Miris document ID: 1048689678540
Sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Navarra en el recurso número 200/01, promovido contra Decreto Foral 372/2000, de 11 dé Diciembre, por el que se regula el uso del vascuence en las Administraciones Públicas de Navarra
Author: High Court of Navarre (Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Navarra)
Language: Spanish
Source: Euskara Kultur Elkargoa
Country: Spain
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: Regional
Guiding principle: The High Court of Navarre declared null and void the Regional Decree no 372/2000 regulating the use of the Basque language in the Public Administrations of Navarre, according to which the obligatory use of Basque in the mixed zone of such Autonomous community would disappear, as well as it also affected the Basque-speaking zone where it intended to change the regulation on the Basque language requirements for posts in the public administration.
Date of judgement: 2002-6-26
Official version: no
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: administrative authorities; administrative boundaries; identity; language; official language; public use of language
Minority groups: Basque
Related laws: Act 18/1986 on the use of the Basque language in the Public Administration of Navarre

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