Roma advisor” is appointed to sit in a government office. However, these are consultative mechanisms rather than quality participation; the persons involved have no real influence on decision-making process and do not share responsibility for the final product. This practice functions to limit and control Roma participation and fuels dissent and competition within Roma communities by limiting access. Furthermore, as representatives have a financial and political stake in preserving their position, their independence and capacity to offer critical input is compromised, and their job performance is often judged by loyalty rather than expertise or achievement. Limited Roma participation in programme development inevitably results in policies and projects that do not reflect the needs and interests of Roma communities, and which are not in fact widely known or accepted by Roma.


As far as the readiness of various Roma communities and organisations to act as equal partners in policy development is concerned, conference participants stressed the need of investing more in community empowerment programmes which would prepare Romani representative to face the challenges of an equal footing partnership with government representatives. It was agreed that a policy aimed to improve the situation of Roma cannot be successful if, apart from antidiscrimination and poverty reduction measure, it does not also have a very strong community empowerment element.


Roma representatives stressed that Roma communities and organisations have not been adequately resourced for capacity building, so they can participate effectively in shaping policies and services and address the new demands brought about by the participation/ partnership approach.


Several methods of securing effective participation of Roma/Gypsies – Traveller’s organisations in activities related to the elaboration/implementation, monitoring and evaluation have been mentioned during the debate, to be used together or separately:


(a) Ensure core funding for participation empowerment (e.g. 10% from the budget ring-fenced to ensure quality participation of Roma NGOs).

(b) Make quality participation of Roma an eligibility requirement for all projects (in other words participation should be compulsory, and not only “desirable” or “recommended” as it is now, and the level of participation established). To make possible the evaluation of the quality of participation, the applicants should be required to provide detailed partnership agreements.

(c) Include a special chapter on community empowerment in Roma national programmes.

(d) Support projects that provide extended training for Roma in public administration and management.

(e) Avoid placing one Roma organization or one Roma party in a more favorable condition as compared to others; avoid working with one Roma partner and excluding the rest of the Roma civil society (e.g. Roma Party in Romania or Roma self-government in Hungary).

(f) Use the existing Roma networks of Roma NGOs (for example in Bosnia, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, etc.) and ask them to nominate among them contact persons, partners, consultants, etc. so that the decision pertains to them and ensure the support of a majority of Roma NGOs.

(g) Select knowledgeable and efficient Roma partners, and not the “easy” ones. Build partnerships with strong organizations, with clearly articulated positions and not individuals who might have personal interests.

(h) Make sure that Roma partners have a say in forming the project teams.

(i) Ensure continuous monitoring and evaluation of the quality of Roma participation in all projects (e.g. employ an independent observer or have a designated member of the team to perform monitoring/evaluation tasks).



II. Further Policy Development, Sectoral and Local Policies and Mainstreaming


The participants acknowledged the important progress made during the last decade on designing and adopting national policies for Roma in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. Not less than 18 European states have adopted specific programmes/strategies for the improvement of the situation of Roma or are in the process of doing so. The implementation process has already been initiated in almost all EU accession countries.


One of the key questions addressed was whether these policies are comprehensive, addressing Roma issues in an integrated manner, capable to break the social exclusion circle.


A comprehensive policy has been defined as one which:


· Covers all areas: education, employment, housing, health, social welfare, etc., in harmony with the European standards (EU social inclusion and employment policies, Council of Europe recommendations, etc.).


· Incorporates measures aimed at reduction of poverty while adopting a human rights approach to development. Incorporates monitoring, evaluation and equality proofing mechanisms.


· Has a strong community empowerment dimension.


· Goes beyond a declarative condemnation of discrimination to detail concrete measures to ensure that Roma receive equal treatment in practice, as required by the EU Race Equality Directive 2000/43 and relevant international human rights treaties (ICCPR, ICESCR, ICERD, and ICEDAW).


· Promotes minority rights, as required by the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.


Examination of programmes adopted up to date shows that few of the government programmes are truly comprehensive in scope: some do not fully acknowledge the problem of discrimination; some do not contain a well-developed minority rights component, and some reflect a prejudice equating Roma identity and culture with disadvantage and inferiority (possibly reflecting insufficient Roma participation in programme development).


Therefore, many of existing policies need to be revised, re-focused and completed, as there are significant gaps particularly in the areas of communication, anti-discrimination chapters, monitoring and evaluation. Gender issues lack visibility and their mention is sporadic, though a commitment to enhance gender mainstreaming would be welcomed. The governments should find a manner of tackling also politically sensitive issues which, for the moment, are disregarded, such as: police brutality against Roma, forced and coerced sterilization of Romani women, placement of Romani children in schools for children with mental disabilities, racial segregation within the education system, discrimination in the criminal justice system and over-representation of Romani people within the prison population, institutional racism, citizenship, integration of refugees and internally displaced persons, migration, drug addiction, trafficking. Institutionally, there are still ministries which are dealing with Roma issues and are not being systematically involved in the elaboration and implementation of Roma policies (e.g. Interior, Justice, Finance and Foreign Affairs).


Sectoral Policies :


Welcoming the adoption of sectoral policy in some of the countries (e.g. sectoral Roma education policy developed by the Romanian Ministry of Education, the Slovenian Roma employment policy, the Irish Travellers Health policy), the participants noted that local and sectoral development is unequal and insufficient. In too many instances huge amounts of money have been spent on projects developed at the national or international level and which do not correspond to local realities, or in pilot projects which have never replicated because there was no sectoral policy into which their experience could be integrated.


In this context, shaping national policies for Roma should be seen as an on-going effort with horizontal and vertical developments and coordination mechanisms. National policies are necessary, but not sufficient. They are just basic documents, frameworks aimed to establish principles and the main direction of action in each field. They lack value if they are not further developed into concrete action plans. They are not – and they cannot be – adequately detailed to respond to the needs of the Roma communities in each specific area. In order to ensure adequate answers, there is a need to systematically develop sectoral policies, as well as regional and local policies, and ensure strong linkage among them.


There is a need of firm governmental commitment to systematically develop comprehensive sectoral policies, which should incorporate


n Assessment of needs

n Legislative review

n Review of administrative practices

n Establishment of clear target objectives

n Creation on Implementation agencies/bodies

n Establishment of equality proofing mechanisms

n Monitoring mechanisms

n Evaluation mechanisms


Each ministry should develop clear guidelines for shaping sectoral strategies at national and local level taking into consideration the work of the Council of Europe and its recommendations on sectoral policies6.


Local needs, conditions and opportunities are significantly different from one region to another, which makes the development of regional and municipal policies a condition sine qua non for progress. Governments are fully responsible for shaping and implementing such policies and cannot hide behind decentralization and local governance principles to justify their absence or non-implementation. They should find the way to ensure the effective implementation of Roma policies by the regional and local authorities, as this is the case with any other governmental decision.


