Parliamentary and Presidential Elections

– 2000 –




Four years ago the electoral programme of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (DAHR) included the following:

"Being aware that the year of 1996 will determine the democratisation possibilities of the country for a long period of time, and that the elections will have a decisive significance for the Hungarian national community in Romania, we value the role undertaken by the Alliance in the following period as outstandingly important. The local and parliamentary elections will decide whether the Hungarians in Romania are able or not to create the possibility for their interest defending organisation – the DAHR – to validate its interest safeguarding tasks as a decision maker and even as a governmental factor."

Following the elections the Alliance achieved a position without precedence in its life: it became part of the Governing Coalition.

Four years of governing are a long period, yet from certain perspectives, they can also be seen as a short one.

The time of reckoning has come: a responsible organisation must now take the inventory of the four years of governing. The DAHR is able to analyse calmly and comprehensively, to draw the conclusions, and make use of the accumulated experience. We must honestly tell what we could achieve for our community, for the sake of the citizens of this country, and what we could not. Obviously, the DAHR is assuming full responsibility for the results, but also for the downfalls.

Now, in 2000, the electoral programme has to be different than four years ago. We must talk openly about what were we able to do, what we could not reach, and most importantly, about what we would like to obtain and what are we capable of achieving in the future?

Four years of governing meant a lot of lessons learnt. They taught us for instance, that in 2000 we must be more clear when we formulate our regional interests in economy, education, or in the field of culture. We must ask ourselves the question: What kind of a Transylvania we would like? How do we try to prevent emigration? How can we stop the assimilation process of the diaspora? And we need to give clear and concrete answers to these questions. At the same time we also need to give answers for those that scrape by under the poverty line, and for those that are unable to pay their public expenses from their retirement pensions.

We are aware that a lot more could have been accomplished in a more stable and more loyal coalition. On the other hand our participation meant that a number of very important measures were taken for the sake of our national community: the education law, the local administration law, the law on public servants, the property law on land, etc.

The Szeklerland needs to be raised economically. The Partium needs to be raised. We have to raise all the regions of Transylvania that are inhabited by Hungarians. We must fight at the same time for the independent Hungarian University and the freeway-system across Transylvania. During the past decade, especially in the past four years, we acquired the knowledge and the experience that are necessary for that. We have got real chances to achieve a quantum leap – with the help of the European Union – in the economic and cultural life of our region. Only this can guarantee our survival in the Szeklerland and elsewhere, and will determine the young generations to stay at home. But we need to join our forces for that purpose, and send a strong, united, well-qualified and committed team to the Parliament of Romania.

The idea and the institutional systems of regionalisation have gained ground, but do not yet fulfil the expectations that could mean a turn in the process of advancing toward the European Union. Therefore it is not by accident that the concept of progress in small areas and regions, of regional and local development is stressed in our programme through detailed, concrete plans. We have to wind up the underprivileged situation of several decades in the regions where Hungarian communities live, we have to create equality in chances in the economy, we must achieve that our money serve the benefit of our community and not the wealth of others.

Local governments will grow to have a much more significant role in the life of our community in the following four years. In the process of integration, funds for local competitions, support for the local communities will become significantly bigger. This is what we have to be prepared for.

At the beginning of the new millennium we have to leave no stone unturned to speed up the process of European integration in Romania. We must reach the United Europe, where there is no more discrimination between majority and minority, where there are no domineering nations, only mutually responsible nations. Where the preservation and the development of national identity is a duty for all nations, where subsidiarity and the different forms of autonomy feel at home and strengthen democracy. Where minority existence is not a concern but a prospect. Where there is a real equality in chances.

That is why the candidate of the Alliance for the Presidency has set the acceleration of the process of integration as main target. He propagates that the whole activity of the state must be penetrated by a way of thinking that targets and values the welfare of citizens and social security, in order to make the diversity so characteristic for Europe become a trustful value also in this country.

The two programmes that mutually complete each other are a chance, too. A chance for all of us. Today, when surveys show that the Hungarians in Romania are most concerned by economic problems, inflation, unemployment and the losing of jobs, we must join forces again because this is the only way to show a vision of the future for us and the others…

With this common programme, and with this determination wants the DAHR to serve the Hungarian community in Romania.

We can only obtain results if we honestly and clearly state: we are here, this is where we want to survive, this is what we have done, and this is how we would like to proceed making our work more effective and more successful.

And we shall indeed succeed together!







We could increase the country’s chances of accession...


The Euro-Atlantic integration of the country has got a special importance for the Hungarian community in Romania. We are firmly convinced that the place of Romania is within the family of the developed democratic countries of Europe.

The accelerated and entire reformation of Romanian society is the primary condition of Euro-Atlantic integration. The central objective of the reform is the establishment of a functional market economy, which operates in harmony with the basic principles, norms, mechanisms, institutions and policies of the European Union.

Ever since its foundation, the DAHR has been committed on a matter of principle for the general renewal of Romanian society, and has pursued this policy in the past ten years both in opposition and within the governing coalition.

Unfortunately, in the period between 1990-1996 the political forces in power slowed down the implementation of a coherent reform policy. The presently governing coalition has included the acceleration of reforms among its priorities, but a lack of conception and a lot of operational malfunctions prevented the objectives from being fulfilled. For these reasons, a clear, transparent and executable programme is needed in Romania in the following four years. The 6th Congress of the DAHR emphasised the necessity of the reformation of Romanian society and set the general lines of the social reforms in an adopted Programme.

In the governing cycle between 1996-2000 Romania has made concrete steps on the area of the general reform of the society, as well as on the area of launching the process of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country. By accepting to participate in the government, the DAHR has played and important role both in the reform process and the process of Euro-Atlantic integration.

Negotiations about accession between Romania and the European Union have also started in the same period. The DAHR has played an important role in the elaboration of the National Medium Term Strategy for the Development of Economy. The full implementation of this Strategy cannot be postponed any more, irrespective of the composition of the future Government. The DAHR therefore initiates the strict monitoring of the Strategy, as the following four years will be decisive for Romania from the point of view of Euro-Atlantic integration and the general reform of society.

For the sake of integration, and in order to raise the living standards of the population, the DAHR considers the acceleration of the reform processes essential in the following areas:

·        general economic policy

·        banking policy

·        public finances / state budget

·        labour management

·        social policy and health care

·        education and culture

·        protection of the environment

·        institutional framework

·        public order

·        lack of corruption.

General Economic Policy


The DAHR urges for the following:

·        the building by means of economic policy of a modern, functioning market economy, based on private property;

·        the completion of privatisation, solutions for property issues;

·        socially sensitive economic stabilisation;

·        the pursue of an investment-friendly policy, with incentives meant to secure economic growth;

·        the formation of an economic environment that is favourable for enterprises; effective support for small and medium-size enterprises;

·        the full application of the law initiated by the DAHR and adopted by the Parliament, meant to support small and medium size enterprises, as well as the elaboration of competition-based support programmes;

·        the reconstruction of the economy in harmony with the trends of European integration;

·        solutions for ownership relations that support property re-privatisation, respectively compensation and/or indemnification;

·        securing equality of chances in the participation in restructuring and control of economic life, based on criteria of competence;

·        building foreign economic relations;

·        guarantees for intellectual property, extending industrial legal remedies in all areas of economic life;

·        creation of the right working conditions for the commission that investigates Securitate files, execution of the law on checking the files of public personalities.


Restructuring of the Economy

Property Restructuring

A.   Privatisation:

In order to speed up the restructuring of the economy, the privatisation process of state-owned companies practically has to be finished by December 31, 2001. For that reason we consider necessary that the administration of the property of state-owned enterprises be taken over next year by a specialised stock company.

We urge for:

·        the fast privatisation of the profitable companies, through sale;

·        fast liquidation procedures in the case of loss-making companies, followed by privatisation;

·        property empowerment of self-governments and social security funds through privatisation;

·        establishment of a system of criteria of sale to the professional investors, which besides the minimal price also includes what the investor must undertake: further investments, preservation or creation of jobs, technological renewal, liquidation of environmental damages, further protection of the environment, export-oriented production;

·        unification of the institutional framework of privatisation, the clear regulation of the spheres of authority, ending the disturbances that are due to parallel structures.


