Miris document ID: 1023368837192
Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo en el recurso de casación núm. 7249/94, interpuesto por el Ayuntamiento A Coruña contra la sentencia, de fecha 28 de julio de 1994, dictada por la sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia
Author: Supreme Court of Justice
Language: Spanish
Source: Mercator Linguistic Law and Legislation
Country: Spain
Category: sentence
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: The Supreme Court rejected the appeal submitted by A Coruña City Hall against a sentence issued by the High Court of Galicia in which the city hall was required to recognize and use the name A Coruña as the official one, instead of La Coruña, and to make use of the Galician language in all official orders (notice of meetings, orders of the day, motions, individual votes, proposals of agreement, commission reports and minutes), without any prejudice to the use of Spanish.
Date of judgement: 2000-9-25
Official version: yes
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: administrative authorities; language; official language; public use of language
Minority groups: all
Related laws: Constitution of Spain; Statute of Autonomy of Galicia

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