Miris document ID: 1044870793654
Oinas Case (KHO:1979-A-I-4)
Author: Administrative Supreme Court
Language: Finnish
Source: Ministery of Justice FINLEX
Country: Finland
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: The Court stated that a Finnish citizen who had for at least five yeras without interruption been residing in the Aland Islands should be granted the right of domicile, unless weighty reasons existed. As the 1951 Autonomy Act did not explicitly establish knowledge of Swedish as a precondition for acquiring the right of domicile, this right could not be refused on the grounds invoked by the Government of Aland. The case was returned to the Aland Government for reconsideration.
Date of judgement: 1979-12-10
Document number: KHO:1979-A-I-4
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: language; administrative authorities
Minority groups: all
Related laws: 1951 Autonomy Act for the Aland Islands

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