·       Re-privatisation

We support and urge re-privatisation, complete restitution of property in nature in case of shops, workshops, mills, hotels, apartments, educational and social establishments, pharmacies, church estates, scientific and cultural societies, associations, foundations, etc., while where this is impossible, we think that full compensation is necessary;


Industrial economic policy

In the domain of industrial economic policy we urge for:

·        the creation of a law that would stimulate uniform investments, in order to increase industrial production;

·        joining the network of European natural gas transportation on a short term;

·        we support an industrial policy that emphasises the sale of human resources on a high level, and the manufacturing of competitive products;

·        the support of research, development and innovative activities, and making use of their results;

·        the naturalisation of high-tech industries;

·        changes in the structure of the energy branch:

o      the elimination of monopoly type groups that disturb the operation of the market, the creation of the conditions for a real competition;

o      the privatisation of energy producing and distributing units;

o      support of branch investments, meant to create a well-functioning energy market;

·        support for non guarantee-based industrial credits, oriented to competition;

·        accentuated consideration for environmental viewpoints;

·        efficient steps taken to counter corruption, including the passing of lacking laws and their consequent enforcement;

·        improved public order, with special attention for organised crime and infraction connected to drug smuggling.


Agricultural policy

Aims of the agricultural policy of the DAHR:

·        accomplishment of quality production, processing, high level retail, capital accumulation;

·        support for the creation of a middle class, economic strengthening, higher quality rural life;

·        shaping a profitable operational structure;

·        support for the extension of the market for the whole range of products;

·        creation of stable and calculable price and revenue conditions;

·        support for the acquiring of modern equipment;

·        support for the creation of a socially sound rural society that is able to renew and sustain itself;

·        reorganisation of the whole range of agricultural administration, based on functional models;

·        provision of favourable credits.


Necessities to achieve these:

·        the restructuring of the agricultural branch, the establishment of new type co-operatives;

·        the privatisation of companies with state capital;

·        support for the creation of an integrated system of production;

·        the general restructuring of the support system for agricultural producers and its extension in all major branches;

·        the development of more effective and larger plants, the creation of larger production bases;

·        the termination of the monopoly situation on the purchase area;

·        the formation of production councils – institutions meant to safeguard the interests of producers;

·        the reform of the cadaster recording, indispensable for the sale and purchase of land and for its registering according to quality parameters, for the settlement of the market price of land and for the target-oriented support of agricultural production;

·        the development of rural tourism as a business sector connected to the sale of agricultural products and services, making use of existing capacities;

·        the reorganisation of the structure of the agricultural sector, creation of a new type of co-operatives;

·        the establishment and operation of a statistical information system.


Reform of Public Finances

The budget has to become an effective tool in the realisation of an economic policy meant to ensure a sustainable development. This can be achieved by the restructuring of both basic elements of a programme-based budget – income and expenditure –, and of the system of connected institutions. The fundamental aims are to finance the budget deficit without inflation, keeping it between manageable limits, and to reduce it significantly on a medium and long term.


In order to achieve these aims, we consider the following necessary:

·        the overall reform of the tax system;

·        the option given to the taxpayer to indicate the purpose for which a certain proportion of the paid tax will be used;

·        reorganisation of the tax structure;

·        further suspension of the income tax in agriculture;

·        a higher share of the income tax for self-governments;

·        the harmonisation of customs and tariff regulations with the obligations in the international treaties adopted and ratified by Romania and with the obligations formulated for the sake of the EU accession process;

·        the efforts to drive back the black economy should be treated with a special emphasis;

·        the basic regulations on the investigation and punishment of tax evasion should be fundamentally changed.


Institutional reform

The DAHR will initiate a reform of the public administration, which will renew the regulations of the relationship between central institutions for the sake of efficiency and decentralisation.

Within that framework we shall lay a special emphasis on:

·        the reduction of the sphere of authority of the Prefectures;

·        the reduction of the number of members of Parliament;

·        the reduction and the simplification of the structure of the Government;

·        the decreasing of the interference of central institutions in the life of local institutions;

·        at the same time we propose to reduce the two chambers of Parliament into only one chamber.


The Harmonisation of Legislation, and the Euro-Atlantic Integration

The Romanian legislation has to be accommodated with the regulations that are generally valid across the European Union. For that purpose we urge the compilation and the adoption of a draft bill package that ensures legal harmonisation.

This package has to include the following draft laws:

·        the reform of the civil, penal and economic regulations, which create and safely operate the institutional system of market economy;

·        the reform of jurisdiction as a branch of power;

·        permanently incorporate the stipulations of international agreements that regulate minority rights into the internal legislation ;

·        the completion and modification of the Penal Code, the Penal Proceedings Code, the Law on the Supreme Court, and of the laws that regulate the operation of Military Courts and Prosecutors’ Offices;

·        the reorganisation of the Ministry of Interior (placing the police, fire service, and the border-guards into the authority of the local governments) in accordance with the expectations of the EU.


Banking and financial policy

·        privatisation of banks, following their previous consolidation and clean up of dubious credits, in some of the cases with the buyer participation in consolidation;

·        regulation of the Stock Exchange and the market of the securities outside the Stock Exchange, the termination of still existing restrictions;

·        accurate regulation and professional supervision of investment societies.


Labour management

Human resources are the most valuable assets of the economy, therefore their development, the increase of their capacity to produce values are the central pillars of the DAHR’s policy for economic development. We are committed adherents of the overall naturalisation of market economy in Romania, and want to manage the labour force also by the introduction of market rules.


We strive for a healthy working morals to replace the "socialist cult of work", so that for good work good wages are paid, and slackers are punished by public disdain. Therefore we consider that the thorough reformulation of the Labour Code is necessary, and in it the following have to be included:

·        every citizen needs to be offered equal chances to lay the foundations of his/her prosperity, in function of his/her abilities and diligence;

·        the law should protect the rights of employees, these should be specified exclusively by a contractual relationship, and their observation guaranteed by a specific institution of jurisdiction;

·        the worker should have the right to develop his/her ability to work, and the costs of the training should be partially paid for by the employer;

·        employees should have the right to establish organisations to safeguard their interests;

·        the settlement and permanent payment of the employee’s wage is the duty of the employer, while to achieve the undertaken performance in terms of quality and quantity should be the duty of the employee;

·        persons that temporarily lose their jobs should be entitled for a substitution income from funds secured for that purpose by the employers and the employees;

·        the risk of accidents or health injury at the working place should be insured in common by employer and employee.


The State, respectively the local governments, should support an education/training system to develop and sustain the working abilities of the employees, with the following aims:

·        ensure the necessary professional knowledge for the job;

·        the adjustment to European standards of the training, examination, accreditation and permission procedures;

·        plan and implement education and training programmes adjusted to the demands of the labour-force market;

·        covering at least 30% of adult education needs, especially on the "lacking" side of the education market’s supply.


The balance of the labour force market is also the task of the power, and it has to be achieved by means that do not disturb free market conditions but help the employees to reach and stay on the market.

The improvement of the employment rate is an important indicator of all time macro-economic objectives. Governments in power must establish in regulations the level of minimum wage valid nation-wide, which has to be adjusted to the expenses that cover the procurement of the goods necessary for the preservation of the ability to work and to the productivity of the national economy.

The power must maintain the institutions that secure the services of employment mediation and counselling on career choice and change. These institutions have to be placed to an ever-greater extent into the sphere of authority of the local governments.

We support the inclusion of the right to freely choose one’s employment into the existing regulations, but only if the rules that protect the rights of employees are observed and clear. We condemn the trade of persons and the wild recruitment of labour force abroad based on the ignorance of employees, and consider those practices criminal acts.


Social Policy and Healthcare

Social Policy

Respect for difference and tolerance are the bonding material of social existence. The basic principle of social solidarity has to be combined with the basic principle of personal responsibility, in order to build on our religious and historic traditions and give value to coexistence. Abusing the institutions of social solidarity is a punishable deed.

The most important aims of our social policy are to vouch for the security of existence, to prevent the general process of pauperisation, to diminish inequalities. To achieve that we must help those drifted to the edge of society, as guaranteeing human dignity is one of the basic human rights.

The healthy family is the foundation of a healthy society. Establishing and sustaining a family are social accomplishments worth to be valued by the whole society.