Mainstreaming :


In many countries where Roma programmes are being implemented, the official structures in charge with the implementation struggle with a lack of funding, staff, authority and/or political support, making it difficult for them to communicate and coordinate implementation of the programme by ministries, as well as by regional and local governments. As a result, Roma programmes tend to be marginalized within the context of broader governmental programme(s), mirroring the marginalization of Roma communities in society. National governments need to take special care to avoid such “ghettoisation” of Roma issues – and take immediate action to mainstream Roma issues within relevant national policies.


Mainstreaming Roma issues will lead to a comprehensive and contextualised analysis of key structural risks and challenges, a longer-term strategic perspective, and permits the transition from a purely sectoral and target-group approach towards an integrated approach.


Mainstreaming entails an assessment of the likely impact of proposed legislation and policies on Roma communities, and their involvement in the relevant decision-making processes. Mainstreaming needs to be seen as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, specific Roma policies in order to ensure that specific concerns do not get diluted. Mainstreaming Roma issues will lead to a comprehensive and contextualized analysis of key structural risks and challenges, a longer term strategic perspective, and permits the transition from a purely sectoral and target-group approach towards an integrated approach.


Mainstreaming Roma issues within National Action Plans against poverty and social inexclusion:


In March 2000, the European Council of Lisbon agreed on the need to take steps to make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty by 2010. It has also agreed that Member States’ policies for combating social exclusion should be based on an open method of co-ordination combining common objectives7, National Action Plans and a programme presented by the Commission to encourage co-operation in this field. All Member States submitted the first round of NAPs/incl in 2001, and were due to submit their second National Action Plan against poverty and social exclusion (NAPs/inclusion) in July 20038.


In this context of concerted action to combat poverty and social exclusion at EU level, Roma issues are becoming particularly relevant and must be given priority.


Concretely, Roma should be identified as one of the main groups at risk, and relevant Roma issues must be incorporated into the National Action Plans on Social Inclusion (NAPs/incl). To achieve this, is not sufficient to discuss and decide within governmental circles, but it is essential to open up the debate, disseminate information, organize specific consultation processes with the beneficiaries and ensure genuine participation of Roma representatives at all stages.


III. Communication strategies


Roma policies are not yet accepted as necessary by the majority population, by lower echelons of the administration and by professional groups.


Successful integration of Roma is hardly conceivable without a positive climate of understanding and acceptance. Derogatory newspapers or television reporting about Roma can undermine all other governmental efforts, creating a negative public attitude. Governments need sound communication strategies to spread the anti-racist message and convince the majority, relevant institutions and professional groups (doctors, teachers, social workers, employers, etc.) of the usefulness of the Roma programmes. Such strategies are also instrumental in keeping away from politization of Roma issues, fomenting political consensus and avoiding discontinuing the process with and/or restarting the policy development exercises with every electoral term.


Governments are strongly encouraged to incorporate communication strategies within their Roma national programmes, including elements, such as:


· Using media campaigns for launching and implementation of Roma programmes.

· Developing procedures for disseminating information about the programme to reach elected local authorities and governmental bodies.

· Supporting media professional organizations expressly committed to fight intolerance towards Roma.

· Funding independent research on media coverage of Roma issues and encourage the work of organizations which make critical studies on the media’s handling of information

· Encouraging the elaboration of a code of conduct for the media.

· Ensuring that Roma rights to receive information and the ability to express themselves in the media are explicitly authorized in public service media.

· Assigning TV and/or radio frequencies to Roma operators.

· Supporting training and employment of Roma journalists and presenters on public channels.

· Supporting the creation of Roma Press Centers.


IV. Monitoring and evaluation




Only a few Roma programmes have moved beyond general aspirations and set specific and quantified targets which provide a basis for monitoring progress. Moreover, in many cases there is confusion between monitoring and evaluation, and the scope of these activities is not defined or is unclear. There is a tendency to consider that internal monitoring, carried on by the implementation agencies is sufficient. The issues of monitoring by specially created independent agencies and by civil too often disregarded. Each of these forms of monitoring has its own rules and conditions which should be examined and then embedded in the policy making process, being addressed in detail in special chapters of national programmes for Roma.


These chapters should, at minimum,


- Provide for the creation of independent monitoring systems to analyze and review progress in policy and services development and implementation, with clear terms of reference, work programme and working methods. Ensure regular public reporting on progress.

- Put in place procedures to target and monitor funding allocated to Roma related projects (i.e. regular reports including a breakdown on expenditure)

- Allocate funding for monitoring projects carried out by Roma non-governmental organizations9.

- Provide support for capacity-building of Roma organizations, so that they will be able to play an active role in monitoring the implementation of projects designed to benefit them.




Enormous amounts of money have been spent on implementing policies and projects whose lessons are never learned, inter alia because their impact has never been evaluated. Sometimes, in spite of the good will of the authors, measures adopted have a totally different result than expected. Some mistakes are repeated for long periods of time. Some programmes which seem successful have the tendency of being replicated before being evaluated and only after years it is discovered that they have undesirable effects. Poor implementation and poor results have led to frustration within the Roma community all over the region and increasing distrust in the willingness and ability of the governments to improve their situation. Both governments and intergovernmental organizations are responsible for the use of public money – and have an obligation to ensure the best use of available funds.


To stop wasting money and human resources in ineffective projects for Roma, there is a pressing need to evaluate their impact. Since what matters is the change on the ground, the real impact needs to be measurable. Not funding volume neither the compliance with the budget line and expenditures is a criterion for the adequacy of a project. Impact is what matters and impact cannot be assessed unless there is a base-line study on the specific issue where the project intervenes. So far analyses, projects and funding, are based on intuitive assessments or qualitative information (see UNDP’s report “Avoiding the Dependency Trap”) not on quantitative data. Quantitative data, however, is possible to be collected, and it should be a precondition for funding any projects. Governments should stop using data protection legislation as pretext for not gathering statistics essential for anti-discrimination litigation and impact assessment purposes, while permitting or tolerating it for policing purposes. Administrative practices in Europe and elsewhere in the world show that it is possible to collect ethnically sensitive data in line with international data protection provisions, with the full and informed consent of the persons concerned.


Roma national policies should be completed with detailed chapters on evaluation, which would permit impact assessment, independent of any governmental structure and based on the views of the target groups and participating individuals. The whole spectrum of types of evaluations should be taken into consideration: ex ante (preparatory and feasibility studies, appraisals); mid-term (during the implementation of the project); end term (at the completion of the project); ex post (some time after completion).


