Miris document ID: 1141327165653
Author: The European Court of Human Rights
Language: English
Source: The European Court of Human Rights
Country: Greece
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: International
Guiding principle: The Court held that there has been a violation of Article 3 (no torture of inhumane treatment) of the Convention in respect of the treatment suffered by the Roma applicants at the hands of the police and that the authorities failed to conduct an effective investigation into the incident. The Court held also that there has been a violation of Article 14 (non-discrimination) of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 3 of the Convention in that the authorities failed to investigate possible racist motives behind the incident
Date of judgement: 2005-12-13
Document number: 15250/02
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: non-discrimination; identity; fair trial
Minority groups: Roma/Gypsies
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