Miris document ID: 1057331699314
Author: European Court of Human Rights
Language: English
Source: Helenic Resource network
Country: Turkey
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: International
Guiding principle: The denial to the applicant of access to her property in the northern part of Cyprus and consequent loss of control thereof was imputable to Turkey (11 votes to 6) and amounted to a violation of the applicant's property rights under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention of Human Rights (11 votes to 6). It also held unanimously that there had been no interference with the applicant's right to respect for her home under Article 8 of the Convention, and that the question of just satisfaction under Article 50 was not yet ready for decision and should be reserved.
Date of judgement: 1996-12-18
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Minority groups: all

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