Roma in the European Union
European Parliament resolution on the situation of the Roma in the
European Union
The European Parliament ,
– having
regard to the celebration of International Roma Day on 8 April 2005(1) ,
– having
regard to the Constitutional Treaty signed by Heads of State and of Government
on 29 October 2004 which includes the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union as its second part,
– having
regard to Articles 3, 6, 7, 29 and 149 of the EC Treaty, which commit the
Member States to ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens,
– having
regard to Article 13 of the EC Treaty, which enables the European Community to
take appropriate action to combat discrimination based on racial or ethnic
– having
regard to Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the
principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic
origin(2) which bans
discrimination on ethnic grounds,
– having
regard to Article 4 of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the
Protection of National Minorities and the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
– having
regard to Recommendation 1557 (2002) of the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly, particularly paragraphs 3 and 15 thereof, which underline the
widespread discrimination against the Roma, and the need to strengthen the
system for monitoring such discrimination and to resolve the legal status of
the Roma,
– having
regard to the document adopted by the COCEN Group in advance of the Helsinki
European Council in 1999 entitled "Situation of Roma in the Candidate
Countries", which underlines the need to raise awareness about the racism
and discrimination faced by Roma,
– having
regard to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 10 December 1984,
– having
regard to Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a
general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation(3) ,
– having
regard to the Charter of European Political Parties for a Non-Racist Society(4) ,
– having
regard to the establishment of a Group of Commissioners responsible for
fundamental rights, anti-discrimination and equal opportunities(5) , and awaiting
the presentation of the Group's agenda,
– having
regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1035/97 of 2 June 1997 establishing a
European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia(6) , to the
Monitoring Centre's (EUMC) annual and thematic
reports on racism in the EU and to the Commission Green Paper on equality and
non-discrimination in an enlarged European Union (COM(2004)0379),
– having
regard to the recent publication by the Commission of a report drawing
attention to very disturbing levels of hostility and human rights abuses
against Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in Europe(7) ,
– having
regard to its resolution of 27 January 2005 on remembrance of the Holocaust,
anti-semitism and racism(8) ,
– having
regard to international legal instruments such as General Recommendation XXVII
("Discrimination against Roma") of the United Nations Committee on
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and General Policy Recommendation No
3 of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance on Combating racism
and intolerance against Roma/Gypsies,
– having
regard to the comprehensive Action Plan, adopted by OSCE participating States,
including EU Member States and candidate countries, focused on improving the
situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE area, in
which the States undertake inter alia to reinforce
their efforts aimed at ensuring that Roma and Sinti
people are able to play a full and equal part in our societies, and at
eradicating discrimination against them,
– having
regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas
8 April has been designated International Roma Day and is considered to be the
annual day of celebration for Roma, as well as an opportunity for raising
awareness about Europe's largest ethnic minority and the extent of its social
B. whereas
the 12-15 million Roma living in Europe, 7-9 million of whom live in the
European Union, suffer racial discrimination and in many cases are subject to
severe structural discrimination, poverty and social exclusion, as well as
multiple discrimination on the basis of gender, age, disability and sexual
underlining the importance of urgently eliminating continuing and violent
trends of racism and racial discrimination against Roma, and conscious that any
form of impunity for racist attacks, hate speech, physical attacks by extremist
groups, unlawful evictions and police harassment motivated by Anti-Gypsyism and Romaphobia plays a
role in weakening the rule of law and democracy, tends to encourage the
recurrence of such crimes and requires resolute action for its eradication,
D. recognising that the failure to combat racial
discrimination and xenophobia against Roma, especially by public authorities,
is a factor encouraging the persistence of the problems in society,
E. whereas
the Roma community is still not regarded as an ethnic or national minority
group in every Member State and candidate country, and thus does not enjoy the
rights pertaining to this status in all the countries concerned,
whereas, while many Member States have quickly transposed into national law