During the implementation, attention should be paid to formative evaluation – where the evaluator is a member of the implementation team whose role is to continuously feed back the team with information about the reactions and opinions of the beneficiaries.


A process of `benchmarking' of the results of programme evaluations against other projects at a national level, and/or trans-nationally, would provide useful data on the effectiveness of the programmes and lead to the more efficient use of financial and manpower resources. The donor community and main international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the Council of Europe’s Development Bank are strongly encouraged to target sufficient resources at monitoring and evaluation projects.


V. At international level


Sustainable cooperation, internal coordination and adoption of a European Union minority policy:


Sustainable co-operation between IGOs: The system of ad hoc information exchange and recent joint programmes on Roma issues between the Council of Europe, the OSCE-ODIHR and the European Union have shown positive results in the field of international cooperation. However, the coordination is still insufficient in some areas, and does not respond to the actual needs and challenges, particularly in the field of crisis management. There is a need for a coherent framework to articulate common positions and eventually share resources. More official and high-level meetings between the three IGOs and possibly others are necessary to define common approaches to the main Roma issues. A joint calendar as already proposed by the OSCE-ODIHR and the Council of Europe would avoid duplication and reduce number of meetings dedicated to the same topic. Co-ordination with the other key actors, including main international donors, the CoE Development Bank, the World Bank and international non-governmental organizations, should be strengthened and liaison offices established. The Maastricht Plan of Action should reflect a new stage of cooperation among decision makers. Finally, the mandate of each relevant IGO should be reviewed and checked against new situations that Roma face in Europe.


In conclusion, governments are encouraged to instruct intergovernmental organizations to secure sustainable co-operation in the field of various Roma initiatives (create a structure with clear co-ordination mandate).


Co-ordination mechanisms within IGOs: the proliferation and dispersion of bodies having a mandate to act on various Romani issues requires the creation and/or strengthening a co-ordination mechanism within the EU, the Council of Europe and the OSCE.


Adoption of a European Union minority policy:


Although there are common EU policies such as the fight against racial discrimination that address problems commonly faced by minorities in the EU, for the time being there is no minority policy at the level of the European Union and there is no consensus that it should be one as shown by the recent rejection of the Hungarian proposals to include a EU minority policy in the Convention or to establish a Committee of National and Ethnic Minorities aimed at the representation of national and ethnic minorities in the institutional system of the European Union.


Governments are encouraged to instruct international organisations to continue exploring the possibility of developing a common European minority policy.






Thanks to the numerous interventions of the Spanish participants, both representatives of authorities and of NGO’s, we are in a position to present some conclusions and recommendations specific to the situation of the Roma in Spain.


On the National Gypsy development Programme:

The National Gypsy Development Plan was a very positive and innovative development when it started, some 15 years ago. It appears, however, that it is now not very effective in practice and not adapted anymore to the current reality in Spain. It is also lacking adequate funding and there is virtually no participation of the Roma representatives as the national consultative commission does practically not meet anymore.

Therefore, it was strongly recommended that the current National Programme for Gypsy Development be fully evaluated (the evaluation which was carried out for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in 2002 should now be made public and discussed by all parties involved), re-tought and re-focused, with the full participation of the Roma representatives and associations.


It was proposed that the elaboration of any new programme should take into account the following elements:


· The main objective of the programme should be the fight against discrimination facing the Roma population in Spain. The current programmes aim at tackling the most marginalised and poorest sectors of the Romani community in Spain and therefore, they are mainly built on an objective of social support and socio-economic measures for the most disadvantaged. Although this area of policy is undoubtedly indispensable, the underlying principle of any new programme should be to achieve equality of opportunities for the Roma population as a whole and in all sectors of life. Therefore, a strong anti-discrimination policy, coupled with targetted/positive action programmes, should be at the heart of any new programme, be it national and/or regional/local..

· More political will should be invested in tackling the disadvantages facing the Romani community; much more funding should also be allocated to the implementation of policies towards Roma both at national and regional levels, if long-lasting results are to be achieved.

· The national programme should not be the responsibility of the sole Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs but should be put directly under the control and responsibility of the Presidency of the Government. It would also be very useful to have a real coordination mechanism of all the ministries involved.

· Very little exists in strategies for Roma on Roma women’s issues and the gender dimension (with the exception of the Plan of Andalucia) and in general policies for women, there is hardly anything on Roma women. Thus, one can say that Roma women are almost out of the political agenda. Most of the work in this respect has so far been done by NGO’s. However, NGO’s have limited funding and political power. Thus, the authorities should now take into consideration the new roles of the Romani women, corresponding to new models of women, and take action in this respect. Gender equality should be an integral component of strategies for Roma.


Roma women’s association should be given as much administrative and decision-making power as those of men, especially in chapters of policies dealing with equality of opportunities. They should be given a place in institutions which are in charge of dealing with women/gender issues in the society at large (for instance, in the Women’s Institute in Spain, where they are so far not represented at all).


· Programmes for Roma should comprise adequate mechanisms of monitoring and evaluation, which include the Roma representatives. The evaluation processes should be transparent and participatory and Roma women should, again, be fully involved.

· Real and effective participation of the Romani associations and representatives is fundamental. They should be fully involved in the process of evaluation of the current National Programme and take a full and equal part in all aspects of the elaboration of any forthcoming programme. Effective institutional mechanisms should be set up so as to allow a full and fair participation of the Roma representatives in the implementation, management and follow-up of any new strategy. The authorities should also take into consideration, when supporting the Roma participation, the great diversity existing within the Romani community in Spain and they should try and involve the different partners as widely and as effectively as possible.

· There is a need for an effective and proactive communication strategy so as the replace the negative stereotypes on Roma with positive ones. It is important, in this respect, not to focus only on the examples of those Roma who succeeded and are doctors, lawyers or artists but also on the majority of them, which do not occupy important posts in the society but should nonetheless not be stigmatised and bear the weight of hundreds of years of negative stereotyping. Communication strategies should therefore form part and be planned in any policy/programme for Roma.

· The socio-cultural background of the Romani community should be borne in mind when drafting policies for Roma. Some participants also advocated in favour of the formal recognition of the Romani people as a minority in Spain so as to change the perception that Roma are only a marginalised and disadvantaged group. They also expressed the view that it would be very important to recognise the kalo language as a minority language.






For an immediate follow-up and the presentation of Granada conclusions, please consult page 6 of this report concerning the World Bank/OSI/EC Conference in Budapest.


This report will be translated into Spanish and French and distributed to all participants, as well as to participants of international fora, such as the International Conference on Roma Women and Access to health care to be held in Strasbourg in September 2003, or the Seminar on Cultural Identities of Roma, Gypsies, Travellers and other related groups to be held also in September in Strasbourg. It is hoped that the governments and Roma NGOs will make use of it for example in their discussion within mixed interminsiterial commissions in charge of monitoring the programmes/strategies for Roma and/or Travellers.


