Miris document ID: 1045233103081
Ruling on the compliance of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania resolution ¿On amending item 5 of the resolution of theSupreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania ¿On the procedure for implementing the Republic of Lithuania Law on Citizenship¿, adopted 22 December 1993, with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania
Author: Constitutional Court of of the Republic of Lithuania
Language: English
Source: Center of Legal Information
Country: Lithuania
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: The Court ruled that the resolution is unconstitutional. It established the norm that persons having served in the armed forces of the Soviet Union and having terminated their service within the period up to 1 march 1992 and up to 4 November 1994 having been issued a Citizen of the republic of Lithuania Certification Card or a Certification Testifying to the (Person¿s) Decision to acquire Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, may have citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and may be issued the passport of a citizen of the republic of Lithuania
Date of judgement: 1994-4-13
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Minority groups: all
Related laws: Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania ; Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania

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