For that reason:

·        the DAHR, together with the churches undertakes the elaboration of a programme to support families, that will make the financial, moral and social embracement of families with three or more children become a common issue of our whole Hungarian society;

·        we initiate the elaboration of a family friendly, preferential system of consumption and taxation for families with three or more children, as well as of laws that guarantee a preferential possibility to build homes for these families;

·        within the framework of its family and population policy, the DAHR initiates an intensive information programme to decrease emigration;

·        we support the possibility of grandparents to make use of maternity benefits in case parents do not;

·        we espouse the organisation of different large family or pre-marriage programmes and training courses;

·        we aim to help in the establishment, and support the activity of different family organisations, family assistance foundations, women’s associations;

·        the social integration of young generations is a strategic aim we would like to achieve by the shaping of a vision for the future that is also accepted by them;

·        moral and financial support to bring up children from orphanages in families;

·        the establishment of independent, church or foundation owned children’s homes also supported by the state;

·        moral and financial support for underprivileged Hungarian children;

·        the DAHR urges the reform of the social security system, and the introduction of rural services of social assistance in isolated localities that lack social institutions;

·        the disadvantaged that are able to work must be given the opportunity, and should have the duty to accept community service.


Only one part of the institutional framework of the social security system should be public. Self-organising willingness to help must also be given opportunities, just as the possibility has to exist for private institutions to handle some of the public funds destined for social security.

Social security has to be financed from the insurance taxes paid by those that are not in need, and the social security funds have to be entrusted to institutions which guarantee the practical and effective use of the paid amounts.

The traditional system of retirement pensions has to be urgently supplemented by establishing such capitalised funds that guarantee the present value of the paid amounts, and these have to be protected by law from the certain degrees of capital market fluctuation. The creation of such funds can only be envisaged with the precondition of mutual trust, therefore we think: it is worth to establish a fund that has as members Hungarians that trust each other.


Social Net

Simultaneously with the expected economic recovery, at least two years from now a much more increased emphasis has to be laid on solving social problems.

The primary tool for the solution of social problems is the support for the creation of new jobs, with an appropriate taxation policy, as well as appropriate training and retraining.

The paying out of social allowances (not of the unemployment allowance) has to be linked by law to the execution of work for the benefit of community.

In order to equalise chances after high school graduation, in the year of graduation possibility should be given by means of legal regulations for everyone to have one free admission examination for one branch of study.

The DAHR will initiate the adoption of a law to regulate private retirement pension funds, the establishment and operation of a private retirement and insurance system for the Transylvanian Hungarians.



All citizens have the right to protect their health. The primary purpose of health protection is to prevent the loss of one’s health, and only secondly the artificial health recovery.

The starting point of the health protection policy of the DAHR is that the risk of illness has to be financed on grounds of insurance, viz. by the payments separated from continuous consumption. The network of provisions needs to undergo serious structural changes, which can be achieved by the regrouping of necessary tools, their effective exploitation and ensuring maximum availability.


Our options are the following:

·        we urge the completion of the service network with private institutions that can relieve the lasting lack of capital in the public health;

·        curative institutions established by churches must be offered scope in the service provision circle, and in case they operate more efficiently than public institution, they should also be financed from public funds;

·        a special programme has to be financed to create civilised circumstances of life and acquire the necessary equipment for the general practitioners who settle down among the insured;

·        the amounts spent on the health protection of citizens are to be treated as long time investments, and as such have to be included in the category of strategic financing;

·        urging the adoption of a comprehensive framework law on social allowances;

·        encouraging the launch of alternative social programmes and the adoption of the pertaining law;

·        urging the restitution of denominational hospitals.


The Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance House have to be obliged to create together and continuously maintain a database about the health situation of citizens, and the quantitative and qualitative aspects of medical care.

The health insurance system also needs to be thoroughly revised. Our aim is to co-ordinate better the activity of county insurance houses and to dissolve the tensions between county insurance houses and service providers.


Environmental Protection

The demand for a clean environment has raised to become a fundamental human right, while economic development can be also fulfilled in parallel with the solutions for environmental problems. The realisation of an effective environmental protection is also stimulated by the fact that according to the experience so far, meeting the requirements connected to the protection of the environment was among the most difficult ones in the set of criteria for EU accession.

Recognising the above, the DAHR considers necessary that an overall strategy be elaborated for the protection of the environment, which could become the foundation of a National Programme for the Protection of the Environment, if placed into an appropriate legal framework. The thorough assessment of the threats and the damages of the environment and the elimination of the damages are the fundamental aim of our own environmental protection programme.


For that reason our Alliance:

·        considers that the complete harmonisation of the norms, directives, measuring and assessing methods used in the domestic and international practice of environmental protection is a primary task;

·        declares that it only supports the measures of environmental protection that are in harmony with the corresponding international norms and agreements;

·        urges the states in the Carpathian Basin to join forces for the sake of the preservation of ecological equilibrium in an ecological union, by complying with the signed international agreements and by working out and ratifying new regulations in accordance with the needs.

In order to make activities related to environmental protection clearer, we support the establishment of a National Authority for the Protection of the Environment, subordinated to the Parliament.


This authority should have the following tasks:

·        make proposals for the creation and the amendment of regulations referring to the protection of the environment, and express an opinion about such draft regulations;

·        through its territorial (county) agencies it should effectively control the rules of the National Programme for the Protection of the Environment, and efficiently watch over the compliance of the regulations connected to the protection of the environment;

·        give an account about the state of the environment for the Parliament on a periodical basis or whenever requested to do so in connection with extraordinary events.

The National Programme for the Protection of the Environment should include both the basic principles of the protection strategy of unique environmental elements, and the treatment of local and regional effects that result from the interaction of environmental elements.

The ecological approach, a criterion that is generally and uniformly accepted today in the practice of environmental protection, has to prevail in both methods of treating environmental elements. In accordance with that, the damage of any environmental element – subsoil, soil, water, air, flora and fauna – will result in the alteration of all the other connected elements, evidently influencing the living conditions of human society. One can easily deduce from the outlined that the tasks of the programme must be determined in such a way as not to lose sight of the fact that the environment is a uniform whole, which also includes human society.

For the sake of the protection of independently treated environmental elements we support the inclusion of the appropriate professional institutions into the elaboration process of the branch strategies, followed by the co-ordination of these strategies by the National Authority for Environmental Protection.

In the different branch strategies we consider justified and urge for the embodiment of the following basic principles:

a.     The Subsoil:

·        the rational use of the mineral and generally the natural resources;

·        the recultivation of the environmental damages in mining areas (mining pits).

·        The Soil:

·        the shaping of a soil protection strategy to temper the processes of soil deterioration that would include problems related to soil water management, nutrient management and modern soil-friendly agricultural techniques.

·        The Air:

·        continuously decreasing the level of air pollution, that can be achieved by the strict observation of pertinent international agreements;

·        the adoption and starting of a national climate programme to study the regional aspects of climate change.

·        The Surface Waters

·        the elaboration and implementation of a unified system of water management in the Carpathian Basin that can reduce the frequency of extreme water management situations – floods, droughts –, and can temper their damaging influences;

·        solution for the drainage and cleaning of communal and industrial sewage water in all localities with more than 2000 inhabitants, in accordance with EU directives;

·        more attention concentrated on the protection of living waters and the water bases that supply drinking water for the population.

·        The Underground Waters

·        measures taken to preserve the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of subsoil water supplies that form the most important bases of drinking water;

·        development and operation of systems to monitor and protect surface and underground waters.

·        The Flora and the Fauna

·        elaboration of programmes that aim at the preservation of biological diversity, and at the preservation of the natural or nature-close living and reproduction areas of the flora and fauna;

·        in harmony with the previous idea, in order to create the conditions for the free wandering of the living world, we propose that the catchment areas of rivers be developed in a way that permits the formation of large, interconnected networks of ecological flowing.


In case of protection problems that result from the interaction of environmental elements, besides the mostly territorial Agencies of Environmental Protection, the recognition and treatment of these should fall in the sphere of authority of self-organised groups of environmental protection.

In these cases, we consider the following basic principles essential:

a.     In case of settlements:

·        the elaboration of overall execution plans with the aim of improving the situation of settlement infrastructures deteriorated as a consequence of the failing performance of the national economy;

·        the tempering in localities of air, water, soil and subsoil pollution below the allowed values of limit, by the environmental friendly technologies introduced in the industrial, transportation, heating, etc. activities;

·        the annihilation or recycling of waste materials produced in localities, by applying modern waste management technologies.

·        In case of the landscape:

·        the elaboration and start of a landscape cadaster programme meant to protect the unique landscape values of the Hungarian-inhabited areas.

·        The protection of nature:

This area is not to be confused with the protection of the environment, therefore it must be addressed separately. The most important tasks can be summarised as follows:

·        our interest safeguarding organisation supports all the initiatives that define protection purposes in connection with geological or surface formations, caves, soil, water, living water, flora and fauna, landscape, unique landscape values, etc.