The Council of Europe Group of Specialists on Roma, Gypsies and Travellers (MG-S-ROM) will also benefit from this report when discussing the draft policy general recommendation aimed at providing guidelines for governments in the drafting and implementation of policies towards Roma, Gypsies and Travellers. The Secretariat of the Migration and Roma/Gypsies Department will propose to the Group to include in the aforementioend draft recommendation a chapter on monitoring and evaluation.


Mr. Alan Phillips – former First Vice-President of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and former Director of Minority Rights Group International and now advisor for INTRAC, a British international NGO having expertise in the field of monitoring and evaluation – will present to the MG-S-ROM at its autumn session (27-28 November) a draft concept paper “on monitoring and evaluation of programmes for Roma” that was written following the Granada Conference.


* * * * *


Appendix 1





Carmen de los Mártires

19-20 May 2003






Appendix 2


List of participants







Granada, Spain, 19-20 May 2003









Granada, España, 19-20 de mayo de 2003









 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information


Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales/ Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

 Lydia Rodríguez Dorado

Jefa de Sección del Programa de Desarrollo Gitano

Subdirección General de Programas de Servicios Sociales

 C/ José Abascal 39,

28003 Madrid

Phone: (34) 91 347 90 34

Fax. (34) 91 347 74 58



Manuel Porras


 C/ José Abascal 39,

28003 Madrid

Phone: (34) 91 363 74 90


Senado/ Senate

 Angel Díaz Sol

Senator de Granada




Junta de Andalucía/

The Government of the Autonomous Community of Andalucia

 Mariano Gutiérrez Terrón

Delegado del Gobierno

 Gran Vía 34, 18071 Granada

Phone: (34) 95 802 42 57

Fax: (34) 95 802 42 61



José Manuel Leal Sabido

Director, Secretaria para la comunidad gitana

 C/ Hytasa 14, 41071 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 95 504 8000

Fax: (34) 95 504 83 84



José Manuel Flores

Secretaria para la comunidad gitana

 C/ Hytasa 14

41071 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 95 504 8000

Fax: (34) 95 504 83 84





Junta de Andalucía/

The Government of the Autonomous Community of Andalucia

 Eduardo Fernández Guerrero

Asesor técnico de minorías étnicas

 Delegación de Gobierno/Asuntos Sociales

C/ Ancha de Gracia nº 6, 2ª planta

18071 Granada

Phone: (34) 958 02 46 62

Fax: (34) 958 02 46 94



Diputación Provincial

de Granada/

Granada Province Assembly

 Ana Conde Trescastro

Vice-presidenta Segunda de la Diputación, Diputada Delagada del Área de Acción Social

 Plaza de Bibataubín s/n

18009 Granada

Phone: (34) 95 824 73 16

Fax: (34) 95 824 73 35


Ramón Dengra Molina

Director, Área de acción social

 Plaza de Bibataubín s/n

18009 Granada

Phone: (34) 95 824 73 17

Fax: (34) 95 824 73 35



Josefina Garcia Arco

Educadora, Equipo Provincial de Dirección

 Phone: (34) 958 247 333

Fax: (34) 958 247 335


Remedios Gomez Sánchez

Psicóloga, Equipo Provincial de Dirección

 Phone: (34) 958 247 193

Fax: (34) 958 247 335


Jesús Gómez Mateos Sociólogo, Equipo Provincial de Dirección

 Phone: (34) 958 247 230

Fax: (34) 958 247 335


Lourdes Rodríguez del Barrio

Psicóloga, Responsable del Plan de Desarrollo Gitano de Pinos Puente

 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Pinos Puente

Phone: (34) 958 459 015

Fax: (34) 958 459 016



Dolores Fernández López

Directora del Centro Iznalloz

 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Iznalloz

Phone: (34) 958 384 354

Fax: (34) 958 384 354


Nuria Oliver Berta

Educadora¸ Centro de Iznalloz

 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Iznalloz

Phone: (34) 958 384 354

Fax: (34) 958 384 354


Diputación Provincial de Granada/Granada Province Assembly

 Purificación Martínez Martín

Trabajadora Social, Vegas Altas

 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios Vegas Altas

Phone: (34) 958 466 367

Fax: (34) 958 466 367


Ana María Fernández Yáňez

Trabajadora Social, Alfacar

 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Alfacar

Phone: (34) 958 540 515

Fax: (34) 958 540 515



Maria José Sánchez Molina

Trabajadora Social,

Santa Fé


 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios Santa Fé

Phone: (34) 958 442 487

Fax: (34) 958 510 328


Nieves Entrena Malagón,

Trabajadora Social,

Huetor Tájar-Montefrío

 Centro de Servicios S. Comunitarios Huetor Tájar- Montefrío

Phone: (34) 958 333 222

Fax: (34) 958 333 124


Jorge Guadix Entrena

Director Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios Sierra Nevada


 Centro de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios Sierra Nevada

Phone: (34) 958 300 901

Fax: (34) 958 301 344


Lucia Serna Sandoval

Directora del Centro de Servicios Sociales del Valle de Lecrin


Ayuntamiento de Huescar, Granada/Municipality of Huescar

 Rosa Aurora Ramón Carrión

Coordinadora del Programa de Desarrollo Gitano en Huescar

 C/ San Juan Evangelista, 3



CA Catalunya/ Government of Catalunya

 Valentí Sallas i Campmany

Director General de servicios comunitarios, Generalitat de Catalunya

 C/ Diputació 92, 08015 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 483 18 89

Fax: (34) 93 483 15 82



Ramón Vilchez Enriquez.

Unidad de Atención a la comunidad Gitana del Departamento de Benestar i Familia de la Generalitat de Catalunya

 C/ Diputació 92

08015 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 483 15 80

Fax: (34) 93 483 15 82



CA Catalunya/ Government of Catalunya

 Manuel Heredia Jiménez

Responsable de la Unidad de la Atención a la Comunidad Gitana del Departamento de Benestar i Familia de la Generalitat de Catalunya

 C/ Diputació 92, 08015 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 483 15 80

Fax: (34) 93 483 15 82









 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information


SOS Racisme


 Isabel Martinez


 Bau de Sampera, 3

08003 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 301 05 97



Fundación Secretariado General Gitano (FSGG)