Directive 2000/43/EC, a number have failed to do so or have done so
incompletely or incorrectly,
G. whereas
the Romani Holocaust deserves full recognition,
commensurate with the gravity of Nazi crimes designed to physically eliminate
the Roma of Europe, and calling in this connection on the Commission and the
authorities to take all necessary steps to remove the pig farm from the site of
the former concentration camp at Lety u Pisku and to create a suitable memorial,
recalling that a large number of Roma were victims of war and of ethnic
cleansing and continue to be victims of persecution in parts of regions of the
deploring the fact that a significant number of Roma asylum seekers have been
expelled, or threatened with expulsion, from the host Member States, in
contravention of the principle of non-refoulement, as
set out in the 1951 Geneva Convention and associated protocols,
regretting that Roma continue to be underrepresented in governmental structures
and public administration in Member States and candidate countries where they
constitute a significant percentage of the population; whereas these
governments have undertaken to increase the number of Roma working in
decision-making structures but have yet to make significant progress,
K. recognising the need to ensure effective Roma participation
in political life, particularly as regards decisions which affect the lives and
well-being of Roma communities,
stressing that in no case should new citizenship laws be drafted and implemented
in such a way as to discriminate against legitimate claimants to citizenship or
to withhold citizenship from long-term Roma residents of the Member State or
candidate country concerned,
M. whereas
in a number of countries there exist clear indications that police forces and
other organs of the criminal justice system are affected by anti-Romani bias, leading to systemic racial discrimination in
the exercise of criminal justice,
N. whereas
Roma are regularly discriminated against in the provision of health care and
social security; noting with concern cases of segregation in maternity wards
and the sterilisation of Roma women without their
informed consent,
O. whereas
substandard and insanitary living conditions and
evidence of ghettoisation exist on a wide scale, with
Roma being regularly prevented from moving out of such neighbourhoods,
P. having
regard to the racially segregated schooling systems in place across several
Member States, in which Roma children are taught either in segregated classes
with lower standards or in classes for the mentally handicapped; recognising that an improvement in access to education and
opportunities for academic achievement for Roma is crucial to the advancement
of Romani communities" wider prospects,
Q. whereas
on average Roma communities face unacceptably high levels of unemployment, so
that specific measures are required to facilitate access to jobs,
R. having
regard to the difficulties faced by the Roma population in having their culture
fully acknowledged, and deploring the fact that in most Member States and
candidate countries the mainstream media continue to under-represent Roma in
their programming while simultaneously reinforcing a negative stereotype of
Roma citizens through news items and television and radio shows; noting that
new communication technologies, including the internet, can also help to combat
1. Condemns utterly all the forms of discrimination faced by
the Roma people;
2. Calls on
the Council, the Commission, the
3. Welcomes
the recent declaration by Commission President Barroso
regarding the importance of eliminating discrimination against Roma people and
the role which the Lisbon Strategy could play in improving opportunities for
Roma(9) , and urges the
Council, Commission, Member States and candidate countries publicly to take
steps to combat Anti-Gypsyism/Romaphobia in all
forms, be it at local, national, regional or EU level;
4. Urges
the Commission to include the issue of combating Anti-Gypsyism/Romaphobia
across Europe among its priorities for the 2007 European Year of Equal
Opportunities for All, and calls on political parties and civil society at all
levels to make it clear that racial hatred against Roma can never be tolerated
in European society;
5. Urges
the Commission to further ensure, in the framework of the political
requirements of the Copenhagen criteria, that candidate countries make real
efforts to strengthen the rule of law and protect human and minority rights,
particularly those of the Roma population;
6. Calls on
the Commission to prepare a communication on how the EU, in cooperation with
the Member States, can best coordinate and promote efforts to improve the
situation of the Roma, and to adopt an action plan with clear recommendations
to the Member States and candidate countries to bring about better economic,
social and political integration of the Roma;
7. Commends
Member States for quickly transposing into national law Directive 2000/43/EC
and urges those which are currently subject to "non-communication"
infringement procedures to take steps to rectify their lack of progress; calls
on the Council to agree under the Luxembourg Presidency the proposed EU
Framework Decision on racism and xenophobia, which would make hate crimes
punishable throughout the EU, and on which the European Parliament must be reconsulted;