·        in connection with the preservation of the diversity of the living world we consider important the creation and operation of a network of genetic banks under the supervision of natural protection.

The successful solution for the far-reaching and multilevel tasks of the National Programme for the Protection of the Environment needs to fulfil some very important requirements:

·        the creation of an active system of institutions, in which fellow institutions have independent modules of programmes, yet also serve common purposes of environmental protection;

·        the establishment of expert counselling groups that include members with broad professional, management, legal, financial, etc. skills;

·        the building of appropriate monitoring and informational infrastructures that are gradually able to provide updated information for the decision preparing and decision making bodies;

·        the observation of environmental protection regulations, the elaboration of stimulating and facilitating programmes, the execution of severe penalties;

·        support for all the civic organisations that responsibly undertake the above outlined tasks;

·        the teaching of ecology and of subjects that form a healthy view about the environment in schools, high schools and universities, the training of the population about issues related to the environment and the protection of the environment.


Our Alliance considers that the social and economic development announced in the present Programme can only be achieved in close harmony with the values of environmental protection. The protection of the environment has to become a guiding part of the social and economic life in our country, too.







"In case you want to proceed – act!
In case you want to act – look for companions!"


One of the guarantees for the economic progress of the country is the economic blossom of its regions. A wealthy country can only imagined having wealthy regions. The DAHR wants to represent the regional interests of Transylvania.

For the sake of the preservation of our Hungarian community, in accordance with the European practice we must continuously reappraise the role of regions in the development and modernisation of the country. We wish to create the conditions for the self-supporting development of regions in harmony with the principle and practice of subsidiarity.

The primary aim of regional development is the rise of living standards, based on an effective economy that is grounded on environment protection, that places our human and natural conditions in the front, and which preserves our cultural, historical and natural heritage. Regional development strategies have to take local features, demands, conditions and human resources into account. The laws adopted in the past four years made possible the formation of development regions, the support for underprivileged areas, the widening of cross-border connections, the appearance of free trade zones and industrial parks.

We support the strengthening of the North-Western, Western and Central Development Regions in the parliamentary cycle ahead of us. When elaborating development strategies, one has to start from the priorities of small regions, for this is the only way to secure the rise of the areas that are very important for us. (The Szeklerland for instance, one of the areas that need special attention, is part of the Central Development Region formed by five counties.) We want to mobilise and harmonise all the existing political, organisational and professional resources, in order to secure the enlargement of the legal framework necessary for the development of the regions, and to facilitate interregional co-operation on a European level. Our aim is to attract as many financial resources from the budget, the European Union and other sources, as possible.

The majority of the Transylvanian Hungarians are employed in rural areas, and more than 60% of DAHR voters make their living in rural areas, from agriculture. For the sake of the development of agriculture, region and area, as well as for the preparations for EU accession, we consider that the role of the state has to decrease in the economy, monopolies must be ended, conditions for competition be secured, and last but not the least, the private sector has to be strengthened with the help of domestic and foreign capital

As the result of the local elections, the DAHR has become the most significant political force in Transylvania. Representatives of our community are present in local and county councils, and with their responsible work they contribute to the self-organisation of local communities, to the shaping of a bottom-up regional policy. Our representatives from the self-governments take roles in the Regional Development Councils, the highest decision making bodies of the area, and at the same time represent their respective self-governments in the leading bodies of the organised eight regions.

(The priorities of regional development in county breakdown are included in the appendix of the electoral programme.)


The fundamental principles of our regional development strategy are:

·        to decrease the differences in the level of development among the different regions;

·        to prevent the formation of new disproportions;

·        to co-ordinate the branch policies of the ministries with the development policy of the regions;

·        to promote the European connections of the regions;

·        to establish the institutional framework and financial resources that are necessary for the accomplishment of the strategy;

·        to create equal opportunities in the area of education, employment and entrepreneurship;

·        to take into consideration the specific Transylvanian heritage, the needs and traditions of the national communities that live here.

In its regional development strategy, the DAHR lays the greatest emphasis on the economy, the agriculture and the development of localities and rural areas.

The economic upswing and stability that will detension the society can be achieved through a more effective economy. Within that the agrarian branch has to be structurally rebuilt. The performances of the last years have proved that the standard of production is below the real possibilities, although the capabilities of the country would make the production of good quality, favourably priced, sellable products possible.

The DAHR is aware that the agricultural activity is not enough to establish the development of villages. Rural development must also mean the dynamic progress of the food industry, as both branches secure the sources of living.

Therefore, the support for the agriculture and the other sources for regional and local development have to be treated with co-ordination. Greater emphasis has to be laid on rural development, not only because the number of people living in rural areas is bigger, but also due to the fact that their living and working conditions are often alarmingly bad and their chances for employment and education are often very limited.


The objectives of our regional development strategy are the following:

·        the creation of the conditions for a sustainable development, based on private property and market economy, and the attraction of the necessary working capital for that purpose;

·        the building of a North-South and a West-East freeway;

·        the increase of the competitiveness of human resources and the encouragement of entrepreneurial spirit, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, establishment of industrial parks, decrease of the administrative obstacles that concern entrepreneurs;

·        the creation of the local infrastructure necessary for information technology, the development and financial support of enterprises built on the Internet and information science;

·        outstanding support for tourism, from training to financing, creation of professional alliances, co-ordinated offers and event calendars;

·        the development of the infrastructure (freeways, highways, airports, water supply, sewerage, natural gas, electricity network, telecommunications and information transmission), financial support for that from the budget and alternative sources, taking the specific character of the regions into account;

·        the connection of Hungarian inhabited areas to the network of freeways;

·        the increase of the role of local self-governments, the strengthening of their institutional, financial and decision making functions;

·        training of project application counsellors, increase of the capacity of regions to absorb programmes;

·        empowerment of the regions with public administration functions;

·        improvement of the quality of life, securing European level communal services;

·        the preservation and the development of our cultural, historical and natural heritage;

·        shaping regional marketing;

·        SWOT analysis of small regions, elaboration of projects and their incorporation in the regional strategy;

·        decrease of environmental damages, rehabilitation of highly polluted zones, protection of the drinking water supplies, soil and air;

·        elaboration of regional development plans, raising the necessary funds for their implementation, and the efficient and transparent distribution of these funds;

·        the opening of new border crossing points and the modernisation of the existing ones;

·        the foundation of new customs tax free zones;

·        the infrastructure development of villages, building of roads that permit their participation in the economic life;

·        creation of long lasting employment opportunities in underprivileged regions;

·        restoration and preservation of monuments;

·        building of regional environmental protection and flood protection systems;

·        the connection of villages to the digital telephone networks;

·        all local councils and schools should have computers and access to Internet by 2004;

·        improvement of the health care service;

·        the full and fast application of the Law on Land;

·        cessation of the cutting down of forests, invalidation of the multiple year lumbering permits;

·        support from the state budget for the implementation of area arrangement plans;

·        establishment of agricultural credit companies, rural and professional banks by means of law amendments;

·        establishment of family estates, increasing their chances to cope in market competition;

·        initiation of investment supports that are also available for private farmers with a small capital;

·        creation of jobs by helping starting and already operational enterprises;

·        creating the conditions for rural tourism;

·        stimulation of co-operations that organise the local selling and processing of products;

·        development of the branches of agriculture, tourism and service provision;

·        creation of a selling system of co-operatives, respectively of institutions of product councils and village farming councils.

The DAHR believes that with the help of its regional development strategy it could contribute to the preservation, growth and better living conditions of our community. The fulfilment of our objectives offer/ may offer a vision about the future for our children, and a possibility for a career in our homeland, chance for a life that is worth living in the homeland.






"Liveable vision instead of an abstract vision about the future"


Our national self-identity can be preserved by the full and unconditioned respect for human and minority community rights, through an independent network of institutions, and by an organic, complex and unhindered system of connections with the Hungarian nation.

For that purpose clear, unambiguous, observable and enforceable laws and regulations are needed, and determined, executable measures in public administration. That is the only way to show a vision of the future that is not abstract and made of theoretical constructions, but is liveable.


The following are the components of such a liveable vision about the future:

·        creating the conditions to stay in the homeland;

·        improving the quality of individual and community life;

·        securing the preservation of national self-identity.

Our aim is to create living conditions that help people to stay in their homeland. We urge by political means the application of laws that guarantee the preservation of national, individual and community identity.


