Miris document ID: 1021555338689
Connors v Molly Heffernan's Pub
Author: Equality Officers
Language: English
Source: Office of the Director of the Equality Investigations
Country: Ireland
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: Equal Status Act, 2000 - direct discrimination - section 3(1)(a) - membership of the Traveller community - Supply of goods and services - refusal of service in a pub - section 5(1) - statutory deadlines - issue of Traveller identity - failure to give a reason for refusal - inference under section 26.
Date of judgement: 2001-6-1
Official version: no
Edition number: DEC-S2001_003
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: non-discrimination
Minority groups: Travellers
Related laws: Equal Status Act 200

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