Miris document ID: 1038502053986
Decizie cu privire la constitutionalitatea unor prevederi din Legea privind veteranii de razboi, precum si unele drepturi ale invalizilor si vaduvelor de razboi
Author: Constitutional Court of Romania
Language: Romanian
Source: Constitutional Court of Romania
Country: Romania
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: Provision of the Law on the war veterans, as well as certain rights of the war invalids and widows, referring to the ones who were compulsorily conscripted or mobilized, it is unconstitutional as to the condition ¿if they did not fight against the Romanian army¿.The provisions of the law defining the war veteran quality are unconstitutional. Within the framework of reexaminationprocedure, their correlation is necessary, in order to ensure the observance of theprinciple of citizens¿ rights equality.
Date of judgement: 1994-5-17
Document number: 47
Official version: yes
Published on: Official Gazette of Romania
Edition number: 139
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: administrative authorities; non-discrimination
Minority groups: Hungarians; Germans
Related laws: Constitution of Romania; Law no. 44/1994 regarding the war veterans, as well as certain rights of the war invalids and widows

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