Conditions to improve the living conditions:

·        respect for human dignity and human rights;

·        guaranteed collective, community rights of national minorities and national communities, in accordance with the European norms and the demands of the given communities;

·        the protection of difference and of national self-identity in laws and regulations and their respect in the application of laws;

·        usage of the mother tongue in public administration, the system of justice, generally in public life, education in the mother tongue on all levels, support for culture and education in the mother tongue;

·        legal insurance for the organisational and operational autonomy of historic Hungarian churches and for their equality with the other churches, as well as the overall and complete restoration and respect of the church property rights;

·        formation of a minority system of institutions meant to secure independent and autonomous decision making and action taking, to secure minority existence, after all;

·        the creation of legal conditions for living and social adaptation;

·        creation of jobs, and possibilities of retraining or further training;

·        salaries according to performance and equitable retirement pensions.


The accomplishment is done on three levels:

·        in the legislation – by adopting unambiguous laws;

·        in the public administration – with applicable and executable norms of implementation and appropriate measures;

·        in the application of laws – by the accurate, professional and honest execution of laws and regulations.

In order to reach our aims, co-ordinated actions are needed on all these three levels, actions that complete each other and rely on each other. The realisation can be achieved through a process, and not by leaps and bounds.



The assuming by the DAHR of a role and responsibility both in the legislative and the executive branch opened new perspectives in the development of our educational network.

The legislative conditions have changed: the right to be trained in the mother tongue is ensured by law on all levels, all educational forms and types, including vocational education. Structures responsible for Hungarian education have been built on all levels of the executive branch (leaders of institutions, school inspectors, under-secretariats of state in charge with minority education, general directorate in the Ministry of Education), as indispensable deposits for the local enforcement of favourable laws, government and ministerial decrees and measures.

We succeeded to establish new educational institutions, ensure a home for some of our secondary and high schools that had operated in co-tenancy with other institutions, enlarge our network of schools. In several counties we managed to restart vocational and industrial classes, and to enrich the existing network with Hungarian postgraduate classes.

In a similar way to the public education, the supply of university level training in the mother tongue has also increased. We succeeded to start the first Hungarian classes at the Faculties of Law and Economics of the Babes-Bolyai University. At the starting of the present school year, the number of first year students that study in the mother tongue has increased three times in comparison with the previous years. Our youth can learn in the mother tongue at the various branches of the Cluj/ Kolozsvár University in several Transylvanian towns: Miercurea Ciuc/ Csíkszereda, Odorheiu Secuiesc/ Székelyudvarhely, Gheorgheni/ Gyergyószentmiklós, Tg. Secuiesc/ Kézdivásárhely, Satu Mare/ Szatmárnémeti and Aiud/ Nagyenyed.

As part of the educational reform process, the transformation of school structure and management has started, teaching is going on according to new framework plans of study and plans of study. The altered regulation of contents made the gradual introduction of alternative manuals possible.

The decentralisation of the educational system has started. This resulted in the reformulation of the role and responsibility of the state in education, and in a wider institutional autonomy (in areas like pedagogy, training, operation, and management).

In the process of the creation of a middle class, the roles and responsibilities of civic organisations, local communities, self-governments have increased in the past period in terms of sustaining and operating schools and in securing the human resources for local and regional development.

The development and modernisation of the educational system is an essential condition for the preservation of Hungarian national identity in Romania.


The educational policy of the DAHR follows a double aim:

On the one hand, it wants to continue to represent the intention of becoming autonomous in the Romanian political field of power, according to the model of self-governments: the completion of an integral educational/ training system in the mother tongue on all training areas, forms, and levels, free to take own decisions, within the framework of a national system reorganised in the spirit of European integration. This objective is justified by the social demand that with the acquired knowledge in schools, our youth is able to fit into the system of requirements of Romanian society and labour market, so that they can have equal chances of success in their homeland in the first decades of the new millennium.

On the other hand, it tries to be suitable for the well delineated organisational, professional and contents demands of the internal building process, validating the interests of local society (local authorities, communities of parents, student self-governments). It would like to provide support and a political hinterland for the parents, the professional and civic organisations that represent the interests of pupils, schools and educators.


Higher Education

The DAHR continues to consider the establishment of an independent Hungarian language public university as its fundamental objective. For that reason, our parliamentary group will continue to do all the possible forms of initiation allowed by the laws. Until our higher education institute in the mother tongue is established, we will continue to support the extension of the forms of education in Hungarian within the existing public universities. Our aim is to extend the possibilities of training in the mother tongue, with a special emphasis on technical and agricultural education, in order to secure the recruitment of professionals in the important leading branches of the end of millennium. We dedicate a special attention to restart the higher education in Hungarian in the field of music.

At the same time we treat the extension of the possibilities in higher education, in this manner the support for a foundation-owned, private Hungarian University in Transylvania, as an outstanding task.

The validation of the principle of regionalism and the extension of our higher education network presumes the settlement of new higher education institutions, faculties in towns where such institutions had not existed before. In such places, the DAHR representations in the local government have to provide the necessary premises and the administrational background for the educational activity, with the support of civil society, associations and foundations, as the central government has no intentions to undertake those tasks.

In order to supply the Hungarian higher education with professionals, the reassessment of post-university training types and the necessary organisational frameworks and financial conditions must receive a stressed role. We must support programmes to help young scholars that study abroad to return and promote the usage of their knowledge at home.


Public Education

The DAHR strives to create viable schools that provide quality education. It considers the further development of the Hungarian educational network and its extension according to realistic local needs a permanent task.

A special attention needs to be given for the education of the diaspora. We must ensure the education in the mother tongue of those living in the diaspora, the operation of small schools and classes. In order to sustain the education in the diaspora, the travelling conditions have to be improved, hostels established and operated. These can be achieved by a more effective usage of foundation support, by the co-ordination of the diaspora projects of civic organisations and churches.

We must create the different forms of education in the mother tongue guaranteed by laws in the areas inhabited by the Changoes (Hungarian speaking natives of Moldavia).

We consider necessary the extension of the Hungarian language vocational education. We support the starting of vocational and industrial classes equipped with modern infrastructure, which take local labour force needs into account, and at the same time we also stimulate short term professional courses, organised with the contribution of entrepreneurs.

For the sake of an easier integration into society of the handicapped children we have to extend their educational possibilities. Our aim is to build a Hungarian language special educational institutional system. We have to take into consideration and reckon with the fact that the education and training of the handicapped is more expensive than the activity of a general school, but we have also got to count on the demand for these special services.

In order to achieve a broader institutional autonomy, the increase in the number of representative schools is also of stressed importance.


Tasks in the development of education:

·        establishment of new, Hungarian groups of educational research, intellectual and scientific workgroups and the ensuring of the conditions of operation of those that already exist;

·        the revision of the national basic study programme that regulates public education in order to decrease the burden on pupils;

·        the introduction of mother tongue education and of the subjects that form national conscience (development of language abilities, teaching of national history, acquisition of musical mother tongue) in the framework study plan;

·        the operation of a publishing house for Hungarian manuals within the framework of market economy, in order to elaborate and publish our own manuals;

·        solutions for the further professional training of our educators;

·        accreditation of the continuing education forms operated by our civic organisations;

·        financial support for our educators, depending on their performance;

·        remedy for the inequitable situation of Hungarian nursery and primary school teachers (4-5 surplus hours weekly);

·        the development of the infrastructure of our educational institutions;

·        ensuring the technical conditions for the teaching of basic computer science issues;

·        operation of projects to modernise and update school libraries.


We consider the modernisation of education in Hungarian and the fulfilment of the educational reform utterly important. As a consequence of the gradual process of decentralisation, the role of local governments in sustaining the schools and choosing their educational profiles continues to increase. Elected representatives of the local power can have a decisive contribution to the improvement of the quality of education, by developing systems of incentives for the professional staff (official residence, bonuses, and benefits).

The DAHR considers the support of denominational education and the enlargement of their conditions as its task both in the area of legislation and in the executive branch. This is of primary importance in Transylvania, as the intellectual workshops of our culture that has also created universal values were exactly the denominational schools.

The formation of the national conscience in the Hungarian youth living its life as a minority in Romania, the raising of the awareness that our culture is part of the universal Hungarian culture, our basic human obligation being to preserve, foster and enrich it, these all are emphasised tasks of the educational and training activity of our institutions.



