Miris document ID: 1057932127205
Final Decision as to the admissibility of Applications nos. 41138/98 and 64320/01 joined by Moldovan and other and Rostas and other v Romania
Author: European Court of Human Rights
Language: English
Source: European Court of Human Rights
Country: Romania
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: International
Guiding principle: The Court declared admissible the applicants' claims under Article 3 (freedom from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment) and Article 8 (respect for private and family life) arising from the inhuman conditions in which they were forced to live following the destruction of their homes, as well as Article 6 (right to a fair trial) based on the delayed civil proceedings against the civilian defendants and the inability to pursue civil claims against the police because of the refusal by Romanian authorities to prosecute them. In addition, significantly, the Court will consider the applicants' complaint that they were subjected to discrimination by judicial bodies and officials in connection with the above claims because of their Roma ethnicity.
Date of judgement: 2003-6-3
Document number: REF00024359
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: administrative authorities; administrative boundaries; fair trial; identity; non-discrimination
Minority groups: Roma/Gypsies
Related laws: Code of Civil Procedure; Civil Code

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