2003 – 2004




The democratic pluralism, human rights and fundamental freedoms protection have strongly confirmed for the last twelve years in the Bulgarian society. Bulgaria has built a successful model of ethnic relations but yet the problem of Roma people integration has not found its permanent solution. In this regard, the position of the Roma population in Bulgaria sets challenges before the government and encourages its efforts to undertake, in co-operation and with the active participation of representatives of the Roma minority, urgent and effective measures to improve the existing situation and to reach decisive progress.


This Action Plan for Implementation of the Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma People in the Bulgarian Society is a result of the activity on implementing of one of the key priorities of the Bulgarian government programme “People are the wealth of Bulgaria” – prevention of discrimination, integration of people in disadvantaged position in the society and cut off poverty and social isolation to be achieved by all appropriate means.




Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma People in the Bulgarian Society, adopted by the Bulgarian government in 1999, is the basis of this document and its strategic objective is to abolish the unequal treatment of Roma people in the Bulgarian society. As far as the Framework Programme has a general and principal nature, the Bulgarian government ascertained necessity its objectives to be more concretely defined by drafting an Action Plan with responsibilities distributed to different activities and relevant financial planning.


Key priority of the Government programme “People are the wealth of Bulgaria” is the integration of the minorities in the Bulgarian society and development of the Bulgarian ethnical model.


In implementing its programme the government of the Republic of Bulgaria adopted and submitted, in April 2003, the first National Report on implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for Protection of the National Minorities, which is ratified and entered in force for the Republic of Bulgaria.


The Regular Reports of the European Commission, which assess the progress made by Bulgaria on its way to membership of the European Union for the last three years give good assessment of the Framework Programme for Integration of the Roma People. However, the Regular reports of the European Commission, as well as, the Road Map for Bulgaria, adopted by the European Council in Copenhagen point out, in particular the fact that additional serious practical actions are needed in direction of complete integration of the Roma people in the Bulgarian society.




Namely to abolishing of the disadvantaged position of the Roma population have been directed the concrete measures in the Action Plan which outlines in a short term plan the actions of the state institutions. They are conducted by various ministries and institutions, and are combined by the common objective for resolution of the social-economic and culture-educational problems of the Roma community. The objective of this Action Plan is to enforce the policy of integration of the Roma people into the Bulgarian society in the major sector polices of management, in view to achieving of fast progress and sustainability of development. At national and local level measures will be undertaken towards providing equal access to education, health, employment programmes, improvement of housing conditions, etc.


The Action plan further develops in details The Framework Programme for Integration of the Roma People in the Bulgarian Society. Founded on the experience of the current implementation of the Framework Programme, the Action Plan puts forward more concrete priorities with clearer dimensions of areas of impact. The measures, which have been, outlined at the first place in the area of education, health care, child and youth protection and unemployment reduction.




The Action Plan covers the short-term priorities for the period by the end of 2003 and to the end of 2003. After taking account of the results of the Plan the Government will evaluate the progress and will plan its further actions related to the implementation of the Framework Programme.




This Action Plan has been developed with the assistance of all key ministries and institutions. The document is founded on the evaluation of the implemented Framework Programme for Equal Integration of the Roma People in the Bulgarian Society made by the Parliament Roma association of Roma organisations.


For the implementation of the measures in this Action Plan these ministries and institutions, which perform the relevant sector, state policies, inseparable part of which is the integration of minorities in the Bulgarian society. Separately established specialised structures are: The National Council of Ethnic and Demographic Issues with Chair person the Minister without portfolio, the Consultative Council on Education of Children and Students from the Ethnic Minorities under the Ministry of Education and Science, Roma Public Council on the Cultural Issues under the Ministry of Culture, District councils on the ethnic and demographic issues, the regional and municipal experts on the ethnic and demographic issues.


The National Council of Ethnic and Demographic Issues will do the general coordination and monitoring of the Action Plan implementation.


Particularly significant for the successful implementation of this Action Plan is the active partnership of the non-governmental organisations and the local authorities. That is why, this Plan and its implementation will be discussed constantly with them as well as their assistance will be approached actively on the implementation of the measures. Practically this document is open for ideas, practical proposals and assistance by all the partners in the government.




A part of the funds needed for implementation of the envisaged measures has already been provided in the approved expense ceilings of the budget forecast for the period 2004 – 2006. For the additional needed funds supplementary funds will be allocated from the republican budget to 2003 budget. For other needed expenses financial sources will be sought and used from the partners of the government.


Annex: Chart of the Action Plan for implementation of the Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma People in the Bulgarian Society.