Culture is an important basic layer of the preservation our national existence and identity. The cognition, preservation and passing on of cultural heritage, as well as the creation of new values and an effective support provided for constructive work are all organic parts of individual and community life. The safeguard of our cultural life is cultural autonomy.

The norms of cultural autonomy are built on the principle of self-government also recommended by the Copenhagen closing document. This demands an equitable share of the national, local and county budget for the support of the cultural movements, activities of a national community.


Main objectives of the cultural policy of the DAHR:

·        the preservation of national cultural heritage, the development and fostering of the ability to create culture, the fulfilment of an inter-ethnic partnership;

·        the safeguard of our cultural autonomy on the long term cannot be anything else than the elaboration and adoption of a Cultural Statute for National Minorities, the political, financial and administrative condition of which must be secured;

·        ensuring the statute of public utility organisations for the associations and foundations registered on a national level and which have a significant activity background;

·        the establishment and sustaining of a Hungarian State Museum in Romania;

·        the stimulation and fostering of our connections with the universal Hungarian cultural life;

·        the elaboration of a new law on archives, according to which the trust of professional archives – an autonomous body not subordinated to the Ministry of Interior – has only got co-ordination and professional management authorities;

·        decentralisation of the system of archives, the establishment of county and locally subordinated archives;

·        the reform of the system of performing arts, based on four different sources of money open for competition: central government, county, local, public foundation – in a way that makes possible the shaping of the support system for Hungarian theatres and puppet theatres;

·        the amendment of the sponsorship law (amounts for sponsorship should not be deduced from the tax base but from the tax itself; even greater benefits should be secured for certain areas);

·        a certain percentage of the income achieved by the company that organises public lottery should be used for cultural purposes;

·        elaboration of the law about the right to information;

·        prevention of exclusion experiments in areas with an ethnically mixed population (members of national minorities must be employed in all cultural, national, territorial institutions according to their proportion);

·        special support for communities endangered by assimilation;

·        stimulation and support for the cultural endeavours of the diaspora – press and book distribution, cultural associations and non-professional groups);

·        support for the Transylvanian Hungarian Cultural Association (EMKE), the organisation that co-ordinates our cultural life and also undertakes interest safeguarding tasks;

·        we want to use freely, along with the state ones, our national symbols during our festivities, gatherings;

·        increased support for professional cultural institutions, the advertising of works of art by modern means (CD, video, Internet);

·        establishment of funds to collect, store, preserve and popularise our specific objective and intellectual values with modern tools.


The DAHR refuses any kind of ideological or political censorship. It embraces by its entire means all the initiatives that fight against the suppression of the democratic public opinion.

For the fulfilment of its objectives it is indispensably important that the Hungarian national community receive an equitable share of public funding, participate in the professional bodies and in accordance with the new legal regulations effectively possess its confiscated material goods.


Church Policy

"Restitutio in integrum"

Our historical churches, in addition to their natural role, are also the trustworthy and traditional social and mother tongue protecting organisations, with which the DAHR has built and wants to maintain a continuous connection. Therefore we consider co-operation important in shaping common strategies, social programmes, and elaborating draft laws.


The basic principles of our church policy are the following:

The DAHR is equally open toward all churches and denominations, and respects the freedom of conscience of all its members. It dedicates special attention to the minority churches, with a smaller number of believers, as these, over and above their specific tasks, are the authentic social institutions of a national and cultural minority with hundreds of years of tradition.

At the same time we strongly support the overall prevalence of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, as well as the respect for the autonomy of churches.

The DAHR continues to fight for the restitution of the property rights of all the nationalised, confiscated, and not yet returned movable and real estate property of churches. We also struggle for the restitution of wound up church institutions, the security of the their functioning conditions, and for the public support of re-established religious orders.


The DAHR stresses the importance and urges for the following legal regulations that concern churches:

·        the earliest possible proposal in the Parliament of the new draft law on churches; guaranteeing of the equality of denominations;

·        equitable and proportionate subventions for recognised churches, based on the principle of affirmative action;

·        tax exemption for the economic activities that ensure the uphold and undisturbed operation of churches;

·        spiritual care accordingly to the denomination of each patient in hospitals, prisons and the army;

·        church holidays to be declared official holidays;

·        state support for the preservation and restoration of church monuments, in function of their architectural and historic value;

·        the immediate restitution to the rightful owners of all moveable and real estate property taken away by any means during the period of communist dictatorship (land, buildings, forests, foundation property, libraries, archives, objects with religious value, etc.)

·        restitution and securing the conditions for the unhindered activity of all the church institutions, schools, hospitals, elderly care centres, other social institutions, libraries, collections with a scientific or historic value, as well as of religious orders;

·        only public administration permits should be necessary for church-related constructions, and the churches should be the only ones entitled to decide about practicality viewpoints.


With its own means, our Alliance supports:

·        the establishment and the undertaking of cultural roles by the truly necessary and useful church institutions (active in areas of social care, education, culture, economy, and co-operatives);

·        the written demand of the Chango community in Moldavia for the introduction of Hungarian language religious services and education in the area of the Iasi Roman Catholic Bishopric;

·        state subsidies and organisation on all levels for denominational schools.


The DAHR assumes a close cooperation with the historic Hungarian churches in Transylvania also in the process of preparing draft laws and emergency ordinances. It continuously informs the churches about the new laws that affect their activity and their application. At the same time it claims that the Parliament discuss by a fixed date the draft church law supported by all the 16 legally recognized denominations.


Media Strategy

The most important areas of the free utilisation of the mother tongue are: public life, education, culture and the media.

The third millennium meets us in a period of unprecedented media development. The printed press is joined today by satellite broadcast radio and television programmes and the Internet. The barometer, or the measuring scales for the provision of minority rights are the free press in the mother tongue, the public radio and television stations financed from tax-payers’ money, as well as the private Hungarian electronic media, that is prospering in a natural competition with Romanian language stations.

The cause of the Hungarian written and electronic media can be found with an equal emphasis among the primary objectives of the DAHR, alongside with those of the education and culture.


Principles and practical aims:

·        The Hungarians in Romania are fundamentally entitled to have free, unimpeded access to television and radio programmes in their own language, to the extent of their proportion and culture producing role;

·        The Alliance is protesting against all attempts to restrict the right of the minority media to express its opinion freely, and to determine the contents, and the technical and broadcasting conditions;

·        The Alliance takes firm steps to ensure that the Hungarian written and electronic media receives an equitable share, according to the proportion of the community, from the financial resources that come from the taxpayers and are administered by the Ministry of Culture, the Department for the Protection of National Minorities, or other public institutions. It takes care that these amounts of money reach the domestic Hungarian media;

·        Offers an outstanding support for the cultural and stratum publications, traditionally sustainable only through systems of art patronage;

·        The DAHR takes part in providing information to the diaspora: it supports the distribution of printed papers and books for the smaller Hungarian communities;

·        We support the training of journalists and the education of the newly recruited young journalists for the benefit of the written and electronic media;

·        The Alliance struggles with political means for the extension of the broadcasting time of the existing public radio and television programmes and for the placement of these programmes into better day zones;

·        It supports the trend that under the specific Transylvanian circumstances, private papers and broadcasting studios should also undertake public objectives;

·        It initiates a national survey about the "habits" of Transylvanian Hungarian media consumers, in order to realise a better assessment of the situation, and for the elaboration of a strategy;

·        In the spirit of free information flow, the Alliance considers important the free dissemination of the Hungarian language press from Hungary and elsewhere, and the taking over without impediments of radio and television programmes broadcast in the Hungarian language;

·        The Alliance supports the further development of the Hungarian language media, broadcast from Hungary by satellite, into regional institutions in which Hungarian television and radio editorial staffs from Romania will receive running time;

·        In the area of electronic media, the aim of the Alliance is to establish and make operational a national level public radio and television in the Hungarian language. Based on the existing territorial studios, a unified system could be shaped, that would include a Szekler television and radio station as well;

·        the DAHR initiates the establishment of at least one small community VHF radio station for the Chango community, in order to strengthen the self-identity and the community spirit of the Hungarians in Moldavia.


The political means

Politics is about reality and about creating situations. Successful politics is the ability to exploit the possibilities that are exploitable and those that have to be exploited. Results can be achieved with commitment and consistency, and with the reasonable, realistic choice of the methods and tools.