 Fernando Villareal

 C/ Antolina Merino, 10

28025 Madrid

Phone: (34) 91 422 09 60

Fax: (34) 91 422 09 61



Carolina Fernández

Communication Department

 C/ Antolina Merino, 10

28025 Madrid

Phone: (34) 91 422 09 60

Fax: (34) 91 422 09 61



Humberto García

FSGG Granada


Francisco Sierra

FSGG Granada


Pedro Aguilera Cortés

Director FSGG Catalunya


 C/ Segadors 2 6ª planta

08030 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 345 77 22



Unión Romaní

 Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia



 Plaza Duque de Medinaceli 7

08002 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 412 77 45

Fax: (34) 93 412 70 40



Manuel Rondón

Secretario General

de la Unión Romaní Nacional

 C/ Virgen de la Cinta 6

Local Bajo Dcha, 41014 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 954 28 26 54 / 954 27 56 56


Unión Romaní

 Guillermo Carmona Heredia

Secretario General de la Unión Romaní de Andalucía

 C/ Virgen de la Cinta 6

Local Bajo Dcha, 41014 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 954 28 26 54


Guillermo Carmona Heredia

Secretario General de la Unión Romaní de Andalucía

 C/ Virgen de la Cinta 6

Local Bajo Dcha, 41014 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 954 28 26 54


Trinidad Muñoz


 C/ Virgen de la Cinta 6

Local Bajo Dcha, 41014 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 954 28 26 54


Jaume I Universitat


 Ana Jiménez Adelantado

University Jaume I


 Jaume I Universitat, Campus deu Sec

12071 Castellón

Phone: (34) 96 472 93 70,

(34) 96 472 80 00


Centro Socio Cultural Gitano Andaluz

 Francisca Fernández Fernández


 Avenida del Hospicio s/n, Granada

Phone: (34) 95 828 63 84

Cell: (34) 670 946 609

Fax: (34) 958 804156



Carmen Morales Baena



 Avenida del Hospicio s/n, Granada

Phone: (34) 95 828 63 84

Cell: (34) 670 946 609

Fax: (34) 958 804156


Asociación Romi de Granada

 Loli Fernández


 Plaza del Rey Badis sn

18013 Granada

Phone: (34) 95 828 38 24

Phone/fax: (34) 958 16 12 78/120813




Diego Luis Fernández Jiménez

Reps. General Romipen

PSOE Coordinador para Minorías a nivel nacional

 Phone: (34) 957 660 997

Fax: (34) 957 661 458





de Granada

 Gunther Dietz

Universidad Granada


Mari Paz Pena Garcia

Tania Garcia Espinel

 Laboratorio de Estudios Interculturales

Facultad de Educación

Campus de Cartuja 18071 Granada

Phone: (34) 958 892 061

Fax: (34) 958 892 061




de Granada

 Juan Gamella

Granada University

 Departamento de Antropología y Trabajo Social, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Campus de Cartuja

18071 Granada

Phone: (34) 95 824 23 21

Fax: (34) 95 824 09 32



José Heredia Maya

Granada University


 C/ Cruz de la Rauda 1

18010 Granada



Pere Closa


 Sebastián Porras

Fundación Pere Closa


 C/ Del Carmen 50

08911 Badalona

Phone: (93) 389 33 41

Mobil 606 995493



Federación de Asociaciones Gitanas de Catalunya

 José Rodríguez Cortes

 Calle Concilio de Trento, 313

Planta 9, despacho 9.7

08020 Barcelona

Phone: (34) 93 305 10 71

Cell Phone (34) 610 60 25 14


Universidad Barcelona

 Carmen Méndez and


Peeters Koen

 c/ Vía Aurelia 60 3º 2

08206 Sabadell

Barcelona 657 089 139



Montse Sánchez Aroca

Directora del Estudio sobre la Población Gitana en Catalunya.

Profesora de las EUTES Pere Tarrés-Universitat Ramon Llull

 c/ Santaló, 37 Barcelona 08021

 (Dep Proyectos Sociales)

Phone: (34) 93 410 16 02   

Extensión: 2196 / 2197

Fax: (34) 93. 452 12 95

E-mail: or


Alicante Kalí

 Juan David Santiago


 Gran Vía 19, Bajo, 08009 Alicante

Phone: (34) 658 827 628




Opinión Romaní

 Agustín Vega Cortés


 C/ Belén 61, 06300 Zafra, Badajoz

Phone: (34) 92 455 26 58

Fax: (34) 92 455 26 58



Federación Asoc. Gitanas Extremadura

 Antonio Vázquez

Presidente FAGEX

 Plaza de España, 8,

06300 Zafra, Badajoz

Phone: (34) 92 455 21 77,

(34) 92 455 43 82


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

 Tomás Calvo Buezas

Catedrático de Antropología Social y Director del Centro de Estudios sobre Migraciones y racismo (CEMIRA)

 Avenida de Puerta de Hierro s/n, 28040 Madrid

Phone: (34) 91 394 39 76

Fax: (34) 91 543 49 43



Lorenzo Cachón

Universidad Complutense de Madrid


 Sociología y Ciencias Políticas

Phone: (34) 91 394 28 99



Francisco Alvira

Universidad Complutense de Madrid


 Sociología y Ciencias Políticas

Phone: (34) 686 736 340


Asociación Tagore Cádiz

 Antonio Carmona Fernández


 C/ Esparraguera, 1

Phone: (34) 677 428 337

11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz



 Alicia Teruel


 Gran Vía 11, 3º, 18001 Granada

Phone: (34) 95 822 39 48

Fax: (34) 95 822 39 48



Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz

 José Chamizo de la Rubia


 C/ Reyes Católicos, 21, 41001 Sevilla

Phone: (34) 954 21 21 21

Fax: (34) 954 21 44 97


Centro de Investigaciones Legales y Sociales


(CILS) Madrid

 Ina Zoon

 C/ Fernando el Católico 7, 4º B Dcha

28015 Madrid

Phone: (34) 91 445 53 88

Fax: (34) 91 445 5369



Carmen Santiago Reyes

 C/ Manuel de Sandoval

Phone: (34) 95 716 23 97

Cell: (34) 606 93 93 39

Fax: (34) 95 716 23 87



Françoise Kempf

 C/ Fernando el Católico 7, 4º B Dcha

28015 Madrid

Pone: (34) 91 445 53 88

Fax: (34) 91 445 5369



Federation of European Roma Young People (FERYP)

 Demetrio Gómez Ávila

 C/ San Marcos 28, 1º A

28002 Madrid

Phone: (34) 696 756 214










 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information



 Mirjam Karoly

Member of the Advisory Council for Roma and Sinti

 Romano Centro Hofmannsthalg 2, Lokal 2, A-1030 Vienna

Phone: (43) 1 749 6336

Fax: (43) 1 749 6336



Christa Achleitner

Head of Department,

Department for National Minority Affairs



 Federal Chancellery

Ballhausplatz 2

A-1010 Vienna

Phone: (43) 1 53 115 24 65

Fax: (43) 1 53. 115.26.16




 Sarita Friman

Secretary General

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,

 Kirkkokatu 14,

PL-Box 33 FIN- 0023 Government

Phone: (358) 9 1607 4308

Fax: (358) 9 1607 4312



Henry Hedman

Researcher at Research Institute of Domestic Languages,

Ministry of Education


 Sipusaarentie 78

FIN-11120 Riihimäki (private address)

