Adopted by the
at its 50th
Plenary Meeting
(Venice, 8-9 March
on the basis of
comments by:
Mr Kaarlo TUORI
(Member, Finland)
I have been asked to comment on the Draft Law on
Civil Service in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, submitted
by the Council of Ministers to the Parliamentary Assembly. I have also had at
my disposal the amendments included in the reports of the Constitutional and
Legal Commissions of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples. I
shall mainly restrict myself to the constitutional and human rights aspects of
the draft law and the proposed amendments.
1. 1. In general, the requirements of human rights and
the principles of a democratic Rechtsstaat,
such as they have been formulated in, e.g., the recommendation R (2000) 6 of
the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the status of civil
servants in Europe, have been well taken into account. The draft law can even
in other respects be considered to be of high quality and to meet the objective
of establishing a professional and merit-based Civil Service in Bosnia and
Herzegovina in accordance with European standards.
2. 2. Article IX of the Constitution
of Bosnia and Herzegovina does includes some general provisions a concerning
the Civil Service. In addition, the general principles of the constitution
should, of course, also be respected in the Law on Civil Service.
3. 3. According to Art. IX, par. 3,
“officials appointed to positions in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
shall be generally representative of the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.
Depending on its application, this provision may be in tension with the
principle of non-discrimination which, according to, e.g. the above-mentioned
recommendation, should be respected in the recruitment of civil servants. The
particular background of the BiH constitution makes understandable and – to a
certain extent – even justifiable the attention paid to the ethnic composition
of the constitutional organs and even of the civil service. However, the
significance of such considerations should not be extended through ordinary
laws beyond that explicitly presupposed by the Constitution.
It should also be noted that the principle of
non-discrimination is included in the draft law itself. Thus, according to Art.
15(2) a civil servant shall be entitled to receive fair and equitable treatment
in all aspects of personnel management without regard to, e.g. his ethnic
origin. Art 23 provides that the Agency for Civil Service shall ensure, when
organizing a public competition, that no distinction or selection shall be done
on a discriminatory basis in accordance with Art. 15.2 of this Law”.
4. 4. According to the original
wording of Art. 2(2) of the draft law, the “the structure of civil servants
shall generally reflect the national structure of the population of Bosnia and
Herzegovina in accordance with the last census”. According to the report of the
Constitutional and Legal Commission of the House of Peoples, the word
“generally” should be deleted. The respective Commission of the House of
Representatives has accepted an amendment according to which the provision
would provide that “the structure of civil servants shall reflect the national
structure of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the 1991
census, honouring the parity of the constituent peoples as regards managerial
posts”. Both amendments go beyond what is required by Art. IX(3) of the
Constitution and enhance the tension with the principle of non-discrimination.
The original wording is to be preferred.
5. 5. Art. 70, par. 7, of the Draft
Law is closely related to the provision in Art. 2(2). It provides that “at the
initial phase of implementation of this Law, the territorial representativeness
of civil servants in the Institutions shall generally be within the ratio of
two thirds from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina v.s. one third from
the Republika Srpska”. According to the report of the Constitutional and Legal
Commission of the House of Peoples, the words “in the initial phase of
implementation” should be replaced with “in the course of application”. This
amendment would also make the system of national representation more rigid than
in the original draft and cannot be recommended.
6. 6. Art. 6 of the Draft Law
regulates the application of the Law to the civil servants of the Diplomatic
and Consular Service, the Border Service and the Central Bank. Par. 1. states
the main rule according to which these bodies would be subject to the
application of the law. However, par. 2
provides that “ the Council of Ministers can, upon the opinion provided by the
Agency of Civil Service, decide that the Institutions competent for the
regulation of the above-mentioned bodies derogate to certain provisions of the
law, with the exception of Articles 1, 2 and 3”. The scope of the application
of the law can be considered an issue of such importance that it should be
decided by the legislature and not delegated to the Council of Ministers.
7. 7. The neutrality of officials is
one of the corner-stones of civil service in a democratic Rechtsstaat. Therefore, provisions concerning the duty of civil
servants to announce all such dependencies which may affect their neutrality
are very important. It may, especially in new states only establishing their
institutions, be justifiable to extend this duty even to the property and
activities of close relatives, as has been proposed in the original draft law.
The deletion of this extension from Art. 16(2) which has been proposed by the
Constitutional and Legal Commission of the House of Peoples should therefore be
8. 8. Art. IX(2) of the Constitution
includes a provision on the compensations to be paid to civil servants:
“Compensation for persons holding office in the institutions of
9. 9. Art. 54 of the Draft Law
regulates disciplinary responsibilities. Par. 2 seems to contain, on the one
hand, quite vague and, on the other hand, redundant definitions of what can
comprise a violation of official duties. A clear case of redundancy concerns
especially paragraphs 2d and 2k.
10. Finally, I would like to repeat my general
judgement concerning the high quality of the law-drafting.
Loppi 8.2.2002