Miris document ID: 1028064164513
¿Par likuma "Par valsts pensijam" parejas noteikumu 1.punkta (dala par arvalstnieku un bezvalstnieku, kuru pastaviga dzivesvieta 1991.gada 1.janvari bija Latvija, apdro¿ina¿anas sta¿u) atbilstibu Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 89., 91. un 109. pantam un 1950.gada 4.novembra Eiropas Cilveka tiesibu un pamatbrivibu aizsardzibas konvencijas 14.pantam un ¿is konvencijas 1.protokola 1.pantam".
Author: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia
Language: Latvian
Source: Constitutional Court
Country: Latvia
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: The applicant pointed out that the disputable legal norm limits the right of permanent residents of Latvia- non-citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons - to the state pension. The years worked outside of Latvia up to January 1, 1991 are not included in the length of insurance necessary for calculating and granting of the state pensions to the above persons, even though up to January 1, 1991 all the residents of Latvia made the same in-payments and the length of service to receive the pension was calculated on the basis of the same unified social insurance system and on the same principles. It should be mentioned that all of permanent residents are representatives of national minorities. The Constitutional Court decided to declare Paragraph 1 of Transitional Provisions of the Law "On State Pensions" as being in compliance with Constitution as well as with Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 1 of the First Protocol of the Convention.
Date of judgement: 2001-6-21
Document number: 2001-02-0106
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Minority groups: all

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