International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
Discrimination |
Distr. GENERAL CERD/C/62/CO/9 21 March 2003 Original: ENGLISH UNEDITED VERSION |
Sixty-second session
3-21 March 2003
observations of the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The Committee considered the fifth periodic
report of
2. The Committee welcomes the fifth periodic
report which is an updating report focusing specifically on the recommendations
made by the Committee in its previous concluding observations (CERD/C/304/Add.105).
The Committee further welcomes the additional information provided by the State
party’s delegation during its oral presentation, and expresses its appreciation
for the opportunity to continue its dialogue with the State party.
The Committee welcomes the fact that
4. The Committee notes with appreciation the
steps taken with a view to ratifying the amendments to article 8, paragraph 6,
of the Convention, and expresses the hope that this process will be concluded
soon, in line with General Assembly resolution 57/194.
5. The
Committee is encouraged by the entry into force, in December 2002, of the Act
amending the Citizenship Act of 1991 concerning the procedure for the acquisition
of citizenship of the
The Committee is encouraged by the recent steps taken by the State party with a
view to further implementing the Convention, such as the adoption of specific
anti-discrimination legislation (inter alia, the Act on Media 2001, the
Resolution on Migration Policy 2002, the Act amending the Local Government Act
2002, the Exercising of the Public Interest in Culture Act 2002 and the Employment
Act 2002).
7. The Committee appreciates the clarification
provided by the delegation of various definitions used in the report and in
domestic legislation to describe ethnic and national minorities, and “indigenous”
and “new” communities. However, the Committee notes the potential discriminatory
effects of the various definitions of the different ethnic groups and invites
the State party to include in its next periodic report detailed information as
to the legal definitions used for describing different minorities and their
respective status.
8. The Committee expresses concern about the paucity of available data on
the implementation of the Convention and emphasizes the importance of additional
information, including statistical information, on the extent of integration of
minorities into society. It recommends
that the State party, while ensuring protection of individual privacy, provide
relevant information on the demographic composition of its population and invites the State party to include data from the
latest census (April 2002) in its
next report. In this respect the Committee draws the attention of the State party to its
General Recommendations XXIV and IV on article 1 of the Convention and
concerning reporting by States parties, and para.8 of the Reporting Guidelines.
9. With
respect to article 2 of the Convention, the Committee, while noting that the
Constitution of Slovenia provides for representation in Parliament of the
Italian and Hungarian minorities, observes that the issue of the representation
of other minorities in the Slovenian Parliament has not been addressed. The
Committee therefore recommends that the State party consider taking further
measures to ensure that all groups of minorities are represented in Parliament,
and to include in its forthcoming report information concerning any measures
taken in this regard.
10. The
Committee acknowledges the efforts made by the State party to promote cultural
diversity, as well as to promote equal opportunities for the Roma and facilitate their
participation in decision making processes. However,
the Committee is concerned that discriminatory attitudes and practices may
still persist and that the distinction between “indigenous” Roma and “new” Roma may give rise to further discrimination.
The Committee encourages the State party to pursue its current efforts to
combat any discriminatory practices and attitudes against Roma which may exist,
in particular in the areas of housing, employment and treatment by the police, by, inter alia, developing
comprehensive proactive strategies in these fields. The
Committee invites the State party to provide data on the number of persons in
these groups who have benefited from affirmative action.
The Committee appreciates the flexible approach of the State party as regards
the education of Roma children by attempting to address the issue in each given
community. However, the Committee is concerned at the existing practice that some
children may be educated in vocational centres for adults, others in special
classes. Recalling its General Recommendation XXVII on discrimination against
Roma, the Committee encourages the State party to promote the integration of
children of Roma origin into mainstream schools.
12. While the situation as to the actual
implementation of article 4 of the Convention, one of its core articles, would
not seem to give rise to concern, the Committee requests the State party to provide in its next
periodic report statistics and information on cases of alleged racially-motivated
offences, their investigation, and the results of any ensuing administrative or
judicial proceedings.
13. The Committee is
encouraged by the steps taken by the State party to address the long-standing
issue of persons living in
14. The Committee is concerned that a significant number of
persons who have been living in
15. The Committee encourages the State party to
consult with organizations of civil society working in the area of combating
racial discrimination, during the preparation of the next periodic report.
16. The Committee recommends that the State party take into account the relevant parts of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action when implementing the Convention in the domestic legal order, in particular in respect of articles 2 to 7 of the Convention, and that it include in its next periodic report information on action plans or other measures they have taken to implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action at national level.
17. The Committee recommends that the State
party’s reports be made readily available to the public from the time they are
submitted and that the observations of the Committee on these reports be
similarly publicized, along with other texts relevant to the Convention. The Committee encourages the State party to
increase its current efforts in this respect, with a view to actively reaching
out to the public in general.
18. The Committee recommends that the State party
submit its sixth periodic report jointly with its seventh periodic report, due