RECOMMENDATION 1203 (1993)[1]
on Gypsies in
General observations :
One of the aims of the Council of
Europe is to promote the emergence of a genuine European cultural identity.
A special place among the
minorities is reserved for Gypsies. Living scattered all over
As a non-territorial minority,
Gypsies greatly contribute to the cultural diversity of
With central and east European
countries now member states, the number of Gypsies living in the area of the
Council of Europe has increased drastically.
Intolerance of Gypsies by others
has existed throughout the ages. Outbursts of racial or social hatred, however,
occur more and more regularly, and the strained relations between communities
have contributed to the deplorable situation in which the majority of Gypsies
lives today.
Respect for the rights of Gypsies,
individual, fundamental and human rights and their rights as a minority is
essential to improve their situation.
Guarantees for equal rights, equal
chances, equal treatment, and measures to improve their situation will make a
revival of Gypsy language and culture possible, thus enriching the European
cultural diversity.
The guarantee of the enjoyment of
the rights and freedoms set forth in Article 14 of the European Convention on
Human Rights is important for Gypsies as it enables them to maintain their
individual rights.
Specific legislation to protect
minorities has been adopted by the member states of the Council of Europe. The
Council of Europe has adopted several resolutions and recommendations
concerning minorities. Reference should be made in particular to Assembly Recommendation 1134
(1990) on the rights of minorities. These texts are important to Gypsies, but
as one of the very few non-territorial minorities in Europe Gypsies need
special protection.
10. In the past the Council of Europe has also adopted several resolutions
and recommendations specifically concerning Gypsies :
Assembly Recommendation 563 (1969) on the situation of Gypsies and other
travellers in
11. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers
initiate, where appropriate by proposals to governments or the relevant local
and regional authorities of member states, the following measures :
In the field of culture :
the teaching and study of Gypsy
music at several schools of music in
a European programme for the study
of Romanes and a translation bureau specialising in the language should be
established ;
the provisions for non-territorial
languages as set out in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
should be applied to Gypsy minorities ;
the foundation of centres and
museums of Gypsy culture should be stimulated, and support given to regular
Gypsy festivals ;
a travelling exhibition should be
organised in the series of European art exhibitions on the reciprocal effects
of contacts with Gypsy culture ;
In the field of education :
the existing European programmes
for training teachers of Gypsies should be extended ;
special attention should be paid
to the education of women in general and mothers together with their younger
children ;
talented young Gypsies should be
encouraged to study and to act as intermediaries for Gypsies ;
In the field of information :
information should be provided for
Gypsies on their fundamental rights and how they can be secured ;
a European information centre
should be established on the situation and culture of Gypsies, one of its tasks
being to inform the media about Gypsies ;
In the field of equal rights :
member states, which have not yet
ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York,
1966) or the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
Discrimination (New York, 1966), should be urged to do so ;
discrimination against Gypsies in
the European Convention on Human Rights should be removed by an appropriate
declaration to the effect that the term ‘‘vagrants'' in Article 5.1.e
does not necessarily apply to people with a nomadic lifestyle ;
the provisions of any additional
protocol or convention relating to minorities should apply to non-territorial
minorities ;
member states, which have not yet
done so, should ratify the 4th Protocol to the European Convention on Human
Rights, which guarantees the liberty of movement and is as such essential for
travellers ;
member states should alter
national legislation and regulations that discriminate directly or indirectly
against Gypsies ;
it should be acknowledged that the
fact of being the victim of a pogrom or having a reasonable fear of becoming a
victim of a pogrom, against which the authorities refuse or prove unable to
offer effective protection can, in individual cases, constitute a well- founded
fear of persecution for being a member of a particular social group, as
indicated in the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of
Refugees ;
Everyday life :
member states should ensure that
Gypsies are consulted in the drawing up and application of regulations
regarding them ;
further programmes should be set
up in the member states to improve the housing situation, education and labour
possibilities of those Gypsies who are living in less favourable
circumstances ; the Gypsies should participate in the preparation of these
programmes and in their implementation ;
General measures :
independent research should be
initiated into the national legislation and regulations concerning Gypsies, and
their application in practice, and regular reports on this research presented
to the Assembly ;
co-operation should be pursued
with the European Community on subjects relating to Gypsies, such as education,
combating poverty, safeguarding the European cultural heritage, recognition of
minorities and promotion of equal rights ;
the Council of Europe should grant
consultative status to representative international Gypsy organisations ;
a mediator for Gypsies should be
appointed by the Council of Europe, after consultation with representative
organisations of Gypsies, with the following tasks at least :
a. to review the progress made in the implementation of measures taken or
recommended by the Council of Europe concerning Gypsies ;
b. to maintain regular contact with representatives of Gypsies ;
to advise governments of member states
in matters concerning Gypsies ;
d. to advise the different bodies of the Council of Europe in matters
concerning Gypsies ;
e. to investigate government policy and the human rights situation related
to Gypsies in member states ;
to investigate the position of
stateless Gypsies or Gypsies with undetermined nationality ;
and with the authority :
g. to receive replies to questions addressed to governments or government
representatives of member states ;
h. to enjoy full access to relevant government archives and other
material ;
to question citizens of member
states of the Council of Europe ;
member states should report to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
in two years time on the progress made in improving the situation of Gypsies
and implementing Council of Europe recommendations.
[1] Assembly debate on