8. Calls
upon Member States and candidate countries to strengthen national legislation
and administrative measures that expressly and specifically counter Anti-Gypsyism/Romaphobia and prohibit racial discrimination and
related intolerance, whether direct or indirect, in all spheres of public life;
9. Calls on
10. Calls
upon Member States to take appropriate action to eliminate any racial hatred
and incitement to discrimination and violence against Roma in the media and in
any form of communication technology, and calls on the mainstream media to
establish best practices for hiring staff who reflect the composition of the
11. Calls
12. Underlines the need to guarantee equal social and political
rights to migrants of Romani origin;
13. Underlines
that the lack of official documents is a serious obstacle to the exercise of
basic rights by Roma throughout
14. Urges
15. Calls
on Member States in which Roma children are segregated into schools for the
mentally disabled or placed in separate classrooms from their peers to move
forward with desegregation programmes within a
predetermined period of time, thus ensuring free access to quality education
for Roma children and preventing the rise of anti-Romani
sentiment amongst schoolchildren;
16. Recalls
the resolution of the Council and of the Ministers of Education meeting within
the Council of 22 May 1989 on school provision for gypsy and traveller children(10) and considers
that ensuring that all Roma children have access to mainstream education
remains a priority;
17. Calls
on Member States and candidate countries to take steps to ensure equal access
to health care and social security services for all, to end all discriminatory
practices, in particular the segregation of Roma in maternity wards, and to prevent
the practice of non-consensual sterilisation of Romani women;
18. Welcomes
the formation of the European Roma and Travellers
Forum, and the work of groups within the Parliament focused on Roma and
minority issues; recognizes the importance of cooperation with such bodies when
creating Roma policies in
19. Considers
that the current ghettoisation in Europe is
unacceptable, and calls on Member States to take concrete steps to bring about deghettoisation, to combat discriminatory practices in
providing housing and to assist individual Roma in finding alternative,
sanitary housing;
20. Urges
governments in regions with Roma populations to take further steps to integrate
Roma civil servants at all administrative and decision-making levels in line
with previous commitments and to allocate the necessary resources for the
effective operation of such positions;
Welcomes the Decade for Roma Inclusion Initiative to which five Member States
and candidate countries are signatories and calls on the Commission to work in
cohesion with those governments concerned to align relevant EU programme funding to realize this initiative;
22. Calls
on the Commission to publicly encourage national governments to ensure that,
when funding programmes are aimed at Roma, Roma actors
are fully involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of such
23. Supports
the continuing moves within the EU institutions towards incorporating the
Roma-to-Roma approach, as developed by the OSCE, in the future hiring of staff for
Roma- as well as non-Roma-related vacancies;
24. Calls
on political parties, at both national and European level, to review their
party structures and procedures with the aim of removing all barriers that
directly or indirectly militate against the participation of Roma and
incorporate policies geared to full Roma integration into their mainstream
political and social agenda;
25. Urges
the EUMC and, upon its creation, the Fundamental Rights Agency to devote more
attention to Anti-Gypsyism/Romaphobia in
26. Urges
all Member States to support initiatives to strengthen the Roma's ability to
represent themselves and participate actively in public life and society as a
whole and enable Roma civil organisations to make
their voices heard;
27. Calls
on the Commission to raise the Roma issue to a pan-European level, in
particular with candidate countries, as the Roma live in every part of
28. Instructs
its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, and
the governments and parliaments of the
International Roma
Day was established in 1971 at the First Romani
World Congress. |
OJ L 180, 19.7.2000,
p. 22. |
OJ L 303, 2.12.2000,
p. 16. |
The "Charter of
European Political Parties for a Non-Racist Society" is the proposal of
the EU Consultative Commission on Racism and Xenophobia to the political
parties in the European Union. The text was adopted by that Commission on 5
December 1997. |
Commission President
José Manuel Barroso announced this initiative in
his speech to the European Parliament on 26 October 2004, saying that the
Group (which he will chair) will be handed the task of monitoring all
Commission actions and major initiatives in these areas as well as acting as
a political driving force. |
OJ L 230, 21.8.1997,
p. 19. |
"The Situation
of Roma in an Enlarged Europe", commissioned and published by DG
Employment and Social Affairs, 2004. |
5 Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0018. |
Commenting at the
launch of the "Lisbon Scorecard V" on 17 March 2005. |
1 OJ C 153,
21.6.1989, p. 3. |