Phone: (358) 40 51 62 836




 Dominique Steinberger

Member of the Association Arpomt


 1, rue de l’Ancienne Ecole

F-67100 Strasbourg

Phone: (33) 3 88 44 44 37




 Marie Luise Beck

Commissioner for Foreigners Affairs


 Ministry for Families, Seniors,

Youth and Women, D-110 18 Berlin

Phone: (49) 30 2007 2973 / 2974

Fax: (49) 30 2007 1930 / E-mail:



 Rudko Kawczynski

Chair Board of Directors, Roma National Congress

 Simon Von Utrecht Strasse 85,

D-20359 Hamburg

Phone: (49) 40 310 521

Fax: (49) 40 310 4 75



Alphia Abdikeeva


Research and Website Coordinator

 H-1051 Budapest, Hungary

Nador 11, 4th floor

Phone: (36) 203 92 52 77

Fax: (36) 1 327 31 01




 Alfred Stamos

Advisor to the Prime Minister

on Roma Issues


 Greek Parliament, Quality of Life Bureau, Syndagma Square,


Phone: (30) 210 671 80 16



Labrou Kristos

Roma Expert

 Phone: (30) 693 778 75 01



Dionyssios Coundoureas


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece

for the Greek Presidency of the EU

 Vasilisis Sofias n°1

GR- Syntgama, Athens

Phone: (30) 210 36 84 529/36 84 530

Fax: (30) 210 36 84 146



Anatasia Billa

Member of the Committee of Ministry of Interior for the Integration of Greek Roma

 27 Stadiou Str., 101 83 Athens, Greece

Phone: (30) 210 323 98 57




 Brigid Quirke

Pavee Point

 46 North Great Charles St.

Dublin 1, Ireland

Phone: (353) 1 878 0255

Fax: (353) 1 874 2626



Caroline Mullen

Pavee Point

 46 North Great Charles St.

Dublin 1, Ireland

Phone: (353) 1 878 0255

Fax: (353) 1 874 2626




 Fernando Sigona

Department of Planning

School of built environment

 Oxford Brookes University

Gypsy Lane Campus

OX3 OBP - Oxford, UK

Phone: (44) 1 865 483 071

Fax: (44) 1 865 483 559



The Netherlands

 Jos Douma


Deputy Director Western and Central Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(for the forthcoming Presidency of the OSCE)

 PO Box 20061

2500 EB The Hague

Phone: (31) 70 348 61 49

Fax: (31) 70 348 62 33



Josephine Verspaget


 Nieuwe Boschstr 28, 4811 CX- Breda,

Phone: (31) 76 52 12 108

Fax: (31) 76 51 41 198




 Padre Antonio Vaz Pinto

High Commissioner for

Immigration and Ethnic Minorities


 Pálacio Foz

Praça dos Restauradores

Apdo. 2596, 1113-001 Lisbon

Phone: (35) 1 22 204 61 10



Bruno Gonçalves

SOS Racismo

 Bairro do Ingote Lote 22 cave Esquerda

P-3020-208 Coimbra, Portugal

Phone: (35) 1 96 538 59 41




 Soraya Post

President of the International Roma Women’s Network

 Otherdhalsgatan 6 D

S-41716 Göteborg, Sweden

Phone: (46) 31 22 14 17

Fax: (46) 70 085 33 55



Cissi N. Stork

Desk officer, Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communication


 Division for Immigrant Integration and Diversity

S-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: (46) 8 405 1000/ 1196

Fax: (46) 8 405 35 78









 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information



 Mihail Ivanov

Secretary of the National Council on Ethnic and Demographic Issues (CNEDI)

 Council of Ministers, 1 Dondukov Bvd, BG-1000 Sofia

Phone: (359) 2 940 20 15 / 20 79

Fax: (359) 2 986 27 32



Lalo Kamenov

Chief Expert, National Council on Ethnic and Demographic Issues (CNEDI)

 Council of Ministers, 1 Dondukov Bvd, BG-1000 Sofia

Phone: (359) 2 940 29 37

Fax: (359) 2 986 27 32



Dimitar Georgiev

Roma Program Consultant

 Human Rights Project

23 Solunska Street, 6th floor

BG-1000 Sofia

Phone: (359) 2 981 50 66

Fax: (359) 2 981 50 66



Czech Republic

 Roman Kristof


Council for Roma Community Affairs

 Nábrezi Edvarda Beneše, 4

CZ-11801 Prague 1 - Malá Strana

Phone: (420) 296 153 573

Fax: (420) 224 946 615



Barbora Bukovska

Staff Attorney and Project Coordinator in Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights

 Senovážne nam. 24

116 47 Praha 1

Phone: (420) 2 34 62 14 67 or 449

Fax: (420) 2 34 62 14 70




 Eva Hegyesi-Orsos

Deputy Secretary of State, Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs

 Arany János u. 6-8, 1051 Budapest

Phone: (36) 1 475 58 20

Fax: (36) 1 331 25 35



Gabriella Varjú

Office of the Parliamentary

Commissioner for Civil Rights

 Nador u.22, H-1051, Budapest

Phone: (36) 1 475 72 30

Fax: (36) 1 269 16 15



   Gyula Vamosi


 Feherhegyi u 6

Pecs 7629 Hungary

Phone: (36) 30 213 63 86

Fax: (36) 72 329 911



Angela Kocze

Executive Director,

European Roma Information Office

 Avenue Edouard Lacomble 17,

2nd floorB-1040 Brussels

Phone: (32) 273 334 62

Fax: (32) 273 338 75




 Antanas Petrauskas

General Director, Department of National Minorities and Lithuanians Living Abroad


 T. Kosciuškos 30

LT-26 00 Vilnius

Phone: (37) 02 61 30 49

Fax: (37) 02 61 94 31



Teofile Bagdonaviciene

Chairwoman, Council of National Minorities


 Phone: (37) 0 698 516 32



Tadas Leoncikas

Secretary of the Advisory Expert Group to the Department of National Minorities and Lithuanians living abroad

 Institute for National Research

Saltoniskiu 58

Vilnius LT- 2004

Phone: (370) 614 372 87




 Edyta Tuta


National Minorities Division, Department of Religion and National Minorities

Ministry of the Interior and Administration

 Ul Batorego 5

PL – Warsaw 02-591

Phone: (48) 22 60 119 75

Fax: (48) 22 60 115 38



Andrzej Mirga


Chairman of PER Roma Advisory Council and Chairman of Council of Europe Specialist Group on Roma/Gypsies and Travellers