Political action taking, especially for a minority politician cannot have an end in itself, but has to be an act of responsibility assumption for the whole of the community. We have been assuming and we will continue to assume the representation of the interests of the Hungarian national community in Romania. We strive to prove by means of a strong organisation, with the help of well prepared politicians and a fruitful policy making that the community that has ensured us of its trust is in the centre of our activity. Politicians are mere instruments placed in the service of that confidence. Our present programme is also an instrument to help us in the achievemnt of our political, community and national objectives.


– Supplement to Chapter II of the Electoral Programme*


The complete document can be found at the Department for Local Government of the DAHR,

and at the territorial organisations



1.     Arad County:

·        ensure the independent activity of the "Gergely Csíky" High School in Arad, by moving out the "Henri Coanda” High School, which functions at present in the same building;

·        flood prevention measures at the lower reach of the Fekete Körös and Fehér Körös rivers;

·        link Arad County to the West-East freeway;

·        build the 8 km long final part of the highway linking Pécska and Nagypereg;

·        begin and continue the installation of natural gas in the areas of Arad, Kisjenő, Kürtös, and Pécska;

·        build and develop a drinking water network in the areas of Zerénd, Ágya, Szapárliget, Nagyiratos, Kisiratos, Majlát-Monostor, Kispereg, and Pécska;

·        set up a road border crossing point at Kürtös;

·        develop the customs tax free zone at Kürtös;

·        enlarge the Arad airport to permit freight traffic;

·        re-erect the Statue of Liberty in Arad on a worthy place;

·        renovate and modernise the building of the Hungarian high school dormitory in Arad;

·        build a garbage incinerator in Arad;

·        support for the local governments in favour of the villages that demand their separation from the community they are part of (Kisiratos, Nagyvarjas, Szentpál, Zimándköz, Simonyifalva, Vadász, Ágya, Szapárliget, Majlát).


·        Beszterce (Bistrita-Nasaud) County:

·        link Beszterce (Bistrita) to the West-East freeway.

The following road sections serve settlements with Hungarian-speaking population, therefore we ask for the rehabilitation or building of these sections:

·        Árpástó-Magyardécse; Mezoakna-Nagynyulas; Apanagyfalu- Kékesnagyfalu; SzentmátéLompérd; MezoveresegyházaSzentmáté; KékesZsombor; HarinaSzászszentgyörgy; SajtóudvarhelyMagyarbréte; MezokecsedKöbölkút; KöbölkútOroszfája.

Drinking water networks and sewerage installations should be set up in the following settlements with Hungarian-speaking population:

·        ÁrpástóMagyardécseVárkudu; KékesMagyarborzásSzászzsomborMezoveresegyháza, TacsSzegotelkeSzentmátéÚjosZselykMezoköbölkútOroszfájaKomlódMagyarnemegyeApanagyfaluAlmásmálom – Vice – Retteg – Baca – CsicsómihályfalvaNagysajóSajóudvarhelyMagyarbréteSomkerékSajószentandrásTekeFelorAlsóilosvaCsicsókeresztúrMezoörményes;

·        natural gas pipes should be introduced, and the telephone network should be built in the settlements with Hungarian-speaking population, and an environment friendly refuse dump has to be established in Beszterce and Bethlen (Beclean);

·        churches need general renovation in the following localities: Sajóudvarhely, Oroszfája, Komlód, Tacs, Naszód (Nasaud), Alsóilosva (Ilva Mica), Fuzkút, Csicsókeresztúr;

·        monument buildings, mansion houses need renovation in the following localities: Pozmus, Kékes, Komlód, Sajóudvarhely, Bethlen, Sófalva, Árokalja;

·        regain the possession of the BOMBARDIR building complex in Beszterce. In case it does not work out, support is needed for the building of the Hungarian House;

·        finish the THANKSGIVING HOME in Beszterce;

·        organise and start Hungarian technical school classes in Beszterce and Bethlen;

·        solve the problem of V-VIII class education in Mezoköbölkút, Újos, Cegotelke, etc. Support should be provided for the “Andrei MuresanuNational College in Beszterce with a Hungarian department, and supplied with computers.

·        monuments need renovation in the following localities: Cserhalom, Vice, Bethlen, Óradna;

·        provide transmission time and funds for the Hungarian broadcast at the local radio and television stations in Beszterce;

·        request for the programme of the DUNA TV to be picked up also in Dorna Vátra (Vatra Dornei);

·        the localities of Cserhalom-Cegotelke: establish the infrastructure for the Carpathian Basin Youth Camp;

·        buy and renovate the Wesselényi-Mansion in Kékes;

·        Radnaborberek: develop the infrastructure necessary for village tourism;

·        establish a sewerage storage tank, a remains pits, and a disinfecting centre;

·        further training of mayors and local government representatives in economics, law, and public administration;

·        promote local handicrafts.


·        Bihar (Bihor) County:

·        widen the Nagyvárad (Oradea) – Kolozsvár (Cluj) – Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures) – Brassó (Brasov) artery, and the Nagybánya (Baia Mare) – Szatmár (Satu-Mare) – Nagyvárad (Oradea) – AradTemesvár (Timisoara) artery (2 x 1,5 lanes);

·        build a ring-road that bypasses Nagyvárad;

·        make the airport of Nagyvárad become international;

·        electrification of the railroad between Nagyvárad and Kolozsvár;

·        open border crossing points at Mihályfalva and Székelyhíd, build the connected infrastructure;

·        customs free zone, industrial park and logistical centre built between Nagyvárad and the border;

·        introduce natural gas to Nagyvárad, Nagyszalonta (Salonta), Bihar and their surroundings;

·        building and development of the water and sewerage networks;

·        star a programme to help the equipment of households with water-meters;

·        establish model farms in Northern Bihar;

·        establish a farmer-training centre in Nagyszalonta.


·        Brassó (Brasov) County

·        link Brassó (Brasov) to the freeway-system;

·        build an international airport in the vicinity of Brassó;

·        establish an ecological refuse dump in the vicinity of Brassó;

·        build up the water and sewerage networks of micro-regions;

·        solve district-heating and the introduction of natural gas in the settlements inhabited by Hungarians;

·        change the classification of village roads into county roads, and the rehabilitation of the roads that link Hungarian-inhabited localities.


·        Fehér (Alba) County

·        build a flood protection system on the Maros;

·        liquidate the deposit area of residual materials produced by the chemical plant in Marosújvár (Ocna de Mures), equip the chemical plant in Zalatna (Zlatna) with filters;

·        build modern refuse dumps;

·        return the teachers’ flats in Nagyenyed (Aiud) into the ownership of the "Bethlen Gábor" College;

·        provide concrete assistance foe local governments in the infrastructure development;

·        advance the renovation work of the fortress is Nagyenyed.


·        Hargita (Harghita) County

·        project and build the main natural gas pipeline in the lower Csík area between Kisbacon and Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc), renew the mains between Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc) and Csíkszereda in order to permit the connection of the communities in lower Csík;

·        extend the natural gas system in upper Csík by connecting the settlements of the region to it;

·        build the main natural gas duct between Maroshévíz (Toplita) and Gyergyószentmiklós (Gheorgheni), link the surrounding settlements to the natural gas network;

·        rehabilitation of county and local roads;

·        execute the operations related to sewerage in several localities;

·        finish the apartments built with state support and construct further ones;

·        complete rural water supply projects;

·        operation of small regional co-operatives;

·        participation in EU-financed programmes with the aim of rural development, the development of tourism, the protection of the environment, and the training of the human resources of small regional organisations and programmes (PHARE, SAPARD, ISPA, ECOS-OUVERTURE, ECOLINKS, etc.);

·        overall investment in informatics, all local councils and schools should have computers and Internet access by 2004.


·        Hunyad (Hunedoara) County

·        establish a V-XII grade Hungarian school in Déva (Deva);

·        development of the Danube-Maros-Körös-Tisza Euroregion:

·        extend the connection between chambers of commerce;

·        elaborate common programmes, shaping of investment supportive policies;

·        connection of Hunyad County to the freeway-system;

·        execution of the highway between Piski (Simeria) and the Zsil-valley.

·        develop the partner county relations with Vas County (Hungary);

·        co-operate in the organisation of common environmental protection and flood averting programmes related to the catchment area of the Tisza river, elaboration and functioning of an information system (in GIS-system, together with Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures), Arad, Nagyvárad (Oradea));

·        restore and protect existing Hungarian-related monuments;

·        establish a national-level foundation to secure the tours of cultural and artistic ensembles;

·        elaborate a general education program for the Hungarian diaspora, taking into account that schools belong to local councils, therefore it is not possible to sustain them by entering in competitions for financed projects. The creation of a students’ dormitory and the operation of a school-bus might be useful in the Zsil-valley;

·        build the rural tourist chain in the area of Hátszeg (Hateg) through linking the mansion houses received back by the former Hungarian owners, making use of the tourist opportunities in the region;

·        include the association of Hungarian entrepreneurs into the development and interest defending programmes of similar organisations in Hungary;

·        elaboration of partner programmes for settlements with a Hungarian interest.


