Miris document ID: 1042816402387
Hotarare cu privire la respectarea legislatiei despre utilizarea limbii in procedura judiciara
Author: Supreme Court of Republic of Moldova
Language: Romanian
Source: Supreme Court of Republic of Moldova
Country: Moldova
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: The language of judicial procedure is the State language or a language acceptable for the majority of participants in the trial. If one of the participants in the trial doesn¿t know the language acceptable for the majority, he/she has the right to use his/her mother tongue before the Court and to take advantage of the services of a translator.
Date of judgement: 1999-4-9
Document number: 12
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: fair trial; language; official language; public use of language
Minority groups: all
Related laws: Constitution of Republic of Moldova; Law on the functioning of the languages spoken on the territory of Republic of Moldova no 3465-XI of 1 September 1989; Penal Procedure Code; Civil Procedure Code; Administrative Contraventions Code

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