 Razvikowskiego 134, Apr. 2,

PL- 31342 Krakow

Tel.: (48) 12 635 90 92




 Dan Jurcan

Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Information, Department for Communication and Public Image

 1 Victoriei Square

Bucharest, Sector 1, Romania

Phone: (40) 21 313 49 47

Fax: (40) 21 222 36 94




 Florin Moissa

Executive President,

Resource Centre for Roma Communities

 Str Tebei Nr 21,

3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Phone: (40) 264 42 04 74

Fax: (40) 264 42 04 70



Dezideriu Gergely

Head of the Human Rights Department,

Romani CRISS

 Buzesti str. No 19,

Bucharest, Sector 1, Romania

Phone: (40) 21 231 41 44

Fax: (40) 21 212 56 05



Maria Andruszkiewicz

Team Leader Phare Project Romania

 22, Ion Maiorescu St.

Bucharest 2, Romania

Phone: (40) 21 21 235 94

Fax: (40) 212 38 58




 Klara Orgovánová

Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities

 Námestie slobody 1

SK-813 70 Bratislava, Slovakia

Phone: (421) 2593 64 305

Fax: (421) 2593 63 421



Erika Godlova

Roma Women NGO


 Vihorlatska 5

08001 Prešov, Slovakia

Phone: (421) 5177 57264,



Peter Pollak

Advisor to the Spisska Nova Vess’ Head of District

 Stefanikovo nam. 1

Spisska Nova Vess 05201, Slovakia

Phone: (421) 53 4175 130



Michel Digne


Pre Accession Adviser in charge of the European Twining programs

 Office of the Plenipotentiary for the Roma Communities of the Slovak Government

Phone: (33) 6 79 48 59 58




 Vera Klopčič

Senior researcher

Institute for Ethnic Studies

 Erjavčeva 26,

Slo-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Phone: (386) 1 200 18 79

Fax: (386) 1 25 109 64




 Jožef Horvat Sandreli

President, Romani Union of Slovenia

 Arhitekta Novaka 13

Slo-9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenia

Phone: (386) 2 534 17 10

Fax: (386) 2 534 17 11









 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information



 Brunilda Minarolli

Specialist at the Office for Minorities

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Boulevard “Zhan d’Ark”

Tirana, Albania

Phone: (355) 42 33 493

Fax: (355) 43 62 084



Pëllumb Furtuna

President of Rromani Baxt

 Rruga: Halit Bega 28

Tirana, Albania

Phone: (355) 4 368 324

Fax : (355) 4 368 324



Bosnia & Herzegovina

 Zara Halilovic

Head of Department for coordination with Working Table I of Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe

 Trg BiH 1,

BiH-71000 Sarajevo

Phone: (387) 33 220 158

Fax: (387) 33 264 330



Maksim Stanisic

Adviser for Minority Rights

Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees

 Trg BiH 1,

BiH-71000 Sarajevo

Phone: (387) 33 206 655

Fax: (387) 33 206 655




 Dr. Ante Simonic

Vice President of the Croatian Government


 Office of Republic of Croatia

Trg. Sk. Marka 2

18 000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: (385) 1 6303 886

Fax: (385) 1 6303 884



Ana Balaban

Adviser to the Vice president of the Croatian Government

 Office of Republic of Croatia

Trg. Sk. Marka 2

18 000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: (385) 1 6303 968

Fax: (385) 1 6303 884




 Milena Klajner

Deputy Head,

Office for National Minorities

 Mesnička 23

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: (385) 1 45 69358

Fax: (385) 1 45 69324



The former Yugoslav Republic of


 Erduan Iseni

Mayor of Suto Orizari


 Municipality of Šuto Orizari

MK- Šuto Orizari b.b., Skopje

Phone: (389) 265 25 80

Fax: (389) 265 05 84



Ramiza Sakip

Organization RNVO 2002

 Razloska no 28

MK-1000 Skopje

Phone: (389) 70 267 584

Fax: (389) 2 634 491




 Nicolae Radita

Moldovan Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

 53B Banulescu, Bodoni Str

MD-2012 Chişnău, Moldova

Phone: (373) 294 03 197

Fax: (373) 2 22 26b18

E-mail: radita@credo.mldnet,md


Mariana Baliţchi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Str. 31 August 1989, 80

MD-2020 Chişinău, Moldova

Phone: (373) 2 578 269

Fax: (373) 2 232 302



Serbia & Montenegro

 Osman Balic

Roma Adviser to the Federal Minister for National and Ethnic Communities


 J. Ristića 14/22

YU-18000 Niš

Phone: (381) 18 24 339

Fax: (381) 18 24 339



Stefan Müller


 Tulipan Utca 16

1022 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: (36) 1 32 65 236







Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information


Ron Korver

Former Roma Program Manager

EU Delegation Hungary

 Beukelsdijk 80b

3022 DJ, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Phone: (31) 6 53 71 52 99



Robin Oakley

Consultant for RrAJE Programme, European Dialogue

 20a Boscastle Road (private address)

GB-London NW5 1EG, United Kingdom

Tel.: (44) 20 7482 1085

Fax: (44) 20 7482 1723



Alan Phillips

Adviser and Former Vice President CoE Advisory Committee on National Minorites

 67 Carlisle Road,

Hove, BN3 4FQ, United Kingdom

Phone: (44) 1 273 721 358



Brian Pratt

Executive Director INTRAC Limited

 PO Box 563

Oxford OX2 6RZ, United Kingdom

Phone: (44)1 865 201 851

Fax: (44)1 865 201 852



Pierre Salama

Professor, National Centre of Scientific Research

 159 rue Blomet, Paris XV, France

Phone: (33) 1 453 35 602

Fax: (33) 1 453 35 602

E-mail: or









 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information


European Commission

 Catherine Magnant

General Directorate for External Relations

 Charlemagne 11/101, 200 rue de la Loi

B-1040 Brussels

Phone: (32) 2 296 53 76

Fax: (32) 2 295 78 50



EC Delegation


 Isabella Uribe


 Interpreted World Trade Centre

Block A 3rd floor

36 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

1040 Sofia, Bulgaria

Phone: (359) 2 973 32 40

Fax: (359) 2 973 38 72



EC Delegation

Czech Republic

 Howard Harding


 PO Box 192

160 41 Praha 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (420) 2 2431 28 35