·        Kovászna (Covasna) County

·        link Kovászna County to the future freeway-system;

·        build an international airport in the vicinity of Brassó (Brasov) or Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe);

·        modernise the sections of the road between SzászmogyorósBarót (Baraolt) – Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc) and SepsiszentgyörgySzászmogyorós;

·        restoration of the landscape deteriorated because of the closed mine in Koröspatak;

·        transfer the right of exploiting and leasing mineral water springs to the local authorities;

·        the restitution of the House with Arcades into the ownership of the Municipality of Sepsiszentgyörgy;

·        build a second bridge in Sepsiszentgyörgy across the Olt river to link the industrial area with the Olt field;

·        reduce the size of the gendarme barracks to minimal;

·        develop the networks of natural gas, water supply and sewerage, renewing and modernising the already existing ones;

·        repairing and maintenance of the school, kindergarten, cultural centre buildings owned by the local councils;

·        build monuments and maintain existing ones.


·        Kolozs (Cluj) County

·        develop the micro-regions of Aranyos, Kalotaszeg, Szamos-valley, Mezoség;

·        support the underprivileged regions of the county by creating jobs, with special attention for the regions inhabited by Hungarians;

·        protection of Hungarian monuments;

·        modernise the airport of Kolozsvár (Cluj);

·        give a boost to industrial production: paper, cellulose, furniture, glass, canning factories;

·        hire out 30-40% of the former IAS-owned orchards to co-operatives, on a contractual basis;

·        circles of mechanics and professional organisations, agricultural training with the support of the Association of Hungarian Smallholders in Romania (RMGE);


·        Krassó-Szörény (Caras-Severin) County

·        build the passenger traffic between the regions of neighbouring countries;

·        establish common agricultural ventures in the border area;

·        development of the underprivileged areas (Stájerlakanina, the Zsil-valley, Abrudbánya(Abrud));

·        put the railway between Oravicabánya (Oravita) and Báziás (Bazias) back in function, build tourist centres, hotels, motels along the railway between Oravicabánya and Anina, invest in the realisation of mineral waters and drinking waters in the region;

·        connect the industrial town and county capital of Resicabánya to the international traffic network, build the railway between Resicabánya (Resita) and Anina. Build the airport in Karánsebes (Caransebes);

·        get connected to the Hungarian university and high school network;

·        network of minority press distribution, support for education in the diaspora;

·        establish DAHR partner organisations.


·        Maros (Mures) County

·        flood protection measures along the rivers of MarosNyárád and Küküllo;

·        extend the telephone network both in rural and urban areas;

·        environment protecting silviculture with respect to the organisation of common forest ownership;

·        water management, the decrease of the pollution level of rivers, water supply for the Nyárád-valley and the Mezoség;

·        establish town and community refuse dumps and make them function appropriately;

·        tourism in the area of Sóvidék, the privatisation of the Szováta (Sovata) spa;

·        support for the entrepreneurs of Maros County in the process of privatisation;

·        support for the local governments in favour of the villages that demand their separation from the community they are part of (Buzásbesenyo, Kibéd, Mezomadaras, Üvegcsur);

·        repair and modernisation of road E60, the extension and maintenance of the county network of roads;

·        linking Maros County to the freeway-system;

·        strengthen the university and school town character of Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures);

·        establish further Hungarian-language secondary and high schools;

·        the transformation of the "Bolyai" High School into a denominational, Reformed College;

·        the transfer of the "Teleki" Library into the ownership of the local administration;

·        urge the appointment of well-qualified Hungarian professionals into the leading positions of public institutions.


·        Nagybánya (Baia Mare, Maramures County)

·        development of the infrastructure in the Hungarian-inhabited settlements of the area (Koltó-Katalin, Szamoshát, Domokos, Sárosmagyarberkesz); networks of road, natural gas, pipelines, telephone and electricity;

·        link the county to the freeway-system;

·        building stronger relations of commerce with Hungary and Transcarpathia (region in Ukraine);

·        professional and financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the localities of interest for Hungarians, with a special attention to include local (Hungarian-related) traditions in tourism, agricultural ventures (food industry, silviculture, small scale and craft industry, the rehabilitation of specific monuments and buildings;

·        harmonisation of the environmental protection with the set of conditions of the EU;

·        create the conditions for an environmentally friendly operation of polluting commercial companies in Nagybánya, or – if that is not possible – their closing down without creating tensions;

·        attraction of budget and other capital to support the previously enumerated activities.


·        Szatmár (Satu-Mare) County

·        establish environmentally friendly refuse dumps in the localities of Szatmárnémeti (Satu-Mare), Nagykároly (Carei), Tasnád (Tasnad) and Avasfelsofalu-Turc;

·        establish a southern industrial park in Szatmárnémeti;

·        modernisation of the lighting system of the runway of the international airport in Szatmárnémeti;

·        modernisation of the water supply and cleaning systems in Szatmárnémeti;

·        building the ring-road at Szatmárnémeti;

·        build the main natural gas network in the area of AranyosmedgyesTasnádNagykároly;

·        build the main natural gas network in the area of ApaAvasfelsofaluMáramarossziget (Sighetul Marmatiei);

·        open up the border crossing point at Csalános on a permanent basis.


·        Szeben (Sibiu) County

·        link the county to the freeway-system;

·        quality water supply for the towns of Erzsébetváros (Dumbraveni), Medgyes (Medias), Kiskapus (Copsa Mica), and the villages along the Küküllo river;

·        diminish the degree of pollution of the Nagyküküllo;

·        build asphalt roads in and between: Szászalmád (Almavi) – 3 km, Somogy (Smig) – 5 km, Nagykapus (Copsa Mica) – 3 km, Dupus – 4 km, Riomfalva (Richis) – Szászmozsna (Mosna) – 14 km, Vízakna (Ocna Sibiului) – 7 km;

·        natural gas supply for Szászalmád and Szászsáros;

·        restoration of monuments: the castle in Bolya (14th century); the Apafi Castle in Erzsébetváros, and the monument churches in Kükülloalmás, Somogy, Mikeszásza and Vízakna;

·        extend and develop the "Báthory" School in Medgyes;

·        form a Bolyai memorial spot in Bolya;

·        make a monument for the memory of the battle in Vízakna in 1849.


·        Szilágy (Salaj) County

·        ensure the real functioning of the Carpathian Euroregion;

·        ensure the water supply from the catchment area of the Küküllo, for the towns in Szilágy County that run short of water;

·        solve the natural gas supply of the localities along the rivers of Kraszna and Berettyó;

·        develop the infrastructure of the communities, build roads that permit these localities to participate in the economic circulation (Kárásztelek, Kémer, Diósd, Szilágysámson);

·        renovate the foundation of the Wesselényi-statue in Zilah (Zalau), a monument that represents the national self-conscience of Hungarians in the region.


·        Temes (Timis) County

·        solving the problems connected to the Hungarian House in Temesvár (Timisoara);

·        regain the ownership of the Piarist group of buildings;

·        permanently open the border crossing point at Csanád-Kiszombor (in the first half year), open a customs free zone later;

·        start building the freeway as soon as possible;

·        modify the law on education to permit an emphasised care for the mother tongue education of the diaspora;

·        establish a college for the diaspora in Temesvár;

·        the separation of some village with a predominantly Hungarian population from the communities they presently belong to and the formation of new communities (Ótelek, Végvár) within the framework of the reform of public administration;

·        the restoration of the Bega-Temes dam, and the possibility to navigate on the Bega;

·        build the railway between TemesvárCsanádSzeged;

·        support for the urbanism plan of Zsombolya from central budgetary sources;

·        restoration of the railway bridge at Újarad;

·        build the ring-road around Temesvár;

·        renew the flood protection system;

·        stop the thermal power station in Temesvár and its replacement with other sources of energy;

·        support for the functioning of the Danube-Maros-Tisza-Körös Euroregion also from central budgetary funds;

·        support from the central government for programmes of rural tourism (Újszentes, Igazfalva).