Austrian Constitutional Court

Decision 2075/99-11


The applicant claimed in the court of lower instance that a fine imposed on him was unconstitutional, as the basis for such was contrary to law, in that locality signposting and related speed limit signs were mono-lingual. The appeal was rejected.

The individual application before the Constitutional Court asserts that a constitutionally guaranteed right to bi-lingual topographic signposting as contained within Article 7 Z of the State Treaty has been violated, as the signposting in accordance with the provision of the Ethnic Groups Act and the Road Traffic Law in that it was not was not erected in both the German and Slovene languages.

The application was rejected.



As a consequence of Decision 213/01, a section of the applicable Road Traffic Law had been annulled in which locality signposting within a municipality was only to be determined in the German language. The Order determining the locality as such as (and thus teh beginning of teh speed limit) was not annulled.


Source: MIRIS