Fax: (420) 2 243 12850



EC Delegation


 Enrique Aguado-Asenjo


 Masarykova 1

HR-10000 Zagreb

Phone: (385) 148 96500

Fax: (385) 148 96555



EC Delegation


 Simona Botea


Team leader, Social Sector and Civil Society

 Str. Jules Michelet 18

Sector 1, Bucharest 70154, Romania

Phone: (40) 21 203 54 08

Fax: (40) 21 230 24 53



EC Delegation


 Ivana Skodova


 Panska 3

811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia

Phone: (421) 7 544 31 718

Fax: (421) 7 544 32 972




 John Kellock

Information and Communication


 Rahlgasse 3, A-1060 Vienna

Phone: (43) 1 580 3033

Fax: (43) 1 580 30 91




 Nicolae Gheorghe

Adviser on Roma and Sinti Issues

 19 Ujazdowskie Avenue

00-557 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: (48) 22 520 0600

Fax: (48) 22 520 06 05



Council of Europe

 Gabriella Battaini Dragoni

General Director DG III Social Cohesion

 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex, France

Phone: (33) 3 88 41 21 78

Fax: (33) 3 88 41 27 31



Miranda Vuolasranta

Administrator, DG III Social Cohesion Department Roma/Gypsy Division

 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex, France

Phone: (33) 3 90 21 48 20

Fax: (33) 3 88 41 27 31




of Europe

 Michaël Guet

Administrator, Roma/Gypsies Division, DG III Social Cohesion

 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex


Phone: (33) 3 90 21 49 63

Fax: (33) 3 88 41 27 31



Brigitte Thomas

Assistant, Roma/Gypsies Division, DG III Social Cohesion

 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex, France

Phone: (33) 3 88 41 21 66

Fax: (33) 3 88 41 27 31



Artemiza Chisca

Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex, France

Phone: (33) 3 88 41 21 66

Fax: (33) 3 88 41 27 31



Representative of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)


 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex, France

Phone: (33) 3 88 41 39 42

Fax: (33) 3 88 41 39 87



Satu Suikkari

Legal Officer

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights

 F-67075 Strasbourg cedex


Phone: (33) 3 88 41 29 88

Fax: (33) 3 90 21 50 53



Council of Europe Development Bank

 Cristian Tabacaru

Director of Projects Financing Department

 55 Avenue Kléber

75784 Paris Cedex 16, France

Phone: (33) 1 47 55 71 33

Fax: (33) 1 47 55 37 52




 Andrey Ivanov

Regional Support Centre

 35 Grosslingova Street

81100 Bratislava, Slovakia

Phone: (421) 2 59 337 431

Fax: (421) 2 59 337 450



World Bank

 Dena Ringold

Human Development Economist

 1818 H St, NW

Washington DC 20433 USA

Phone: (1) 202 473 4681

Fax: (1) 202 615 1655












 Nombre y título/

Name and title

 Información de contacto/

Contact information



 Deborah Harding

Vice President for National Foundations


 1120 19th st., Mw, 8th floor

W/DC 20036 USA

Phone: (1) 202 721 5615




 Rumyan Russinov

Program Director,

Roma Participation Program

 H-1397 Budapest, PO Box 519

Phone: (36-1) 327 3855

Fax: (36-1) 327 3841




 Rachel Guglielmo

Consultant OSI

 33 Harris St.

Cambridge, MA 02140

Phone: (1) 617 491 51 15



Miriam Anati

Program Manager

 Nador Utca,11, 1051 Budapest

Phone: (36) 1 327 38 03

Fax: (36) 1 327 38 64



Andrea Gurubi

Program Assistant

 Nador Utca,11, 1051 Budapest

Phone: (36) 1 327 38 03

Fax: (36) 1 327 38 64




 Livia Plaks

Executive Director

Project on Ethnic Relations


 15 Chambers Street, Princeton,

New Jersey, 08542 USA

Tel.: (1) 609 683 5666

Fax: (1) 609 683 5888








 Información de contacto/Contact information


Oscar Jiménez


(Both days)

 University of Granada, Campus de Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain

Phone: (34) 670 472 624



Rafael Porlán


 University of Granada, Campus de Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain

Phone: (34) 607 531 788



Anne Martin



 University of Granada, Campus de Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain

Phone: (34) 647 989 609








 Información de contacto/Contact information


Sarita Jasarova

 Kuzman Sapkarev n° 1a, MK- 91000 Skopje, Macedonia

Phone: (389) 2 346 287

Fax: (389) 2 346 287



Sejdo Jasarov

 Kuzman Sapkarev n° 1a, MK- 91000 Skopje, Macedonia

Phone: (389) 2 346 287

Fax: (389) 2 346 287







 Note 1 Total Gypsy population in Spain estimated: 500,000; about 200,000 (40,000 families) are living in Andalusia, about half of them in Granada.


2 To-date there are 18 European countries which have adopted or are in the process of adopting a specific programme for Roma or Travellers. This includes EU member states (Finland, Greece, Ireland and Spain), EU accession countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia), and Stabilisation and Association Process where strategies are being discussed or will be soon adopted (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”).  Note 3 The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which is running the National Gypsy Development Plan, was unfortunately not in a position to provide support for this Conference. However, it sent representatives to Granada.



4 In particular Committee of Ministers Recommendations Rec. (2000)4 on the Education of Roma/Gypsy Children in Europe and Rec. (2001)17 on Improving the Economic and Employment Situation of Roma/Gypsies and Travellers in Europe, Parliamentary Assembly Recommendations1203/1993 and 1557/2002, as well as Congress for Local and Regional Authorities of Europe Recommendations 243/1993, 11/1995 and 44/1997.


5 Those who did not have a chance to get a copy can request it to the Secretariat of the Council of Europe, Migration and Roma/Gypsies Division – fax : +33/ ; email: ; tel.: +33/ Some delegations provided additional or new documents (Slovakia, Greece, Albania, Moldova) which are at the disposal of participants upon request to the Secretariat (see above).  Note 6 Recommendation (2000) 4 on the education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe, Recommendation R (2001) 17 on improving the economic and employment situation of Roma/Gypsies and Travellers in Europe, as well as forthcoming recommendations on improving the housing situation of Roma/Gypsies in Europe, on access of Romaand Travellers to health care, and on free movement and encampment of Travellers. 

 Note 7 The common objectives have been adopted by the Nice European Council in December 2000 and revised in December 2002.

 Note 8 On 30 July 2003 in Budapest the World bank, Open Society Institute and the European Commission agreed with governments and other international actors called for a Roma Decade (2005-2015) to combat Roma poverty.



9 To be effective, monitoring should be as much about the process of preparing, presenting and using a report as about the report itself. Preparing an effective report requires reporters to think critically, to involve and to draw their information from communities affected by the problems being monitored, and to formulate their critique in a reasoned and persuasive manner. And thus it is logical that Roma should take a leading role in articulating and transmitting critiques of the programmes designed for their benefit.