Miris document ID: 1017237903736
Swiggs and Others v. Nagarajan (A.P.)
Author: House of Lords
Language: English
Source: House of Lords
Country: United Kingdom
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: Where a job applicant alleged that he had been treated less favourably than others because of his having previously brought proceedings under the Race Relations Act 1976, it was sufficient for a claim of victimisation under s2(1) of that Act to show that the employer's knowledge of those proceedings had, whether he had realised it or not, been a significant influence on his decision to treat the applicant less favourably.
Date of judgement: 1999-7-15
Official version: no
Legally binding: yes
Subject areas: non-discrimination
Minority groups: all
Related laws: Race Relations Act 1976

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