Miris document ID: 1007485897250
Decizia Curtii Constitutionale referitoare la exceptia de neconstitutionalitate a dispozitiilor art. 17 alin. (1) lit. b), ale art. 31 si ale art. 46 alin. (2) si (3) din Legea partidelor politice nr.27/1996, modificata prin Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr.3/1996, aprobata prin Legea nr.46/1998
Author: Constitutional Court of Romania
Language: Romanian
Source: Ministry of Justice
Country: Romania
Category: judgment/decision
Government level: National - State Level
Guiding principle: The Court considered that quantitative request (min. 10.000 members) of the Law on political parties is not an infringement of the lawful right of free association in political party’s (art. 8(2) in the Constitution) and rejected the request of the Hungarian Christian-Democrat Party of Romania regarding these provisions of the Law 27/1996 on political parties
Date of judgement: 1998-10-27
Document number: 147
Official version: yes
Published on: Official Gazette of Romania
Edition number: 85
Legally binding: yes
Minority groups: all

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